open InterpreterStatements open Interpreter module L = Logging module T = Types module A = CfimAst module M = Modules module SA = SymbolicAst module Micro = PureMicroPasses (** The local logger *) let log = L.translate_log type trans_ctx = { type_context : C.type_context; fun_context : C.fun_context } let type_def_to_string (ctx : trans_ctx) (def : Pure.type_def) : string = let type_params = def.type_params in let type_defs = ctx.type_context.type_defs in let fmt = PrintPure.mk_type_formatter type_defs type_params in PrintPure.type_def_to_string fmt def let fun_sig_to_string (ctx : trans_ctx) (sg : Pure.fun_sig) : string = let type_params = sg.type_params in let type_defs = ctx.type_context.type_defs in let fun_defs = ctx.fun_context.fun_defs in let fmt = PrintPure.mk_ast_formatter type_defs fun_defs type_params in PrintPure.fun_sig_to_string fmt sg let fun_def_to_string (ctx : trans_ctx) (def : Pure.fun_def) : string = let type_params = def.signature.type_params in let type_defs = ctx.type_context.type_defs in let fun_defs = ctx.fun_context.fun_defs in let fmt = PrintPure.mk_ast_formatter type_defs fun_defs type_params in PrintPure.fun_def_to_string fmt def type symbolic_fun_translation = V.symbolic_value list * SA.expression (** The result of running the symbolic interpreter on a function: - the list of symbolic values used for the input values - the generated symbolic AST *) type pure_fun_translation = Pure.fun_def * Pure.fun_def list (** Execute the symbolic interpreter on a function to generate a list of symbolic ASTs, for the forward function and the backward functions. *) let translate_function_to_symbolics (config : C.partial_config) (type_context : C.type_context) (fun_context : C.fun_context) (fdef : A.fun_def) : symbolic_fun_translation * symbolic_fun_translation list = (* Debug *) log#ldebug (lazy ("translate_function_to_symbolics: " ^ Print.name_to_string; (* Evaluate *) let synthesize = true in let evaluate gid = let inputs, symb = evaluate_function_symbolic config synthesize type_context fun_context fdef gid in (inputs, Option.get symb) in (* Execute the forward function *) let forward = evaluate None in (* Execute the backward functions *) let backwards = T.RegionGroupId.mapi (fun gid _ -> evaluate (Some gid)) fdef.signature.regions_hierarchy in (* Return *) (forward, backwards) (** Translate a function, by generating its forward and backward translations. [fun_sigs]: maps the forward/backward functions to their signatures. In case of backward functions, we also provide names for the outputs. TODO: maybe we should introduce a record for this. *) let translate_function_to_pure (config : C.partial_config) (type_context : C.type_context) (fun_context : C.fun_context) (fun_sigs : SymbolicToPure.fun_sig_named_outputs SymbolicToPure.RegularFunIdMap.t) (fdef : A.fun_def) : pure_fun_translation = (* Debug *) log#ldebug (lazy ("translate_function_to_pure: " ^ Print.name_to_string; let def_id = fdef.def_id in (* Compute the symbolic ASTs *) let symbolic_forward, symbolic_backwards = translate_function_to_symbolics config type_context fun_context fdef in (* Convert the symbolic ASTs to pure ASTs: *) (* Initialize the context *) let sv_to_var = V.SymbolicValueId.Map.empty in let var_counter = Pure.VarId.generator_zero in let calls = V.FunCallId.Map.empty in let abstractions = V.AbstractionId.Map.empty in let type_context = { SymbolicToPure.types_infos = type_context.type_infos; cfim_type_defs = type_context.type_defs; } in let fun_context = { SymbolicToPure.cfim_fun_defs = fun_context.fun_defs; fun_sigs } in let ctx = { = None; (* Dummy for now *) sv_to_var; var_counter; type_context; fun_context; fun_def = fdef; forward_inputs = []; (* Empty for now *) backward_inputs = T.RegionGroupId.Map.empty; (* Empty for now *) backward_outputs = T.RegionGroupId.Map.empty; (* Empty for now *) calls; abstractions; } in (* We need to initialize the input/output variables *) let module