open Pure (** Default logger *) let log = Logging.pure_utils_log type regular_fun_id = A.fun_id * option [@@deriving show, ord] (** We use this type as a key for lookups *) module RegularFunIdOrderedType = struct type t = regular_fun_id let compare = compare_regular_fun_id let to_string = show_regular_fun_id let pp_t = pp_regular_fun_id let show_t = show_regular_fun_id end module RegularFunIdMap = Collections.MakeMap (RegularFunIdOrderedType) module FunIdOrderedType = struct type t = fun_id let compare = compare_fun_id let to_string = show_fun_id let pp_t = pp_fun_id let show_t = show_fun_id end module FunIdMap = Collections.MakeMap (FunIdOrderedType) module FunIdSet = Collections.MakeSet (FunIdOrderedType) (* TODO : move *) let binop_can_fail (binop : E.binop) : bool = match binop with | BitXor | BitAnd | BitOr | Eq | Lt | Le | Ne | Ge | Gt -> false | Div | Rem | Add | Sub | Mul -> true | Shl | Shr -> raise Errors.Unimplemented (*let mk_arrow_ty (arg_ty : ty) (ret_ty : ty) : ty = Arrow (arg_ty, ret_ty)*) let dest_arrow_ty (ty : ty) : ty * ty = match ty with | Arrow (arg_ty, ret_ty) -> (arg_ty, ret_ty) | _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable") let compute_constant_value_ty (cv : constant_value) : ty = match cv with | V.Scalar sv -> Integer sv.V.int_ty | Bool _ -> Bool | Char _ -> Char | String _ -> Str let mk_typed_pattern_from_constant_value (cv : constant_value) : typed_pattern = let ty = compute_constant_value_ty cv in { value = PatConcrete cv; ty } (*let mk_value_expression (v : typed_rvalue) (mp : mplace option) : texpression = let e = Value (v, mp) in let ty = v.ty in { e; ty }*) let mk_let (monadic : bool) (lv : typed_pattern) (re : texpression) (next_e : texpression) : texpression = let e = Let (monadic, lv, re, next_e) in let ty = next_e.ty in { e; ty } (** Type substitution *) let ty_substitute (tsubst : -> ty) (ty : ty) : ty = let obj = object inherit [_] map_ty method! visit_TypeVar _ var_id = tsubst var_id end in obj#visit_ty () ty let make_type_subst (vars : type_var list) (tys : ty list) : -> ty = let ls = List.combine vars tys in let mp = List.fold_left (fun mp (k, v) -> TypeVarId.Map.add (k : type_var).index v mp) TypeVarId.Map.empty ls in fun id -> TypeVarId.Map.find id mp (** Retrieve the list of fields for the given variant of a [type_decl]. Raises [Invalid_argument] if the arguments are incorrect. *) let type_decl_get_fields (def : type_decl) (opt_variant_id : option) : field list = match (def.kind, opt_variant_id) with | Enum variants, Some variant_id -> (VariantId.nth variants variant_id).fields | Struct fields, None -> fields | _ -> let opt_variant_id = match opt_variant_id with None -> "None" | Some _ -> "Some" in raise (Invalid_argument ("The variant id should be [Some] if and only if the definition is \ an enumeration:\n\ - def: " ^ show_type_decl def ^ "\n- opt_variant_id: " ^ opt_variant_id)) (** Instantiate the type variables for the chosen variant in an ADT definition, and return the list of the types of its fields *) let type_decl_get_instantiated_fields_types (def : type_decl) (opt_variant_id : option) (types : ty list) : ty list = let ty_subst = make_type_subst def.type_params types in let fields = type_decl_get_fields def opt_variant_id in (fun f -> ty_substitute ty_subst f.field_ty) fields let fun_sig_substitute (tsubst : -> ty) (sg : fun_sig) : inst_fun_sig = let subst = ty_substitute tsubst in let inputs = subst sg.inputs in let outputs = subst sg.outputs in { inputs; outputs } (** Return true if a list of functions are *not* mutually recursive, false otherwise. This function is meant to be applied on a set of (forward, backwards) functions generated for one recursive function. The way we do the test is very simple: - we explore the functions one by one, in the order - if all functions only call functions we already explored, they are not mutually recursive *) let functions_not_mutually_recursive (funs : fun_decl list) : bool = (* Compute the set of function identifiers in the group *) let ids = FunIdSet.of_list ( (fun (f : fun_decl) -> Regular (A.Regular f.def_id, f.back_id)) funs) in let ids = ref ids in (* Explore every body *) let body_only_calls_itself (fdef : fun_decl) : bool = (* Remove the current id from the id set *) ids := FunIdSet.remove (Regular (A.Regular fdef.def_id, fdef.back_id)) !ids; (* Check if we call functions from the updated id set *) let obj = object inherit [_] iter_expression as super method! visit_qualif env qualif = match with | Func fun_id -> if FunIdSet.mem fun_id !ids then raise Utils.Found else super#visit_qualif env qualif | _ -> super#visit_qualif env qualif end in try match fdef.body with | None -> true | Some body -> obj#visit_texpression () body.body; true with Utils.Found -> false in List.for_all body_only_calls_itself funs (** We use this to check whether we need to add parentheses around expressions. We only look for outer monadic let-bindings. This is used when printing the branches of `if ... then ... else ...`. *) let rec let_group_requires_parentheses (e : texpression) : bool = match e.e with | Local _ | Const _ | App _ | Abs _ | Qualif _ -> false | Let (monadic, _, _, next_e) -> if monadic then true else let_group_requires_parentheses next_e | Switch (_, _) -> false | Meta (_, next_e) -> let_group_requires_parentheses next_e let is_var (e : texpression) : bool = match e.e with Local _ -> true | _ -> false let as_var (e : texpression) : = match e.e with Local v -> v | _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable") (** Remove the external occurrences of [Meta] *) let rec unmeta (e : texpression) : texpression = match e.e with Meta (_, e) -> unmeta e | _ -> e (** Remove *all* the meta information *) let remove_meta (e : texpression) : texpression = let obj = object inherit [_] map_expression as super method! visit_Meta env _ e = super#visit_expression env e.e end in obj#visit_texpression () e let mk_arrow (ty0 : ty) (ty1 : ty) : ty = Arrow (ty0, ty1) (** Construct a type as a list of arrows: ty1 -> ... tyn *) let mk_arrows (inputs : ty list) (output : ty) = let rec aux (tys : ty list) : ty = match tys with [] -> output | ty :: tys' -> Arrow (ty, aux tys') in aux inputs (** Destruct an `App` expression into an expression and a list of arguments. We simply destruct the expression as long as it is of the form `App (f, x)`. *) let destruct_apps (e : texpression) : texpression * texpression list = let rec aux (args : texpression list) (e : texpression) : texpression * texpression list = match e.e with App (f, x) -> aux (x :: args) f | _ -> (e, args) in aux [] e (** Make an `App (app, arg)` expression *) let mk_app (app : texpression) (arg : texpression) : texpression = match app.ty with | Arrow (ty0, ty1) -> (* Sanity check *) assert (ty0 = arg.ty); let e = App (app, arg) in let ty = ty1 in { e; ty } | _ -> raise (Failure "Expected an arrow type") (** The reverse of [destruct_app] *) let mk_apps (app : texpression) (args : texpression list) : texpression = List.fold_left (fun app arg -> mk_app app arg) app args (** Destruct an expression into a qualif identifier and a list of arguments, * if possible *) let opt_destruct_qualif_app (e : texpression) : (qualif * texpression list) option = let app, args = destruct_apps e in match app.e with Qualif qualif -> Some (qualif, args) | _ -> None (** Destruct an expression into a qualif identifier and a list of arguments *) let destruct_qualif_app (e : texpression) : qualif * texpression list = Option.get (opt_destruct_qualif_app e) (** Destruct an expression into a function call, if possible *) let opt_destruct_function_call (e : texpression) : (fun_id * ty list * texpression list) option = match opt_destruct_qualif_app e with | None -> None | Some (qualif, args) -> ( match with | Func fun_id -> Some (fun_id, qualif.type_args, args) | _ -> None) let opt_destruct_result (ty : ty) : ty option = match ty with | Adt (Assumed Result, tys) -> Some (Collections.List.to_cons_nil tys) | _ -> None let destruct_result (ty : ty) : ty = Option.get (opt_destruct_result ty) let opt_destruct_tuple (ty : ty) : ty list option = match ty with Adt (Tuple, tys) -> Some tys | _ -> None let mk_abs (x : typed_pattern) (e : texpression) : texpression = let ty = Arrow (x.ty, e.ty) in let e = Abs (x, e) in { e; ty } let rec destruct_abs_list (e : texpression) : typed_pattern list * texpression = match e.e with | Abs (x, e') -> let xl, e'' = destruct_abs_list e' in (x :: xl, e'') | _ -> ([], e) let destruct_arrow (ty : ty) : ty * ty = match ty with | Arrow (ty0, ty1) -> (ty0, ty1) | _ -> raise (Failure "Not an arrow type") let rec destruct_arrows (ty : ty) : ty list * ty = match ty with | Arrow (ty0, ty1) -> let tys, out_ty = destruct_arrows ty1 in (ty0 :: tys, out_ty) | _ -> ([], ty) let get_switch_body_ty (sb : switch_body) : ty = match sb with | If (e_then, _) -> e_then.ty | Match branches -> (* There should be at least one branch *) (List.hd branches).branch.ty let map_switch_body_branches (f : texpression -> texpression) (sb : switch_body) : switch_body = match sb with | If (e_then, e_else) -> If (f e_then, f e_else) | Match branches -> Match ( (fun (b : match_branch) -> { b with branch = f b.branch }) branches) let iter_switch_body_branches (f : texpression -> unit) (sb : switch_body) : unit = match sb with | If (e_then, e_else) -> f e_then; f e_else | Match branches -> List.iter (fun (b : match_branch) -> f b.branch) branches let mk_switch (scrut : texpression) (sb : switch_body) : texpression = (* TODO: check the type of the scrutinee *) let ty = get_switch_body_ty sb in (* Sanity check: all the branches have the same type *) iter_switch_body_branches (fun e -> assert (e.ty = ty)) sb; (* Put together *) let e = Switch (scrut, sb) in { e; ty } (** Make a "simplified" tuple type from a list of types: - if there is exactly one type, just return it - if there is > one type: wrap them in a tuple *) let mk_simpl_tuple_ty (tys : ty list) : ty = match tys with [ ty ] -> ty | _ -> Adt (Tuple, tys) (** TODO: rename to "mk_..." *) let unit_ty : ty = Adt (Tuple, []) (** TODO: rename to "mk_unit_texpression" *) let unit_rvalue : texpression = let id = AdtCons { adt_id = Tuple; variant_id = None } in let qualif = { id; type_args = [] } in let e = Qualif qualif in let ty = unit_ty in { e; ty } let mk_texpression_from_var (v : var) : texpression = let e = Local in let ty = v.ty in { e; ty } let mk_typed_pattern_from_var (v : var) (mp : mplace option) : typed_pattern = let value = PatVar (Var (v, mp)) in let ty = v.ty in { value; ty } let mk_meta (m : meta) (e : texpression) : texpression = let ty = e.ty in let e = Meta (m, e) in { e; ty } let mk_mplace_texpression (mp : mplace) (e : texpression) : texpression = mk_meta (MPlace mp) e let mk_opt_mplace_texpression (mp : mplace option) (e : texpression) : texpression = match mp with None -> e | Some mp -> mk_mplace_texpression mp e (** Make a "simplified" tuple value from a list of values: - if there is exactly one value, just return it - if there is > one value: wrap them in a tuple *) let mk_simpl_tuple_pattern (vl : typed_pattern list) : typed_pattern = match vl with | [ v ] -> v | _ -> let tys = (fun (v : typed_pattern) -> v.ty) vl in let ty = Adt (Tuple, tys) in let value = PatAdt { variant_id = None; field_values = vl } in { value; ty } (** Similar to [mk_simpl_tuple_pattern] *) let mk_simpl_tuple_texpression (vl : texpression list) : texpression = match vl with | [ v ] -> v | _ -> (* Compute the types of the fields, and the type of the tuple constructor *) let tys = (fun (v : texpression) -> v.ty) vl in let ty = Adt (Tuple, tys) in let ty = mk_arrows tys ty in (* Construct the tuple constructor qualifier *) let id = AdtCons { adt_id = Tuple; variant_id = None } in let qualif = { id; type_args = tys } in (* Put