open Identifiers open Types (* TODO: I often write "abstract" (value, borrow content, etc.) while I should * write "abstraction" (because those values are not abstract, they simply are * inside abstractions) *) module VarId = IdGen () module BorrowId = IdGen () module SymbolicValueId = IdGen () module AbstractionId = IdGen () (** A variable *) type big_int = Z.t let big_int_of_yojson (json : Yojson.Safe.t) : (big_int, string) result = match json with | `Int i -> Ok (Z.of_int i) | `Intlit is -> Ok (Z.of_string is) | _ -> Error "not an integer or an integer literal" let big_int_to_yojson (i : big_int) = `Intlit (Z.to_string i) let pp_big_int (fmt : Format.formatter) (bi : big_int) : unit = Format.pp_print_string fmt (Z.to_string bi) let show_big_int (bi : big_int) : string = Z.to_string bi type scalar_value = { value : big_int; int_ty : integer_type } [@@deriving show] (** A scalar value Note that we use unbounded integers everywhere. We then harcode the boundaries for the different types. *) (** A constant value *) type constant_value = | Scalar of scalar_value | Bool of bool | Char of char | String of string [@@deriving show] type symbolic_value = { sv_id :; sv_ty : rty } [@@deriving show] (** Symbolic value *) type symbolic_proj_comp = { svalue : symbolic_value; (** The symbolic value itself *) rset_ended : RegionId.set_t; (** The regions used in the symbolic value which have already ended *) } [@@deriving show] (** A complementary projector over a symbolic value. "Complementary" stands for the fact that it is a projector over all the regions *but* the ones which are listed in the projector. *) (** Ancestor for iter visitor for [typed_value] *) class ['self] iter_typed_value_base = object (self : 'self) inherit [_] VisitorsRuntime.iter method visit_constant_value : 'env -> constant_value -> unit = fun _ _ -> () method visit_erased_region : 'env -> erased_region -> unit = fun _ _ -> () method visit_symbolic_proj_comp : 'env -> symbolic_proj_comp -> unit = fun _ _ -> () method visit_ety : 'env -> ety -> unit = fun _ _ -> () end (** Ancestor for map visitor for [typed_value] *) class ['self] map_typed_value_base = object (self : 'self) inherit [_] method visit_constant_value : 'env -> constant_value -> constant_value = fun _ cv -> cv method visit_erased_region : 'env -> erased_region -> erased_region = fun _ r -> r method visit_symbolic_proj_comp : 'env -> symbolic_proj_comp -> symbolic_proj_comp = fun _ sv -> sv method visit_ety : 'env -> ety -> ety = fun _ ty -> ty end (** An untyped value, used in the environments *) type value = | Concrete of constant_value (** Concrete (non-symbolic) value *) | Adt of adt_value (** Enumerations and structures *) | Bottom (** No value (uninitialized or moved value) *) | Borrow of borrow_content (** A borrowed value *) | Loan of loan_content (** A loaned value *) | Symbolic of symbolic_proj_comp (** Unknown (symbolic) value *) and adt_value = { variant_id : ( option[@opaque]); field_values : typed_value list; } and borrow_content = | SharedBorrow of ([@opaque]) (** A shared value *) | MutBorrow of ([@opaque]) * typed_value (** A mutably borrowed value *) | InactivatedMutBorrow of ([@opaque]) (** An inactivated mut borrow. This is used to model two-phase borrows. When evaluating a two-phase mutable borrow, we first introduce an inactivated borrow which behaves like a shared borrow, until the moment we actually *use* the borrow: at this point, we end all the other shared borrows (or inactivated borrows - though there shouldn't be any other inactivated borrows if the program is well typed) of this value and replace the inactivated borrow with a mutable borrow. *) and loan_content = | SharedLoan of (BorrowId.set_t[@opaque]) * typed_value | MutLoan of ([@opaque]) and typed_value = { value : value; ty : ety } [@@deriving show, visitors { name = "iter_typed_value"; variety = "iter"; ancestors = [ "iter_typed_value_base" ]; nude = true (* Don't inherit [VisitorsRuntime.iter] *); concrete = true; }, visitors { name = "map_typed_value"; variety = "map"; ancestors = [ "map_typed_value_base" ]; nude = true (* Don't inherit [VisitorsRuntime.iter] *); concrete = true; }] (** "Regular" typed value (we map variables to typed values) *) (** When giving shared borrows to functions (i.e., inserting shared borrows inside abstractions) we need to reborrow the shared values. When doing so, we lookup the shared values and apply some special projections to the shared value (until we can't go further, i.e., we find symbolic values which may get expanded upon reading them later), which don't generate avalues but sets of borrow ids and symbolic values. Note that as shared values can't get modified it is ok to forget the structure of the values we projected, and only keep the set of borrows (and symbolic values). TODO: we may actually need to remember the structure, in order to know which borrows are inside which other borrows... *) type abstract_shared_borrow = | AsbBorrow of ([@opaque]) | AsbProjReborrows of (symbolic_value[@opaque]) * (rty[@opaque]) [@@deriving show] type abstract_shared_borrows = abstract_shared_borrow list (** A set of abstract shared borrows *) type aproj = | AProjLoans of symbolic_value | AProjBorrows of symbolic_value * rty [@@deriving