(** THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY AENEAS *) (** [hashmap]: function definitions *) Require Import Primitives. Import Primitives. Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith. Require Import List. Import ListNotations. Local Open Scope Primitives_scope. Require Import Hashmap_Types. Include Hashmap_Types. Module Hashmap_Funs. (** [hashmap::hash_key]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 35:0-35:32 *) Definition hash_key (k : usize) : result usize := Ok k. (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::allocate_slots]: loop 0: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 58:4-64:5 *) Fixpoint hashMap_allocate_slots_loop (T : Type) (n : nat) (slots : alloc_vec_Vec (List_t T)) (n1 : usize) : result (alloc_vec_Vec (List_t T)) := match n with | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel | S n2 => if n1 s> 0%usize then ( slots1 <- alloc_vec_Vec_push (List_t T) slots List_Nil; n3 <- usize_sub n1 1%usize; hashMap_allocate_slots_loop T n2 slots1 n3) else Ok slots end . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::allocate_slots]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 58:4-58:76 *) Definition hashMap_allocate_slots (T : Type) (n : nat) (slots : alloc_vec_Vec (List_t T)) (n1 : usize) : result (alloc_vec_Vec (List_t T)) := hashMap_allocate_slots_loop T n slots n1 . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::new_with_capacity]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 67:4-71:13 *) Definition hashMap_new_with_capacity (T : Type) (n : nat) (capacity : usize) (max_load_dividend : usize) (max_load_divisor : usize) : result (HashMap_t T) := slots <- hashMap_allocate_slots T n (alloc_vec_Vec_new (List_t T)) capacity; i <- usize_mul capacity max_load_dividend; i1 <- usize_div i max_load_divisor; Ok {| hashMap_num_entries := 0%usize; hashMap_max_load_factor := (max_load_dividend, max_load_divisor); hashMap_max_load := i1; hashMap_slots := slots |} . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::new]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 83:4-83:24 *) Definition hashMap_new (T : Type) (n : nat) : result (HashMap_t T) := hashMap_new_with_capacity T n 32%usize 4%usize 5%usize . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::clear]: loop 0: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 88:4-96:5 *) Fixpoint hashMap_clear_loop (T : Type) (n : nat) (slots : alloc_vec_Vec (List_t T)) (i : usize) : result (alloc_vec_Vec (List_t T)) := match n with | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel | S n1 => let i1 := alloc_vec_Vec_len (List_t T) slots in if i s< i1 then ( p <- alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut (List_t T) usize (core_slice_index_SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst (List_t T)) slots i; let (_, index_mut_back) := p in i2 <- usize_add i 1%usize; slots1 <- index_mut_back List_Nil; hashMap_clear_loop T n1 slots1 i2) else Ok slots end . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::clear]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 88:4-88:27 *) Definition hashMap_clear (T : Type) (n : nat) (self : HashMap_t T) : result (HashMap_t T) := hm <- hashMap_clear_loop T n self.(hashMap_slots) 0%usize; Ok {| hashMap_num_entries := 0%usize; hashMap_max_load_factor := self.(hashMap_max_load_factor); hashMap_max_load := self.(hashMap_max_load); hashMap_slots := hm |} . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::len]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 98:4-98:30 *) Definition hashMap_len (T : Type) (self : HashMap_t T) : result usize := Ok self.(hashMap_num_entries) . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::insert_in_list]: loop 0: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 105:4-122:5 *) Fixpoint hashMap_insert_in_list_loop (T : Type) (n : nat) (key : usize) (value : T) (ls : List_t T) : result (bool * (List_t T)) := match n with | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel | S n1 => match ls with | List_Cons ckey cvalue tl => if ckey s= key then Ok (false, List_Cons ckey value tl) else ( p <- hashMap_insert_in_list_loop T n1 key value tl; let (b, tl1) := p in Ok (b, List_Cons ckey cvalue tl1)) | List_Nil => Ok (true, List_Cons key value List_Nil) end end . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::insert_in_list]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 105:4-105:71 *) Definition hashMap_insert_in_list (T : Type) (n : nat) (key : usize) (value : T) (ls : List_t T) : result (bool * (List_t T)) := hashMap_insert_in_list_loop T n key value ls . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::insert_no_resize]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 125:4-125:54 *) Definition hashMap_insert_no_resize (T : Type) (n : nat) (self : HashMap_t T) (key : usize) (value : T) : result (HashMap_t T) := hash <- hash_key key; let i := alloc_vec_Vec_len (List_t T) self.(hashMap_slots) in hash_mod <- usize_rem hash i; p <- alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut (List_t T) usize (core_slice_index_SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst (List_t T)) self.(hashMap_slots) hash_mod; let (l, index_mut_back) := p in p1 <- hashMap_insert_in_list T n key value l; let (inserted, l1) := p1 in if inserted then ( i1 <- usize_add self.(hashMap_num_entries) 1%usize; v <- index_mut_back l1; Ok {| hashMap_num_entries := i1; hashMap_max_load_factor := self.(hashMap_max_load_factor); hashMap_max_load := self.(hashMap_max_load); hashMap_slots := v |}) else ( v <- index_mut_back l1; Ok {| hashMap_num_entries := self.(hashMap_num_entries); hashMap_max_load_factor := self.(hashMap_max_load_factor); hashMap_max_load := self.(hashMap_max_load); hashMap_slots := v |}) . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::move_elements_from_list]: loop 0: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 191:4-204:5 *) Fixpoint hashMap_move_elements_from_list_loop (T : Type) (n : nat) (ntable : HashMap_t T) (ls : List_t T) : result (HashMap_t T) := match n with | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel | S n1 => match ls with | List_Cons k v tl => ntable1 <- hashMap_insert_no_resize T n1 ntable k v; hashMap_move_elements_from_list_loop T n1 ntable1 tl | List_Nil => Ok ntable end end . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::move_elements_from_list]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 191:4-191:72 *) Definition hashMap_move_elements_from_list (T : Type) (n : nat) (ntable : HashMap_t T) (ls : List_t T) : result (HashMap_t T) := hashMap_move_elements_from_list_loop T n ntable ls . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::move_elements]: loop 0: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 179:4-188:5 *) Fixpoint hashMap_move_elements_loop (T : Type) (n : nat) (ntable : HashMap_t T) (slots : alloc_vec_Vec (List_t T)) (i : usize) : result ((HashMap_t T) * (alloc_vec_Vec (List_t T))) := match n with | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel | S n1 => let i1 := alloc_vec_Vec_len (List_t T) slots in if i s< i1 then ( p <- alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut (List_t T) usize (core_slice_index_SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst (List_t T)) slots i; let (l, index_mut_back) := p in let (ls, l1) := core_mem_replace (List_t T) l List_Nil in ntable1 <- hashMap_move_elements_from_list T n1 ntable ls; i2 <- usize_add i 1%usize; slots1 <- index_mut_back l1; hashMap_move_elements_loop T n1 ntable1 slots1 i2) else Ok (ntable, slots) end . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::move_elements]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 179:4-179:95 *) Definition hashMap_move_elements (T : Type) (n : nat) (ntable : HashMap_t T) (slots : alloc_vec_Vec (List_t T)) (i : usize) : result ((HashMap_t T) * (alloc_vec_Vec (List_t T))) := hashMap_move_elements_loop T n ntable slots i . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::try_resize]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 148:4-148:28 *) Definition hashMap_try_resize (T : Type) (n : nat) (self : HashMap_t T) : result (HashMap_t T) := max_usize <- scalar_cast U32 Usize core_u32_max; let capacity := alloc_vec_Vec_len (List_t T) self.(hashMap_slots) in n1 <- usize_div max_usize 2%usize; let (i, i1) := self.(hashMap_max_load_factor) in i2 <- usize_div n1 i; if capacity s<= i2 then ( i3 <- usize_mul capacity 2%usize; ntable <- hashMap_new_with_capacity T n i3 i i1; p <- hashMap_move_elements T n ntable self.(hashMap_slots) 0%usize; let (ntable1, _) := p in Ok {| hashMap_num_entries := self.