open Errors open Identifiers module C = Collections module T = Types module V = Values module E = Expressions module A = CfimAst open SymbolicAst let synthesize_symbolic_expansion (sv : V.symbolic_value) (seel : V.symbolic_expansion option list) (exprl : expression list option) : expression option = match exprl with | None -> None | Some exprl -> let ls = List.combine seel exprl in (* Match on the symbolic value type to know which can of expansion happened *) let expansion = match sv.V.sv_ty with | T.Bool -> ( (* Boolean expansion: there should be two branches *) match ls with | [ (Some (V.SeConcrete (V.Bool true)), true_exp); (Some (V.SeConcrete (V.Bool false)), false_exp); ] -> ExpandBool (true_exp, false_exp) | _ -> failwith "Ill-formed boolean expansion") | T.Integer int_ty -> (* Switch over an integer: split between the "regular" branches and the "otherwise" branch (which should be the last branch) *) let branches, otherwise = C.List.pop_last ls in (* For all the regular branches, the symbolic value should have * been expanded to a constant *) let get_scalar (see : V.symbolic_expansion option) : V.scalar_value = match see with | Some (V.SeConcrete (V.Scalar cv)) -> assert (cv.V.int_ty = int_ty); cv | _ -> failwith "Unreachable" in let branches = (fun (see, exp) -> (get_scalar see, exp)) branches in (* For the otherwise branch, the symbolic value should have been left * unchanged *) let otherwise_see, otherwise = otherwise in assert (otherwise_see = None); (* Return *) ExpandInt (int_ty, branches, otherwise) | T.Adt (adt_id, regions, types) -> ( (* An ADT expansion can lead to branching: check if this is the case *) match ls with | [] -> failwith "Ill-formed ADT expansion" | [ (see, exp) ] -> (* No branching *) ExpandNoBranch (Option.get see, exp) | ls -> (* Branching: it is necessarily an enumeration expansion *) let get_variant (see : V.symbolic_expansion option) : option * V.symbolic_value list = match see with | Some (V.SeAdt (vid, fields)) -> (vid, fields) | _ -> failwith "Ill-formed branching ADT expansion" in let exp = (fun (see, exp) -> let vid, fields = get_variant see in (vid, fields, exp)) ls in ExpandEnum exp) | T.Ref (r, ty, rkind) -> ( (* Reference expansion: there should be one branch *) match ls with | [ (Some see, exp) ] -> ExpandNoBranch (see, exp) | _ -> failwith "Ill-formed borrow expansion") | T.TypeVar _ | Char | Never | Str | Array _ | Slice _ -> failwith "Ill-formed symbolic expansion" in Some (Expansion (sv, expansion)) let synthesize_symbolic_expansion_no_branching (sv : V.symbolic_value) (see : V.symbolic_expansion) (expr : expression option) : expression option = let exprl = match expr with None -> None | Some expr -> Some [ expr ] in synthesize_symbolic_expansion sv [ Some see ] exprl