-- THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY AENEAS -- [loops]: function definitions import Base import Loops.Types open Primitives namespace Loops /- [loops::sum] -/ divergent def sum_loop_fwd (max : U32) (i : U32) (s : U32) : Result U32 := if i < max then do let s0 ← s + i let i0 ← i + (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) sum_loop_fwd max i0 s0 else s * (U32.ofInt 2 (by intlit)) /- [loops::sum] -/ def sum_fwd (max : U32) : Result U32 := sum_loop_fwd max (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) /- [loops::sum_with_mut_borrows] -/ divergent def sum_with_mut_borrows_loop_fwd (max : U32) (mi : U32) (ms : U32) : Result U32 := if mi < max then do let ms0 ← ms + mi let mi0 ← mi + (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) sum_with_mut_borrows_loop_fwd max mi0 ms0 else ms * (U32.ofInt 2 (by intlit)) /- [loops::sum_with_mut_borrows] -/ def sum_with_mut_borrows_fwd (max : U32) : Result U32 := sum_with_mut_borrows_loop_fwd max (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) /- [loops::sum_with_shared_borrows] -/ divergent def sum_with_shared_borrows_loop_fwd (max : U32) (i : U32) (s : U32) : Result U32 := if i < max then do let i0 ← i + (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) let s0 ← s + i0 sum_with_shared_borrows_loop_fwd max i0 s0 else s * (U32.ofInt 2 (by intlit)) /- [loops::sum_with_shared_borrows] -/ def sum_with_shared_borrows_fwd (max : U32) : Result U32 := sum_with_shared_borrows_loop_fwd max (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) /- [loops::clear] -/ divergent def clear_loop_fwd_back (v : Vec U32) (i : Usize) : Result (Vec U32) := let i0 := vec_len U32 v if i < i0 then do let i1 ← i + (Usize.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) let v0 ← vec_index_mut_back U32 v i (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) clear_loop_fwd_back v0 i1 else Result.ret v /- [loops::clear] -/ def clear_fwd_back (v : Vec U32) : Result (Vec U32) := clear_loop_fwd_back v (Usize.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) /- [loops::list_mem] -/ divergent def list_mem_loop_fwd (x : U32) (ls : list_t U32) : Result Bool := match ls with | list_t.Cons y tl => if y = x then Result.ret true else list_mem_loop_fwd x tl | list_t.Nil => Result.ret false /- [loops::list_mem] -/ def list_mem_fwd (x : U32) (ls : list_t U32) : Result Bool := list_mem_loop_fwd x ls /- [loops::list_nth_mut_loop] -/ divergent def list_nth_mut_loop_loop_fwd (T : Type) (ls : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result T := match ls with | list_t.Cons x tl => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret x else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) list_nth_mut_loop_loop_fwd T tl i0 | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_mut_loop] -/ def list_nth_mut_loop_fwd (T : Type) (ls : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result T := list_nth_mut_loop_loop_fwd T ls i /- [loops::list_nth_mut_loop] -/ divergent def list_nth_mut_loop_loop_back (T : Type) (ls : list_t T) (i : U32) (ret0 : T) : Result (list_t T) := match ls with | list_t.Cons x tl => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret (list_t.Cons ret0 tl) else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) let tl0 ← list_nth_mut_loop_loop_back T tl i0 ret0 Result.ret (list_t.Cons x tl0) | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_mut_loop] -/ def list_nth_mut_loop_back (T : Type) (ls : list_t T) (i : U32) (ret0 : T) : Result (list_t T) := list_nth_mut_loop_loop_back T ls i ret0 /- [loops::list_nth_shared_loop] -/ divergent def list_nth_shared_loop_loop_fwd (T : Type) (ls : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result T := match ls with | list_t.Cons x tl => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret x else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) list_nth_shared_loop_loop_fwd T tl i0 | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_shared_loop] -/ def list_nth_shared_loop_fwd (T : Type) (ls : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result T := list_nth_shared_loop_loop_fwd T ls i /- [loops::get_elem_mut] -/ divergent def get_elem_mut_loop_fwd (x : Usize) (ls : list_t Usize) : Result Usize := match ls with | list_t.Cons y tl => if y = x then Result.ret y else get_elem_mut_loop_fwd x tl | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::get_elem_mut] -/ def get_elem_mut_fwd (slots : Vec (list_t Usize)) (x : Usize) : Result Usize := do let l ← vec_index_mut_fwd (list_t Usize) slots (Usize.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) get_elem_mut_loop_fwd x l /- [loops::get_elem_mut] -/ divergent def get_elem_mut_loop_back (x : Usize) (ls : list_t Usize) (ret0 : Usize) : Result (list_t Usize) := match ls with | list_t.Cons y tl => if y = x then Result.ret (list_t.Cons ret0 tl) else do let tl0 ← get_elem_mut_loop_back x tl ret0 Result.ret (list_t.Cons y tl0) | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::get_elem_mut] -/ def get_elem_mut_back (slots : Vec (list_t Usize)) (x : Usize) (ret0 : Usize) : Result (Vec (list_t Usize)) := do let l ← vec_index_mut_fwd (list_t Usize) slots (Usize.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) let l0 ← get_elem_mut_loop_back x l ret0 vec_index_mut_back (list_t Usize) slots (Usize.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) l0 /- [loops::get_elem_shared] -/ divergent def get_elem_shared_loop_fwd (x : Usize) (ls : list_t Usize) : Result Usize := match ls with | list_t.Cons y tl => if y = x then Result.ret y else get_elem_shared_loop_fwd x tl | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::get_elem_shared] -/ def get_elem_shared_fwd (slots : Vec (list_t Usize)) (x : Usize) : Result Usize := do let l ← vec_index_fwd (list_t Usize) slots (Usize.