open CfimOfJson open Logging open Print module T = Types module A = CfimAst module I = Interpreter (* This is necessary to have a backtrace when raising exceptions - for some * reason, the -g option doesn't work *) let () = Printexc.record_backtrace true let usage = Printf.sprintf {|Aenaes: verification of Rust programs by translation Usage: %s [OPTIONS] FILE |} Sys.argv.(0) let () = let spec = [] in let spec = Arg.align spec in let filename = ref "" in let fail () = print_string usage; exit 1 in Arg.parse spec (fun f -> if not (Filename.check_suffix f ".cfim") then ( print_string "Unrecognized file extension"; fail ()) else if not (Sys.file_exists f) then ( print_string "File not found"; fail ()) else filename := f) usage; if !filename = "" then ( print_string usage; exit 1); let json = Yojson.Basic.from_file !filename in match cfim_module_of_json json with | Error s -> log#error "error: %s\n" s | Ok m -> (* Print the module *) log#ldebug (lazy ("\n" ^ Print.Module.module_to_string m ^ "\n")); (* Test the unit functions *) I.Test.test_all_unit_functions m.types m.functions