(** THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY AENEAS *) (** [no_nested_borrows] *) Require Import Primitives. Import Primitives. Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith. Require Import List. Import ListNotations. Local Open Scope Primitives_scope. Module NoNestedBorrows. (** [no_nested_borrows::Pair] Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 7:0-7:23 *) Record Pair_t (T1 T2 : Type) := mkPair_t { pair_x : T1; pair_y : T2; }. Arguments mkPair_t { _ _ }. Arguments pair_x { _ _ }. Arguments pair_y { _ _ }. (** [no_nested_borrows::List] Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 12:0-12:16 *) Inductive List_t (T : Type) := | List_Cons : T -> List_t T -> List_t T | List_Nil : List_t T . Arguments List_Cons { _ }. Arguments List_Nil { _ }. (** [no_nested_borrows::One] Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 23:0-23:16 *) Inductive One_t (T1 : Type) := | One_One : T1 -> One_t T1. Arguments One_One { _ }. (** [no_nested_borrows::EmptyEnum] Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 29:0-29:18 *) Inductive EmptyEnum_t := | EmptyEnum_Empty : EmptyEnum_t. (** [no_nested_borrows::Enum] Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 35:0-35:13 *) Inductive Enum_t := | Enum_Variant1 : Enum_t | Enum_Variant2 : Enum_t. (** [no_nested_borrows::EmptyStruct] Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 42:0-42:22 *) Definition EmptyStruct_t : Type := unit. (** [no_nested_borrows::Sum] Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 44:0-44:20 *) Inductive Sum_t (T1 T2 : Type) := | Sum_Left : T1 -> Sum_t T1 T2 | Sum_Right : T2 -> Sum_t T1 T2 . Arguments Sum_Left { _ _ }. Arguments Sum_Right { _ _ }. (** [no_nested_borrows::cast_u32_to_i32]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 49:0-49:37 *) Definition cast_u32_to_i32 (x : u32) : result i32 := scalar_cast U32 I32 x. (** [no_nested_borrows::cast_bool_to_i32]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 53:0-53:39 *) Definition cast_bool_to_i32 (x : bool) : result i32 := scalar_cast_bool I32 x. (** [no_nested_borrows::cast_bool_to_bool]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 58:0-58:41 *) Definition cast_bool_to_bool (x : bool) : result bool := Ok x. (** [no_nested_borrows::test2]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 63:0-63:14 *) Definition test2 : result unit := _ <- u32_add 23%u32 44%u32; Ok tt. (** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test2] *) Check (test2 )%return. (** [no_nested_borrows::get_max]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 75:0-75:37 *) Definition get_max (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 := if x s>= y then Ok x else Ok y . (** [no_nested_borrows::test3]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 83:0-83:14 *) Definition test3 : result unit := x <- get_max 4%u32 3%u32; y <- get_max 10%u32 11%u32; z <- u32_add x y; if negb (z s= 15%u32) then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt . (** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test3] *) Check (test3 )%return. (** [no_nested_borrows::test_neg1]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 90:0-90:18 *) Definition test_neg1 : result unit := y <- i32_neg 3%i32; if negb (y s= (-3)%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt . (** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_neg1] *) Check (test_neg1 )%return. (** [no_nested_borrows::refs_test1]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 97:0-97:19 *) Definition refs_test1 : result unit := if negb (1%i32 s= 1%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt . (** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::refs_test1] *) Check (refs_test1 )%return. (** [no_nested_borrows::refs_test2]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 108:0-108:19 *) Definition refs_test2 : result unit := if negb (2%i32 s= 2%i32) then Fail_ Failure else if negb (0%i32 s= 0%i32) then Fail_ Failure else if negb (2%i32 s= 2%i32) then Fail_ Failure else if negb (2%i32 s= 2%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt . (** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::refs_test2] *) Check (refs_test2 )%return. (** [no_nested_borrows::test_list1]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 124:0-124:19 *) Definition test_list1 : result unit := Ok tt. (** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_list1] *) Check (test_list1 )%return. (** [no_nested_borrows::test_box1]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 129:0-129:18 *) Definition test_box1 : result unit := p <- alloc_boxed_Box_deref_mut