RegularFunIdMap = SymbolicToPure.RegularFunIdMap in let forward_sg = RegularFunIdMap.find (A.Local def_id, None) fun_sigs in let forward_input_vars = CfimAstUtils.fun_def_get_input_vars fdef in let forward_input_varnames = (fun (v : A.var) -> forward_input_vars in let num_forward_inputs = fdef.arg_count in let add_forward_inputs input_svs ctx = let input_svs = List.combine forward_input_varnames input_svs in let ctx, forward_inputs = SymbolicToPure.fresh_named_vars_for_symbolic_values input_svs ctx in { ctx with forward_inputs } in (* let forward_inputs = List.combine forward_input_varnames in let ctx, forward_inputs = SymbolicToPure.fresh_vars forward_inputs ctx in let ctx = { ctx with forward_inputs } in*) (* Translate the forward function *) let pure_forward = SymbolicToPure.translate_fun_def (add_forward_inputs (fst symbolic_forward) ctx) (snd symbolic_forward) in (* Translate the backward functions *) let translate_backward (rg : T.region_var_group) : Pure.fun_def = (* For the backward inputs/outputs initialization: we use the fact that * there are no nested borrows for now, and so that the region groups * can't have parents *) assert (rg.parents = []); let back_id = in let input_svs, symbolic = T.RegionGroupId.nth symbolic_backwards back_id in let ctx = add_forward_inputs input_svs ctx in (* TODO: the computation of the backward inputs is a bit awckward... *) let backward_sg = RegularFunIdMap.find (A.Local def_id, Some back_id) fun_sigs in let _, backward_inputs = Collections.List.split_at num_forward_inputs in (* As we forbid nested borrows, the additional inputs for the backward * functions come from the borrows in the return value of the rust function: * we thus use the name "ret" for those inputs *) let backward_inputs = (fun ty -> (Some "ret", ty)) backward_inputs in let ctx, backward_inputs = SymbolicToPure.fresh_vars backward_inputs ctx in (* The outputs for the backward functions, however, come from borrows * present in the input values of the rust function: for those we reuse * the names of the input values. *) let backward_outputs = List.combine backward_sg.output_names in let ctx, backward_outputs = SymbolicToPure.fresh_vars backward_outputs ctx in let backward_inputs = T.RegionGroupId.Map.singleton back_id backward_inputs in let backward_outputs = T.RegionGroupId.Map.singleton back_id backward_outputs in (* Put everything in the context *) let ctx = { ctx with bid = Some back_id; backward_inputs; backward_outputs } in (* Translate *) SymbolicToPure.translate_fun_def ctx symbolic in let pure_backwards = translate_backward fdef.signature.regions_hierarchy in (* Return *) (pure_forward, pure_backwards) let translate_module_to_pure (config : C.partial_config) (m : M.cfim_module) : Pure.type_def T.TypeDefId.Map.t * pure_fun_translation A.FunDefId.Map.t = (* Debug *) log#ldebug (lazy "translate_module_to_pure"); (* Compute the type and function contexts *) let type_context, fun_context = compute_type_fun_contexts m in (* Translate all the type definitions *) let type_defs = SymbolicToPure.translate_type_defs m.types in (* Translate all the function *signatures* *) let assumed_sigs = (fun (id, sg) -> (A.Assumed id, (fun _ -> None) (sg : A.fun_sig).inputs, sg)) Assumed.assumed_sigs in let local_sigs = (fun (fdef : A.fun_def) -> ( A.Local fdef.def_id, (fun (v : A.var) -> (CfimAstUtils.fun_def_get_input_vars fdef), fdef.signature )) m.functions in let sigs = List.append assumed_sigs local_sigs in let fun_sigs = SymbolicToPure.translate_fun_signatures type_context.type_infos sigs in (* Translate all the functions *) let pure_translations = (fun (fdef : A.fun_def) -> ( fdef.def_id, translate_function_to_pure config type_context fun_context fun_sigs fdef )) m.functions in (* Put the translated functions in a map *) let fun_defs = List.fold_left (fun m (def_id, trans) -> A.FunDefId.Map.add def_id trans m) A.FunDefId.Map.empty pure_translations in (* Return *) (type_defs, fun_defs)