# Almanac Simple .ics parser to pretty print the events on the terminal. ## Usage ``` $ almanac week personal.ics other.ics Mon Dec 10 2018 17:00-18:00 event 1 Wed Dec 12 2018 ----------- all day event description 19:00-20:00 nother event ``` ## Config file There is a config file, in toml format in your config folder: * Lin: /home/alice/.config/almanac.toml * Win: C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming\almanac.toml * Mac: /Users/Alice/Library/Preferences/almanac.toml The format is: ``` # a list of icals to be used if none is provided to the program cals = ["/home/foo/mycal.ics", "/tmp/anothercal.ics"] ```