i32 0%i32; let (_, deref_mut_back) := p in b <- deref_mut_back 1%i32; x <- alloc_boxed_Box_deref i32 b; if negb (x s= 1%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt . (** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_box1] *) Check (test_box1 )%return. (** [no_nested_borrows::copy_int]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 139:0-139:30 *) Definition copy_int (x : i32) : result i32 := Ok x. (** [no_nested_borrows::test_unreachable]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 145:0-145:32 *) Definition test_unreachable (b : bool) : result unit := if b then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt . (** [no_nested_borrows::test_panic]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 153:0-153:26 *) Definition test_panic (b : bool) : result unit := if b then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt . (** [no_nested_borrows::test_copy_int]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 160:0-160:22 *) Definition test_copy_int : result unit := y <- copy_int 0%i32; if negb (0%i32 s= y) then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt . (** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_copy_int] *) Check (test_copy_int )%return. (** [no_nested_borrows::is_cons]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 167:0-167:38 *) Definition is_cons (T : Type) (l : List_t T) : result bool := match l with | List_Cons _ _ => Ok true | List_Nil => Ok false end . (** [no_nested_borrows::test_is_cons]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 174:0-174:21 *) Definition test_is_cons : result unit := b <- is_cons i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 List_Nil); if negb b then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt . (** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_is_cons] *) Check (test_is_cons )%return. (** [no_nested_borrows::split_list]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 180:0-180:48 *) Definition split_list (T : Type) (l : List_t T) : result (T * (List_t T)) := match l with | List_Cons hd tl => Ok (hd, tl) | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure end . (** [no_nested_borrows::test_split_list]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 188:0-188:24 *) Definition test_split_list : result unit := p <- split_list i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 List_Nil); let (hd, _) := p in if negb (hd s= 0%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt . (** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_split_list] *) Check (test_split_list )%return. (** [no_nested_borrows::choose]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 195:0-195:70 *) Definition choose (T : Type) (b : bool) (x : T) (y : T) : result (T * (T -> result (T * T))) := if b then let back := fun (ret : T) => Ok (ret, y) in Ok (x, back) else let back := fun (ret : T) => Ok (x, ret) in Ok (y, back) . (** [no_nested_borrows::choose_test]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 203:0-203:20 *) Definition choose_test : result unit := p <- choose i32 true 0%i32 0%i32; let (z, choose_back) := p in z1 <- i32_add z 1%i32; if negb (z1 s= 1%i32) then Fail_ Failure else ( p1 <- choose_back z1; let (x, y) := p1 in if negb (x s= 1%i32) then Fail_ Failure else if negb (y s= 0%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt) . (** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::choose_test] *) Check (choose_test )%return. (** [no_nested_borrows::test_char]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 215:0-215:26 *) Definition test_char : result char := Ok (char_of_byte Coq.Init.Byte.x61). (** [no_nested_borrows::panic_mut_borrow]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 220:0-220:36 *) Definition panic_mut_borrow (i : u32) : result u32 := Fail_ Failure. (** [no_nested_borrows::Tree] Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 225:0-225:16 *) Inductive Tree_t (T : Type) := | Tree_Leaf : T -> Tree_t T | Tree_Node : T -> NodeElem_t T -> Tree_t T -> Tree_t T (** [no_nested_borrows::NodeElem] Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 230:0-230:20 *) with NodeElem_t (T : Type) := | NodeElem_Cons : Tree_t T -> NodeElem_t T -> NodeElem_t T | NodeElem_Nil : NodeElem_t T . Arguments Tree_Leaf { _ }. Arguments Tree_Node { _ }. Arguments NodeElem_Cons { _ }. Arguments NodeElem_Nil { _ }. (** [no_nested_borrows::list_length]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 265:0-265:48 *) Fixpoint list_length (T : Type) (l : List_t T) : result u32 := match l with | List_Cons _ l1 => i <- list_length T l1; u32_add 