-- THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY AENEAS -- [hashmap]: function definitions import Base import Hashmap.Types import Hashmap.FunsExternal open Primitives set_option linter.dupNamespace false set_option linter.hashCommand false set_option linter.unusedVariables false namespace hashmap /- [hashmap::hash_key]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 38:0-38:32 -/ def hash_key (k : Usize) : Result Usize := Result.ok k /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::allocate_slots]: loop 0: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 61:4-67:5 -/ divergent def HashMap.allocate_slots_loop (T : Type) (slots : alloc.vec.Vec (AList T)) (n : Usize) : Result (alloc.vec.Vec (AList T)) := if n > 0#usize then do let slots1 ← alloc.vec.Vec.push (AList T) slots AList.Nil let n1 ← n - 1#usize HashMap.allocate_slots_loop T slots1 n1 else Result.ok slots /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::allocate_slots]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 61:4-61:78 -/ @[reducible] def HashMap.allocate_slots (T : Type) (slots : alloc.vec.Vec (AList T)) (n : Usize) : Result (alloc.vec.Vec (AList T)) := HashMap.allocate_slots_loop T slots n /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::new_with_capacity]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 70:4-74:13 -/ def HashMap.new_with_capacity (T : Type) (capacity : Usize) (max_load_dividend : Usize) (max_load_divisor : Usize) : Result (HashMap T) := do let slots ← HashMap.allocate_slots T (alloc.vec.Vec.new (AList T)) capacity let i ← capacity * max_load_dividend let i1 ← i / max_load_divisor Result.ok { num_entries := 0#usize, max_load_factor := (max_load_dividend, max_load_divisor), max_load := i1, slots := slots } /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::new]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 86:4-86:24 -/ def HashMap.new (T : Type) : Result (HashMap T) := HashMap.new_with_capacity T 32#usize 4#usize 5#usize /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::clear]: loop 0: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 91:4-99:5 -/ divergent def HashMap.clear_loop (T : Type) (slots : alloc.vec.Vec (AList T)) (i : Usize) : Result (alloc.vec.Vec (AList T)) := let i1 := alloc.vec.Vec.len (AList T) slots if i < i1 then do let (_, index_mut_back) ← alloc.vec.Vec.index_mut (AList T) Usize (core.slice.index.SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst (AList T)) slots i let i2 ← i + 1#usize let slots1 ← index_mut_back AList.Nil HashMap.clear_loop T slots1 i2 else Result.ok slots /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::clear]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 91:4-91:27 -/ def HashMap.clear (T : Type) (self : HashMap T) : Result (HashMap T) := do let hm ← HashMap.clear_loop T self.slots 0#usize Result.ok { self with num_entries := 0#usize, slots := hm } /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::len]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 101:4-101:30 -/ def HashMap.len (T : Type) (self : HashMap T) : Result Usize := Result.ok self.num_entries /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::insert_in_list]: loop 0: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 108:4-125:5 -/ divergent def HashMap.insert_in_list_loop (T : Type) (key : Usize) (value : T) (ls : AList T) : Result (Bool × (AList T)) := match ls with | AList.Cons ckey cvalue tl => if ckey = key then Result.ok (false, AList.Cons ckey value tl) else do let (b, tl1) ← HashMap.insert_in_list_loop T key value tl Result.ok (b, AList.Cons ckey cvalue tl1) | AList.Nil => Result.ok (true, AList.Cons key value AList.Nil) /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::insert_in_list]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 108:4-108:72 -/ @[reducible] def HashMap.insert_in_list (T : Type) (key : Usize) (value : T) (ls : AList T) : Result (Bool × (AList T)) := HashMap.insert_in_list_loop T key value ls /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::insert_no_resize]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 128:4-128:54 -/ def HashMap.insert_no_resize (T : Type) (self : HashMap T) (key : Usize) (value : T) : Result (HashMap T) := do let hash ← hash_key key let i := alloc.vec.Vec.len (AList T) self.slots let hash_mod ← hash % i let (a, index_mut_back) ← alloc.vec.Vec.index_mut (AList T) Usize (core.slice.index.SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst (AList T)) self.slots hash_mod let (inserted, a1) ← HashMap.insert_in_list T key value a if inserted then do let i1 ← self.num_entries + 1#usize let v ← index_mut_back a1 Result.ok { self with num_entries := i1, slots := v } else do let v ← index_mut_back a1 Result.ok { self with slots := v } /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::move_elements_from_list]: loop 0: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 194:4-207:5 -/ divergent def