(hashMap_num_entries); hashMap_max_load_factor := (i, i1); hashMap_max_load := ntable1.(hashMap_max_load); hashMap_slots := ntable1.(hashMap_slots) |}) else Ok {| hashMap_num_entries := self.(hashMap_num_entries); hashMap_max_load_factor := (i, i1); hashMap_max_load := self.(hashMap_max_load); hashMap_slots := self.(hashMap_slots) |} . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::insert]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 137:4-137:48 *) Definition hashMap_insert (T : Type) (n : nat) (self : HashMap_t T) (key : usize) (value : T) : result (HashMap_t T) := self1 <- hashMap_insert_no_resize T n self key value; i <- hashMap_len T self1; if i s> self1.(hashMap_max_load) then hashMap_try_resize T n self1 else Ok self1 . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::contains_key_in_list]: loop 0: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 214:4-227:5 *) Fixpoint hashMap_contains_key_in_list_loop (T : Type) (n : nat) (key : usize) (ls : List_t T) : result bool := match n with | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel | S n1 => match ls with | List_Cons ckey _ tl => if ckey s= key then Ok true else hashMap_contains_key_in_list_loop T n1 key tl | List_Nil => Ok false end end . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::contains_key_in_list]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 214:4-214:68 *) Definition hashMap_contains_key_in_list (T : Type) (n : nat) (key : usize) (ls : List_t T) : result bool := hashMap_contains_key_in_list_loop T n key ls . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::contains_key]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 207:4-207:49 *) Definition hashMap_contains_key (T : Type) (n : nat) (self : HashMap_t T) (key : usize) : result bool := hash <- hash_key key; let i := alloc_vec_Vec_len (List_t T) self.(hashMap_slots) in hash_mod <- usize_rem hash i; l <- alloc_vec_Vec_index (List_t T) usize (core_slice_index_SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst (List_t T)) self.(hashMap_slots) hash_mod; hashMap_contains_key_in_list T n key l . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::get_in_list]: loop 0: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 232:4-245:5 *) Fixpoint hashMap_get_in_list_loop (T : Type) (n : nat) (key : usize) (ls : List_t T) : result T := match n with | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel | S n1 => match ls with | List_Cons ckey cvalue tl => if ckey s= key then Ok cvalue else hashMap_get_in_list_loop T n1 key tl | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure end end . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::get_in_list]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 232:4-232:70 *) Definition hashMap_get_in_list (T : Type) (n : nat) (key : usize) (ls : List_t T) : result T := hashMap_get_in_list_loop T n key ls . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::get]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 247:4-247:55 *) Definition hashMap_get (T : Type) (n : nat) (self : HashMap_t T) (key : usize) : result T := hash <- hash_key key; let i := alloc_vec_Vec_len (List_t T) self.(hashMap_slots) in hash_mod <- usize_rem hash i; l <- alloc_vec_Vec_index (List_t T) usize (core_slice_index_SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst (List_t T)) self.(hashMap_slots) hash_mod; hashMap_get_in_list T n key l . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::get_mut_in_list]: loop 0: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 253:4-262:5 *) Fixpoint hashMap_get_mut_in_list_loop (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls : List_t T) (key : usize) : result (T * (T -> result (List_t T))) := match n with | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel | S n1 => match ls with | List_Cons ckey cvalue tl => if ckey s= key then let back := fun (ret : T) => Ok (List_Cons ckey ret tl) in Ok (cvalue, back) else ( p <- hashMap_get_mut_in_list_loop T n1 tl key; let (t, back) := p in let back1 := fun (ret : T) => tl1 <- back ret; Ok (List_Cons ckey cvalue tl1) in Ok (t, back1)) | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure end end . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::get_mut_in_list]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 253:4-253:86 *) Definition hashMap_get_mut_in_list (T : Type) (n : nat) (ls : List_t T) (key : usize) : result (T * (T -> result (List_t T))) := hashMap_get_mut_in_list_loop T n ls key . