open Identifiers module T = Types module V = Values module E = Expressions module A = CfimAst module TypeVarId = T.TypeVarId module RegionId = T.RegionId module VariantId = T.VariantId module FieldId = T.FieldId module SymbolicValueId = V.SymbolicValueId module SynthPhaseId = IdGen () (** We give an identifier to every phase of the synthesis (forward, backward for group of regions 0, etc.) *) module BackwardFunId = IdGen () (** Every backward function has its identifier *) type ty = | Adt of T.type_id * ty list (** [Adt] encodes ADTs, tuples and assumed types. TODO: what about the ended regions? *) | TypeVar of | Bool | Char | Never | Integer of T.integer_type | Str | Array of ty (* TODO: there should be a constant with the array *) | Slice of ty type scalar_value = V.scalar_value type constant_value = V.constant_value type symbolic_value = { sv_id :; sv_ty : ty; sv_rty : T.rty; sv_ended_regions : RegionId.Set.t; (** We need to remember what was the set of ended regions at the time the symbolic value was introduced. *) } type value = | Concrete of constant_value | Adt of adt_value | Symbolic of symbolic_value and adt_value = { variant_id : ( option[@opaque]); field_values : typed_value list; } and typed_value = { value : value; ty : ty } type projection_elem = { pkind : E.field_proj_kind; field_id : } type projection = projection_elem list type operand = typed_value type assertion = { cond : operand; expected : bool } type fun_id = | Local of * option (** Backward id: `Some` if the function is a backward function, `None` if it is a forward function *) | Assumed of A.assumed_fun_id | Unop of E.unop | Binop of E.binop type call = { func : fun_id; type_params : ty list; args : operand list } type let_bindings = { call : call; bindings : symbolic_value list } (** **Rk.:** here, [expression] is not at all equivalent to the expressions used in CFIM. They are lambda-calculus expressions, and are thus actually more general than the CFIM statements, in a sense. *) type expression = | Let of let_bindings * expression (** Let bindings include the let-bindings introduced because of function calls *) | Assert of assertion | Return of typed_value | Panic of | Nop | Sequence of expression * expression | Switch of operand * switch_body and switch_body = | If of expression * expression | SwitchInt of T.integer_type * (scalar_value * expression) list * expression | Match of match_branch list and match_branch = { variant_id :; vars : symbolic_value list; branch : expression; }