open Identifiers open Types module VarId = IdGen () type var = { index :; (** Unique variable identifier *) name : string option; ty : ety; (** The variable type - erased type, because variables are not used ** in function signatures *) } [@@deriving of_yojson] (** A variable *) type big_int = Z.t let big_int_of_yojson (json : Yojson.Safe.t) : (big_int, string) result = match json with | `Int i -> Ok (Z.of_int i) | `Intlit is -> Ok (Z.of_string is) | _ -> Error "not an integer or an integer literal" (** A scalar value Note that we use unbounded integers everywhere. We then harcode the boundaries for the different types. *) type scalar_value = | Isize of big_int | I8 of big_int | I16 of big_int | I32 of big_int | I64 of big_int | I128 of big_int | Usize of big_int | U8 of big_int | U16 of big_int | U32 of big_int | U64 of big_int | U128 of big_int [@@deriving of_yojson] type constant_value = | Scalar of scalar_value | Bool of bool | Char of char | String of string [@@deriving of_yojson]