import Hashmap.Funs open Primitives open Result namespace hashmap namespace List def v {α : Type} (ls: List α) : _root_.List (Usize × α) := match ls with | Nil => [] | Cons k x tl => (k, x) :: v tl def lookup {α : Type} (ls: _root_.List (Usize × α)) (key: Usize) : Option α := match ls with | [] => none | (k, x) :: tl => if k = key then some x else lookup tl key end List namespace HashMap abbrev Core.List := _root_.List theorem insert_in_list_spec0 {α : Type} (key: Usize) (value: α) (ls: List α) : ∃ b, insert_in_list α key value ls = ret b ∧ (b ↔ List.lookup ls.v key = none) := match ls with | .Nil => by simp [insert_in_list, insert_in_list_loop, List.lookup] | .Cons k v tl => if h: k = key then -- TODO: The order of k/key matters by simp [insert_in_list, List.lookup] rw [insert_in_list_loop] simp [h] else have ⟨ b, hi ⟩ := insert_in_list_spec0 key value tl by exists b simp [insert_in_list, List.lookup] rw [insert_in_list_loop] -- TODO: Using simp leads to infinite recursion simp [h] simp [insert_in_list] at hi exact hi -- Variation: use progress theorem insert_in_list_spec1 {α : Type} (key: Usize) (value: α) (ls: List α) : ∃ b, insert_in_list α key value ls = ret b ∧ (b ↔ List.lookup ls.v key = none) := match ls with | .Nil => by simp [insert_in_list, insert_in_list_loop, List.lookup] | .Cons k v tl => if h: k = key then -- TODO: The order of k/key matters by simp [insert_in_list, List.lookup] rw [insert_in_list_loop] simp [h] else by simp only [insert_in_list] rw [insert_in_list_loop] conv => rhs; ext; simp [*] progress keep as heq as ⟨ b hi ⟩ simp only [insert_in_list] at heq exists b simp only [heq, hi] simp [*, List.lookup] -- Variation: use tactics from the beginning theorem insert_in_list_spec2 {α : Type} (key: Usize) (value: α) (ls: List α) : ∃ b, insert_in_list α key value ls = ret b ∧ (b ↔ (List.lookup ls.v key = none)) := by induction ls case Nil => simp [insert_in_list, insert_in_list_loop, List.lookup] case Cons k v tl ih => simp only [insert_in_list, List.lookup] rw [insert_in_list_loop] simp only if h: k = key then simp [h] else conv => rhs; ext; left; simp [h] -- TODO: Simplify simp only [insert_in_list] at ih; -- TODO: give the possibility of using underscores progress as ⟨ b h ⟩ simp [*] theorem insert_in_list_back_spec {α : Type} (key: Usize) (value: α) (l0: List α) : ∃ l1, insert_in_list_back α key value l0 = ret l1 ∧ -- We update the binding List.lookup l1.v key = value ∧ (∀ k, k ≠ key → List.lookup l1.v k = List.lookup l0.v k) := match l0 with | .Nil => by simp [insert_in_list_back, insert_in_list_loop_back, List.lookup]; tauto | .Cons k v tl => if h: k = key then by simp [insert_in_list_back, List.lookup] rw [insert_in_list_loop_back] simp [h, List.lookup] intro k1 h1 simp [*] else by simp [insert_in_list_back, List.lookup] rw [insert_in_list_loop_back] simp [h, List.lookup] progress keep as heq as ⟨ tl hp1 hp2 ⟩ simp [insert_in_list_back] at heq simp (config := {contextual := true}) [*, List.lookup] def distinct_keys (ls : Core.List (Usize × α)) := ls.pairwise_rel (λ x y => x.fst ≠ y.fst) def hash_mod_key (k : Usize) (l : Int) : Int := match hash_key k with | .ret k => k.val % l | _ => 0 def slot_s_inv_hash (l i : Int) (ls : Core.List (Usize × α)) : Prop := ls.allP (λ (k, _) => hash_mod_key k l = i) @[simp] def slot_s_inv (l i : Int) (ls : Core.List (Usize × α)) : Prop := distinct_keys ls ∧ slot_s_inv_hash l i ls def slot_t_inv (l i : Int) (s : List α) : Prop := slot_s_inv l i s.v @[pspec] theorem insert_in_list_back_spec1 {α : Type} (l : Int) (key: Usize) (value: α) (l0: List α) (hinv : slot_s_inv_hash l (hash_mod_key key l) l0.v) : ∃ l1, insert_in_list_back α key value l0 = ret l1 ∧ -- We update the binding List.lookup l1.v key = value ∧ (∀ k, k ≠ key → List.lookup l1.v k = List.lookup l0.v k) ∧ -- We preserve part of the key invariant slot_s_inv_hash l (hash_mod_key key l) l1.v := match l0 with | .Nil => by simp [insert_in_list_back, insert_in_list_loop_back, List.lookup, List.v, slot_s_inv_hash] tauto | .Cons k v tl0 => if h: k = key then by simp [insert_in_list_back, List.lookup] rw [insert_in_list_loop_back] simp [h, List.lookup] constructor . intros; simp [*] . simp [List.v, slot_s_inv_hash] at * simp [*] else by simp [insert_in_list_back, List.lookup] rw [insert_in_list_loop_back] simp [h, List.lookup] have : slot_s_inv_hash l (hash_mod_key key l) (List.v tl0) := by simp_all [List.v, slot_s_inv_hash] progress keep as heq as ⟨ tl1 hp1 hp2 hp3 ⟩ simp only [insert_in_list_back] at heq have : slot_s_inv_hash l (hash_mod_key key l) (List.v (List.Cons k v tl1)) := by simp [List.v, slot_s_inv_hash] at * simp [*] simp (config := {contextual := true}) [*, List.lookup] end HashMap end hashmap