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::get_mut]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 265:4-265:67 *) Definition hashMap_get_mut (T : Type) (n : nat) (self : HashMap_t T) (key : usize) : result (T * (T -> result (HashMap_t T))) := hash <- hash_key key; let i := alloc_vec_Vec_len (List_t T) self.(hashMap_slots) in hash_mod <- usize_rem hash i; p <- alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut (List_t T) usize (core_slice_index_SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst (List_t T)) self.(hashMap_slots) hash_mod; let (l, index_mut_back) := p in p1 <- hashMap_get_mut_in_list T n l key; let (t, get_mut_in_list_back) := p1 in let back := fun (ret : T) => l1 <- get_mut_in_list_back ret; v <- index_mut_back l1; Ok {| hashMap_num_entries := self.(hashMap_num_entries); hashMap_max_load_factor := self.(hashMap_max_load_factor); hashMap_max_load := self.(hashMap_max_load); hashMap_slots := v |} in Ok (t, back) . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::remove_from_list]: loop 0: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 273:4-299:5 *) Fixpoint hashMap_remove_from_list_loop (T : Type) (n : nat) (key : usize) (ls : List_t T) : result ((option T) * (List_t T)) := match n with | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel | S n1 => match ls with | List_Cons ckey t tl => if ckey s= key then let (mv_ls, _) := core_mem_replace (List_t T) (List_Cons ckey t tl) List_Nil in match mv_ls with | List_Cons _ cvalue tl1 => Ok (Some cvalue, tl1) | List_Nil => Fail_ Failure end else ( p <- hashMap_remove_from_list_loop T n1 key tl; let (o, tl1) := p in Ok (o, List_Cons ckey t tl1)) | List_Nil => Ok (None, List_Nil) end end . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::remove_from_list]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 273:4-273:69 *) Definition hashMap_remove_from_list (T : Type) (n : nat) (key : usize) (ls : List_t T) : result ((option T) * (List_t T)) := hashMap_remove_from_list_loop T n key ls . (** [hashmap::{hashmap::HashMap}::remove]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 302:4-302:52 *) Definition hashMap_remove (T : Type) (n : nat) (self : HashMap_t T) (key : usize) : result ((option T) * (HashMap_t T)) := hash <- hash_key key; let i := alloc_vec_Vec_len (List_t T) self.(hashMap_slots) in hash_mod <- usize_rem hash i; p <- alloc_vec_Vec_index_mut (List_t T) usize (core_slice_index_SliceIndexUsizeSliceTInst (List_t T)) self.(hashMap_slots) hash_mod; let (l, index_mut_back) := p in p1 <- hashMap_remove_from_list T n key l; let (x, l1) := p1 in match x with | None => v <- index_mut_back l1; Ok (None, {| hashMap_num_entries := self.(hashMap_num_entries); hashMap_max_load_factor := self.(hashMap_max_load_factor); hashMap_max_load := self.(hashMap_max_load); hashMap_slots := v |}) | Some x1 => i1 <- usize_sub self.(hashMap_num_entries) 1%usize; v <- index_mut_back l1; Ok (Some x1, {| hashMap_num_entries := i1; hashMap_max_load_factor := self.(hashMap_max_load_factor); hashMap_max_load := self.(hashMap_max_load); hashMap_slots := v |}) end . (** [hashmap::test1]: Source: 'tests/src/hashmap.rs', lines 323:0-323:10 *) Definition test1 (n : nat) : result unit := hm <- hashMap_new u64 n; hm1 <- hashMap_insert u64 n hm 0%usize 42%u64; hm2 <- hashMap_insert u64 n hm1 128%usize 18%u64; hm3 <- hashMap_insert u64 n hm2 1024%usize 138%u64; hm4 <- hashMap_insert u64 n hm3 1056%usize 256%u64; i <- hashMap_get u64 n hm4 128%usize; if negb (i s= 18%u64) then Fail_ Failure else ( p <- hashMap_get_mut u64 n hm4 1024%usize; let (_, get_mut_back) := p in hm5 <- get_mut_back 56%u64; i1 <- hashMap_get u64 n hm5 1024%usize; if negb (i1 s= 56%u64) then Fail_ Failure else ( p1 <- hashMap_remove u64 n hm5 1024%usize; let (x, hm6) := p1 in match x with | None => Fail_ Failure | Some x1 => if negb (x1 s= 56%u64) then Fail_ Failure else ( i2 <- hashMap_get u64 n hm6 0%usize; if negb (i2 s= 42%u64) then Fail_ Failure else ( i3 <- hashMap_get u64 n hm6 128%usize; if negb (i3 s= 18%u64) then Fail_ Failure else ( i4 <- hashMap_get u64 n hm6 1056%usize; if negb (i4 s= 256%u64) then Fail_ Failure else Ok tt))) end)) . End Hashmap_Funs.