show] type region = Types.region [@@deriving show] (** Ancestor for iter visitor for [typed_avalue] *) class ['self] iter_typed_avalue_base = object (self : 'self) inherit [_] iter_typed_value method visit_region : 'env -> region -> unit = fun _ _ -> () method visit_aproj : 'env -> aproj -> unit = fun _ _ -> () method visit_rty : 'env -> rty -> unit = fun _ _ -> () end (** Ancestor for MAP visitor for [typed_avalue] *) class ['self] map_typed_avalue_base = object (self : 'self) inherit [_] map_typed_value method visit_region : 'env -> region -> region = fun _ r -> r method visit_aproj : 'env -> aproj -> aproj = fun _ p -> p method visit_rty : 'env -> rty -> rty = fun _ ty -> ty end (** Abstraction values are used inside of abstractions to properly model borrowing relations introduced by function calls. When calling a function, we lose information about the borrow graph: part of it is thus "abstracted" away. *) type avalue = | AConcrete of constant_value (** Note that this case is not used in the projections to keep track of the borrow graph (because there are no borrows in "concrete" values!) but to correctly instantiate the backward functions (we may give back some values at different moments: we need to remember what those values were precisely). Also note that even though avalues and values are not the same, once values are projected to avalues, those avalues still have the structure of the original values (this is necessary, again, to correctly instantiate the backward functions) *) | AAdt of adt_avalue | ABottom | ALoan of aloan_content | ABorrow of aborrow_content | ASymbolic of aproj and adt_avalue = { variant_id : ( option[@opaque]); field_values : typed_avalue list; } (** A loan content as stored in an abstraction. Note that the children avalues are independent of the parent avalues. For instance, the child avalue contained in an [AMutLoan] will likely contain other, independent loans. We keep track of the hierarchy because we need it to properly instantiate the backward functions when generating the pure translation. *) and aloan_content = | AMutLoan of ([@opaque]) * typed_avalue | ASharedLoan of (BorrowId.set_t[@opaque]) * typed_value * typed_avalue | AEndedMutLoan of { given_back : typed_avalue; child : typed_avalue } (** TODO: in the formalization, given_back was initially a typed value (not an avalue). It seems more consistent to use a value, especially because then the invariants about the borrows are simpler (otherwise, there may be borrow ids duplicated in the context, which is very annoying). I think the original idea was that using values would make it simple to instantiate the backward function (because projecting deconstructs a bit the values with which we feed the function). *) | AEndedSharedLoan of typed_value * typed_avalue | AIgnoredMutLoan of ([@opaque]) * typed_avalue | AEndedIgnoredMutLoan of { given_back : typed_avalue; child : typed_avalue } | AIgnoredSharedLoan of (abstract_shared_borrows[@opaque]) (** TODO: rename. AProjSharedLoan? *) (** Note that when a borrow content is ended, it is replaced by Bottom (while we need to track ended loans more precisely, especially because of their children values). Note that contrary to [aloan_content], here the children avalues are note independent of the parent avalues. For instance, a value `AMutBorrow (_, AMutBorrow (_, ...)` (ignoring the types) really is to be seen like a `mut_borrow ... (mut_borrow ...)`. TODO: be more precise about the ignored borrows (keep track of the borrow ids)? *) and aborrow_content = | AMutBorrow of ([@opaque]) * typed_avalue | ASharedBorrow of ([@opaque]) | AIgnoredMutBorrow of typed_avalue | AIgnoredSharedBorrow of (abstract_shared_borrows[@opaque]) (** TODO: rename. AProjSharedBorrow? *) (* TODO: we may want to merge this with typed_value - would prevent some issues when accessing fields... *) and typed_avalue = { value : avalue; ty : rty } [@@deriving show, visitors { name = "iter_typed_avalue"; variety = "iter"; ancestors = [ "iter_typed_avalue_base" ]; nude = true (* Don't inherit [VisitorsRuntime.iter] *); concrete = true; }, visitors { name = "map_typed_avalue"; variety = "map"; ancestors = [ "map_typed_avalue_base" ]; nude = true (* Don't inherit [VisitorsRuntime.iter] *); concrete = true; }] type abs = { abs_id : ([@opaque]); parents : (AbstractionId.set_t[@opaque]); (** The parent abstractions *) acc_regions : (RegionId.set_t[@opaque]); (** Union of the regions owned by the (transitive) parent abstractions and by the current abstraction *) regions : (RegionId.set_t[@opaque]); (** Regions owned by this abstraction *) avalues : typed_avalue list; (** The values in this abstraction *) } [@@deriving show, visitors { name = "iter_abs"; variety = "iter"; ancestors = [ "iter_typed_avalue" ]; nude = true (* Don't inherit [VisitorsRuntime.iter] *); concrete = true; }, visitors { name = "map_abs"; variety = "map"; ancestors = [ "map_typed_avalue" ]; nude = true (* Don't inherit [VisitorsRuntime.iter] *); concrete = true; }] (** Abstractions model the parts in the borrow graph where the borrowing relations have been abstracted because of a function call. In order to model the relations between the borrows, we use "abstraction values", which are a special kind of value. *)