open Errors module Id = Identifiers module T = Types module V = Values module E = Expressions module A = CfimAst module M = Modules module S = SymbolicAst module TA = TypesAnalysis open Pure (** TODO: move this, it is not useful for symbolic -> pure *) type name = | FunName of * option | TypeName of [@@deriving show, ord] let name_to_string (n : name) : string = show_name n module NameOrderedType = struct type t = name let compare = compare_name let to_string = name_to_string let pp_t = pp_name let show_t = show_name end module NameMap = Collections.MakeMapInj (NameOrderedType) (Id.NameOrderedType) (** Notice that we use the *injective* map to map identifiers to names. Of course, even if those names (which are string lists) don't collide, when converting them to strings we can still introduce collisions: we check that later. Note that we use injective maps for sanity: though we write the name generation with collision in mind, it is always good to have such checks. *) let translate_fun_name (fdef : A.fun_def) (bid : option) : = let sg = fdef.signature in (* General function to generate a suffix for a region group * (i.e., an abstraction)*) let rg_to_string (rg : T.region_var_group) : string = (* We are just a little bit smart: - if there is exactly one region id in the region group and this region has a name, we use this name - otherwise, we use the region number (note that region names shouldn't start with numbers) *) match rg.T.regions with | [ rid ] -> ( let rvar = T.RegionVarId.nth sg.region_params rid in match with | None -> T.RegionGroupId.to_string | Some name -> name) | _ -> T.RegionGroupId.to_string in (* There are several cases: - this is a forward function: we add "_fwd" - this is a backward function: - this function has one backward function: we add "_back" - this function has several backward function: we add "_back" and an additional suffix to identify the precise backward function *) let suffix = match bid with | None -> "_fwd" | Some bid -> ( match sg.regions_hierarchy with | [] -> failwith "Unreachable" (* we can't get there if we ask for a back function *) | [ _ ] -> (* Exactly one backward function *) "_back" | _ -> (* Several backward functions - note that **we use the backward function id * as if it were a region group id** (there is a direct mapping between the * two - TODO: merge them) *) let rg = V.BackwardFunctionId.nth sg.regions_hierarchy bid in "_back" ^ rg_to_string rg) in (* Final name *) let rec add_to_last (n : : = match n with | [] -> failwith "Unreachable" | [ x ] -> [ x ^ suffix ] | x :: n -> x :: add_to_last n in add_to_last (** Generates a name for a type (simply reuses the name in the definition) *) let translate_type_name (def : T.type_def) : = type type_context = { type_defs : type_def TypeDefId.Map.t } type fun_context = { fun_defs : fun_def FunDefId.Map.t } (* TODO: do we really need that actually? *) type synth_ctx = { names : NameMap.t; (* TODO: remove? *) type_context : type_context; fun_context : fun_context; declarations : M.declaration_group list; } type bs_ctx = { types_infos : TA.type_infos } (** Body synthesis context *) let rec translate_sty (ty : T.sty) : ty = let translate = translate_sty in match ty with | T.Adt (type_id, regions, tys) -> (* Can't translate types with regions for now *) assert (regions = []); let tys = translate tys in Adt (type_id, tys) | TypeVar vid -> TypeVar vid | Bool -> Bool | Char -> Char | Never -> failwith "Unreachable" | Integer int_ty -> Integer int_ty | Str -> Str | Array ty -> Array (translate ty) | Slice ty -> Slice (translate ty) | Ref (_, rty, _) -> translate rty let translate_field (f : T.field) : field = let field_name = f.field_name in let field_ty = translate_sty f.field_ty in { field_name; field_ty } let translate_fields (fl : T.field list) : field list = translate_field fl let translate_variant (v : T.variant) : variant = let variant_name = v.variant_name in let fields = translate_fields v.fields in { variant_name; fields } let translate_variants (vl : T.variant list) : variant list = translate_variant vl (** Translate a type def kind to IM *) let translate_type_def_kind (kind : T.type_def_kind) : type_def_kind = match kind with | T.Struct fields -> Struct (translate_fields fields) | T.Enum variants -> Enum (translate_variants variants) (** Translate a type definition from IM TODO: this is not symbolic to pure but IM to pure. Still, I don't see the point of moving this definition for now. *) let translate_type_def (def : T.type_def) : type_def = (* Translate *) let def_id = def.T.def_id in let name = translate_type_name def in (* Can't translate types with regions for now *) assert (def.region_params = []); let type_params = def.type_params in let kind = translate_type_def_kind def.T.kind in { def_id; name; type_params; kind } (** Translate a type, seen as an input/output of a forward function (preserve all borrows, etc.) *) let rec translate_fwd_ty (ctx : bs_ctx) (ty : 'r T.ty) : ty = let translate = translate_fwd_ty ctx in match ty with | T.Adt (type_id, regions, tys) -> (* Can't translate types with regions for now *) assert (regions = []); (* No general parametricity for now *) assert (not (List.exists (TypesUtils.ty_has_borrows ctx.types_infos) tys)); (* Translate the type parameters *) let tys = translate tys in Adt (type_id, tys) | TypeVar vid -> TypeVar vid | Bool -> Bool | Char -> Char | Never -> failwith "Unreachable" | Integer int_ty -> Integer int_ty | Str -> Str | Array ty -> assert (not (TypesUtils.ty_has_borrows ctx.types_infos ty)); Array (translate ty) | Slice ty -> assert (not (TypesUtils.ty_has_borrows ctx.types_infos ty)); Slice (translate ty) | Ref (_, rty, _) -> translate rty (** Translate a type, when