(** THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY AENEAS *) (** [paper] *) module Paper open Primitives #set-options "--z3rlimit 50 --fuel 1 --ifuel 1" (** [paper::ref_incr]: Source: 'tests/src/paper.rs', lines 4:0-4:28 *) let ref_incr (x : i32) : result i32 = i32_add x 1 (** [paper::test_incr]: Source: 'tests/src/paper.rs', lines 8:0-8:18 *) let test_incr : result unit = let* x = ref_incr 0 in if not (x = 1) then Fail Failure else Ok () (** Unit test for [paper::test_incr] *) let _ = assert_norm (test_incr = Ok ()) (** [paper::choose]: Source: 'tests/src/paper.rs', lines 15:0-15:70 *) let choose (t : Type0) (b : bool) (x : t) (y : t) : result (t & (t -> result (t & t))) = if b then let back = fun ret -> Ok (ret, y) in Ok (x, back) else let back = fun ret -> Ok (x, ret) in Ok (y, back) (** [paper::test_choose]: Source: 'tests/src/paper.rs', lines 23:0-23:20 *) let test_choose : result unit = let* (z, choose_back) = choose i32 true 0 0 in let* z1 = i32_add z 1 in if not (z1 = 1) then Fail Failure else let* (x, y) = choose_back z1 in if not (x = 1) then Fail Failure else if not (y = 0) then Fail Failure else Ok () (** Unit test for [paper::test_choose] *) let _ = assert_norm (test_choose = Ok ()) (** [paper::List] Source: 'tests/src/paper.rs', lines 35:0-35:16 *) type list_t (t : Type0) = | List_Cons : t -> list_t t -> list_t t | List_Nil : list_t t (** [paper::list_nth_mut]: Source: 'tests/src/paper.rs', lines 42:0-42:67 *) let rec list_nth_mut (t : Type0) (l : list_t t) (i : u32) : result (t & (t -> result (list_t t))) = begin match l with | List_Cons x tl -> if i = 0 then let back = fun ret -> Ok (List_Cons ret tl) in Ok (x, back) else let* i1 = u32_sub i 1 in let* (x1, list_nth_mut_back) = list_nth_mut t tl i1 in let back = fun ret -> let* tl1 = list_nth_mut_back ret in Ok (List_Cons x tl1) in Ok (x1, back) | List_Nil -> Fail Failure end (** [paper::sum]: Source: 'tests/src/paper.rs', lines 57:0-57:32 *) let rec sum (l : list_t i32) : result i32 = begin match l with | List_Cons x tl -> let* i = sum tl in i32_add x i | List_Nil -> Ok 0 end (** [paper::test_nth]: Source: 'tests/src/paper.rs', lines 68:0-68:17 *) let test_nth : result unit = let l = List_Cons 3 List_Nil in let l1 = List_Cons 2 l in let* (x, list_nth_mut_back) = list_nth_mut i32 (List_Cons 1 l1) 2 in let* x1 = i32_add x 1 in let* l2 = list_nth_mut_back x1 in let* i = sum l2 in if not (i = 7) then Fail Failure else Ok () (** Unit test for [paper::test_nth] *) let _ = assert_norm (test_nth = Ok ()) (** [paper::call_choose]: Source: 'tests/src/paper.rs', lines 76:0-76:44 *) let call_choose (p : (u32 & u32)) : result u32 = let (px, py) = p in let* (pz, choose_back) = choose u32 true px py in let* pz1 = u32_add pz 1 in let* (px1, _) = choose_back pz1 in Ok px1