-- THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY AENEAS -- [polonius_list] import Base open Primitives namespace PoloniusList /- [polonius_list::List] -/ inductive list_t (T : Type) := | Cons : T → list_t T → list_t T | Nil : list_t T /- [polonius_list::get_list_at_x] -/ divergent def get_list_at_x_fwd (ls : list_t U32) (x : U32) : Result (list_t U32) := match ls with | list_t.Cons hd tl => if hd = x then Result.ret (list_t.Cons hd tl) else get_list_at_x_fwd tl x | list_t.Nil => Result.ret list_t.Nil /- [polonius_list::get_list_at_x] -/ divergent def get_list_at_x_back (ls : list_t U32) (x : U32) (ret0 : list_t U32) : Result (list_t U32) := match ls with | list_t.Cons hd tl => if hd = x then Result.ret ret0 else do let tl0 ← get_list_at_x_back tl x ret0 Result.ret (list_t.Cons hd tl0) | list_t.Nil => Result.ret ret0 end PoloniusList