(** THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY AENEAS *) (** [demo] *) Require Import Primitives. Import Primitives. Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith. Require Import List. Import ListNotations. Local Open Scope Primitives_scope. Module Demo. (** [demo::choose]: Source: 'tests/src/demo.rs', lines 6:0-6:70 *) Definition choose (T : Type) (b : bool) (x : T) (y : T) : result (T * (T -> result (T * T))) := if b then let back := fun (ret : T) => Ok (ret, y) in Ok (x, back) else let back := fun (ret : T) => Ok (x, ret) in Ok (y, back) . (** [demo::mul2_add1]: Source: 'tests/src/demo.rs', lines 14:0-14:31 *) Definition mul2_add1 (x : u32) : result u32 := i <- u32_add x x; u32_add i 1%u32 . (** [demo::use_mul2_add1]: Source: 'tests/src/demo.rs', lines 18:0-18:43 *) Definition use_mul2_add1 (x : u32) (y : u32) : result u32 := i <- mul2_add1 x; u32_add i y . (** [demo::incr]: Source: 'tests/src/demo.rs', lines 22:0-22:31 *) Definition incr (x : u32) : result u32 := u32_add x 1%u32. (** [demo::use_incr]: Source: 'tests/src/demo.rs', lines 26:0-26:17 *) Definition use_incr : result unit := x <- incr 0%u32; x1 <- incr x; _ <- incr x1; Ok tt . (** [demo::CList] Source: 'tests/src/demo.rs', lines 35:0-35:17 *) Inductive CList_t (T : Type) := | CList_CCons : T -> CList_t T -> CList_t T | CList_CNil : CList_t T . Arguments CList_CCons { _ }. Arguments CList_CNil { _ }. (** [demo::list_nth]: Source: 'tests/src/demo.rs', lines 40:0-40:56 *) Fixpoint list_nth (T : Type) (n : nat) (l : CList_t T) (i : u32) : result T := match n with | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel | S n1 => match l with | CList_CCons x tl => if i s= 0%u32 then Ok x else (i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; list_nth T n1 tl i1) | CList_CNil => Fail_ Failure end end . (** [demo::list_nth_mut]: Source: 'tests/src/demo.rs', lines 55:0-55:68 *) Fixpoint list_nth_mut (T : Type) (n : nat) (l : CList_t T) (i : u32) : result (T * (T -> result (CList_t T))) := match n with | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel | S n1 => match l with | CList_CCons x tl => if i s= 0%u32 then let back := fun (ret : T) => Ok (CList_CCons ret tl) in Ok (x, back) else ( i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; p <- list_nth_mut T n1 tl i1; let (t, list_nth_mut_back) := p in let back := fun (ret : T) => tl1 <- list_nth_mut_back ret; Ok (CList_CCons x tl1) in Ok (t, back)) | CList_CNil => Fail_ Failure end end . (** [demo::list_nth_mut1]: loop 0: Source: 'tests/src/demo.rs', lines 70:0-79:1 *) Fixpoint list_nth_mut1_loop (T : Type) (n : nat) (l : CList_t T) (i : u32) : result (T * (T -> result (CList_t T))) := match n with | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel | S n1 => match l with | CList_CCons x tl => if i s= 0%u32 then let back := fun (ret : T) => Ok (CList_CCons ret tl) in Ok (x, back) else ( i1 <- u32_sub i 1%u32; p <- list_nth_mut1_loop T n1 tl i1; let (t, back) := p in let back1 := fun (ret : T) => tl1 <- back ret; Ok (CList_CCons x tl1) in Ok (t, back1)) | CList_CNil => Fail_ Failure end end . (** [demo::list_nth_mut1]: Source: 'tests/src/demo.rs', lines 70:0-70:77 *) Definition list_nth_mut1 (T : Type) (n : nat) (l : CList_t T) (i : u32) : result (T * (T -> result (CList_t T))) := list_nth_mut1_loop T n l i . (** [demo::i32_id]: Source: 'tests/src/demo.rs', lines 81:0-81:28 *) Fixpoint i32_id (n : nat) (i : i32) : result i32 := match n with | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel | S n1 => if i s= 0%i32 then Ok 0%i32 else (i1 <- i32_sub i 1%i32; i2 <- i32_id n1 i1; i32_add i2 1%i32) end . (** [demo::list_tail]: Source: 'tests/src/demo.rs', lines 89:0-89:64 *) Fixpoint list_tail (T : Type) (n : nat) (l : CList_t T) : result ((CList_t T) * (CList_t T -> result (CList_t T))) := match n with | O => Fail_ OutOfFuel | S n1 => match l with | CList_CCons t tl => p <- list_tail T n1 tl; let (c, list_tail_back) := p in let back := fun (ret : CList_t T) => tl1 <- list_tail_back ret; Ok (CList_CCons t tl1) in Ok (c, back) | CList_CNil => Ok (CList_CNil, Ok) end end . (** Trait declaration: [demo::Counter] Source: 'tests/src/demo.rs', lines 98:0-98:17 *) Record Counter_t (Self : Type) := mkCounter_t { Counter_t_incr : Self -> result (usize * Self); }. Arguments mkCounter_t { _ }. Arguments Counter_t_incr { _ }. (** [demo::{(demo::Counter for usize)}::incr]: Source: 'tests/src/demo.rs', lines 103:4-103:31 *) Definition counterUsize_incr (self : usize) : result (usize * usize) := self1 <- usize_add self 1%usize; Ok (self, self1) . (** Trait implementation: [demo::{(demo::Counter for usize)}] Source: 'tests/src/demo.rs', lines 102:0-102:22 *) Definition CounterUsize : Counter_t usize := {| Counter_t_incr := counterUsize_incr; |}. (** [demo::use_counter]: Source: 'tests/src/demo.rs', lines 110:0-110:59 *) Definition use_counter (T : Type) (counterInst : Counter_t T) (cnt : T) : result (usize * T) := counterInst.(Counter_t_incr) cnt . End Demo.