some regions may have ended. We return an option, because the translated type may be empty. [inside_mut]: are we inside a mutable borrow? *) let rec translate_back_ty (ctx : bs_ctx) (keep_region : 'r -> bool) (inside_mut : bool) (ty : 'r T.ty) : ty option = let translate = translate_back_ty ctx keep_region inside_mut in (* A small helper for "leave" types *) let wrap ty = if inside_mut then Some ty else None in match ty with | T.Adt (type_id, regions, tys) -> ( match type_id with | T.AdtId _ | Assumed _ -> (* Don't accept ADTs (which are not tuples) with borrows for now *) assert (not (TypesUtils.ty_has_borrows ctx.types_infos ty)); None | T.Tuple -> ( (* Tuples can contain borrows (which we eliminated) *) let tys_t = List.filter_map translate tys in match tys_t with [] -> None | _ -> Some (Adt (T.Tuple, tys_t)))) | TypeVar vid -> wrap (TypeVar vid) | Bool -> wrap Bool | Char -> wrap Char | Never -> failwith "Unreachable" | Integer int_ty -> wrap (Integer int_ty) | Str -> wrap Str | Array ty -> ( assert (not (TypesUtils.ty_has_borrows ctx.types_infos ty)); match translate ty with None -> None | Some ty -> Some (Array ty)) | Slice ty -> ( assert (not (TypesUtils.ty_has_borrows ctx.types_infos ty)); match translate ty with None -> None | Some ty -> Some (Slice ty)) | Ref (r, rty, rkind) -> ( match rkind with | T.Shared -> (* Ignore shared references, unless we are below a mutable borrow *) if inside_mut then translate rty else None | T.Mut -> (* Dive in, remembering the fact that we are inside a mutable borrow *) let inside_mut = true in if keep_region r then translate_back_ty ctx keep_region inside_mut rty else None) (** Small utility: list the transitive parents of a region var group. We don't do that in an efficient manner, but it doesn't matter. *) let rec list_parent_region_groups (def : A.fun_def) (gid : : T.RegionGroupId.Set.t = let rg = T.RegionGroupId.nth def.signature.regions_hierarchy gid in let parents = List.fold_left (fun s gid -> (* Compute the parents *) let parents = list_parent_region_groups def gid in (* Parents U current region *) let parents = T.RegionGroupId.Set.add gid parents in (* Make the union with the accumulator *) T.RegionGroupId.Set.union s parents) T.RegionGroupId.Set.empty rg.parents in parents let translate_fun_sig (ctx : bs_ctx) (def : A.fun_def) (bid : option) : fun_sig = let sg = def.signature in (* Retrieve the list of parent backward functions *) let gid, parents = match bid with | None -> (None, T.RegionGroupId.Set.empty) | Some bid -> let gid = T.RegionGroupId.of_int (V.BackwardFunctionId.to_int bid) in let parents = list_parent_region_groups def gid in (Some gid, parents) in (* List the inputs for: * - the forward function * - the parent backward functions, in proper order * - the current backward function (if it is a backward function) *) let fwd_inputs = (translate_fwd_ty ctx) sg.inputs in (* For the backward functions: for now we don't supported nested borrows, * so just check that there aren't parent regions *) assert (T.RegionGroupId.Set.is_empty parents); (* Small helper to translate types for backward functions *) let translate_back_ty_for_gid (gid : : T.sty -> ty option = let rg = T.RegionGroupId.nth sg.regions_hierarchy gid in let regions = T.RegionVarId.Set.of_list rg.regions in let keep_region r = match r with | T.Static -> raise Unimplemented | T.Var r -> T.RegionVarId.Set.mem r regions in let inside_mut = false in translate_back_ty ctx keep_region inside_mut in (* Compute the additinal inputs for the current function, if it is a backward * function *) let back_inputs = match gid with | None -> [] | Some gid -> (* For now, we don't allow nested borrows, so the additional inputs to the * backward function can only come from borrows that were returned like * in (for the backward function we introduce for 'a): * ``` * fn f<'a>(...) -> &'a mut u32; * ``` * Upon ending the abstraction for 'a, we need to get back the borrow * the function returned. *) List.filter_map (translate_back_ty_for_gid gid) [ sg.output ] in let inputs = List.append fwd_inputs back_inputs in (* Outputs *) let outputs : ty list = match gid with | None -> (* This is a forward function: there is one output *) [ translate_fwd_ty ctx sg.output ] | Some gid -> (* This is a backward function: there might be several outputs. * The outputs are the borrows inside the regions of the abstractions * and which are present in the input values. For instance, see: * ``` * fn f<'a>(x : 'a mut u32) -> ...; * ``` * Upon ending the abstraction for 'a, we give back the borrow which * was consumed through the `x` parameter. *) List.filter_map (translate_back_ty_for_gid gid) sg.inputs in (* Type parameters *) let type_params = sg.type_params in (* Return *) { type_params; inputs; outputs } let translate_typed_value (v : V.typed_value) (ctx : bs_ctx) : bs_ctx * typed_value = raise Unimplemented let rec translate_expression (def : A.fun_def) (bid : option) (body : S.expression) (ctx : bs_ctx) : expression = match body with | S.Return v -> let _, v = translate_typed_value v ctx in Return (Value v) | Panic -> Panic | FunCall (call, e) -> raise Unimplemented | EndAbstraction (abs, e) -> raise Unimplemented | Expansion (sv, exp) -> raise Unimplemented | Meta (_, e) -> (* We ignore the meta information *) translate_expression def bid e ctx let translate_fun_def (types_infos : TA.type_infos) (def : A.fun_def) (bid : option) (body : S.expression) : fun_def = let bs_ctx = { types_infos } in (* Translate the function *) let def_id = def.A.def_id in let name = translate_fun_name def bid in let signature = translate_fun_sig bs_ctx def bid in let body = translate_expression def bid body bs_ctx in { def_id; name; signature; body }