(** This file implements various substitution utilities to instantiate types, function bodies, etc. *) module T = Types module TU = TypesUtils module V = Values module E = Expressions module A = LlbcAst module C = Contexts (** Substitute types variables and regions in a type. TODO: we can reimplement that with visitors. *) let rec ty_substitute (rsubst : 'r1 -> 'r2) (tsubst : T.TypeVarId.id -> 'r2 T.ty) (ty : 'r1 T.ty) : 'r2 T.ty = let open T in let subst = ty_substitute rsubst tsubst in (* helper *) match ty with | Adt (def_id, regions, tys) -> Adt (def_id, List.map rsubst regions, List.map subst tys) | Array aty -> Array (subst aty) | Slice sty -> Slice (subst sty) | Ref (r, ref_ty, ref_kind) -> Ref (rsubst r, subst ref_ty, ref_kind) (* Below variants: we technically return the same value, but because one has type ['r1 ty] and the other has type ['r2 ty], we need to deconstruct then reconstruct *) | Bool -> Bool | Char -> Char | Never -> Never | Integer int_ty -> Integer int_ty | Str -> Str | TypeVar vid -> tsubst vid (** Convert an [rty] to an [ety] by erasing the region variables *) let erase_regions (ty : T.rty) : T.ety = ty_substitute (fun _ -> T.Erased) (fun vid -> T.TypeVar vid) ty (** Generate fresh regions for region variables. Return the list of new regions and appropriate substitutions from the original region variables to the fresh regions. TODO: simplify? we only need the subst `T.RegionVarId.id -> T.RegionId.id` *) let fresh_regions_with_substs (region_vars : T.region_var list) : T.RegionId.id list * (T.RegionVarId.id -> T.RegionId.id) * (T.RegionVarId.id T.region -> T.RegionId.id T.region) = (* Generate fresh regions *) let fresh_region_ids = List.map (fun _ -> C.fresh_region_id ()) region_vars in (* Generate the map from region var ids to regions *) let ls = List.combine region_vars fresh_region_ids in let rid_map = List.fold_left (fun mp (k, v) -> T.RegionVarId.Map.add k.T.index v mp) T.RegionVarId.Map.empty ls in (* Generate the substitution from region var id to region *) let rid_subst id = T.RegionVarId.Map.find id rid_map in (* Generate the substitution from region to region *) let rsubst r = match r with T.Static -> T.Static | T.Var id -> T.Var (rid_subst id) in (* Return *) (fresh_region_ids, rid_subst, rsubst) (** Erase the regions in a type and substitute the type variables *) let erase_regions_substitute_types (tsubst : T.TypeVarId.id -> T.ety) (ty : 'r T.region T.ty) : T.ety = let rsubst (_ : 'r T.region) : T.erased_region = T.Erased in ty_substitute rsubst tsubst ty (** Create a region substitution from a list of region variable ids and a list of regions (with which to substitute the region variable ids *) let make_region_subst (var_ids : T.RegionVarId.id list) (regions : 'r T.region list) : T.RegionVarId.id T.region -> 'r T.region = let ls = List.combine var_ids regions in let mp = List.fold_left (fun mp (k, v) -> T.RegionVarId.Map.add k v mp) T.RegionVarId.Map.empty ls in fun r -> match r with | T.Static -> T.Static | T.Var id -> T.RegionVarId.Map.find id mp (** Create a type substitution from a list of type variable ids and a list of types (with which to substitute the type variable ids) *) let make_type_subst (var_ids : T.TypeVarId.id list) (tys : 'r T.ty list) : T.TypeVarId.id -> 'r T.ty = let ls = List.combine var_ids tys in let mp = List.fold_left (fun mp (k, v) -> T.TypeVarId.Map.add k v mp) T.TypeVarId.Map.empty ls in fun id -> T.TypeVarId.Map.find id mp (** Instantiate the type variables in an ADT definition, and return, for every variant, the list of the types of its fields *) let type_decl_get_instantiated_variants_fields_rtypes (def : T.type_decl) (regions : T.RegionId.id T.region list) (types : T.rty list) : (T.VariantId.id option * T.rty list) list = let r_subst = make_region_subst (List.map (fun x -> x.T.index) def.T.region_params) regions in let ty_subst = make_type_subst (List.map (fun x -> x.T.index) def.T.type_params) types in let (variants_fields : (T.VariantId.id option * T.field list) list) = match def.T.kind with | T.Enum variants -> List.mapi (fun i v -> (Some (T.VariantId.of_int i), v.T.fields)) variants | T.Struct fields -> [ (None, fields) ] | T.Opaque -> raise (Failure "Can't retrieve the variants of an opaque type") in List.map (fun (id, fields) -> ( id, List.map (fun f -> ty_substitute r_subst ty_subst f.T.field_ty) fields )) variants_fields (** Instantiate the type variables in an ADT definition, and return the list of types of the fields for the chosen variant *) let type_decl_get_instantiated_field_rtypes (def : T.type_decl) (opt_variant_id : T.VariantId.id option) (regions : T.RegionId.id T.region list) (types : T.rty list) : T.rty list = let r_subst = make_region_subst (List.map (fun x -> x.T.index) def.T.region_params) regions in let ty_subst = make_type_subst (List.map (fun x -> x.T.index) def.T.type_params) types in let fields = TU.type_decl_get_fields def opt_variant_id in List.map (fun f -> ty_substitute r_subst ty_subst f.T.field_ty) fields (** Return the types of the properly instantiated ADT's variant, provided a context *) let ctx_adt_get_instantiated_field_rtypes (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (def_id : T.TypeDeclId.id) (opt_variant_id : T.VariantId.id option) (regions : T.RegionId.id T.region list) (types : T.rty list) : T.rty list = let def = C.ctx_lookup_type_decl ctx def_id in type_decl_get_instantiated_field_rtypes def opt_variant_id regions types (** Return the types of the properly instantiated ADT value (note that here, ADT is understood in its broad meaning: ADT, assumed value or tuple) *) let ctx_adt_value_get_instantiated_field_rtypes (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (adt : V.adt_value) (id : T.type_id) (region_params : T.RegionId.id T.region list) (type_params : T.rty list) : T.rty list = match id with | T.AdtId id -> (* Retrieve the types of the fields *) ctx_adt_get_instantiated_field_rtypes ctx id adt.V.variant_id region_params type_params | T.Tuple -> assert (List.length region_params = 0); type_params | T.Assumed aty -> ( match aty with | T.Box | T.Vec -> assert (List.length region_params = 0); assert (List.length type_params = 1); type_params | T.Option -> assert (List.length region_params = 0); assert (List.length type_params = 1); if adt.V.variant_id = Some T.option_some_id then type_params else if adt.V.variant_id = Some T.option_none_id then [] else failwith "Unrechable") (** Instantiate the type variables in an ADT definition, and return the list of types of the fields for the chosen variant *) let type_decl_get_instantiated_field_etypes (def : T.type_decl) (opt_variant_id : T.VariantId.id option) (types : T.ety list) : T.ety list = let ty_subst = make_type_subst (List.map (fun x -> x.T.index) def.T.type_params) types in let fields = TU.type_decl_get_fields def opt_variant_id in List.map (fun f -> erase_regions_substitute_types ty_subst f.T.field_ty) fields (** Return the types of the properly instantiated ADT's variant, provided a context *) let ctx_adt_get_instantiated_field_etypes (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (def_id : T.TypeDeclId.id) (opt_variant_id : T.VariantId.id option) (types : T.ety list) : T.ety list = let def = C.ctx_lookup_type_decl ctx def_id in type_decl_get_instantiated_field_etypes def opt_variant_id types (** Apply a type substitution to a place *) let place_substitute (_tsubst : T.TypeVarId.id -> T.ety) (p : E.place) : E.place = (* There is nothing to do *) p (** Apply a type substitution to an operand constant value *) let operand_constant_value_substitute (_tsubst : T.TypeVarId.id -> T.ety) (op : E.operand_constant_value) : E.operand_constant_value = (* There is nothing to do *) op (** Apply a type substitution to an operand *) let operand_substitute (tsubst : T.TypeVarId.id -> T.ety) (op : E.operand) : E.operand = let p_subst = place_substitute tsubst in match op with | E.Copy p -> E.Copy (p_subst p) | E.Move p -> E.Move (p_subst p) | E.Constant (ety, cv) -> let rsubst x = x in E.Constant ( ty_substitute rsubst tsubst ety, operand_constant_value_substitute tsubst cv ) (** Apply a type substitution to an rvalue *) let rvalue_substitute (tsubst : T.TypeVarId.id -> T.ety) (rv : E.rvalue) : E.rvalue = let op_subst = operand_substitute tsubst in let p_subst = place_substitute