import «AvlVerification» namespace Primitives namespace Result def map {A B: Type} (x: Result A) (f: A -> B): Result B := match x with | .ok y => .ok (f y) | .fail e => .fail e | .div => .div @[inline] def isok {A: Type} : Result A -> Bool | .ok _ => true | .fail _ => false | .div => false @[inline] def get? {A: Type}: (r: Result A) -> isok r -> A | .ok x, _ => x end Result end Primitives namespace avl_verification def Ordering.toLeanOrdering (o: avl_verification.Ordering): _root_.Ordering := match o with | .Less => .lt | .Equal => .eq | .Greater => .gt def Ordering.ofLeanOrdering (o: _root_.Ordering): avl_verification.Ordering := match o with | .lt => .Less | .eq => .Equal | .gt => .Greater end avl_verification namespace Specifications open Primitives open Result variable {T: Type} (H: avl_verification.Ord T) -- TODO: reason about raw bundling vs. refined bundling. class OrdSpec where infallible: ∀ a b, ∃ (o: avl_verification.Ordering), H.cmp a b = .ok o duality: ∀ a b, H.cmp a b = .ok .Greater -> H.cmp b a = .ok .Less instance: Coe (avl_verification.Ordering) (_root_.Ordering) where coe a := a.toLeanOrdering def ordSpecOfTotalityAndDuality (H: avl_verification.Ord T) (Hresult: ∀ a b, ∃ o, H.cmp a b = Primitives.Result.ok o) (Hduality: ∀ a b, H.cmp a b = .ok .Greater -> H.cmp b a = .ok .Less) : OrdSpec H where infallible := Hresult duality := Hduality def ordOfOrdSpec (H: avl_verification.Ord T) (spec: OrdSpec H): Ord T where compare x y := (H.cmp x y).get? (by cases' (spec.infallible x y) with o Hcmp rewrite [isok, Hcmp] simp only ) theorem ltOfRustOrder {Spec: OrdSpec H}: haveI O := ordOfOrdSpec H Spec haveI := @ltOfOrd _ O ∀ a b, H.cmp a b = .ok .Less -> a < b := by intros a b intro Hcmp rw [] simp [ltOfOrd] rw [compare] simp [ordOfOrdSpec] -- simp_rw [Hcmp, get?, avl_verification.Ordering.toLeanOrdering] rfl theorem gtOfRustOrder {Spec: OrdSpec H}: haveI O := ordOfOrdSpec H Spec haveI := @ltOfOrd _ O ∀ a b, H.cmp a b = .ok .Greater -> b < a := by intros a b intro Hcmp apply ltOfRustOrder exact (Spec.duality _ _ Hcmp) end Specifications