-- THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY AENEAS -- [no_nested_borrows] import Base open Primitives namespace no_nested_borrows /- [no_nested_borrows::Pair] Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 4:0-4:23 -/ structure Pair (T1 T2 : Type) where x : T1 y : T2 /- [no_nested_borrows::List] Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 9:0-9:16 -/ inductive List (T : Type) := | Cons : T → List T → List T | Nil : List T /- [no_nested_borrows::One] Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 20:0-20:16 -/ inductive One (T1 : Type) := | One : T1 → One T1 /- [no_nested_borrows::EmptyEnum] Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 26:0-26:18 -/ inductive EmptyEnum := | Empty : EmptyEnum /- [no_nested_borrows::Enum] Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 32:0-32:13 -/ inductive Enum := | Variant1 : Enum | Variant2 : Enum /- [no_nested_borrows::EmptyStruct] Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 39:0-39:22 -/ structure EmptyStruct where /- [no_nested_borrows::Sum] Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 41:0-41:20 -/ inductive Sum (T1 T2 : Type) := | Left : T1 → Sum T1 T2 | Right : T2 → Sum T1 T2 /- [no_nested_borrows::neg_test]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 48:0-48:30 -/ def neg_test (x : I32) : Result I32 := - x /- [no_nested_borrows::add_test]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 54:0-54:38 -/ def add_test (x : U32) (y : U32) : Result U32 := x + y /- [no_nested_borrows::subs_test]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 60:0-60:39 -/ def subs_test (x : U32) (y : U32) : Result U32 := x - y /- [no_nested_borrows::div_test]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 66:0-66:38 -/ def div_test (x : U32) (y : U32) : Result U32 := x / y /- [no_nested_borrows::div_test1]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 73:0-73:31 -/ def div_test1 (x : U32) : Result U32 := x / 2#u32 /- [no_nested_borrows::rem_test]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 78:0-78:38 -/ def rem_test (x : U32) (y : U32) : Result U32 := x % y /- [no_nested_borrows::mul_test]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 82:0-82:38 -/ def mul_test (x : U32) (y : U32) : Result U32 := x * y /- [no_nested_borrows::CONST0] Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 91:0-91:23 -/ def const0_body : Result Usize := 1#usize + 1#usize def const0_c : Usize := eval_global const0_body (by simp) /- [no_nested_borrows::CONST1] Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 92:0-92:23 -/ def const1_body : Result Usize := 2#usize * 2#usize def const1_c : Usize := eval_global const1_body (by simp) /- [no_nested_borrows::cast_test]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 94:0-94:31 -/ def cast_test (x : U32) : Result I32 := Scalar.cast .I32 x /- [no_nested_borrows::test2]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 99:0-99:14 -/ def test2 : Result Unit := do let _ ← 23#u32 + 44#u32 Result.ret () /- Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test2] -/ #assert (test2 == .ret ()) /- [no_nested_borrows::get_max]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 111:0-111:37 -/ def get_max (x : U32) (y : U32) : Result U32 := if x >= y then Result.ret x else Result.ret y /- [no_nested_borrows::test3]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 119:0-119:14 -/ def test3 : Result Unit := do let x ← get_max 4#u32 3#u32 let y ← get_max 10#u32 11#u32 let z ← x + y if not (z = 15#u32) then Result.fail Error.panic else Result.ret () /- Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test3] -/ #assert (test3 == .ret ()) /- [no_nested_borrows::test_neg1]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 126:0-126:18 -/ def test_neg1 : Result Unit := do let y ← - 3#i32 if not (y = (-(3:Int))#i32) then Result.fail Error.panic else Result.ret () /- Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_neg1] -/ #assert (test_neg1 == .ret ()) /- [no_nested_borrows::refs_test1]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 133:0-133:19 -/ def refs_test1 : Result Unit := if not (1#i32 = 1#i32) then Result.fail Error.panic else Result.ret () /- Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::refs_test1] -/ #assert (refs_test1 == .ret ()) /- [no_nested_borrows::refs_test2]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 144:0-144:19 -/ def refs_test2 : Result Unit := if not (2#i32 = 2#i32) then Result.fail Error.panic else if not (0#i32 = 0#i32) then Result.fail Error.panic else if not (2#i32 = 2#i32) then Result.fail