everything together *) let cons = { e = Qualif qualif; ty } in mk_apps cons vl let mk_adt_pattern (adt_ty : ty) (variant_id : (vl : typed_pattern list) : typed_pattern = let value = PatAdt { variant_id = Some variant_id; field_values = vl } in { value; ty = adt_ty } let ty_as_integer (t : ty) : T.integer_type = match t with Integer int_ty -> int_ty | _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable") (* TODO: move *) let type_decl_is_enum (def : T.type_decl) : bool = match def.kind with T.Struct _ -> false | Enum _ -> true | Opaque -> false let mk_state_ty : ty = Adt (Assumed State, []) let mk_result_ty (ty : ty) : ty = Adt (Assumed Result, [ ty ]) (* TODO: rename *) let mk_result_fail_rvalue (ty : ty) : texpression = let type_args = [ ty ] in let ty = Adt (Assumed Result, type_args) in let id = AdtCons { adt_id = Assumed Result; variant_id = Some result_fail_id } in let qualif = { id; type_args } in let cons_e = Qualif qualif in let cons_ty = ty in let cons = { e = cons_e; ty = cons_ty } in cons (* TODO: rename *) let mk_result_return_rvalue (v : texpression) : texpression = let type_args = [ v.ty ] in let ty = Adt (Assumed Result, type_args) in let id = AdtCons { adt_id = Assumed Result; variant_id = Some result_return_id } in let qualif = { id; type_args } in let cons_e = Qualif qualif in let cons_ty = mk_arrow v.ty ty in let cons = { e = cons_e; ty = cons_ty } in mk_app cons v let mk_result_fail_pattern (ty : ty) : typed_pattern = let ty = Adt (Assumed Result, [ ty ]) in let value = PatAdt { variant_id = Some result_fail_id; field_values = [] } in { value; ty } let mk_result_return_pattern (v : typed_pattern) : typed_pattern = let ty = Adt (Assumed Result, [ v.ty ]) in let value = PatAdt { variant_id = Some result_return_id; field_values = [ v ] } in { value; ty } let opt_destruct_state_monad_result (ty : ty) : ty option = (* Checking: * ty == state -> result (state & _) ? *) match ty with | Arrow (ty0, ty1) -> (* ty == ty0 -> ty1 * Checking: ty0 == state ? * *) if ty0 = mk_state_ty then (* Checking: ty1 == result (state & _) *) match opt_destruct_result ty1 with | None -> None | Some ty2 -> ( (* Checking: ty2 == state & _ *) match opt_destruct_tuple ty2 with | Some [ ty3; ty4 ] -> if ty3 = mk_state_ty then Some ty4 else None | _ -> None) else None | _ -> None let opt_unmeta_mplace (e : texpression) : mplace option * texpression = match e.e with Meta (MPlace mp, e) -> (Some mp, e) | _ -> (None, e) (** Utility function, used for type checking - TODO: move *) let get_adt_field_types (type_decls : type_decl TypeDeclId.Map.t) (type_id : type_id) (variant_id : option) (tys : ty list) : ty list = match type_id with | Tuple -> (* Tuple *) assert (variant_id = None); tys | AdtId def_id -> (* "Regular" ADT *) let def = TypeDeclId.Map.find def_id type_decls in type_decl_get_instantiated_fields_types def variant_id tys | Assumed aty -> ( (* Assumed type *) match aty with | State -> (* `State` is opaque *) raise (Failure "Unreachable: `State` values are opaque") | Result -> let ty = Collections.List.to_cons_nil tys in let variant_id = Option.get variant_id in if variant_id = result_return_id then [ ty ] else if variant_id = result_fail_id then [] else raise (Failure "Unreachable: improper variant id for result type") | Option -> let ty = Collections.List.to_cons_nil tys in let variant_id = Option.get variant_id in if variant_id = option_some_id then [ ty ] else if variant_id = option_none_id then [] else raise (Failure "Unreachable: improper variant id for result type") | Vec -> raise (Failure "Unreachable: `Vector` values are opaque")) (** Module to perform type checking - we use this for sanity checks only TODO: move to a special file (so that we can also use PrintPure for debugging) *) module TypeCheck = struct type tc_ctx = { type_decls : type_decl TypeDeclId.Map.t; (** The type declarations *) env : ty VarId.Map.t; (** Environment from variables to types *) } let