tsubst in match rv with | E.Use op -> E.Use (op_subst op) | E.Ref (p, bkind) -> E.Ref (p_subst p, bkind) | E.UnaryOp (unop, op) -> E.UnaryOp (unop, op_subst op) | E.BinaryOp (binop, op1, op2) -> E.BinaryOp (binop, op_subst op1, op_subst op2) | E.Discriminant p -> E.Discriminant (p_subst p) | E.Aggregate (kind, ops) -> let ops = List.map op_subst ops in let kind = match kind with | E.AggregatedTuple -> E.AggregatedTuple | E.AggregatedAdt (def_id, variant_id, regions, tys) -> let rsubst x = x in E.AggregatedAdt ( def_id, variant_id, regions, List.map (ty_substitute rsubst tsubst) tys ) in E.Aggregate (kind, ops) (** Apply a type substitution to an assertion *) let assertion_substitute (tsubst : T.TypeVarId.id -> T.ety) (a : A.assertion) : A.assertion = { A.cond = operand_substitute tsubst a.A.cond; A.expected = a.A.expected } (** Apply a type substitution to a call *) let call_substitute (tsubst : T.TypeVarId.id -> T.ety) (call : A.call) : A.call = let rsubst x = x in let type_params = List.map (ty_substitute rsubst tsubst) call.A.type_params in let args = List.map (operand_substitute tsubst) call.A.args in let dest = place_substitute tsubst call.A.dest in (* Putting all the paramters on purpose: we want to get a compiler error if something moves - we may add a field on which we need to apply a substitution *) { func = call.A.func; region_params = call.A.region_params; A.type_params; args; dest; } (** Apply a type substitution to a statement *) let rec statement_substitute (tsubst : T.TypeVarId.id -> T.ety) (st : A.statement) : A.statement = match st with | A.Assign (p, rvalue) -> let p = place_substitute tsubst p in let rvalue = rvalue_substitute tsubst rvalue in A.Assign (p, rvalue) | A.FakeRead p -> let p = place_substitute tsubst p in A.FakeRead p | A.SetDiscriminant (p, vid) -> let p = place_substitute tsubst p in A.SetDiscriminant (p, vid) | A.Drop p -> let p = place_substitute tsubst p in A.Drop p | A.Assert assertion -> let assertion = assertion_substitute tsubst assertion in A.Assert assertion | A.Call call -> let call = call_substitute tsubst call in A.Call call | A.Panic | A.Return | A.Break _ | A.Continue _ | A.Nop -> st | A.Sequence (st1, st2) -> A.Sequence (statement_substitute tsubst st1, statement_substitute tsubst st2) | A.Switch (op, tgts) -> A.Switch (operand_substitute tsubst op, switch_targets_substitute tsubst tgts) | A.Loop le -> A.Loop (statement_substitute tsubst le) (** Apply a type substitution to switch targets *) and switch_targets_substitute (tsubst : T.TypeVarId.id -> T.ety) (tgts : A.switch_targets) : A.switch_targets = match tgts with | A.If (st1, st2) -> A.If (statement_substitute tsubst st1, statement_substitute tsubst st2) | A.SwitchInt (int_ty, tgts, otherwise) -> let tgts = List.map (fun (sv, st) -> (sv, statement_substitute tsubst st)) tgts in let otherwise = statement_substitute tsubst otherwise in A.SwitchInt (int_ty, tgts, otherwise) (** Apply a type substitution to a function body. Return the local variables and the body. *) let fun_body_substitute_in_body (tsubst : T.TypeVarId.id -> T.ety) (body : A.fun_body) : A.var list * A.statement = let rsubst r = r in let locals = List.map (fun v -> { v with A.var_ty = ty_substitute rsubst tsubst v.A.var_ty }) body.A.locals in let body = statement_substitute tsubst body.body in (locals, body) (** Substitute a function signature *) let substitute_signature (asubst : T.RegionGroupId.id -> V.AbstractionId.id) (rsubst : T.RegionVarId.id -> T.RegionId.id) (tsubst : T.TypeVarId.id -> T.rty) (sg : A.fun_sig) : A.inst_fun_sig = let rsubst' (r : T.RegionVarId.id T.region) : T.RegionId.id T.region = match r with T.Static -> T.Static | T.Var rid -> T.Var (rsubst rid) in let inputs = List.map (ty_substitute rsubst' tsubst) sg.A.inputs in let output = ty_substitute rsubst' tsubst sg.A.output in let subst_region_group (rg : T.region_var_group) : A.abs_region_group = let id = asubst rg.id in let regions = List.map rsubst rg.regions in let parents = List.map asubst rg.parents in { id; regions; parents } in let regions_hierarchy = List.map subst_region_group sg.A.regions_hierarchy in { A.regions_hierarchy; inputs; output }