signature hashmapMain_FunsTheory = sig type thm = Thm.thm (* Definitions *) val hashmap_hash_key_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_allocate_slots_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_allocate_slots_loop_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_clear_fwd_back_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_clear_loop_fwd_back_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_contains_key_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_contains_key_in_list_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_contains_key_in_list_loop_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_get_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_get_in_list_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_get_in_list_loop_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_back_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_in_list_back_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_in_list_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_in_list_loop_back_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_in_list_loop_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_insert_fwd_back_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_insert_in_list_back_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_insert_in_list_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_insert_in_list_loop_back_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_insert_in_list_loop_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_insert_no_resize_fwd_back_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_len_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_move_elements_from_list_fwd_back_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_move_elements_from_list_loop_fwd_back_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_move_elements_fwd_back_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_move_elements_loop_fwd_back_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_new_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_new_with_capacity_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_remove_back_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_back_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_loop_back_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_loop_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_remove_fwd_def : thm val hashmap_hash_map_try_resize_fwd_back_def : thm val hashmap_test1_fwd_def : thm val insert_on_disk_fwd_def : thm val main_fwd_def : thm val hashmapMain_Funs_grammars : type_grammar.grammar * term_grammar.grammar (* [hashmapMain_Opaque] Parent theory of "hashmapMain_Funs" [hashmap_hash_key_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀k. hashmap_hash_key_fwd k = Return k [hashmap_hash_map_allocate_slots_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀slots n. hashmap_hash_map_allocate_slots_fwd slots n = hashmap_hash_map_allocate_slots_loop_fwd slots n [hashmap_hash_map_allocate_slots_loop_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀slots n. hashmap_hash_map_allocate_slots_loop_fwd slots n = if usize_gt n (int_to_usize 0) then do slots0 <- vec_push_back slots HashmapListNil; n0 <- usize_sub n (int_to_usize 1); hashmap_hash_map_allocate_slots_loop_fwd slots0 n0 od else Return slots [hashmap_hash_map_clear_fwd_back_def] Definition ⊢ ∀self. hashmap_hash_map_clear_fwd_back self = do v <- hashmap_hash_map_clear_loop_fwd_back self.hashmap_hash_map_slots (int_to_usize 0); Return (self with <|hashmap_hash_map_num_entries := int_to_usize 0; hashmap_hash_map_slots := v|>) od [hashmap_hash_map_clear_loop_fwd_back_def] Definition ⊢ ∀slots i. hashmap_hash_map_clear_loop_fwd_back slots i = (let i0 = vec_len slots in if usize_lt i i0 then do i1 <- usize_add i (int_to_usize 1); slots0 <- vec_index_mut_back slots i HashmapListNil; hashmap_hash_map_clear_loop_fwd_back slots0 i1 od else Return slots) [hashmap_hash_map_contains_key_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀self key. hashmap_hash_map_contains_key_fwd self key = do hash <- hashmap_hash_key_fwd key; i <<- vec_len self.hashmap_hash_map_slots; hash_mod <- usize_rem hash i; l <- vec_index_fwd self.hashmap_hash_map_slots hash_mod; hashmap_hash_map_contains_key_in_list_fwd key l od [hashmap_hash_map_contains_key_in_list_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀key ls. hashmap_hash_map_contains_key_in_list_fwd key ls = hashmap_hash_map_contains_key_in_list_loop_fwd key ls [hashmap_hash_map_contains_key_in_list_loop_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀key ls. hashmap_hash_map_contains_key_in_list_loop_fwd key ls = case ls of HashmapListCons ckey t tl => if ckey = key then Return T else hashmap_hash_map_contains_key_in_list_loop_fwd key tl | HashmapListNil => Return F [hashmap_hash_map_get_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀self key. hashmap_hash_map_get_fwd self key = do hash <- hashmap_hash_key_fwd key; i <<- vec_len self.hashmap_hash_map_slots; hash_mod <- usize_rem hash i; l <- vec_index_fwd self.hashmap_hash_map_slots hash_mod; hashmap_hash_map_get_in_list_fwd key l od [hashmap_hash_map_get_in_list_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀key ls. hashmap_hash_map_get_in_list_fwd key ls = hashmap_hash_map_get_in_list_loop_fwd key ls [hashmap_hash_map_get_in_list_loop_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀key ls. hashmap_hash_map_get_in_list_loop_fwd key ls = case ls of HashmapListCons ckey cvalue tl => if ckey = key then Return cvalue else hashmap_hash_map_get_in_list_loop_fwd key tl | HashmapListNil => Fail Failure [hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_back_def] Definition ⊢ ∀self key ret. hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_back self key ret = do hash <- hashmap_hash_key_fwd key; i <<- vec_len self.hashmap_hash_map_slots; hash_mod <- usize_rem hash i; l <- vec_index_mut_fwd self.hashmap_hash_map_slots hash_mod; l0 <- hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_in_list_back l key ret; v <- vec_index_mut_back self.hashmap_hash_map_slots hash_mod l0; Return (self with hashmap_hash_map_slots := v) od [hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀self key. hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_fwd self key = do hash <- hashmap_hash_key_fwd key; i <<- vec_len self.hashmap_hash_map_slots; hash_mod <- usize_rem hash i; l <- vec_index_mut_fwd self.hashmap_hash_map_slots hash_mod; hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_in_list_fwd l key od [hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_in_list_back_def] Definition ⊢ ∀ls key ret. hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_in_list_back ls key ret = hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_in_list_loop_back ls key ret [hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_in_list_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀ls key. hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_in_list_fwd ls key = hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_in_list_loop_fwd ls key [hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_in_list_loop_back_def] Definition ⊢ ∀ls key ret. hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_in_list_loop_back ls key ret = case ls of HashmapListCons ckey cvalue tl => if ckey = key then Return (HashmapListCons ckey ret tl) else do tl0 <- hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_in_list_loop_back tl key ret; Return (HashmapListCons ckey cvalue tl0) od | HashmapListNil => Fail Failure [hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_in_list_loop_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀ls key. hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_in_list_loop_fwd ls key = case ls of HashmapListCons ckey cvalue tl => if ckey = key then Return cvalue else hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_in_list_loop_fwd tl key | HashmapListNil => Fail Failure [hashmap_hash_map_insert_fwd_back_def] Definition ⊢ ∀self key value. hashmap_hash_map_insert_fwd_back self key value = do self0 <- hashmap_hash_map_insert_no_resize_fwd_back self key value; i <- hashmap_hash_map_len_fwd self0; if usize_gt i self0.hashmap_hash_map_max_load then hashmap_hash_map_try_resize_fwd_back self0 else Return self0 od [hashmap_hash_map_insert_in_list_back_def] Definition ⊢ ∀key value ls. hashmap_hash_map_insert_in_list_back key value ls = hashmap_hash_map_insert_in_list_loop_back key value ls [hashmap_hash_map_insert_in_list_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀key value ls. hashmap_hash_map_insert_in_list_fwd key value ls = hashmap_hash_map_insert_in_list_loop_fwd key value ls [hashmap_hash_map_insert_in_list_loop_back_def] Definition ⊢ ∀key value ls. hashmap_hash_map_insert_in_list_loop_back key value ls = case ls of HashmapListCons ckey cvalue tl => if ckey = key then Return (HashmapListCons ckey value tl) else do tl0 <- hashmap_hash_map_insert_in_list_loop_back key value tl; Return (HashmapListCons ckey cvalue tl0) od | HashmapListNil => (let l = HashmapListNil in Return (HashmapListCons key value l)) [hashmap_hash_map_insert_in_list_loop_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀key value ls. hashmap_hash_map_insert_in_list_loop_fwd key value ls = case ls of HashmapListCons ckey cvalue tl => if ckey = key then Return F else hashmap_hash_map_insert_in_list_loop_fwd key value tl | HashmapListNil => Return T [hashmap_hash_map_insert_no_resize_fwd_back_def] Definition ⊢ ∀self key value. hashmap_hash_map_insert_no_resize_fwd_back self key value = do hash <- hashmap_hash_key_fwd key; i <<- vec_len self.hashmap_hash_map_slots; hash_mod <- usize_rem hash i; l <- vec_index_mut_fwd self.hashmap_hash_map_slots hash_mod; inserted <- hashmap_hash_map_insert_in_list_fwd key value l; if inserted then do i0 <- usize_add self.hashmap_hash_map_num_entries (int_to_usize 1); l0 <- hashmap_hash_map_insert_in_list_back key value l; v <- vec_index_mut_back self.hashmap_hash_map_slots hash_mod l0; Return (self with <|hashmap_hash_map_num_entries := i0; hashmap_hash_map_slots := v|>) od else do l0 <- hashmap_hash_map_insert_in_list_back key value l; v <- vec_index_mut_back self.hashmap_hash_map_slots hash_mod l0; Return (self with hashmap_hash_map_slots := v) od od [hashmap_hash_map_len_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀self. hashmap_hash_map_len_fwd self = Return self.hashmap_hash_map_num_entries [hashmap_hash_map_move_elements_from_list_fwd_back_def] Definition ⊢ ∀ntable ls. hashmap_hash_map_move_elements_from_list_fwd_back ntable ls = hashmap_hash_map_move_elements_from_list_loop_fwd_back ntable ls [hashmap_hash_map_move_elements_from_list_loop_fwd_back_def] Definition ⊢ ∀ntable ls. hashmap_hash_map_move_elements_from_list_loop_fwd_back ntable ls = case ls of HashmapListCons k v tl => do ntable0 <- hashmap_hash_map_insert_no_resize_fwd_back ntable k v; hashmap_hash_map_move_elements_from_list_loop_fwd_back ntable0 tl od | HashmapListNil => Return ntable [hashmap_hash_map_move_elements_fwd_back_def] Definition ⊢ ∀ntable slots i. hashmap_hash_map_move_elements_fwd_back ntable slots i = hashmap_hash_map_move_elements_loop_fwd_back ntable slots i [hashmap_hash_map_move_elements_loop_fwd_back_def] Definition ⊢ ∀ntable slots i. hashmap_hash_map_move_elements_loop_fwd_back ntable slots i = (let i0 = vec_len slots in if usize_lt i i0 then do l <- vec_index_mut_fwd slots i; ls <<- mem_replace_fwd l HashmapListNil; ntable0 <- hashmap_hash_map_move_elements_from_list_fwd_back ntable ls; i1 <- usize_add i (int_to_usize 1); l0 <<- mem_replace_back l HashmapListNil; slots0 <- vec_index_mut_back slots i l0; hashmap_hash_map_move_elements_loop_fwd_back ntable0 slots0 i1 od else Return (ntable,slots)) [hashmap_hash_map_new_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ hashmap_hash_map_new_fwd = hashmap_hash_map_new_with_capacity_fwd (int_to_usize 32) (int_to_usize 4) (int_to_usize 5) [hashmap_hash_map_new_with_capacity_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀capacity max_load_dividend max_load_divisor. hashmap_hash_map_new_with_capacity_fwd capacity max_load_dividend max_load_divisor = (let v = vec_new in do slots <- hashmap_hash_map_allocate_slots_fwd v capacity; i <- usize_mul capacity max_load_dividend; i0 <- usize_div i max_load_divisor; Return <|hashmap_hash_map_num_entries := int_to_usize 0; hashmap_hash_map_max_load_factor := (max_load_dividend,max_load_divisor); hashmap_hash_map_max_load := i0; hashmap_hash_map_slots := slots|> od) [hashmap_hash_map_remove_back_def] Definition ⊢ ∀self key. hashmap_hash_map_remove_back self key = do hash <- hashmap_hash_key_fwd key; i <<- vec_len self.hashmap_hash_map_slots; hash_mod <- usize_rem hash i; l <- vec_index_mut_fwd self.hashmap_hash_map_slots hash_mod; x <- hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_fwd key l; case x of NONE => do l0 <- hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_back key l; v <- vec_index_mut_back self.hashmap_hash_map_slots hash_mod l0; Return (self with hashmap_hash_map_slots := v) od | SOME x0 => do i0 <- usize_sub self.hashmap_hash_map_num_entries (int_to_usize 1); l0 <- hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_back key l; v <- vec_index_mut_back self.hashmap_hash_map_slots hash_mod l0; Return (self with <|hashmap_hash_map_num_entries := i0; hashmap_hash_map_slots := v|>) od od [hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_back_def] Definition ⊢ ∀key ls. hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_back key ls = hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_loop_back key ls [hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀key ls. hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_fwd key ls = hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_loop_fwd key ls [hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_loop_back_def] Definition ⊢ ∀key ls. hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_loop_back key ls = case ls of HashmapListCons ckey t tl => if ckey = key then (let mv_ls = mem_replace_fwd (HashmapListCons ckey t tl) HashmapListNil in case mv_ls of HashmapListCons i cvalue tl0 => Return tl0 | HashmapListNil => Fail Failure) else do tl0 <- hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_loop_back key tl; Return (HashmapListCons ckey t tl0) od | HashmapListNil => Return HashmapListNil [hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_loop_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀key ls. hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_loop_fwd key ls = case ls of HashmapListCons ckey t tl => if ckey = key then (let mv_ls = mem_replace_fwd (HashmapListCons ckey t tl) HashmapListNil in case mv_ls of HashmapListCons i cvalue tl0 => Return (SOME cvalue) | HashmapListNil => Fail Failure) else hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_loop_fwd key tl | HashmapListNil => Return NONE [hashmap_hash_map_remove_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀self key. hashmap_hash_map_remove_fwd self key = do hash <- hashmap_hash_key_fwd key; i <<- vec_len self.hashmap_hash_map_slots; hash_mod <- usize_rem hash i; l <- vec_index_mut_fwd self.hashmap_hash_map_slots hash_mod; x <- hashmap_hash_map_remove_from_list_fwd key l; case x of NONE => Return NONE | SOME x0 => monad_ignore_bind (usize_sub self.hashmap_hash_map_num_entries (int_to_usize 1)) (Return (SOME x0)) od [hashmap_hash_map_try_resize_fwd_back_def] Definition ⊢ ∀self. hashmap_hash_map_try_resize_fwd_back self = do max_usize <- mk_usize (u32_to_int core_u32_max); capacity <<- vec_len self.hashmap_hash_map_slots; n1 <- usize_div max_usize (int_to_usize 2); (i,i0) <<- self.hashmap_hash_map_max_load_factor; i1 <- usize_div n1 i; if usize_le capacity i1 then do i2 <- usize_mul capacity (int_to_usize 2); ntable <- hashmap_hash_map_new_with_capacity_fwd i2 i i0; (ntable0,_) <- hashmap_hash_map_move_elements_fwd_back ntable self.hashmap_hash_map_slots (int_to_usize 0); Return (ntable0 with <|hashmap_hash_map_num_entries := self.hashmap_hash_map_num_entries; hashmap_hash_map_max_load_factor := (i,i0)|>) od else Return (self with hashmap_hash_map_max_load_factor := (i,i0)) od [hashmap_test1_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ hashmap_test1_fwd = do hm <- hashmap_hash_map_new_fwd; hm0 <- hashmap_hash_map_insert_fwd_back hm (int_to_usize 0) (int_to_u64 42); hm1 <- hashmap_hash_map_insert_fwd_back hm0 (int_to_usize 128) (int_to_u64 18); hm2 <- hashmap_hash_map_insert_fwd_back hm1 (int_to_usize 1024) (int_to_u64 138); hm3 <- hashmap_hash_map_insert_fwd_back hm2 (int_to_usize 1056) (int_to_u64 256); i <- hashmap_hash_map_get_fwd hm3 (int_to_usize 128); if i ≠ int_to_u64 18 then Fail Failure else do hm4 <- hashmap_hash_map_get_mut_back hm3 (int_to_usize 1024) (int_to_u64 56); i0 <- hashmap_hash_map_get_fwd hm4 (int_to_usize 1024); if i0 ≠ int_to_u64 56 then Fail Failure else do x <- hashmap_hash_map_remove_fwd hm4 (int_to_usize 1024); case x of NONE => Fail Failure | SOME x0 => if x0 ≠ int_to_u64 56 then Fail Failure else do hm5 <- hashmap_hash_map_remove_back hm4 (int_to_usize 1024); i1 <- hashmap_hash_map_get_fwd hm5 (int_to_usize 0); if i1 ≠ int_to_u64 42 then Fail Failure else do i2 <- hashmap_hash_map_get_fwd hm5 (int_to_usize 128); if i2 ≠ int_to_u64 18 then Fail Failure else do i3 <- hashmap_hash_map_get_fwd hm5 (int_to_usize 1056); if i3 ≠ int_to_u64 256 then Fail Failure else Return () od od od od od od [insert_on_disk_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ ∀key value st. insert_on_disk_fwd key value st = do (st0,hm) <- utils_deserialize_fwd st; hm0 <- hashmap_hash_map_insert_fwd_back hm key value; (st1,_) <- utils_serialize_fwd hm0 st0; Return (st1,()) od [main_fwd_def] Definition ⊢ main_fwd = Return () *) end