1%u32 i | List_Nil => Ok 0%u32 end . (** [no_nested_borrows::list_nth_shared]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 273:0-273:62 *) Fixpoint list_nth_shared (T : Type) (l : List_t T) (i : u32) : result T := match l with | List_Cons x tl => if i s= 0%u32 then Ok x else (i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; list_nth_shared T tl i1) | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure end . (** [no_nested_borrows::list_nth_mut]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 289:0-289:67 *) Fixpoint list_nth_mut (T : Type) (l : List_t T) (i : u32) : result (T * (T -> result (List_t T))) := match l with | List_Cons x tl => if i s= 0%u32 then let back := fun (ret : T) => Ok (List_Cons ret tl) in Ok (x, back) else ( i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; p <- list_nth_mut T tl i1; let (t, list_nth_mut_back) := p in let back := fun (ret : T) => tl1 <- list_nth_mut_back ret; Ok (List_Cons x tl1) in Ok (t, back)) | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure end . (** [no_nested_borrows::list_rev_aux]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 305:0-305:63 *) Fixpoint list_rev_aux (T : Type) (li : List_t T) (lo : List_t T) : result (List_t T) := match li with | List_Cons hd tl => list_rev_aux T tl (List_Cons hd lo) | List_Nil => Ok lo end . (** [no_nested_borrows::list_rev]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 319:0-319:42 *) Definition list_rev (T : Type) (l : List_t T) : result (List_t T) := let (li, _) := core_mem_replace (List_t T) l List_Nil in list_rev_aux T li List_Nil . (** [no_nested_borrows::test_list_functions]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 324:0-324:28 *) Definition test_list_functions : result unit := let l := List_Cons 2%i32 List_Nil in let l1 := List_Cons 1%i32 l in i <- list_length i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 l1); if negb (i s= 3%u32) then Fail_ Failure else ( i1 <- list_nth_shared i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 l1) 0%u32; if negb (i1 s= 0%i32) then Fail_ Failure else ( i2 <- list_nth_shared i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 l1) 1%u32; if negb (i2 s= 1%i32) then Fail_ Failure else ( i3 <- list_nth_shared i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 l1) 2%u32; if negb (i3 s= 2%i32) then Fail_ Failure else ( p <- list_nth_mut i32 (List_Cons 0%i32 l1) 1%u32; let (_, list_nth_mut_back) := p in ls <- list_nth_mut_back 3%i32; i4 <- list_nth_shared i32 ls 0%u32; if negb (i4 s= 0%i32) then Fail_ Failure else ( i5 <- list_nth_shared i32 ls 1%u32; if negb (i5 s= 3%i32) then Fail_ Failure else ( i6 <- list_nth_shared i32 ls 2%u32; if negb (i6 s= 2%i32) then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt)))))) . (** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_list_functions] *) Check (test_list_functions )%return. (** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair1]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 340:0-340:89 *) Definition id_mut_pair1 (T1 T2 : Type) (x : T1) (y : T2) : result ((T1 * T2) * ((T1 * T2) -> result (T1 * T2))) := Ok ((x, y), Ok) . (** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair2]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 344:0-344:88 *) Definition id_mut_pair2 (T1 T2 : Type) (p : (T1 * T2)) : result ((T1 * T2) * ((T1 * T2) -> result (T1 * T2))) := let (t, t1) := p in Ok ((t, t1), Ok) . (** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair3]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 348:0-348:93 *) Definition id_mut_pair3 (T1 T2 : Type) (x : T1) (y : T2) : result ((T1 * T2) * (T1 -> result T1) * (T2 -> result T2)) := Ok ((x, y), Ok, Ok) . (** [no_nested_borrows::id_mut_pair4]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 352:0-352:92 *) Definition id_mut_pair4 (T1 T2 : Type) (p : (T1 * T2)) : result ((T1 * T2) * (T1 -> result T1) * (T2 -> result T2)) := let (t, t1) := p in Ok ((t, t1), Ok, Ok) . (** [no_nested_borrows::StructWithTuple] Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 359:0-359:34 *) Record StructWithTuple_t (T1 T2 : Type) := mkStructWithTuple_t { structWithTuple_p : (T1 * T2); } . Arguments mkStructWithTuple_t { _ _ }. Arguments structWithTuple_p { _ _ }. (** [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple1]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 363:0-363:48 *) Definition new_tuple1 : result (StructWithTuple_t u32 u32) := Ok {| structWithTuple_p := (1%u32, 2%u32) |} . (** [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple2]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 