import Hashmap.Funs open Primitives open Result namespace List -- TODO: we don't want to use the original List.lookup because it uses BEq -- TODO: rewrite rule: match x == y with ... -> if x = y then ... else ... ? (actually doesn't work because of sugar) -- TODO: move? @[simp] def lookup' {α : Type} (ls: List (Usize × α)) (key: Usize) : Option α := match ls with | [] => none | (k, x) :: tl => if k = key then some x else lookup' tl key end List namespace hashmap namespace AList def v {α : Type} (ls: AList α) : List (Usize × α) := match ls with | Nil => [] | Cons k x tl => (k, x) :: v tl @[simp] theorem v_nil (α : Type) : (Nil : AList α).v = [] := by rfl @[simp] theorem v_cons {α : Type} k x (tl: AList α) : (Cons k x tl).v = (k, x) :: v tl := by rfl @[simp] abbrev lookup {α : Type} (ls: AList α) (key: Usize) : Option α := ls.v.lookup' key @[simp] abbrev len {α : Type} (ls : AList α) : Int := ls.v.len end AList namespace HashMap namespace List end List -- TODO: move @[simp] theorem neq_imp_nbeq [BEq α] [LawfulBEq α] (x y : α) (heq : ¬ x = y) : ¬ x == y := by simp [*] @[simp] theorem neq_imp_nbeq_rev [BEq α] [LawfulBEq α] (x y : α) (heq : ¬ x = y) : ¬ y == x := by simp [*] -- TODO: move -- TODO: this doesn't work because of sugar theorem match_lawful_beq [BEq α] [LawfulBEq α] [DecidableEq α] (x y : α) : (x == y) = (if x = y then true else false) := by split <;> simp_all def distinct_keys (ls : List (Usize × α)) := ls.pairwise_rel (λ x y => x.fst ≠ y.fst) def hash_mod_key (k : Usize) (l : Int) : Int := match hash_key k with | .ok k => k.val % l | _ => 0 @[simp] theorem hash_mod_key_eq : hash_mod_key k l = k.val % l := by simp [hash_mod_key, hash_key] def slot_s_inv_hash (l i : Int) (ls : List (Usize × α)) : Prop := ls.allP (λ (k, _) => hash_mod_key k l = i) def slot_s_inv (l i : Int) (ls : List (Usize × α)) : Prop := distinct_keys ls ∧ slot_s_inv_hash l i ls def slot_t_inv (l i : Int) (s : AList α) : Prop := slot_s_inv l i s.v @[simp] theorem distinct_keys_nil : @distinct_keys α [] := by simp [distinct_keys] @[simp] theorem slot_s_inv_hash_nil : @slot_s_inv_hash l i α [] := by simp [slot_s_inv_hash] @[simp] theorem slot_s_inv_nil : @slot_s_inv α l i [] := by simp [slot_s_inv] @[simp] theorem slot_t_inv_nil : @slot_t_inv α l i .Nil := by simp [slot_t_inv] @[simp] theorem distinct_keys_cons (kv : Usize × α) (tl : List (Usize × α)) : distinct_keys (kv :: tl) ↔ ((tl.allP fun (k', _) => ¬↑kv.1 = ↑k') ∧ distinct_keys tl) := by simp [distinct_keys] @[simp] theorem slot_s_inv_hash_cons (kv : Usize × α) (tl : List (Usize × α)) : slot_s_inv_hash l i (kv :: tl) ↔ (hash_mod_key kv.1 l = i ∧ tl.allP (λ (k, _) => hash_mod_key k l = i) ∧ slot_s_inv_hash l i tl) := by simp [slot_s_inv_hash] @[simp] theorem slot_s_inv_cons (kv : Usize × α) (tl : List (Usize × α)) : slot_s_inv l i (kv :: tl) ↔ ((tl.allP fun (k', _) => ¬↑kv.1 = ↑k') ∧ distinct_keys tl ∧ hash_mod_key kv.1 l = i ∧ tl.allP (λ (k, _) => hash_mod_key k l = i) ∧ slot_s_inv l i tl) := by simp [slot_s_inv]; tauto -- Interpret the hashmap as a list of lists def v (hm : HashMap α) : List (List (Usize × α)) := AList.v -- Interpret the hashmap as an associative list def al_v (hm : HashMap α) : List (Usize × α) := hm.v.flatten -- TODO: automatic derivation instance : Inhabited (AList α) where default := .Nil @[simp] def slots_s_inv (s : List (AList α)) : Prop := ∀ (i : Int), 0 ≤ i → i < s.len → slot_t_inv s.len i (s.index i) def slots_t_inv (s : alloc.vec.Vec (AList α)) : Prop := slots_s_inv s.v @[simp] def slots_s_lookup (s : List (AList α)) (k : Usize) : Option α := let i := hash_mod_key k s.len let slot := s.index i slot.lookup k abbrev Slots α := alloc.vec.Vec (AList α) abbrev Slots.lookup (s : Slots α) (k : Usize) := slots_s_lookup s.val k abbrev Slots.al_v (s : Slots α) := ( AList.v).flatten def lookup (hm : HashMap α) (k : Usize) : Option α := slots_s_lookup hm.slots.val k @[simp] abbrev len_s (hm : HashMap α) : Int := hm.al_v.len instance : Membership Usize (HashMap α) where mem k hm := hm.lookup k ≠ none /- Activate the ↑ notation -/ attribute [coe] HashMap.v abbrev inv_load (hm : HashMap α) : Prop := let capacity := hm.slots.val.len -- TODO: let (dividend, divisor) := hm.max_load_factor introduces field notation .2, etc. let dividend := hm.max_load_factor.1 let divisor := hm.max_load_factor.2 0 < dividend.val ∧ dividend < divisor ∧ capacity * dividend >= divisor ∧ hm.max_load = (capacity * dividend) / divisor @[simp] def inv_base (hm : HashMap α) : Prop := -- [num_entries] correctly tracks the number of entries hm.num_entries.val = hm.al_v.len ∧ -- Slots invariant slots_t_inv hm.slots ∧ -- The capacity must be > 0 (otherwise we can't resize) 0 < hm.slots.length ∧ -- TODO: normalization lemmas for comparison -- Load computation inv_load hm def inv (hm : HashMap α) : Prop := -- Base invariant inv_base hm -- TODO: either the hashmap is not overloaded, or we can't resize it def frame_load (hm nhm : HashMap α) : Prop := nhm.max_load_factor = hm.max_load_factor ∧ nhm.max_load = hm.max_load ∧ nhm.saturated = hm.saturated -- This rewriting lemma is problematic below attribute [-simp] Bool.exists_bool -- The proof below is a bit expensive, so we need to increase the maximum number -- of heart beats set_option maxHeartbeats 1000000 open AList @[pspec] theorem allocate_slots_spec {α : Type} (slots : alloc.vec.Vec (AList α)) (n : Usize) (Hslots : ∀ (i : Int), 0 ≤ i → i < slots.len → slots.val.index i = Nil) (Hlen : slots.len + n.val ≤ Usize.max) : ∃ slots1, allocate_slots α slots n = ok slots1 ∧ (∀ (i : Int), 0 ≤ i → i < slots1.len → slots1.val.index i = Nil) ∧ slots1.len = slots.len + n.val := by rw [allocate_slots] rw [allocate_slots_loop] if h: 0 < n.val then simp [h] -- TODO: progress fails here (maximum recursion depth reached) -- progress as ⟨ slots1 .. ⟩ have ⟨ slots1, hEq, _ ⟩ := alloc.vec.Vec.push_spec slots Nil (by scalar_tac) simp [hEq]; clear hEq progress as ⟨ n1 ⟩ have Hslots1Nil : ∀ (i : ℤ), 0 ≤ i → i < ↑(alloc.vec.Vec.len (AList α) slots1) → slots1.val.index i = Nil := by intro i h0 h1 simp [*] if hi : i < slots.val.len then simp [*] else simp_all have : i - slots.val.len = 0 := by scalar_tac simp [*] have Hslots1Len : alloc.vec.Vec.len (AList α) slots1 + n1.val ≤ Usize.max := by simp_all -- TODO: progress fails here (maximum recursion depth reached) -- This probably comes from the fact that allocate_slots is reducible and applied an infinite number -- of times -- progress as ⟨ slots2 .. ⟩ -- TODO: bug here as well stop have ⟨ slots2, hEq, _, _ ⟩ := allocate_slots_spec slots1 n1 (by assumption) (by assumption) stop rw [allocate_slots] at hEq; rw [hEq]; clear hEq simp constructor . intro i h0 h1 simp_all . simp_all else simp [h] simp_all scalar_tac theorem forall_nil_imp_flatten_len_zero (slots : List (List α)) (Hnil : ∀ i, 0 ≤ i → i < slots.len → slots.index i = []) : slots.flatten = [] := by induction slots <;> simp_all have Hhead := Hnil 0 (by simp) (by scalar_tac) simp_all; clear Hhead rename _ → _ => Hind apply Hind intros i h0 h1 have := Hnil (i + 1) (by scalar_tac) (by scalar_tac) have : 0 < i + 1 := by scalar_tac simp_all @[pspec] theorem new_with_capacity_spec (capacity : Usize) (max_load_dividend : Usize) (max_load_divisor : Usize) (Hcapa : 0 < capacity.val) (Hfactor : 0 < max_load_dividend.val ∧ max_load_dividend.val < max_load_divisor.val ∧ capacity.val * max_load_dividend.val ≤ Usize.max ∧ capacity.val * max_load_dividend.val ≥ max_load_divisor) (Hdivid : 0 < max_load_divisor.val) : ∃ hm, new_with_capacity α capacity max_load_dividend max_load_divisor = ok hm ∧ hm.inv ∧ hm.len_s = 0 ∧ ∀ k, hm.lookup k = none := by rw [new_with_capacity] progress as ⟨ slots, Hnil .. ⟩ . intros; simp [] at *; scalar_tac . simp []; scalar_tac . progress as ⟨ i1 .. ⟩ progress as ⟨ i2 .. ⟩ simp [inv, inv_load] have : (Slots.al_v slots).len = 0 := by have := forall_nil_imp_flatten_len_zero ( AList.v) (by intro i h0 h1; simp_all) simp_all have : 0 < slots.val.len := by simp_all [alloc.vec.Vec.len,] have : slots_t_inv slots := by simp [slots_t_inv, slot_t_inv] intro i h0 h1 simp_all split_conjs . simp_all [al_v, Slots.al_v, v] . assumption . scalar_tac . simp_all [alloc.vec.Vec.len,] . simp_all . simp_all [alloc.vec.Vec.len,] . simp_all [alloc.vec.Vec.len,] . simp_all [al_v, Slots.al_v, v] . simp [lookup] intro k have : 0 ≤ k.val % slots.val.len := by apply Int.emod_nonneg; scalar_tac have : k.val % slots.val.len < slots.val.len := by apply Int.emod_lt_of_pos; scalar_tac simp [*] @[pspec] theorem new_spec (α : Type) : ∃ hm, new α = ok hm ∧ hm.inv ∧ hm.len_s = 0 ∧ ∀ k, hm.lookup k = none := by rw [new] progress as ⟨ hm ⟩ simp_all theorem insert_in_list_spec_aux {α : Type} (l : Int) (key: Usize) (value: α) (l0: AList α) (hinv : slot_s_inv_hash l (hash_mod_key key l) l0.v) (hdk : distinct_keys l0.v) : ∃ b l1, insert_in_list α key value l0 = ok (b, l1) ∧ -- The boolean is true ↔ we inserted a new binding (b ↔ (l0.lookup key = none)) ∧ -- We update the binding l1.lookup key = value ∧ (∀ k, k ≠ key → l1.lookup k = l0.lookup k) ∧ -- We preserve part of the key invariant slot_s_inv_hash l (hash_mod_key key l) l1.v ∧ -- Reasoning about the length (match l0.lookup key with | none => l1.len = l0.len + 1 | some _ => l1.len = l0.len) ∧ -- The keys are distinct distinct_keys l1.v ∧ -- We need this auxiliary property to prove that the keys distinct properties is preserved (∀ k, k ≠ key → l0.v.allP (λ (k1, _) => k ≠ k1) → l1.v.allP (λ (k1, _) => k ≠ k1)) := by cases l0 with | Nil => exists true -- TODO: why do we need to do this? simp [insert_in_list] rw [insert_in_list_loop] simp (config := {contextual := true}) [AList.v] | Cons k v tl0 => if h: k = key then rw [insert_in_list] rw [insert_in_list_loop] simp [h] exists false; simp only [true_and, exists_eq_left', List.lookup', ↓reduceIte, AList.v_cons] -- TODO: why do we need to do this? split_conjs . intros; simp [*] . simp_all [slot_s_inv_hash] . simp at hinv; tauto . simp_all [slot_s_inv_hash] . simp_all else rw [insert_in_list] rw [insert_in_list_loop] simp [h] have : slot_s_inv_hash l (hash_mod_key key l) (AList.v tl0) := by simp_all [AList.v, slot_s_inv_hash] have : distinct_keys (AList.v tl0) := by simp [distinct_keys] at hdk simp [hdk, distinct_keys] progress as ⟨ b, tl1 .. ⟩ have : slot_s_inv_hash l (hash_mod_key key l) (AList.v (AList.Cons k v tl1)) := by simp [AList.v, slot_s_inv_hash] at * simp [*] have : distinct_keys ((k, v) :: AList.v tl1) := by simp [distinct_keys] at * simp [*] -- TODO: canonize addition by default? exists b simp_all [Int.add_assoc, Int.add_comm, Int.add_left_comm] @[pspec] theorem