(** THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY AENEAS *) (** [loops] *) Require Import Primitives. Import Primitives. Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith. Local Open Scope Primitives_scope. Module Loops. (** [loops::List] *) Inductive List_t (T : Type) := | ListCons : T -> List_t T -> List_t T | ListNil : List_t T . Arguments ListCons {T} _ _. Arguments ListNil {T}. (** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop] *) Fixpoint list_nth_mut_loop_loop0_fwd (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls : List_t T) (i : u32) : result T := match n with | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel | S n0 => match ls with | ListCons x tl => if i s= 0%u32 then Return x else (i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; list_nth_mut_loop_loop0_fwd T n0 tl i0) | ListNil => Fail_ Failure end end . (** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop] *) Definition list_nth_mut_loop_fwd (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls : List_t T) (i : u32) : result T := list_nth_mut_loop_loop0_fwd T n ls i . (** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop] *) Fixpoint list_nth_mut_loop_loop0_back (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls : List_t T) (i : u32) (ret : T) : result (List_t T) := match n with | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel | S n0 => match ls with | ListCons x tl => if i s= 0%u32 then Return (ListCons ret tl) else ( i0 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; l <- list_nth_mut_loop_loop0_back T n0 tl i0 ret; Return (ListCons x l)) | ListNil => Fail_ Failure end end . (** [loops::list_nth_mut_loop] *) Definition list_nth_mut_loop_back (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls : List_t T) (i : u32) (ret : T) : result (List_t T) := list_nth_mut_loop_loop0_back T n ls i ret . End Loops .