Error.panic else if not (2#i32 = 2#i32) then Result.fail Error.panic else Result.ret () /- Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::refs_test2] -/ #assert (refs_test2 == .ret ()) /- [no_nested_borrows::test_list1]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 160:0-160:19 -/ def test_list1 : Result Unit := Result.ret () /- Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_list1] -/ #assert (test_list1 == .ret ()) /- [no_nested_borrows::test_box1]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 165:0-165:18 -/ def test_box1 : Result Unit := do let b := 0#i32 let b0 ← alloc.boxed.Box.deref_mut_back I32 b 1#i32 let x ← alloc.boxed.Box.deref I32 b0 if not (x = 1#i32) then Result.fail Error.panic else Result.ret () /- Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_box1] -/ #assert (test_box1 == .ret ()) /- [no_nested_borrows::copy_int]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 175:0-175:30 -/ def copy_int (x : I32) : Result I32 := Result.ret x /- [no_nested_borrows::test_unreachable]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 181:0-181:32 -/ def test_unreachable (b : Bool) : Result Unit := if b then Result.fail Error.panic else Result.ret () /- [no_nested_borrows::test_panic]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 189:0-189:26 -/ def test_panic (b : Bool) : Result Unit := if b then Result.fail Error.panic else Result.ret () /- [no_nested_borrows::test_copy_int]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 196:0-196:22 -/ def test_copy_int : Result Unit := do let y ← copy_int 0#i32 if not (0#i32 = y) then Result.fail Error.panic else Result.ret () /- Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_copy_int] -/ #assert (test_copy_int == .ret ()) /- [no_nested_borrows::is_cons]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 203:0-203:38 -/ def is_cons (T : Type) (l : List T) : Result Bool := match l with | List.Cons t l0 => Result.ret true | List.Nil => Result.ret false /- [no_nested_borrows::test_is_cons]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 210:0-210:21 -/ def test_is_cons : Result Unit := do let l := List.Nil let b ← is_cons I32 (List.Cons 0#i32 l) if not b then Result.fail Error.panic else Result.ret () /- Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_is_cons] -/ #assert (test_is_cons == .ret ()) /- [no_nested_borrows::split_list]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 216:0-216:48 -/ def split_list (T : Type) (l : List T) : Result (T × (List T)) := match l with | List.Cons hd tl => Result.ret (hd, tl) | List.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [no_nested_borrows::test_split_list]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 224:0-224:24 -/ def test_split_list : Result Unit := do let l := List.Nil let p ← split_list I32 (List.Cons 0#i32 l) let (hd, _) := p if not (hd = 0#i32) then Result.fail Error.panic else Result.ret () /- Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_split_list] -/ #assert (test_split_list == .ret ()) /- [no_nested_borrows::choose]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 231:0-231:70 -/ def choose (T : Type) (b : Bool) (x : T) (y : T) : Result T := if b then Result.ret x else Result.ret y /- [no_nested_borrows::choose]: backward function 0 Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 231:0-231:70 -/ def choose_back (T : Type) (b : Bool) (x : T) (y : T) (ret0 : T) : Result (T × T) := if b then Result.ret (ret0, y) else Result.ret (x, ret0) /- [no_nested_borrows::choose_test]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 239:0-239:20 -/ def choose_test : Result Unit := do let z ← choose I32 true 0#i32 0#i32 let z0 ← z + 1#i32 if not (z0 = 1#i32) then Result.fail Error.panic else do let (x, y) ← choose_back I32 true 0#i32 0#i32 z0 if not (x = 1#i32) then Result.fail Error.panic else if not (y = 0#i32) then Result.fail Error.panic else Result.ret () /- Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::choose_test] -/ #assert (choose_test == .ret ()) /- [no_nested_borrows::test_char]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 251:0-251:26 -/ def test_char : Result Char := Result.ret 'a' mutual /- [no_nested_borrows::Tree] Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 256:0-256:16 -/ inductive Tree (T : Type) := | Leaf : T → Tree T | Node : T → NodeElem T → Tree T → Tree T /- [no_nested_borrows::NodeElem] Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 261:0-261:20 -/ inductive NodeElem (T : Type) := | Cons : Tree T → NodeElem T → NodeElem T | Nil : NodeElem T end /- [no_nested_borrows::list_length]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 296:0-296:48 -/ divergent def list_length (T : Type) (l : List T) : Result U32 := match l with | List.Cons t l1 => do let i ← list_length T l1 1#u32 + i | List.Nil => Result.ret 0#u32 /- [no_nested_borrows::list_nth_shared]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 304:0-304:62 -/ divergent def list_nth_shared (T : Type) (l : List T) (i : U32) : Result T := match l with | List.Cons x tl => if i = 0#u32 then Result.ret x else do let i0 ← i - 1#u32 list_nth_shared T tl i0 | List.