module L = Logging module T = Types module A = CfimAst module M = Modules module SA = SymbolicAst open Errors open Cps open InterpreterUtils open InterpreterStatements (** The local logger *) let log = L.translate_log (** Execute the symbolic interpreter on a function to generate a symbolic AST. *) let translate_function_to_symbolic (config : C.partial_config) (m : M.cfim_module) (fid : (back_id : option) : unit = (* Retrieve the function declaration *) let fdef = A.FunDefId.nth m.functions fid in (* Debug *) log#ldebug (lazy ("translate_function_to_pure: " ^ Print.name_to_string ^ " (" ^ Print.option_to_string T.RegionGroupId.to_string back_id ^ ")")); (* Create the evaluation context *) let ctx = initialize_symbolic_context_for_fun m fdef in (* Create the continuation to check the function's result *) let cf_check res _ = match res with | Return -> raise Errors.Unimplemented | Panic -> (* Note that as we explore all the execution branches, one of * the executions can lead to a panic *) if synthesize then Some SA.Panic else None | _ -> failwith ("Unit test failed (symbolic execution) on: " ^ Print.name_to_string in (* Evaluate the function *) let config = C.config_of_partial C.SymbolicMode config in let _ = eval_function_body config fdef.A.body cf_check ctx in () let translate (config : C.partial_config) (m : M.cfim_module) : unit = (* Translate all the type definitions *) (* Translate all the function signatures *) raise Unimplemented