(** THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY AENEAS *) (** [hashmap]: external functions. -- This is a template file: rename it to "FunsExternal.lean" and fill the holes. *) Require Import Primitives. Import Primitives. Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith. Require Import List. Import ListNotations. Local Open Scope Primitives_scope. Require Import Hashmap_Types. Include Hashmap_Types. Module Hashmap_FunsExternal_Template. (** [hashmap::utils::deserialize]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 330:4-330:47 *) Axiom utils_deserialize : state -> result (state * (HashMap_t u64)). (** [hashmap::utils::serialize]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 325:4-325:46 *) Axiom utils_serialize : HashMap_t u64 -> state -> result (state * unit). End Hashmap_FunsExternal_Template.