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [no_nested_borrows::list_nth_mut]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 320:0-320:67 -/ divergent def list_nth_mut (T : Type) (l : List T) (i : U32) : Result T := match l with | List.Cons x tl => if i = 0#u32 then Result.ret x else do let i0 ← i - 1#u32 list_nth_mut T tl i0 | List.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [no_nested_borrows::list_nth_mut]: backward function 0 Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 320:0-320:67 -/ divergent def list_nth_mut_back (T : Type) (l : List T) (i : U32) (ret0 : T) : Result (List T) := match l with | List.Cons x tl => if i = 0#u32 then Result.ret (List.Cons ret0 tl) else do let i0 ← i - 1#u32 let tl0 ← list_nth_mut_back T tl i0 ret0 Result.ret (List.Cons x tl0) | List.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [no_nested_borrows::list_rev_aux]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 336:0-336:63 -/ divergent def list_rev_aux (T : Type) (li : List T) (lo : List T) : Result (List T) := match li with | List.Cons hd tl => list_rev_aux T tl (List.Cons hd lo) | List.Nil => Result.ret lo /- [no_nested_borrows::list_rev]: merged forward/backward function (there is a single backward function, and the forward function returns ()) Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 350:0-350:42 -/ def list_rev (T : Type) (l : List T) : Result (List T) := let li := core.mem.replace (List T) l List.Nil list_rev_aux T li List.Nil /- [no_nested_borrows::test_list_functions]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 355:0-355:28 -/ def test_list_functions : Result Unit := do let l := List.Nil let l0 := List.Cons 2#i32 l let l1 := List.Cons 1#i32 l0 let i ← list_length I32 (List.Cons 0#i32 l1) if not (i = 3#u32) then Result.fail Error.panic else do let i0 ← list_nth_shared I32 (List.Cons 0#i32 l1) 0#u32 if not (i0 = 0#i32) then Result.fail Error.panic else do let i1 ← list_nth_shared I32 (List.Cons 0#i32 l1) 1#u32 if not (i1 = 1#i32) then Result.fail Error.panic else do let i2 ← list_nth_shared I32 (List.Cons 0#i32 l1) 2#u32 if not (i2 = 2#i32) then Result.fail Error.panic else do let ls ← list_nth_mut_back I32 (List.Cons 0#i32 l1) 1#u32 3#i32 let i3 ← list_nth_shared I32 ls 0#u32 if not (i3 = 0#i32) then Result.fail Error.panic else do let i4 ← list_nth_shared I32 ls 1#u32 if not (i4 = 3#i32) then Result.fail Error.panic else do let i5 ← list_nth_shared I32 ls 2#u32 if not (i5 = 2#i32) then Result.fail Error.panic else Result.ret () /- Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_list_functions] -/ #assert (test_list_functions == .ret ()) /- [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair1]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 371:0-371:89 -/ def id_mut_pair1 (T1 T2 : Type) (x : T1) (y : T2) : Result (T1 × T2) := Result.ret (x, y) /- [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair1]: backward function 0 Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 371:0-371:89 -/ def id_mut_pair1_back (T1 T2 : Type) (x : T1) (y : T2) (ret0 : (T1 × T2)) : Result (T1 × T2) := let (t, t0) := ret0 Result.ret (t, t0) /- [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair2]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 375:0-375:88 -/ def id_mut_pair2 (T1 T2 : Type) (p : (T1 × T2)) : Result (T1 × T2) := let (t, t0) := p Result.ret (t, t0) /- [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair2]: backward function 0 Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 375:0-375:88 -/ def id_mut_pair2_back (T1 T2 : Type) (p : (T1 × T2)) (ret0 : (T1 × T2)) : Result (T1 × T2) := let (t, t0) := ret0 Result.ret (t, t0) /- [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair3]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 379:0-379:93 -/ def id_mut_pair3 (T1 T2 : Type) (x : T1) (y : T2) : Result (T1 × T2) := Result.ret (x, y) /- [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair3]: backward function 0 Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 