//@ skip
//@ charon-args=--no-code-duplication
//! This module contains functions with nested borrows in their signatures.

pub fn id_mut_mut<'a, 'b, T>(x: &'a mut &'b mut T) -> &'a mut &'b mut T {

pub fn id_mut_pair<'a, T>(x: &'a mut (&'a mut T, u32)) -> &'a mut (&'a mut T, u32) {

pub fn id_mut_pair_test1() {
    let mut x: u32 = 0;
    let px = &mut x;
    let mut p = (px, 1);
    let pp0 = &mut p;
    let pp1 = id_mut_pair(pp0);
    let mut y = 2;
    *pp1 = (&mut y, 3);

pub fn id_mut_mut_pair<'a, T>(
    x: &'a mut &'a mut (&'a mut T, u32),
) -> &'a mut &'a mut (&'a mut T, u32) {

pub fn id_mut_mut_mut_same<'a, T>(x: &'a mut &'a mut &'a mut u32) -> &'a mut &'a mut &'a mut u32 {

pub fn id_borrow1<'a, 'b, 'c>(_x: &'a mut &'b u32, _y: &'a &'a mut u32) {

/// For symbolic execution: testing what happens with several abstractions.
pub fn id_mut_mut_test1() {
    let mut x = 0;
    let mut px = &mut x;
    let ppx = &mut px;
    let ppy = id_mut_mut(ppx);
    **ppy = 1;
    // Ending one abstraction
    assert!(*px == 1);
    // Ending the other abstraction
    assert!(x == 1);

/// For symbolic execution: testing what happens with several abstractions.
/// This case is a bit trickier, because we modify the borrow graph through
/// a value returned by a function call.
/// TODO: not supported! We overwrite a borrow in a returned value.
pub fn id_mut_mut_test2() {
    let mut x = 0;
    let mut px = &mut x;
    let ppx = &mut px;
    let ppy = id_mut_mut(ppx);
    **ppy = 1;
    // This time, we replace one of the borrows
    let mut y = 2;
    let py = &mut y;
    *ppy = py;
    // Ending one abstraction
    assert!(*px == 2);
    *px = 3;
    // Ending the other abstraction
    assert!(x == 1);
    assert!(y == 3);

/// For symbolic execution: testing what happens with several abstractions.
/// See what happens when chaining function calls.
/// TODO: not supported! We overwrite a borrow in a returned value.
pub fn id_mut_mut_test3() {
    let mut x = 0;
    let mut px = &mut x;
    let ppx = &mut px;
    let ppy = id_mut_mut(ppx); // &'a mut &'b mut i32
    **ppy = 1;
    let ppz = id_mut_mut(ppy); // &'c mut &'b mut i32
    **ppz = 2;
    // End 'a and 'c
    assert!(*px == 2);
    // End 'b (2 abstractions at once)
    assert!(x == 2);

/// For symbolic execution: testing what happens with several abstractions.
/// See what happens when chaining function calls.
/// This one is slightly more complex than the previous one.
pub fn id_mut_mut_test4() {
    let mut x = 0;
    let mut px = &mut x;
    let ppx = &mut px;
    let ppy = id_mut_mut(ppx); // &'a mut &'b mut i32
    **ppy = 1;
    let ppz = id_mut_mut(ppy); // &'c mut &'b mut i32
    **ppz = 2;
    // End 'c
    assert!(**ppy == 2);
    // End 'a
    assert!(*px == 2);
    // End 'b (2 abstractions at once)
    assert!(x == 2);

fn id<'a, T>(x: &'a mut T) -> &'a mut T {

/// Checking projectors over symbolic values
pub fn test_borrows1() {
    let mut x = 3;
    let y = id(&mut x);
    let z = id(y);
    // We do not write a statement which would expand `z` on purpose:
    // we want to test that the handling of non-expanded symbolic values
    // is correct
    assert!(x == 3);

fn id_pair<'a, 'b, T>(x: &'a mut T, y: &'b mut T) -> (&'a mut T, &'b mut T) {
    (x, y)

/// Similar to the previous one
pub fn test_borrows2() {
    let mut x = 3;
    let mut y = 4;
    let z = id_pair(&mut x, &mut y);
    // We do not write a statement which would expand `z` on purpose:
    // we want to test that the handling of non-expanded symbolic values
    // is correct
    assert!(x == 3);
    assert!(y == 4);

/// input type: 'b must last longer than 'a
/// output type: 'a must last longer than 'b
/// So: 'a = 'b, and the function is legal.
pub fn nested_mut_borrows1<'a, 'b>(x: &'a mut &'b mut u32) -> &'b mut &'a mut u32 {

pub fn nested_shared_borrows1<'a, 'b>(x: &'a &'b u32) -> &'a &'b u32 {

pub fn nested_borrows1<'a, 'b>(x: &'a mut &'b u32) -> &'a mut &'b u32 {

pub fn nested_borrows2<'a, 'b>(x: &'a &'b mut u32) -> &'a &'b mut u32 {

fn nested_borrows1_test1() {
    let x = 0;
    let mut px = &x;
    let ppx = &mut px;
    let ppy = nested_borrows1(ppx);
    assert!(**ppy == 0);
    assert!(x == 0);

fn nested_borrows1_test2<'a, 'b>(x: &'a mut &'b u32) -> &'a mut &'b u32 {

fn nested_borrows2_test1() {
    let mut x = 0;
    let px = &mut x;
    let ppx = &px;
    let ppy = nested_borrows2(ppx);
    assert!(**ppy == 0);
    assert!(x == 0);