open Types open Values (** The minimum/maximum values an integer type can have depending on its type *) let i8_min = Z.of_string "-128" let i8_max = Z.of_string "127" let i16_min = Z.of_string "-32768" let i16_max = Z.of_string "32767" let i32_min = Z.of_string "-2147483648" let i32_max = Z.of_string "2147483647" let i64_min = Z.of_string "-9223372036854775808" let i64_max = Z.of_string "9223372036854775807" let i128_min = Z.of_string "-170141183460469231731687303715884105728" let i128_max = Z.of_string "170141183460469231731687303715884105727" let u8_min = Z.of_string "0" let u8_max = Z.of_string "255" let u16_min = Z.of_string "0" let u16_max = Z.of_string "65535" let u32_min = Z.of_string "0" let u32_max = Z.of_string "4294967295" let u64_min = Z.of_string "0" let u64_max = Z.of_string "18446744073709551615" let u128_min = Z.of_string "0" let u128_max = Z.of_string "340282366920938463463374607431768211455" (** Being a bit conservative about isize/usize: depending on the system, the values are encoded as 32-bit values or 64-bit values - we may want to take that into account in the future *) let isize_min = i32_min let isize_max = i32_max let usize_min = u32_min let usize_max = u32_max (** Check that an integer value is in range *) let check_int_in_range (int_ty : integer_type) (i : big_int) : bool = match int_ty with | Isize -> Z.leq isize_min i && Z.leq i isize_max | I8 -> Z.leq i8_min i && Z.leq i i8_max | I16 -> Z.leq i16_min i && Z.leq i i16_max | I32 -> Z.leq i32_min i && Z.leq i i32_max | I64 -> Z.leq i64_min i && Z.leq i i64_max | I128 -> Z.leq i128_min i && Z.leq i i128_max | Usize -> Z.leq usize_min i && Z.leq i usize_max | U8 -> Z.leq u8_min i && Z.leq i u8_max | U16 -> Z.leq u16_min i && Z.leq i u16_max | U32 -> Z.leq u32_min i && Z.leq i u32_max | U64 -> Z.leq u64_min i && Z.leq i u64_max | U128 -> Z.leq u128_min i && Z.leq i u128_max (** Check that a scalar value is correct (the integer value it contains is in range) *) let check_scalar_value_in_range (v : scalar_value) : bool = check_int_in_range v.int_ty v.value (** Make a scalar value, while checking the value is in range *) let mk_scalar (int_ty : integer_type) (i : big_int) : (scalar_value, unit) result = if check_int_in_range int_ty i then Ok { value = i; int_ty } else Error ()