insert_in_list_spec {α : Type} (l : Int) (key: Usize) (value: α) (l0: AList α) (hinv : slot_s_inv_hash l (hash_mod_key key l) l0.v) (hdk : distinct_keys l0.v) : ∃ b l1, insert_in_list α key value l0 = ok (b, l1) ∧ (b ↔ (l0.lookup key = none)) ∧ -- We update the binding l1.lookup key = value ∧ (∀ k, k ≠ key → l1.lookup k = l0.lookup k) ∧ -- We preserve part of the key invariant slot_s_inv_hash l (hash_mod_key key l) l1.v ∧ -- Reasoning about the length (match l0.lookup key with | none => l1.len = l0.len + 1 | some _ => l1.len = l0.len) ∧ -- The keys are distinct distinct_keys l1.v := by progress with insert_in_list_spec_aux as ⟨ b, l1 .. ⟩ exists b exists l1 -- Remark: α and β must live in the same universe, otherwise the -- bind doesn't work theorem if_update_eq {α β : Type u} (b : Bool) (y : α) (e : Result α) (f : α → Result β) : (if b then Bind.bind e f else f y) = Bind.bind (if b then e else pure y) f := by split <;> simp [Pure.pure] -- Small helper -- TODO: move, and introduce a better solution with nice syntax def mk_opaque {α : Sort u} (x : α) : { y : α // y = x} := ⟨ x, by simp ⟩ --set_option profiler true --set_option profiler.threshold 10 --set_option trace.profiler true -- For pretty printing (useful when copy-pasting goals) set_option pp.coercions false -- do not print coercions with ↑ (this doesn't parse) -- The proof below is a bit expensive, so we need to increase the maximum number -- of heart beats set_option maxHeartbeats 2000000 @[pspec] theorem insert_no_resize_spec {α : Type} (hm : HashMap α) (key : Usize) (value : α) (hinv : hm.inv) (hnsat : hm.lookup key = none → hm.len_s < Usize.max) : ∃ nhm, hm.insert_no_resize α key value = ok nhm ∧ -- We preserve the invariant nhm.inv ∧ -- We updated the binding for key nhm.lookup key = some value ∧ -- We left the other bindings unchanged (∀ k, ¬ k = key → nhm.lookup k = hm.lookup k) ∧ -- Reasoning about the length (match hm.lookup key with | none => nhm.len_s = hm.len_s + 1 | some _ => nhm.len_s = hm.len_s) := by rw [insert_no_resize] -- Simplify. Note that this also simplifies some function calls, like array index simp [hash_key, bind_tc_ok] have _ : (alloc.vec.Vec.len (AList α) hm.slots).val ≠ 0 := by intro simp_all [inv] progress as ⟨ hash_mod, hhm ⟩ have _ : 0 ≤ hash_mod.val := by scalar_tac have _ : hash_mod.val < alloc.vec.Vec.length hm.slots := by have : 0 < hm.slots.val.len := by simp [inv] at hinv simp [hinv] -- TODO: we want to automate that simp [*, Int.emod_lt_of_pos] progress as ⟨ l, index_mut_back, h_leq, h_index_mut_back ⟩ simp [h_index_mut_back] at *; clear h_index_mut_back index_mut_back have h_slot : slot_s_inv_hash hm.slots.length (hash_mod_key key hm.slots.length) l.v := by simp [inv] at hinv have h := (hinv.right.left hash_mod.val (by assumption) (by assumption)).right simp [slot_t_inv, hhm] at h simp [h, hhm, h_leq] have hd : distinct_keys l.v := by simp [inv, slots_t_inv, slot_t_inv, slot_s_inv] at hinv have h := hinv.right.left hash_mod.val (by assumption) (by assumption) simp [h, h_leq] progress as ⟨ inserted, l0, _, _, _, _, hlen .. ⟩ rw [if_update_eq] -- TODO: necessary because we don't have a join -- TODO: progress to ... have hipost : ∃ i0, (if inserted = true then hm.num_entries + Usize.ofInt 1 else pure hm.num_entries) = ok i0 ∧ i0.val = if inserted then hm.num_entries.val + 1 else hm.num_entries.val := by if inserted then simp [*] have hbounds : hm.num_entries.val + (Usize.ofInt 1).val ≤ Usize.max := by simp [lookup] at hnsat simp_all simp [inv] at hinv int_tac progress as ⟨ z, hp ⟩ simp [hp] else simp [*, Pure.pure] progress as ⟨ i0 ⟩ -- TODO: hide the variables and only keep the props -- TODO: allow providing terms to progress to instantiate the meta variables -- which are not propositions progress keep hv as ⟨ v, h_veq ⟩ -- TODO: update progress to automate that -- TODO: later I don't want to inline nhm - we need to control simp: deactivate -- zeta reduction? For now I have to do this peculiar manipulation have ⟨ nhm, nhm_eq ⟩ := @mk_opaque (HashMap α) { num_entries := i0, max_load_factor := hm.max_load_factor, max_load := hm.max_load, saturated := hm.saturated, slots := v } exists nhm have hupdt : lookup nhm key = some value := by simp [lookup, List.lookup] at * simp_all have hlkp : ∀ k, ¬ k = key → nhm.lookup k = hm.lookup k := by simp [lookup, List.lookup] at * intro k hk -- We have to make a case disjunction: either the hashes are different, -- in which case we don't even lookup the same slots, or the hashes -- are the same, in which case we have to reason about what happens -- in one slot let k_hash_mod := k.val % v.val.len have : 0 < hm.slots.val.len := by simp_all [inv] have hvpos : 0 < v.val.len := by simp_all have hvnz: v.val.len ≠ 0 := by simp_all have _ : 0 ≤ k_hash_mod := by -- TODO: we want to automate this simp only [k_hash_mod] apply Int.emod_nonneg k.val hvnz have _ : k_hash_mod < alloc.vec.Vec.length hm.slots := by -- TODO: we want to automate this simp only [k_hash_mod] have h := Int.emod_lt_of_pos k.val hvpos simp_all only [ok.injEq, exists_eq_left', List.len_update, gt_iff_lt, List.index_update_eq, ne_eq, not_false_eq_true, neq_imp] if h_hm : k_hash_mod = hash_mod.val then simp_all only [k_hash_mod, List.len_update, gt_iff_lt, List.index_update_eq, ne_eq, not_false_eq_true, neq_imp, alloc.vec.Vec.length] else simp_all only [k_hash_mod, List.len_update, gt_iff_lt, List.index_update_eq, ne_eq, not_false_eq_true, neq_imp, ge_iff_le, alloc.vec.Vec.length, List.index_update_ne] have _ : match hm.lookup key with | none => nhm.len_s = hm.len_s + 1 | some _ => nhm.len_s = hm.len_s := by simp only [lookup, List.lookup, len_s, al_v, HashMap.v, slots_s_lookup] at * -- We have to do a case disjunction simp_all [List.map_update_eq] -- TODO: dependent rewrites have _ : key.val % hm.slots.val.len < ( AList.v hm.slots.val).len := by simp [*] split <;> rename_i heq <;> simp [heq] at hlen <;> -- TODO: canonize addition by default? We need a tactic to simplify arithmetic equalities -- with addition and substractions ((ℤ, +) is a group or something - there should exist a tactic -- somewhere in mathlib?) (try simp [Int.add_assoc, Int.add_comm, Int.add_left_comm]) <;> int_tac have hinv : inv nhm := by simp [inv] at * split_conjs . match h: lookup hm key with | none => simp [h, lookup] at * simp_all | some _ => simp_all [lookup] . simp [slots_t_inv, slot_t_inv] at * intro i hipos _ have _ := hinv.right.left i hipos (by simp_all) -- We need a case disjunction cases h_ieq : i == key.val % List.len hm.slots.val <;> simp_all [slot_s_inv] . simp [hinv, h_veq, nhm_eq] . simp_all [frame_load, inv_base, inv_load] simp_all theorem slot_allP_not_key_lookup (slot : AList T) (h : slot.v.allP fun (k', _) => ¬k = k') : slot.lookup k = none := by induction slot <;> simp_all @[pspec] theorem move_elements_from_list_spec {T : Type} (ntable : HashMap T) (slot : AList T) (hinv : ntable.inv) {l i : Int} (hSlotInv : slot_t_inv l i slot) (hDisjoint1 : ∀ key v, ntable.lookup key = some v → slot.lookup key = none) (hDisjoint2 : ∀ key v, slot.lookup key = some v → ntable.lookup key = none) (hLen : ntable.al_v.len + slot.v.len ≤ Usize.max) : ∃ ntable1, ntable.move_elements_from_list T slot = ok ntable1 ∧ ntable1.inv ∧ (∀ key v, ntable1.lookup key = some v → ntable.lookup key = some v ∨ slot.lookup key = some v) ∧ (∀ key v, ntable.lookup key = some v → ntable1.lookup key = some v) ∧ (∀ key v, slot.lookup key = some v → ntable1.lookup key = some v) ∧ ntable1.al_v.len = ntable.al_v.len + slot.v.len := by rw [move_elements_from_list]; rw [move_elements_from_list_loop] cases slot with | Nil => simp [hinv] | Cons key value slot1 => simp have hLookupKey : ntable.lookup key = none := by by_contra cases h: ntable.lookup key <;> simp_all have h := hDisjoint1 _ _ h simp_all have : ntable.lookup key = none → ntable.len_s < Usize.max := by simp_all; scalar_tac progress as ⟨ ntable1, _, hLookup11, hLookup12, hLength1 ⟩ simp [hLookupKey] at hLength1 have hTable1LookupImp : ∀ (key : Usize) (v : T), ntable1.lookup key = some v → slot1.lookup key = none := by intro key' v hLookup if h: key = key' then simp_all [slot_t_inv] apply slot_allP_not_key_lookup simp_all else simp_all cases h: ntable.lookup key' <;> simp_all have := hDisjoint1 _ _ h simp_all have hSlot1LookupImp : ∀ (key : Usize) (v : T), slot1.lookup key = some v → ntable1.lookup key = none := by intro key' v hLookup if h: key' = key then by_contra rename _ => hNtable1NotNone cases h: ntable1.lookup key' <;> simp [h] at hNtable1NotNone have := hTable1LookupImp _ _ h simp_all else have := hLookup12 key' h have := hDisjoint2 key' v simp_all have : ntable1.al_v.len + slot1.v.len ≤ Usize.max := by simp_all; scalar_tac have : slot_t_inv l i slot1 := by simp [slot_t_inv] at hSlotInv simp [slot_t_inv, hSlotInv] -- TODO: progress leads to: slot_t_inv i i slot1 -- progress as ⟨ ntable2 ⟩ have ⟨ ntable2, hEq, hInv2, hLookup21, hLookup22, hLookup23, hLen1 ⟩ := move_elements_from_list_spec ntable1 slot1 (by assumption) (by assumption) hTable1LookupImp hSlot1LookupImp (by assumption) simp [hEq]; clear hEq -- The conclusion -- TODO: use aesop here split_conjs . simp [*] . intro key' v hLookup have := hLookup21 key' v if h: key = key' then have := hLookup22 key' v have := hLookup23 key' v have := hDisjoint1 key' v have := hDisjoint2 key' v have := hTable1LookupImp key' v have := hSlot1LookupImp key' v simp_all [Slots.lookup] else have := hLookup12 key'; simp_all . intro key' v hLookup1 if h: key' = key then simp_all else have := hLookup12 key' h have := hLookup22 key' v simp_all . intro key' v hLookup1 if h: key' = key then have := hLookup22 key' v simp_all else have := hLookup23 key' v simp_all . scalar_tac theorem slots_forall_nil_imp_lookup_none (slots : Slots T) (hLen : slots.val.len ≠ 0) (hEmpty : ∀ j, 0 ≤ j → j < slots.val.len → slots.val.index j = AList.Nil) : ∀ key, slots.lookup key = none := by intro key simp [Slots.lookup] have : 0 ≤ key.val % slots.val.len := by exact Int.emod_nonneg key.val hLen -- TODO: automate that have : key.val % slots.val.len < slots.val.len := by apply Int.emod_lt_of_pos scalar_tac have := hEmpty (key.val % slots.val.len) (by assumption) (by assumption) simp [*] theorem slots_index_len_le_flatten_len (slots : List (AList α)) (i : Int) (h : 0 ≤ i ∧ i < slots.len) : (slots.index i).len ≤ ( AList.v slots).flatten.len := by match slots with | [] => simp at *; scalar_tac | slot :: slots' => simp at * if hi : i = 0 then simp_all; scalar_tac else have := slots_index_len_le_flatten_len slots' (i - 1) (by