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) get_elem_shared_loop_fwd x l /- [loops::id_mut] -/ def id_mut_fwd (T : Type) (ls : list_t T) : Result (list_t T) := Result.ret ls /- [loops::id_mut] -/ def id_mut_back (T : Type) (ls : list_t T) (ret0 : list_t T) : Result (list_t T) := Result.ret ret0 /- [loops::id_shared] -/ def id_shared_fwd (T : Type) (ls : list_t T) : Result (list_t T) := Result.ret ls /- [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_with_id] -/ divergent def list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_fwd (T : Type) (i : U32) (ls : list_t T) : Result T := match ls with | list_t.Cons x tl => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret x else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_fwd T i0 tl | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_with_id] -/ def list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_fwd (T : Type) (ls : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result T := do let ls0 ← id_mut_fwd T ls list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_fwd T i ls0 /- [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_with_id] -/ divergent def list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_back (T : Type) (i : U32) (ls : list_t T) (ret0 : T) : Result (list_t T) := match ls with | list_t.Cons x tl => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret (list_t.Cons ret0 tl) else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) let tl0 ← list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_back T i0 tl ret0 Result.ret (list_t.Cons x tl0) | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_with_id] -/ def list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_back (T : Type) (ls : list_t T) (i : U32) (ret0 : T) : Result (list_t T) := do let ls0 ← id_mut_fwd T ls let l ← list_nth_mut_loop_with_id_loop_back T i ls0 ret0 id_mut_back T ls l /- [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_with_id] -/ divergent def list_nth_shared_loop_with_id_loop_fwd (T : Type) (i : U32) (ls : list_t T) : Result T := match ls with | list_t.Cons x tl => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret x else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) list_nth_shared_loop_with_id_loop_fwd T i0 tl | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_with_id] -/ def list_nth_shared_loop_with_id_fwd (T : Type) (ls : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result T := do let ls0 ← id_shared_fwd T ls list_nth_shared_loop_with_id_loop_fwd T i ls0 /- [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair] -/ divergent def list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_fwd (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result (T × T) := match ls0 with | list_t.Cons x0 tl0 => match ls1 with | list_t.Cons x1 tl1 => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret (x0, x1) else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_fwd T tl0 tl1 i0 | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair] -/ def list_nth_mut_loop_pair_fwd (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result (T × T) := list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_fwd T ls0 ls1 i /- [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair] -/ divergent def list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_back'a (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) (ret0 : T) : Result (list_t T) := match ls0 with | list_t.Cons x0 tl0 => match ls1 with | list_t.Cons x1 tl1 => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret (list_t.Cons ret0 tl0) else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) let tl00 ← list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_back'a T tl0 tl1 i0 ret0 Result.ret (list_t.Cons x0 tl00) | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair] -/ def list_nth_mut_loop_pair_back'a (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) (ret0 : T) : Result (list_t T) := list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_back'a T ls0 ls1 i ret0 /- [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair] -/ divergent def list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_back'b (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) (ret0 : T) : Result (list_t T) := match ls0 with | list_t.Cons x0 tl0 => match ls1 with | list_t.Cons x1 tl1 => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret (list_t.Cons ret0 tl1) else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) let tl10 ← list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_back'b T tl0 tl1 i0 ret0 Result.ret (list_t.Cons x1 tl10) | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair] -/ def list_nth_mut_loop_pair_back'b (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) (ret0 : T) : Result (list_t T) := list_nth_mut_loop_pair_loop_back'b T ls0 ls1 i ret0 /- [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_pair] -/ divergent def list_nth_shared_loop_pair_loop_fwd (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result (T × T) := match ls0 with | list_t.Cons x0 tl0 => match ls1 with | list_t.Cons x1 tl1 => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret (x0, x1) else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) list_nth_shared_loop_pair_loop_fwd T tl0 tl1 i0 | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_pair] -/ def list_nth_shared_loop_pair_fwd (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result (T × T) := list_nth_shared_loop_pair_loop_fwd T ls0 ls1 i /- [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge] -/ divergent def list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result (T × T) := match ls0 with | list_t.Cons x0 tl0 => match ls1 with | list_t.Cons x1 tl1 => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret (x0, x1) else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd T tl0 tl1 i0 | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge] -/ def list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_fwd (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result (T × T) := list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd T ls0 ls1 i /- [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge] -/ divergent def list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_back (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) (ret0 : (T × T)) : Result ((list_t T) × (list_t T)) := match ls0 with | list_t.Cons x0 tl0 => match ls1 with | list_t.Cons x1 tl1 => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then let (t, t0) := ret0 Result.ret (list_t.Cons t tl0, list_t.Cons t0 tl1) else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) let (tl00, tl10) ← list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_back T tl0 tl1 i0 ret0 Result.ret (list_t.Cons x0 tl00, list_t.Cons x1 tl10) | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge] -/ def list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_back (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) (ret0 : (T × T)) : Result ((list_t T) × (list_t T)) := list_nth_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_back T ls0 ls1 i ret0 /- [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge] -/ divergent def list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result (T × T) := match ls0 with | list_t.Cons x0 tl0 => match ls1 with | list_t.Cons x1 tl1 => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret (x0, x1) else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd T tl0 tl1 i0 | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge] -/ def list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge_fwd (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result (T × T) := list_nth_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd T ls0 ls1 i /- [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair] -/ divergent def list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop_fwd (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result (T × T) := match ls0 with | list_t.Cons x0 tl0 => match ls1 with | list_t.Cons x1 tl1 => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret (x0, x1) else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop_fwd T tl0 tl1 i0 | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair] -/ def list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_fwd (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result (T × T) := list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop_fwd T ls0 ls1 i /- [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair] -/ divergent def list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop_back (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) (ret0 : T) : Result (list_t T) := match ls0 with | list_t.Cons x0 tl0 => match ls1 with | list_t.Cons x1 tl1 => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret (list_t.Cons ret0 tl0) else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) let tl00 ← list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop_back T tl0 tl1 i0 ret0 Result.ret (list_t.Cons x0 tl00) | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair] -/ def list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_back (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) (ret0 : T) : Result (list_t T) := list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_loop_back T ls0 ls1 i ret0 /- [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge] -/ divergent def list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result (T × T) := match ls0 with | list_t.Cons x0 tl0 => match ls1 with | list_t.Cons x1 tl1 => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret (x0, x1) else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd T tl0 tl1 i0 | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge] -/ def list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_fwd (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result (T × T) := list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd T ls0 ls1 i /- [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge] -/ divergent def list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_back (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) (ret0 : T) : Result (list_t T) := match ls0 with | list_t.Cons x0 tl0 => match ls1 with | list_t.Cons x1 tl1 => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret (list_t.Cons ret0 tl0) else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) let tl00 ← list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_back T tl0 tl1 i0 ret0 Result.ret (list_t.Cons x0 tl00) | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge] -/ def list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_back (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) (ret0 : T) : Result (list_t T) := list_nth_mut_shared_loop_pair_merge_loop_back T ls0 ls1 i ret0 /- [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair] -/ divergent def list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop_fwd (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result (T × T) := match ls0 with | list_t.Cons x0 tl0 => match ls1 with | list_t.Cons x1 tl1 => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret (x0, x1) else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop_fwd T tl0 tl1 i0 | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair] -/ def list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_fwd (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result (T × T) := list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop_fwd T ls0 ls1 i /- [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair] -/ divergent def list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop_back (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) (ret0 : T) : Result (list_t T) := match ls0 with | list_t.Cons x0 tl0 => match ls1 with | list_t.Cons x1 tl1 => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret (list_t.Cons ret0 tl1) else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) let tl10 ← list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop_back T tl0 tl1 i0 ret0 Result.ret (list_t.Cons x1 tl10) | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair] -/ def list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_back (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) (ret0 : T) : Result (list_t T) := list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_loop_back T ls0 ls1 i ret0 /- [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge] -/ divergent def list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result (T × T) := match ls0 with | list_t.Cons x0 tl0 => match ls1 with | list_t.Cons x1 tl1 => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret (x0, x1) else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd T tl0 tl1 i0 | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge] -/ def list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_fwd (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) : Result (T × T) := list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_fwd T ls0 ls1 i /- [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge] -/ divergent def list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_back (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) (ret0 : T) : Result (list_t T) := match ls0 with | list_t.Cons x0 tl0 => match ls1 with | list_t.Cons x1 tl1 => if i = (U32.ofInt 0 (by intlit)) then Result.ret (list_t.Cons ret0 tl1) else do let i0 ← i - (U32.ofInt 1 (by intlit)) let tl10 ← list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_back T tl0 tl1 i0 ret0 Result.ret (list_t.Cons x1 tl10) | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic | list_t.Nil => Result.fail Error.panic /- [loops::list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge] -/ def list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_back (T : Type) (ls0 : list_t T) (ls1 : list_t T) (i : U32) (ret0 : T) : Result (list_t T) := list_nth_shared_mut_loop_pair_merge_loop_back T ls0 ls1 i ret0 end Loops