379:0-379:93 -/ def id_mut_pair3_back'a (T1 T2 : Type) (x : T1) (y : T2) (ret0 : T1) : Result T1 := Result.ret ret0 /- [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair3]: backward function 1 Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 379:0-379:93 -/ def id_mut_pair3_back'b (T1 T2 : Type) (x : T1) (y : T2) (ret0 : T2) : Result T2 := Result.ret ret0 /- [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair4]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 383:0-383:92 -/ def id_mut_pair4 (T1 T2 : Type) (p : (T1 × T2)) : Result (T1 × T2) := let (t, t0) := p Result.ret (t, t0) /- [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair4]: backward function 0 Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 383:0-383:92 -/ def id_mut_pair4_back'a (T1 T2 : Type) (p : (T1 × T2)) (ret0 : T1) : Result T1 := Result.ret ret0 /- [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair4]: backward function 1 Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 383:0-383:92 -/ def id_mut_pair4_back'b (T1 T2 : Type) (p : (T1 × T2)) (ret0 : T2) : Result T2 := Result.ret ret0 /- [no_nested_borrows::StructWithTuple] Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 390:0-390:34 -/ structure StructWithTuple (T1 T2 : Type) where p : (T1 × T2) /- [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple1]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 394:0-394:48 -/ def new_tuple1 : Result (StructWithTuple U32 U32) := Result.ret { p := (1#u32, 2#u32) } /- [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple2]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 398:0-398:48 -/ def new_tuple2 : Result (StructWithTuple I16 I16) := Result.ret { p := (1#i16, 2#i16) } /- [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple3]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 402:0-402:48 -/ def new_tuple3 : Result (StructWithTuple U64 I64) := Result.ret { p := (1#u64, 2#i64) } /- [no_nested_borrows::StructWithPair] Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 407:0-407:33 -/ structure StructWithPair (T1 T2 : Type) where p : Pair T1 T2 /- [no_nested_borrows::new_pair1]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 411:0-411:46 -/ def new_pair1 : Result (StructWithPair U32 U32) := Result.ret { p := { x := 1#u32, y := 2#u32 } } /- [no_nested_borrows::test_constants]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 419:0-419:23 -/ def test_constants : Result Unit := do let swt ← new_tuple1 let (i, _) := swt.p if not (i = 1#u32) then Result.fail Error.panic else do let swt0 ← new_tuple2 let (i0, _) := swt0.p if not (i0 = 1#i16) then Result.fail Error.panic else do let swt1 ← new_tuple3 let (i1, _) := swt1.p if not (i1 = 1#u64) then Result.fail Error.panic else do let swp ← new_pair1 if not (swp.p.x = 1#u32) then Result.fail Error.panic else Result.ret () /- Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_constants] -/ #assert (test_constants == .ret ()) /- [no_nested_borrows::test_weird_borrows1]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 428:0-428:28 -/ def test_weird_borrows1 : Result Unit := Result.ret () /- Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_weird_borrows1] -/ #assert (test_weird_borrows1 == .ret ()) /- [no_nested_borrows::test_mem_replace]: merged forward/backward function (there is a single backward function, and the forward function returns ()) Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 438:0-438:37 -/ def test_mem_replace (px : U32) : Result U32 := let y := core.mem.replace U32 px 1#u32 if not (y = 0#u32) then Result.fail Error.panic else Result.ret 2#u32 /- [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_bool1]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 445:0-445:47 -/ def test_shared_borrow_bool1 (b : Bool) : Result U32 := if b then Result.ret 0#u32 else Result.ret 1#u32 /- [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_bool2]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 458:0-458:40 -/ def test_shared_borrow_bool2 : Result U32 := Result.ret 0#u32 /- [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_enum1]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 473:0-473:52 -/ def test_shared_borrow_enum1 (l : List U32) : Result U32 := match l with | List.Cons i l0 => Result.ret 1#u32 | List.Nil => Result.ret 0#u32 /- [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_enum2]: forward function Source: 'src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 485:0-485:40 -/ def test_shared_borrow_enum2 : Result U32 := Result.ret 0#u32 end no_nested_borrows