check_constant_value (v : constant_value) (ty : ty) : unit = match (ty, v) with | Integer int_ty, V.Scalar sv -> assert (int_ty = sv.V.int_ty) | Bool, Bool _ | Char, Char _ | Str, String _ -> () | _ -> raise (Failure "Inconsistent type") let rec check_typed_pattern (ctx : tc_ctx) (v : typed_pattern) : tc_ctx = log#ldebug (lazy ("check_typed_pattern: " ^ show_typed_pattern v)); match v.value with | PatConcrete cv -> check_constant_value cv v.ty; ctx | PatVar Dummy -> ctx | PatVar (Var (var, _)) -> assert (var.ty = v.ty); let env = VarId.Map.add var.ty ctx.env in { ctx with env } | PatAdt av -> (* Compute the field types *) let type_id, tys = match v.ty with | Adt (type_id, tys) -> (type_id, tys) | _ -> raise (Failure "Inconsistently typed value") in let field_tys = get_adt_field_types ctx.type_decls type_id av.variant_id tys in let check_value (ctx : tc_ctx) (ty : ty) (v : typed_pattern) : tc_ctx = if ty <> v.ty then ( log#serror ("check_typed_pattern: not the same types:" ^ "\n- ty: " ^ show_ty ty ^ "\n- v.ty: " ^ show_ty v.ty); raise (Failure "Inconsistent types")); check_typed_pattern ctx v in (* Check the field types - TODO: we might also want to check that the * type of the applied constructor is correct *) List.fold_left (fun ctx (ty, v) -> check_value ctx ty v) ctx (List.combine field_tys av.field_values) let rec check_texpression (ctx : tc_ctx) (e : texpression) : unit = match e.e with | Local var_id -> ( (* Lookup the variable - note that the variable may not be there, * if we type-check a subexpression (i.e.: if the variable is introduced * "outside" of the expression) - TODO: this won't happen once * we use a locally nameless representation *) match VarId.Map.find_opt var_id ctx.env with | None -> () | Some ty -> assert (ty = e.ty)) | Const cv -> check_constant_value cv e.ty | App (app, arg) -> let input_ty, output_ty = destruct_arrow app.ty in assert (input_ty = arg.ty); assert (output_ty = e.ty); check_texpression ctx app; check_texpression ctx arg | Abs (pat, body) -> let pat_ty, body_ty = destruct_arrow e.ty in assert (pat.ty = pat_ty); assert (body.ty = body_ty); (* Check the pattern and register the introduced variables at the same time *) let ctx = check_typed_pattern ctx pat in check_texpression ctx body | Qualif qualif -> ( match with | Func _ -> () (* TODO *) | Proj { adt_id; field_id } -> (* Note we can only project fields of structures (not enumerations) *) let variant_id = None in let expected_field_tys = get_adt_field_types ctx.type_decls adt_id variant_id qualif.type_args in let expected_field_ty = FieldId.nth expected_field_tys field_id in let _adt_ty, field_ty = destruct_arrow e.ty in (* TODO: check the adt_ty *) assert (expected_field_ty = field_ty) | AdtCons id -> (* TODO: we might also want to check the out type *) let expected_field_tys = get_adt_field_types ctx.type_decls id.adt_id id.variant_id qualif.type_args in let field_tys, _ = destruct_arrows e.ty in assert (expected_field_tys = field_tys)) | Let (monadic, pat, re, e_next) -> let expected_pat_ty = if monadic then destruct_result re.ty else re.ty in assert (pat.ty = expected_pat_ty); assert (e.ty = e_next.ty); (* Check the right-expression *) check_texpression ctx re; (* Check the pattern and register the introduced variables at the same time *) let ctx = check_typed_pattern ctx pat in (* Check the next expression *) check_texpression ctx e_next | Switch (scrut, switch_body) -> ( check_texpression ctx scrut; match switch_body with | If (e_then, e_else) -> assert (scrut.ty = Bool); assert (e_then.ty = e.ty); assert (e_else.ty = e.ty); check_texpression ctx e_then; check_texpression ctx e_else | Match branches -> let check_branch (br : match_branch) : unit = assert (br.pat.ty = scrut.ty); let ctx = check_typed_pattern ctx br.pat in check_texpression ctx br.branch in List.iter check_branch branches) | Meta (_, e_next) -> assert (e_next.ty = e.ty); check_texpression ctx e_next end