HashMap.move_elements_from_list_loop (T : Type) (ntable : HashMap T) (ls : AList T) : Result (HashMap T) := match ls with | AList.Cons k v tl => do let ntable1 ← HashMap.insert_no_resize T ntable k v HashMap.move_elements_from_list_loop T ntable1 tl | AList.Nil => Result.ok ntable /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::move_elements_from_list]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 194:4-194:73 -/ @[reducible] def HashMap.move_elements_from_list (T : Type) (ntable : HashMap T) (ls : AList T) : Result (HashMap T) := HashMap.move_elements_from_list_loop T ntable ls /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::move_elements]: loop 0: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 182:4-191:5 -/ divergent def HashMap.move_elements_loop (T : Type) (ntable : HashMap T) (slots : alloc.vec.Vec (AList T)) (i : Usize) : Result ((HashMap T) × (alloc.vec.Vec (AList T))) := let i1 := alloc.vec.Vec.len (AList T) slots if i < i1 then do let (a, index_mut_back) ← alloc.vec.Vec.index_mut (AList T) Usize (core.slice.index.SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst (AList T)) slots i let (ls, a1) := core.mem.replace (AList T) a AList.Nil let ntable1 ← HashMap.move_elements_from_list T ntable ls let i2 ← i + 1#usize let slots1 ← index_mut_back a1 HashMap.move_elements_loop T ntable1 slots1 i2 else Result.ok (ntable, slots) /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::move_elements]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 182:4-182:96 -/ @[reducible] def HashMap.move_elements (T : Type) (ntable : HashMap T) (slots : alloc.vec.Vec (AList T)) (i : Usize) : Result ((HashMap T) × (alloc.vec.Vec (AList T))) := HashMap.move_elements_loop T ntable slots i /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::try_resize]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 151:4-151:28 -/ def HashMap.try_resize (T : Type) (self : HashMap T) : Result (HashMap T) := do let max_usize ← Scalar.cast .Usize core_u32_max let capacity := alloc.vec.Vec.len (AList T) self.slots let n1 ← max_usize / 2#usize let (i, i1) := self.max_load_factor let i2 ← n1 / i if capacity <= i2 then do let i3 ← capacity * 2#usize let ntable ← HashMap.new_with_capacity T i3 i i1 let p ← HashMap.move_elements T ntable self.slots 0#usize let (ntable1, _) := p Result.ok { ntable1 with num_entries := self.num_entries, max_load_factor := (i, i1) } else Result.ok { self with max_load_factor := (i, i1) } /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::insert]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 140:4-140:48 -/ def HashMap.insert (T : Type) (self : HashMap T) (key : Usize) (value : T) : Result (HashMap T) := do let self1 ← HashMap.insert_no_resize T self key value let i ← HashMap.len T self1 if i > self1.max_load then HashMap.try_resize T self1 else Result.ok self1 /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::contains_key_in_list]: loop 0: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 217:4-230:5 -/ divergent def HashMap.contains_key_in_list_loop (T : Type) (key : Usize) (ls : AList T) : Result Bool := match ls with | AList.Cons ckey _ tl => if ckey = key then Result.ok true else HashMap.contains_key_in_list_loop T key tl | AList.Nil => Result.ok false /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::contains_key_in_list]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 217:4-217:69 -/ @[reducible] def HashMap.contains_key_in_list (T : Type) (key : Usize) (ls : AList T) : Result Bool := HashMap.contains_key_in_list_loop T key ls /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::contains_key]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 210:4-210:49 -/ def HashMap.contains_key (T : Type) (self : HashMap T) (key : Usize) : Result Bool := do let hash ← hash_key key let i := alloc.vec.Vec.len (AList T) self.slots let hash_mod ← hash % i let a ← alloc.vec.Vec.index (AList T) Usize (core.slice.index.SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst (AList T)) self.slots hash_mod HashMap.contains_key_in_list T key a /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::get_in_list]: loop 0: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 235:4-248:5 -/ divergent def HashMap.get_in_list_loop (T : Type) (key : Usize) (ls : AList T) : Result T := match ls with | AList.Cons ckey cvalue tl => if ckey = key then Result.ok cvalue else HashMap.get_in_list_loop T key tl | AList.Nil => Result.fail .panic /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::get_in_list]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 235:4-235:71 -/ @[reducible] def HashMap.get_in_list (T : Type) (key : Usize) (ls : AList T) : Result T := HashMap.get_in_list_loop T key ls /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::get]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 250:4-250:55 -/ def HashMap.get (T : Type) (self : HashMap T) (key : Usize) : Result T := do let hash ← hash_key key let i := alloc.vec.Vec.len (AList T) self.slots let hash_mod ← hash % i let a ← alloc.vec.Vec.index (AList T) Usize (core.slice.index.SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst (AList T)) self.slots hash_mod HashMap.get_in_list T key a /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::get_mut_in_list]: loop 0: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 256:4-265:5 -/ divergent def HashMap.get_mut_in_list_loop (T : Type) (ls : AList T) (key : Usize) : Result (T × (T → Result (AList T))) := match ls with | AList.Cons ckey cvalue tl => if ckey = key then let back := fun ret => Result.ok (AList.Cons ckey ret tl) Result.ok (cvalue, back) else do let (t, back) ← HashMap.get_mut_in_list_loop T tl key let back1 := fun ret => do let tl1 ← back ret Result.ok (AList.Cons ckey cvalue tl1) Result.ok (t, back1) | AList.Nil => Result.fail .panic /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::get_mut_in_list]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 256:4-256:87 -/ @[reducible] def HashMap.get_mut_in_list (T : Type) (ls : AList T) (key : Usize) : Result (T × (T → Result (AList T))) := HashMap.get_mut_in_list_loop T ls key /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::get_mut]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 268:4-268:67 -/ def HashMap.get_mut (T : Type) (self : HashMap T) (key : Usize) : Result (T × (T → Result (HashMap T))) := do let hash ← hash_key key let i := alloc.vec.Vec.len (AList T) self.slots let hash_mod ← hash % i let (a, index_mut_back) ← alloc.vec.Vec.index_mut (AList T) Usize (core.slice.index.SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst (AList T)) self.slots hash_mod let (t, get_mut_in_list_back) ← HashMap.get_mut_in_list T a key let back := fun ret => do let a1 ← get_mut_in_list_back ret let v ← index_mut_back a1 Result.ok { self with slots := v } Result.ok (t, back) /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::remove_from_list]: loop 0: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 276:4-302:5 -/ divergent def HashMap.remove_from_list_loop (T : Type) (key : Usize) (ls : AList T) : Result ((Option T) × (AList T)) := match ls with | AList.Cons ckey t tl => if ckey = key then let (mv_ls, _) := core.mem.replace (AList T) (AList.Cons ckey t tl) AList.Nil match mv_ls with | AList.Cons _ cvalue tl1 => Result.ok (some cvalue, tl1) | AList.Nil => Result.fail .panic else do let (o, tl1) ← HashMap.remove_from_list_loop T key tl Result.ok (o, AList.Cons ckey t tl1) | AList.Nil => Result.ok (none, AList.Nil) /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::remove_from_list]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 276:4-276:70 -/ @[reducible] def HashMap.remove_from_list (T : Type) (key : Usize) (ls : AList T) : Result ((Option T) × (AList T)) := HashMap.remove_from_list_loop T key ls /- [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::remove]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 305:4-305:52 -/ def HashMap.remove (T : Type) (self : HashMap T) (key : Usize) : Result ((Option T) × (HashMap T)) := do let hash ← hash_key key let i := alloc.vec.Vec.len (AList T) self.slots let hash_mod ← hash % i let (a, index_mut_back) ← alloc.vec.Vec.index_mut (AList T) Usize (core.slice.index.SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst (AList T)) self.slots hash_mod let (x, a1) ← HashMap.remove_from_list T key a match x with | none => do let v ← index_mut_back a1 Result.ok (none, { self with slots := v }) | some x1 => do let i1 ← self.num_entries - 1#usize let v ← index_mut_back a1 Result.ok (some x1, { self with num_entries := i1, slots := v }) /- [hashmap::insert_on_disk]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 336:0-336:43 -/ def insert_on_disk (key : Usize) (value : U64) (st : State) : Result (State × Unit) := do let (st1, hm) ← utils.deserialize st let hm1 ← HashMap.insert U64 hm key value utils.serialize hm1 st1 /- [hashmap::test1]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 351:0-351:10 -/ def test1 : Result Unit := do let hm ← HashMap.new U64 let hm1 ← HashMap.insert U64 hm 0#usize 42#u64 let hm2 ← HashMap.insert U64 hm1 128#usize 18#u64 let hm3 ← HashMap.insert U64 hm2 1024#usize 138#u64 let hm4 ← HashMap.insert U64 hm3 1056#usize 256#u64 let i ← HashMap.get U64 hm4 128#usize if i = 18#u64 then do let (_, get_mut_back) ← HashMap.get_mut U64 hm4 1024#usize let hm5 ← get_mut_back 56#u64 let i1 ← HashMap.get U64 hm5 1024#usize if i1 = 56#u64 then do let (x, hm6) ← HashMap.remove U64 hm5 1024#usize match x with | none => Result.fail .panic | some x1 => if x1 = 56#u64 then do let i2 ← HashMap.get U64 hm6 0#usize if i2 = 42#u64 then do let i3 ← HashMap.get U64 hm6 128#usize if i3 = 18#u64 then do let i4 ← HashMap.get U64 hm6 1056#usize if i4 = 256#u64 then Result.ok () else Result.fail .panic else Result.fail .panic else Result.fail .panic else Result.fail .panic else Result.fail .panic else Result.fail .panic end hashmap