367:0-367:48 *) Definition new_tuple2 : result (StructWithTuple_t i16 i16) := Ok {| structWithTuple_p := (1%i16, 2%i16) |} . (** [no_nested_borrows::new_tuple3]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 371:0-371:48 *) Definition new_tuple3 : result (StructWithTuple_t u64 i64) := Ok {| structWithTuple_p := (1%u64, 2%i64) |} . (** [no_nested_borrows::StructWithPair] Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 376:0-376:33 *) Record StructWithPair_t (T1 T2 : Type) := mkStructWithPair_t { structWithPair_p : Pair_t T1 T2; } . Arguments mkStructWithPair_t { _ _ }. Arguments structWithPair_p { _ _ }. (** [no_nested_borrows::new_pair1]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 380:0-380:46 *) Definition new_pair1 : result (StructWithPair_t u32 u32) := Ok {| structWithPair_p := {| pair_x := 1%u32; pair_y := 2%u32 |} |} . (** [no_nested_borrows::test_constants]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 388:0-388:23 *) Definition test_constants : result unit := swt <- new_tuple1; let (i, _) := swt.(structWithTuple_p) in if negb (i s= 1%u32) then Fail_ Failure else ( swt1 <- new_tuple2; let (i1, _) := swt1.(structWithTuple_p) in if negb (i1 s= 1%i16) then Fail_ Failure else ( swt2 <- new_tuple3; let (i2, _) := swt2.(structWithTuple_p) in if negb (i2 s= 1%u64) then Fail_ Failure else ( swp <- new_pair1; if negb (swp.(structWithPair_p).(pair_x) s= 1%u32) then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt))) . (** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_constants] *) Check (test_constants )%return. (** [no_nested_borrows::test_weird_borrows1]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 397:0-397:28 *) Definition test_weird_borrows1 : result unit := Ok tt. (** Unit test for [no_nested_borrows::test_weird_borrows1] *) Check (test_weird_borrows1 )%return. (** [no_nested_borrows::test_mem_replace]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 407:0-407:37 *) Definition test_mem_replace (px : u32) : result u32 := let (y, _) := core_mem_replace u32 px 1%u32 in if negb (y s= 0%u32) then Fail_ Failure else Ok 2%u32 . (** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_bool1]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 414:0-414:47 *) Definition test_shared_borrow_bool1 (b : bool) : result u32 := if b then Ok 0%u32 else Ok 1%u32 . (** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_bool2]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 427:0-427:40 *) Definition test_shared_borrow_bool2 : result u32 := Ok 0%u32. (** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_enum1]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 442:0-442:52 *) Definition test_shared_borrow_enum1 (l : List_t u32) : result u32 := match l with | List_Cons _ _ => Ok 1%u32 | List_Nil => Ok 0%u32 end . (** [no_nested_borrows::test_shared_borrow_enum2]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 454:0-454:40 *) Definition test_shared_borrow_enum2 : result u32 := Ok 0%u32. (** [no_nested_borrows::incr]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 465:0-465:24 *) Definition incr (x : u32) : result u32 := u32_add x 1%u32. (** [no_nested_borrows::call_incr]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 469:0-469:35 *) Definition call_incr (x : u32) : result u32 := incr x. (** [no_nested_borrows::read_then_incr]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 474:0-474:41 *) Definition read_then_incr (x : u32) : result (u32 * u32) := x1 <- u32_add x 1%u32; Ok (x, x1) . (** [no_nested_borrows::Tuple] Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 480:0-480:24 *) Definition Tuple_t (T1 T2 : Type) : Type := T1 * T2. (** [no_nested_borrows::use_tuple_struct]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 482:0-482:48 *) Definition use_tuple_struct (x : Tuple_t u32 u32) : result (Tuple_t u32 u32) := let (_, i) := x in Ok (1%u32, i) . (** [no_nested_borrows::create_tuple_struct]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 486:0-486:61 *) Definition create_tuple_struct (x : u32) (y : u64) : result (Tuple_t u32 u64) := Ok (x, y) . (** [no_nested_borrows::IdType] Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 491:0-491:20 *) Definition IdType_t (T : Type) : Type := T. (** [no_nested_borrows::use_id_type]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 493:0-493:40 *) Definition use_id_type (T : Type) (x : IdType_t T) : result T := Ok x. (** [no_nested_borrows::create_id_type]: Source: 'tests/src/no_nested_borrows.rs', lines 497:0-497:43 *) Definition create_id_type (T : Type) (x : T) : result (IdType_t T) := Ok x. End NoNestedBorrows.