(** THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY AENEAS *) (** [external]: function definitions *) module External.Funs open Primitives include External.Types include External.Opaque #set-options "--z3rlimit 50 --fuel 0 --ifuel 1" (** [external::swap] *) let swap_fwd (t : Type0) (x : t) (y : t) (st : state) : result (state & unit) = begin match core_mem_swap_fwd t x y st with | Fail -> Fail | Return (st0, _) -> Return (st0, ()) end (** [external::swap] *) let swap_back (t : Type0) (x : t) (y : t) (st : state) : result (state & (t & t)) = begin match core_mem_swap_back0 t x y st with | Fail -> Fail | Return (st0, x0) -> begin match core_mem_swap_back1 t x y st0 with | Fail -> Fail | Return (st1, x1) -> Return (st1, (x0, x1)) end end (** [external::test_new_non_zero_u32] *) let test_new_non_zero_u32_fwd (x : u32) (st : state) : result (state & core_num_nonzero_non_zero_u32_t) = begin match core_num_nonzero_non_zero_u32_14_new_fwd x st with | Fail -> Fail | Return (st0, opt) -> begin match core_option_option_unwrap_fwd core_num_nonzero_non_zero_u32_t opt st0 with | Fail -> Fail | Return (st1, nzu) -> Return (st1, nzu) end end (** [external::test_vec] *) let test_vec_fwd (st : state) : result (state & unit) = let v = vec_new u32 in begin match vec_push_back u32 v 0 with | Fail -> Fail | Return _ -> Return (st, ()) end