scalar_tac) simp [*] scalar_tac /- If we successfully lookup a key from a slot, the hash of the key modulo the number of slots must be equal to the slot index. TODO: remove? -/ theorem slots_inv_lookup_imp_eq (slots : Slots α) (hInv : slots_t_inv slots) (i : Int) (hi : 0 ≤ i ∧ i < slots.val.len) (key : Usize) : (slots.val.index i).lookup key ≠ none → i = key.val % slots.val.len := by suffices hSlot : ∀ (slot : List (Usize × α)), slot_s_inv slots.val.len i slot → slot.lookup' key ≠ none → i = key.val % slots.val.len from by rw [slots_t_inv, slots_s_inv] at hInv replace hInv := hInv i hi.left hi.right simp [slot_t_inv] at hInv exact hSlot _ hInv intro slot induction slot <;> simp_all intros; simp_all split at * <;> simp_all -- TODO: remove? theorem slots_update_lookup_equiv (slots : Slots α) (hInv : slots_t_inv slots) (i : Int) (hi : 0 ≤ i ∧ i < slots.val.len) (key : Usize) : let slot := slots.val.index i slot.lookup key ≠ none ∨ slots_s_lookup (slots.val.update i .Nil) key ≠ none ↔ slots.lookup key ≠ none := by -- We need the following lemma to derive a contradiction have := slots_inv_lookup_imp_eq slots hInv i hi key cases hi : (key.val % slots.val.len) == i <;> simp_all [Slots.lookup] /-theorem slots_update_lookup_imp (slots slots1 : Slots α) (slot : AList α) (hInv : slots_t_inv slots) (i : Int) (hi : 0 ≤ i ∧ i < slots.val.len) (hSlotsEq : slots.val = slots.val.update i slot) : ∀ key v, slots1.lookup key = some v → slots.lookup key = some v ∨ slot.lookup key = some v-/ theorem move_slots_updated_table_lookup_imp (ntable ntable1 ntable2 : HashMap α) (slots slots1 : Slots α) (slot : AList α) (hi : 0 ≤ i ∧ i < slots.val.len) (hSlotsInv : slots_t_inv slots) (hSlotEq : slot = slots.val.index i) (hSlotsEq : slots1.val = slots.val.update i .Nil) (hTableLookup : ∀ (key : Usize) (v : α), ntable1.lookup key = some v → ntable.lookup key = some v ∨ slot.lookup key = some v) (hTable1Lookup : ∀ (key : Usize) (v : α), ntable2.lookup key = some v → ntable1.lookup key = some v ∨ Slots.lookup slots1 key = some v) : ∀ key v, ntable2.lookup key = some v → ntable.lookup key = some v ∨ slots.lookup key = some v := by intro key v hLookup replace hTableLookup := hTableLookup key v replace hTable1Lookup := hTable1Lookup key v hLookup cases hTable1Lookup with | inl hTable1Lookup => replace hTableLookup := hTableLookup hTable1Lookup cases hTableLookup <;> try simp [*] right have := slots_inv_lookup_imp_eq slots hSlotsInv i hi key (by simp_all) simp_all [Slots.lookup] | inr hTable1Lookup => right -- The key can't be for the slot we replaced if heq : key.val % slots.val.len = i then simp_all [Slots.lookup] else simp_all [Slots.lookup] theorem move_one_slot_lookup_equiv {α : Type} (ntable ntable1 ntable2 : HashMap α) (slot : AList α) (slots slots1 : Slots α) (i : Int) (h1 : i < slots.len) (hSlotEq : slot = slots.val.index i) (hSlots1Eq : slots1.val = slots.val.update i .Nil) (hLookup1 : ∀ (key : Usize) (v : α), ntable.lookup key = some v → ntable1.lookup key = some v) (hLookup2 : ∀ (key : Usize) (v : α), slot.lookup key = some v → ntable1.lookup key = some v) (hLookup3 : ∀ (key : Usize) (v : α), ntable1.lookup key = some v → ntable2.lookup key = some v) (hLookup4 : ∀ (key : Usize) (v : α), slots1.lookup key = some v → ntable2.lookup key = some v) : (∀ key v, slots.lookup key = some v → ntable2.lookup key = some v) ∧ (∀ key v, ntable.lookup key = some v → ntable2.lookup key = some v) := by constructor <;> intro key v hLookup . if hi: key.val % slots.val.len = i then -- We lookup in slot have := hLookup2 key v simp_all [Slots.lookup] have := hLookup3 key v simp_all else -- We lookup in slots have := hLookup4 key v simp_all [Slots.lookup] . have := hLookup1 key v have := hLookup3 key v simp_all theorem slots_lookup_none_imp_slot_lookup_none (slots : Slots α) (hInv : slots_t_inv slots) (i : Int) (hi : 0 ≤ i ∧ i < slots.val.len) : ∀ (key : Usize), slots.lookup key = none → (slots.val.index i).lookup key = none := by intro key hLookup if heq : i = key.val % slots.val.len then simp_all [Slots.lookup] else have := slots_inv_lookup_imp_eq slots hInv i (by scalar_tac) key by_contra simp_all theorem slot_lookup_not_none_imp_slots_lookup_not_none (slots : Slots α) (hInv : slots_t_inv slots) (i : Int) (hi : 0 ≤ i ∧ i < slots.val.len) : ∀ (key : Usize), (slots.val.index i).lookup key ≠ none → slots.lookup key ≠ none := by intro key hLookup hNone have := slots_lookup_none_imp_slot_lookup_none slots hInv i hi key hNone apply hLookup this theorem slots_forall_nil_imp_al_v_nil (slots : Slots α) (hEmpty : ∀ i, 0 ≤ i → i < slots.val.len → slots.val.index i = AList.Nil) : slots.al_v = [] := by suffices h : ∀ (slots : List (AList α)), (∀ (i : ℤ), 0 ≤ i → i < slots.len → slots.index i = Nil) → ( AList.v).flatten = [] from by replace h := h slots.val (by intro i h0 h1; exact hEmpty i h0 h1) simp_all clear slots hEmpty intro slots hEmpty induction slots <;> simp_all have hHead := hEmpty 0 (by simp) (by scalar_tac) simp at hHead simp [hHead] rename (_ → _) => ih apply ih; intro i h0 h1 replace hEmpty := hEmpty (i + 1) (by omega) (by omega) -- TODO: simp at hEmpty have : 0 < i + 1 := by omega simp_all theorem move_elements_loop_spec (n : Nat) -- We need this, otherwise we can't prove termination (the termination_by clauses can be expensive) {α : Type} (ntable : HashMap α) (slots : Slots α) (i : Usize) (hn : n = slots.val.len - i.val) -- Condition for termination (hi : i ≤ alloc.vec.Vec.len (AList α) slots) (hinv : ntable.inv) (hSlotsNonZero : slots.val.len ≠ 0) (hSlotsInv : slots_t_inv slots) (hEmpty : ∀ j, 0 ≤ j → j < i.val → slots.val.index j = AList.Nil) (hDisjoint1 : ∀ key v, ntable.lookup key = some v → slots.lookup key = none) (hDisjoint2 : ∀ key v, slots.lookup key = some v → ntable.lookup key = none) (hLen : ntable.al_v.len + slots.al_v.len ≤ Usize.max) : ∃ ntable1 slots1, ntable.move_elements_loop α slots i = ok (ntable1, slots1) ∧ ntable1.inv ∧ ntable1.al_v.len = ntable.al_v.len + slots.al_v.len ∧ (∀ key v, ntable1.lookup key = some v → ntable.lookup key = some v ∨ slots.lookup key = some v) ∧ (∀ key v, slots.lookup key = some v → ntable1.lookup key = some v) ∧ (∀ key v, ntable.lookup key = some v → ntable1.lookup key = some v) ∧ (∀ (j : Int), 0 ≤ j → j < slots1.len → slots1.val.index j = AList.Nil) := by rw [move_elements_loop] simp if hi: i.val < slots.val.len then -- Proof of termination: eliminate the case: n = 0 cases n; scalar_tac rename ℕ => n -- Continue the proof have hIneq : 0 ≤ i.val ∧ i.val < slots.val.len := by scalar_tac simp [hi] progress as ⟨ slot, index_back, hSlotEq, hIndexBack ⟩ rw [hIndexBack]; clear hIndexBack have hInvSlot : slot_t_inv slots.val.len i.val slot := by simp [slots_t_inv] at hSlotsInv simp [*] have ntableLookupImpSlot : ∀ (key : Usize) (v : α), ntable.lookup key = some v → slot.lookup key = none := by intro key v hLookup by_contra have : i.val = key.val % slots.val.len := by apply slots_inv_lookup_imp_eq slots hSlotsInv i.val (by scalar_tac) simp_all cases h: slot.lookup key <;> simp_all have := hDisjoint2 _ _ h simp_all have slotLookupImpNtable : ∀ (key : Usize) (v : α), slot.lookup key = some v → ntable.lookup key = none := by intro key v hLookup by_contra cases h : ntable.lookup key <;> simp_all have := ntableLookupImpSlot _ _ h simp_all have : ntable.al_v.len + slot.v.len ≤ Usize.max := by have := slots_index_len_le_flatten_len slots.val i.val (by scalar_tac) simp_all [Slots.al_v]; scalar_tac progress as ⟨ ntable1, _, hDisjointNtable1, hLookup11, hLookup12, hLen1 ⟩ -- TODO: decompose post-condition by default progress as ⟨ i' .. ⟩ progress as ⟨ slots1, hSlots1Eq .. ⟩ have : i' ≤ alloc.vec.Vec.len (AList α) slots1 := by simp_all [alloc.vec.Vec.len]; scalar_tac have : slots_t_inv slots1 := by simp [slots_t_inv] at * intro j h0 h1 cases h: j == i.val <;> simp_all have ntable1LookupImpSlots1 : ∀ (key : Usize) (v : α), ntable1.lookup key = some v → Slots.lookup slots1 key = none := by intro key v hLookup cases hDisjointNtable1 _ _ hLookup with | inl h => have := ntableLookupImpSlot _ _ h have := hDisjoint1 _ _ h cases heq : i == key.val % slots.val.len <;> simp_all [Slots.lookup] | inr h => --have h1 := hLookup12 _ _ h have heq : i = key.val % slots.val.len := by exact slots_inv_lookup_imp_eq slots hSlotsInv i.val hIneq key (by simp_all [Slots.lookup]) simp_all [Slots.lookup] have : ∀ (key : Usize) (v : α), Slots.lookup slots1 key = some v → ntable1.lookup key = none := by intro key v hLookup by_contra h cases h : ntable1.lookup key <;> simp_all have := ntable1LookupImpSlots1 _ _ h simp_all have : ∀ (j : ℤ), OfNat.ofNat 0 ≤ j → j < i'.val → slots1.val.index j = AList.Nil := by intro j h0 h1 if h : j = i.val then simp_all else have := hEmpty j h0 (by scalar_tac) simp_all have : ntable1.al_v.len + (Slots.al_v slots1).len ≤ Usize.max := by have : i.val < ( AList.v slots.val).len := by simp; scalar_tac simp_all [Slots.al_v, List.len_flatten_update_eq, List.map_update_eq] have : n = slots1.val.len - i'.val := by simp_all; scalar_tac progress as ⟨ ntable2, slots2, _, _, hLookup2Rev, hLookup21, hLookup22, hIndexNil ⟩ simp [and_assoc] have : ∀ (j : ℤ), OfNat.ofNat 0 ≤ j → j < slots2.val.len → slots2.val.index j = AList.Nil := by intro j h0 h1 apply hIndexNil j h0 h1 have : ntable2.al_v.len = ntable.al_v.len + slots.al_v.len := by simp_all [Slots.al_v] have : ∀ key v, ntable2.lookup key = some v → ntable.lookup key = some v ∨ slots.lookup key = some v := by intro key v hLookup apply move_slots_updated_table_lookup_imp ntable ntable1 ntable2 slots slots1 slot hIneq <;> try assumption have hLookupPreserve : (∀ key v, slots.lookup key = some v → ntable2.lookup key = some v) ∧ (∀ key v, ntable.lookup key = some v → ntable2.lookup key = some v) := by exact move_one_slot_lookup_equiv ntable ntable1 ntable2 slot slots slots1 i.val (by assumption) (by assumption) (by assumption) (by assumption) (by assumption) (by assumption) (by assumption) simp_all [alloc.vec.Vec.len, or_assoc] apply hLookupPreserve else simp [hi, and_assoc, *] simp_all have hi : i = alloc.vec.Vec.len (AList α) slots := by scalar_tac have hEmpty : ∀ j, 0 ≤ j → j < slots.val.len → slots.val.index j = AList.Nil := by simp [hi] at hEmpty exact hEmpty have hNil : slots.al_v = [] := slots_forall_nil_imp_al_v_nil slots hEmpty have hLenNonZero : slots.val.len ≠ 0 := by simp [*] have hLookupEmpty := slots_forall_nil_imp_lookup_none slots hLenNonZero hEmpty simp [hNil, hLookupEmpty] apply hEmpty @[pspec] theorem move_elements_spec {α : Type} (ntable : HashMap α) (slots : Slots α) (hinv : ntable.inv) (hslotsNempty : 0 < slots.val.len) (hSlotsInv : slots_t_inv slots) -- The initial table is empty (hEmpty : ∀ key, ntable.lookup key = none) (hTableLen : ntable.al_v.len = 0) (hSlotsLen : slots.al_v.len ≤ Usize.max) : ∃ ntable1 slots1, ntable.move_elements α slots = ok (ntable1, slots1) ∧ ntable1.inv ∧ ntable1.al_v.len = ntable.al_v.len + slots.al_v.len ∧ (∀ key v, ntable1.lookup key = some v ↔ slots.lookup key = some v) := by rw [move_elements] let n := (slots.val.len - 0).toNat have hn : n = slots.val.len - 0 := by -- TODO: scalar_tac should succeed here scalar_tac_preprocess simp [n] at * norm_cast at * have := @Int.le_toNat n (slots.val.len - OfNat.ofNat 0) (by simp; scalar_tac) simp_all have ⟨ ntable1, slots1, hEq, _, _, ntable1Lookup, slotsLookup, _, _ ⟩ := move_elements_loop_spec (slots.val.len - 0).toNat ntable slots 0#usize hn (by scalar_tac) hinv (by scalar_tac) hSlotsInv (by intro j h0 h1; scalar_tac) (by simp [*]) (by simp [*]) (by scalar_tac) simp [hEq]; clear hEq split_conjs <;> try assumption intro key v have := ntable1Lookup key v have := slotsLookup key v constructor <;> simp_all @[pspec] theorem try_resize_spec {α : Type} (hm : HashMap α) (hInv : hm.inv): ∃ hm', hm.try_resize α = ok hm' ∧ (∀ key, hm'.lookup key = hm.lookup key) ∧ hm'.al_v.len = hm.al_v.len := by rw [try_resize] simp progress as ⟨ n1 ⟩ -- TODO: simplify (Usize.ofInt (OfNat.ofNat 2) try_resize.proof_1).val have : hm.2.1.val ≠ 0 := by simp [inv, inv_load] at hInv -- TODO: why does hm.max_load_factor appears as hm.2?? -- Can we deactivate field notations? omega progress as ⟨ n2 ⟩ if hSmaller : hm.slots.val.len ≤ n2.val then simp [hSmaller] have : (alloc.vec.Vec.len (AList α) hm.slots).val * 2 ≤ Usize.max := by simp [alloc.vec.Vec.len, inv, inv_load] at * -- TODO: this should be automated have hIneq1 : n1.val ≤ Usize.max / 2 := by simp [*] simp [Int.le_ediv_iff_mul_le] at hIneq1 -- TODO: this should be automated have hIneq2 : n2.val ≤ n1.val / hm.2.1.val := by simp [*] rw [Int.le_ediv_iff_mul_le] at hIneq2 <;> try simp [*] have : n2.val * 1 ≤ n2.val * hm.max_load_factor.1.val := by apply Int.mul_le_mul <;> scalar_tac scalar_tac progress as ⟨ newLength ⟩ have : 0 < newLength.val := by simp_all [inv, inv_load] progress as ⟨ ntable1 .. ⟩ -- TODO: introduce nice notation to take care of preconditions . -- Pre 1 simp_all [inv, inv_load] split_conjs at hInv -- apply Int.mul_le_of_le_ediv at hSmaller <;> try simp [*] apply Int.mul_le_of_le_ediv at hSmaller <;> try simp -- have : (hm.slots.val.len * hm.2.1.val) * 1 ≤ (hm.slots.val.len * hm.2.1.val) * 2 := by apply Int.mul_le_mul <;> (try simp [*]); scalar_tac -- ring_nf at * simp [*] unfold max_load max_load_factor at * omega . -- Pre 2 simp_all [inv, inv_load] unfold max_load_factor at * -- TODO: this is really annoying omega . -- End of the proof have : slots_t_inv hm.slots := by simp_all [inv] -- TODO have : (Slots.al_v hm.slots).len ≤ Usize.max := by simp_all [inv, al_v, v, Slots.al_v]; scalar_tac progress as ⟨ ntable2, slots1, _, _, hLookup .. ⟩ -- TODO: assumption is not powerful enough simp_all [lookup, al_v, v, alloc.vec.Vec.len] intro key replace hLookup := hLookup key cases h1: (ntable2.slots.val.index (key.val % ntable2.slots.val.len)).v.lookup' key <;> cases h2: (hm.slots.val.index (key.val % hm.slots.val.len)).v.lookup' key <;> simp_all [Slots.lookup] else simp [hSmaller] tauto @[pspec] theorem insert_spec {α} (hm : HashMap α) (key : Usize) (value : α) (hInv : hm.inv) (hNotSat : hm.lookup key = none → hm.len_s < Usize.max) : ∃ hm1, insert α hm key value = ok hm1 ∧ -- hm1.lookup key = value ∧ (∀ key', key' ≠ key → hm1.lookup key' = hm.lookup key') ∧ -- match hm.lookup key with | none => hm1.len_s = hm.len_s + 1 | some _ => hm1.len_s = hm.len_s := by rw [insert] progress as ⟨ hm1 .. ⟩ simp [len] split . split . simp [*] intros; tauto . progress as ⟨ hm2 .. ⟩ simp [*] intros; tauto . simp [*]; tauto @[pspec] theorem get_in_list_spec {α} (key : Usize) (slot : AList α) (hLookup : slot.lookup key ≠ none) : ∃ v, get_in_list α key slot = ok v ∧ slot.lookup key = some v := by induction slot <;> rw [get_in_list, get_in_list_loop] <;> simp_all [AList.lookup] split <;> simp_all @[pspec] theorem get_spec {α} (hm : HashMap α) (key : Usize) (hInv : hm.inv) (hLookup : hm.lookup key ≠ none) : ∃ v, get α hm key = ok v ∧ hm.lookup key = some v := by rw [get] simp [hash_key, alloc.vec.Vec.len] have : 0 < hm.slots.val.len := by simp_all [inv] progress as ⟨ hash_mod .. ⟩ -- TODO: decompose post by default simp at * have : 0 ≤ hash_mod.val := by -- TODO: automate simp [*] apply Int.emod_nonneg; simp [inv] at hInv; scalar_tac have : hash_mod < hm.slots.val.len := by -- TODO: automate simp [*] apply Int.emod_lt_of_pos; scalar_tac progress as ⟨ slot ⟩ progress as ⟨ v .. ⟩ <;> simp_all [lookup] @[pspec] theorem get_mut_in_list_spec {α} (key : Usize) (slot : AList α) {l i : Int} (hInv : slot_t_inv l i slot) (hLookup : slot.lookup key ≠ none) : ∃ v back, get_mut_in_list α slot key = ok (v, back) ∧ slot.lookup key = some v ∧ ∀ v', ∃ slot', back v' = ok slot' ∧ slot_t_inv l i slot' ∧ slot'.lookup key = v' ∧ (∀ key', key' ≠ key → slot'.lookup key' = slot.lookup key') ∧ -- We need this strong post-condition for the recursive case (∀ key', slot.v.allP (fun x => key' ≠ x.1) → slot'.v.allP (fun x => key' ≠ x.1)) := by