(** The "symbolic" AST is the AST directly generated by the symbolic execution. It is very rough and meant to be extremely straightforward to build during the symbolic execution: we later apply transformations to generate the pure AST that we export. *) open Identifiers module T = Types module V = Values module E = Expressions module A = CfimAst type fun_id = | Fun of A.fun_id (** A "regular" function (i.e., a function which is not a primitive operation) *) | Unop of E.unop | Binop of E.binop type call = { call_id : V.FunCallId.id; func : A.fun_id; type_params : T.ety list; args : V.typed_value list; dest : V.symbolic_value; } type expression = | Return | Panic | FunCall of call * expression | EndAbstraction of V.abs * expression | Expansion of V.symbolic_value * expansion and expansion = | ExpandNoBranch of V.symbolic_expansion * expression (** A symbolic expansion which doesn't generate a branching. Includes: expansion of borrows, structures, enumerations with one variants... *) | ExpandEnum of (T.VariantId.id option * V.symbolic_value list * expression) list (** A symbolic expansion of an ADT value which leads to branching (i.e., a match over an enumeration with strictly more than one variant *) | ExpandBool of expression * expression (** A boolean expansion (i.e, an `if ... then ... else ...`) *) | ExpandInt of T.integer_type * (V.scalar_value * expression) list * expression (** An integer expansion (i.e, a switch over an integer). The last expression is for the "otherwise" branch. *)