open Identifiers open Types (** TODO: do we put the type variable/variable/region names everywhere (to not have to perform lookups by using the ids?) No: it is good not to duplicate and to use ids. This allows to split/ make very explicit the role of variables/identifiers/binders/etc. *) module VarId = IdGen () module BorrowId = IdGen () module SymbolicValueId = IdGen () module AbstractionId = IdGen () module RegionId = IdGen () (* TODO: move *) type var = { index :; (** Unique variable identifier *) name : string option; var_ty : ety; (** The variable type - erased type, because variables are not used ** in function signatures - TODO: useless? TODO: binder type for function definitions *) } [@@deriving show] (** A variable, as used in a type definition *) (** A variable *) type big_int = Z.t let big_int_of_yojson (json : Yojson.Safe.t) : (big_int, string) result = match json with | `Int i -> Ok (Z.of_int i) | `Intlit is -> Ok (Z.of_string is) | _ -> Error "not an integer or an integer literal" let big_int_to_yojson (i : big_int) = `Intlit (Z.to_string i) let pp_big_int (fmt : Format.formatter) (bi : big_int) : unit = Format.pp_print_string fmt (Z.to_string bi) let show_big_int (bi : big_int) : string = Z.to_string bi type scalar_value = { value : big_int; int_ty : integer_type } [@@deriving show] (** A scalar value Note that we use unbounded integers everywhere. We then harcode the boundaries for the different types. *) (** A constant value *) type constant_value = | Scalar of scalar_value | Bool of bool | Char of char | String of string [@@deriving show] type symbolic_value = { sv_id :; sv_ty : rty } [@@deriving show] (** Symbolic value *) type symbolic_proj_comp = { svalue : symbolic_value; (** The symbolic value itself *) rset_ended : RegionId.set_t; (** The regions used in the symbolic value which have already ended *) } [@@deriving show] (** A complementary projector over a symbolic value. "Complementary" stands for the fact that it is a projector over all the regions *but* the ones which are listed in the projector. *) (** An untyped value, used in the environments *) type value = | Concrete of constant_value (** Concrete (non-symbolic) value *) | Adt of adt_value (** Enumerations and structures *) | Tuple of typed_value list (** Tuple - note that units are encoded as 0-tuples *) | Bottom (** No value (uninitialized or moved value) *) | Assumed of assumed_value (** Assumed types (Box, Vec, Cell...) *) | Borrow of borrow_content (** A borrowed value *) | Loan of loan_content (** A loaned value *) | Symbolic of symbolic_proj_comp (** Unknown value *) [@@deriving show] and adt_value = { def_id :; variant_id : option; regions : erased_region list; types : ety list; field_values : typed_value list; } [@@deriving show] and borrow_content = | SharedBorrow of (** A shared value *) | MutBorrow of * typed_value (** A mutably borrowed value *) | InactivatedMutBorrow of (** An inactivated mut borrow. This is used to model two-phase borrows. When evaluating a two-phase mutable borrow, we first introduce an inactivated borrow which behaves like a shared borrow, until the moment we actually *use* the borrow: at this point, we end all the other shared borrows (or inactivated borrows - though there shouldn't be any other inactivated borrows if the program is well typed) of this value and replace the inactivated borrow with a mutable borrow. *) [@@deriving show] and loan_content = | SharedLoan of BorrowId.set_t * typed_value | MutLoan of [@@deriving show] and assumed_value = Box of typed_value [@@deriving show] and typed_value = { value : value; ty : ety } [@@deriving show] type abstract_shared_borrows = | AsbSet of BorrowId.set_t | AsbProjReborrows of symbolic_value * rty | AsbUnion of abstract_shared_borrows * abstract_shared_borrows (** TODO: explanations *) [@@deriving show] (** Abstraction values are used inside of abstractions to properly model borrowing relations introduced by function calls. When calling a function, we lose information about the borrow graph: part of it is thus "abstracted" away. *) type avalue = | AConcrete of constant_value | AAdt of aadt_value | ATuple of typed_avalue list | ABottom | ALoan of aloan_content | ABorrow of aborrow_content | AAssumed of aassumed_value | AProj of aproj [@@deriving show] and aadt_value = { adef_id :; avariant_id : option; aregions : erased_region list; atypes : rty list; afield_values : typed_avalue list; } [@@deriving show] and aloan_content = | AMutLoan of * typed_avalue | ASharedLoan of BorrowId.set_t * typed_value * typed_avalue | AEndedMutLoan of { given_back : typed_value; child : typed_avalue } | AEndedSharedLoan of typed_value * typed_avalue | AIgnoredMutLoan of * typed_avalue | AIgnoredSharedLoan of abstract_shared_borrows [@@deriving show] (** Note that when a borrow content is ended, it is replaced by Bottom (while we need to track ended loans more precisely, especially because of their children values) *) and aborrow_content = | AMutBorrow of * typed_avalue | ASharedBorrow of | AIgnoredMutBorrow of typed_avalue | AEndedIgnoredMutLoan of { given_back : typed_avalue; child : typed_avalue } | AIgnoredSharedBorrow of abstract_shared_borrows [@@deriving show] and aassumed_value = ABox of typed_avalue [@@deriving show] and aproj = | AProjLoans of symbolic_value | AProjBorrows of symbolic_value * rty [@@deriving show] and typed_avalue = { avalue : avalue; aty : rty } [@@deriving show] type abs = { abs_id :; parents : AbstractionId.set_t; (** The parent abstractions *) acc_regions : RegionId.set_t; (** Union of the regions owned by the (transitive) parent abstractions and by the current abstraction *) regions : RegionId.set_t; (** Regions owned by this abstraction *) avalues : typed_avalue list; (** The values in this abstraction *) } [@@deriving show] (** Abstractions model the parts in the borrow graph where the borrowing relations have been abstracted because of a function call. In order to model the relations between the borrows, we use "abstraction values", which are a special kind of value. *)