induction slot <;> rw [get_mut_in_list, get_mut_in_list_loop] <;> simp_all [AList.lookup] split . -- Non-recursive case simp_all [and_assoc, slot_t_inv] . -- Recursive case -- TODO: progress doesn't instantiate l correctly rename _ → _ → _ => ih rename AList α => tl replace ih := ih (by simp_all [slot_t_inv]) (by simp_all) -- progress also fails here -- TODO: progress? notation to have some feedback have ⟨ v, back, hEq, _, hBack ⟩ := ih; clear ih simp [hEq]; clear hEq simp [and_assoc, *] -- Proving the post-condition about back intro v progress as ⟨ slot', _, _, _, hForAll ⟩; clear hBack simp [and_assoc, *] constructor . simp_all [slot_t_inv, slot_s_inv, slot_s_inv_hash] . simp_all @[pspec] theorem get_mut_spec {α} (hm : HashMap α) (key : Usize) (hInv : hm.inv) (hLookup : hm.lookup key ≠ none) : ∃ v back, get_mut α hm key = ok (v, back) ∧ hm.lookup key = some v ∧ ∀ v', ∃ hm', back v' = ok hm' ∧ hm'.lookup key = v' ∧ ∀ key', key' ≠ key → hm'.lookup key' = hm.lookup key' := by rw [get_mut] simp [hash_key, alloc.vec.Vec.len] have : 0 < hm.slots.val.len := by simp_all [inv] progress as ⟨ hash_mod .. ⟩ -- TODO: decompose post by default simp at * have : 0 ≤ hash_mod.val := by -- TODO: automate simp [*] apply Int.emod_nonneg; simp [inv] at hInv; scalar_tac have : hash_mod < hm.slots.val.len := by -- TODO: automate simp [*] apply Int.emod_lt_of_pos; scalar_tac progress as ⟨ slot, index_back .. ⟩ have : slot_t_inv hm.slots.val.len hash_mod slot := by simp_all [inv, slots_t_inv] have : slot.lookup key ≠ none := by simp_all [lookup] progress as ⟨ v, back .. ⟩ simp [and_assoc, lookup, *] constructor . simp_all . -- Backward function intro v' progress as ⟨ slot' .. ⟩ progress as ⟨ slots' ⟩ simp_all -- Last postcondition intro key' hNotEq have : 0 ≤ key'.val % hm.slots.val.len := by -- TODO: automate apply Int.emod_nonneg; simp [inv] at hInv; scalar_tac have : key'.val % hm.slots.val.len < hm.slots.val.len := by -- TODO: automate apply Int.emod_lt_of_pos; scalar_tac -- We need to do a case disjunction cases h: (key.val % hm.slots.val.len == key'.val % hm.slots.val.len) <;> simp_all @[pspec] theorem remove_from_list_spec {α} (key : Usize) (slot : AList α) {l i} (hInv : slot_t_inv l i slot) : ∃ v slot', remove_from_list α key slot = ok (v, slot') ∧ slot.lookup key = v ∧ slot'.lookup key = none ∧ (∀ key', key' ≠ key → slot'.lookup key' = slot.lookup key') ∧ match v with | none => slot'.v.len = slot.v.len | some _ => slot'.v.len = slot.v.len - 1 := by rw [remove_from_list, remove_from_list_loop] match hEq : slot with | .Nil => simp [and_assoc] | .Cons k v0 tl => simp if hKey : k = key then simp [hKey, and_assoc] simp_all [slot_t_inv, slot_s_inv] apply slot_allP_not_key_lookup simp [*] else simp [hKey] -- TODO: progress doesn't instantiate l properly have hInv' : slot_t_inv l i tl := by simp_all [slot_t_inv] have ⟨ v1, tl1, hRemove, _, _, hLookupTl1, _ ⟩ := remove_from_list_spec key tl hInv' simp [and_assoc, *]; clear hRemove constructor . intro key' hNotEq1 simp_all . cases v1 <;> simp_all theorem lookup'_not_none_imp_len_pos (l : List (Usize × α)) (key : Usize) (hLookup : l.lookup' key ≠ none) : 0 < l.len := by induction l <;> simp_all scalar_tac theorem lookup_not_none_imp_len_s_pos (hm : HashMap α) (key : Usize) (hLookup : hm.lookup key ≠ none) (hNotEmpty : 0 < hm.slots.val.len) : 0 < hm.len_s := by have : 0 ≤ key.val % hm.slots.val.len := by -- TODO: automate apply Int.emod_nonneg; scalar_tac have : key.val % hm.slots.val.len < hm.slots.val.len := by -- TODO: automate apply Int.emod_lt_of_pos; scalar_tac have := List.len_index_le_len_flatten hm.v (key.val % hm.slots.val.len) have := lookup'_not_none_imp_len_pos (hm.slots.val.index (key.val % hm.slots.val.len)).v key simp_all [lookup, len_s, al_v, v] scalar_tac @[pspec] theorem remove_spec {α} (hm : HashMap α) (key : Usize) (hInv : hm.inv) : ∃ v hm', remove α hm key = ok (v, hm') ∧ hm.lookup key = v ∧ hm'.lookup key = none ∧ (∀ key', key' ≠ key → hm'.lookup key' = hm.lookup key') ∧ match v with | none => hm'.len_s = hm.len_s | some _ => hm'.len_s = hm.len_s - 1 := by rw [remove] simp [hash_key, alloc.vec.Vec.len] have : 0 < hm.slots.val.len := by simp_all [inv] progress as ⟨ hash_mod .. ⟩ -- TODO: decompose post by default simp at * have : 0 ≤ hash_mod.val := by -- TODO: automate simp [*] apply Int.emod_nonneg; simp [inv] at hInv; scalar_tac have : hash_mod < hm.slots.val.len := by -- TODO: automate simp [*] apply Int.emod_lt_of_pos; scalar_tac progress as ⟨ slot, index_back .. ⟩ have : slot_t_inv hm.slots.val.len hash_mod slot := by simp_all [inv, slots_t_inv] progress as ⟨ vOpt, slot' .. ⟩ match hOpt : vOpt with | none => simp [*] progress as ⟨ slot'' ⟩ simp [and_assoc, lookup, *] simp_all [al_v, v] intro key' hNotEq -- We need to make a case disjunction cases h: (key.val % hm.slots.val.len) == (key'.val % hm.slots.val.len) <;> simp_all | some v => simp [*] have : 0 < hm.num_entries.val := by have := lookup_not_none_imp_len_s_pos hm key (by simp_all [lookup]) (by simp_all [inv]) simp_all [inv] progress as ⟨ newSize .. ⟩ progress as ⟨ slots1 .. ⟩ simp_all [and_assoc, lookup, al_v, HashMap.v] constructor . intro key' hNotEq cases h: (key.val % hm.slots.val.len) == (key'.val % hm.slots.val.len) <;> simp_all . scalar_tac end HashMap end hashmap