(* TODO: most of the definitions in this file need to be moved elsewhere *) module T = Types module V = Values module E = Expressions module C = Contexts module Subst = Substitute module A = CfimAst module L = Logging open Utils open TypesUtils module PA = Print.EvalCtxCfimAst (** Some utilities *) let eval_ctx_to_string = Print.Contexts.eval_ctx_to_string let ety_to_string = PA.ety_to_string let rty_to_string = PA.rty_to_string let symbolic_value_to_string = PA.symbolic_value_to_string let borrow_content_to_string = PA.borrow_content_to_string let loan_content_to_string = PA.loan_content_to_string let aborrow_content_to_string = PA.aborrow_content_to_string let aloan_content_to_string = PA.aloan_content_to_string let typed_value_to_string = PA.typed_value_to_string let typed_avalue_to_string = PA.typed_avalue_to_string let place_to_string = PA.place_to_string let operand_to_string = PA.operand_to_string let statement_to_string ctx = PA.statement_to_string ctx "" " " let statement_to_string_with_tab ctx = PA.statement_to_string ctx " " " " let same_symbolic_id (sv0 : V.symbolic_value) (sv1 : V.symbolic_value) : bool = sv0.V.sv_id = sv1.V.sv_id let mk_var (index : V.VarId.id) (name : string option) (var_ty : T.ety) : A.var = { A.index; name; var_ty } (** Small helper - TODO: move *) let mk_place_from_var_id (var_id : V.VarId.id) : E.place = { var_id; projection = [] } (** Create a fresh symbolic value *) let mk_fresh_symbolic_value (ty : T.rty) : V.symbolic_value = let sv_id = C.fresh_symbolic_value_id () in let svalue = { V.sv_id; V.sv_ty = ty } in svalue (** Create a typed value from a symbolic value. *) let mk_typed_value_from_symbolic_value (svalue : V.symbolic_value) : V.typed_value = let av = V.Symbolic svalue in let av : V.typed_value = { V.value = av; V.ty = Subst.erase_regions svalue.V.sv_ty } in av (** Create a loans projector from a symbolic value. Checks if the projector will actually project some regions. If not, returns [AIgnored] (`_`). *) let mk_aproj_loans_from_symbolic_value (regions : T.RegionId.Set.t) (svalue : V.symbolic_value) : V.typed_avalue = if ty_has_regions_in_set regions svalue.sv_ty then let av = V.ASymbolic (V.AProjLoans svalue) in let av : V.typed_avalue = { V.value = av; V.ty = svalue.V.sv_ty } in av else { V.value = V.AIgnored; ty = svalue.V.sv_ty } (** TODO: move *) let borrow_is_asb (bid : V.BorrowId.id) (asb : V.abstract_shared_borrow) : bool = match asb with | V.AsbBorrow bid' -> bid' = bid | V.AsbProjReborrows _ -> false (** TODO: move *) let borrow_in_asb (bid : V.BorrowId.id) (asb : V.abstract_shared_borrows) : bool = List.exists (borrow_is_asb bid) asb (** TODO: move *) let remove_borrow_from_asb (bid : V.BorrowId.id) (asb : V.abstract_shared_borrows) : V.abstract_shared_borrows = let removed = ref 0 in let asb = List.filter (fun asb -> if not (borrow_is_asb bid asb) then true else ( removed := !removed + 1; false)) asb in assert (!removed = 1); asb (** We sometimes need to return a value whose type may vary depending on whether we find it in a "concrete" value or an abstraction (ex.: loan contents when we perform environment lookups by using borrow ids) *) type ('a, 'b) concrete_or_abs = Concrete of 'a | Abstract of 'b type g_loan_content = (V.loan_content, V.aloan_content) concrete_or_abs (** Generic loan content: concrete or abstract *) type g_borrow_content = (V.borrow_content, V.aborrow_content) concrete_or_abs (** Generic borrow content: concrete or abstract *) type abs_or_var_id = AbsId of V.AbstractionId.id | VarId of V.VarId.id option exception FoundBorrowContent of V.borrow_content (** Utility exception *) exception FoundLoanContent of V.loan_content (** Utility exception *) exception FoundABorrowContent of V.aborrow_content (** Utility exception *) exception FoundGBorrowContent of g_borrow_content (** Utility exception *) exception FoundGLoanContent of g_loan_content (** Utility exception *) exception FoundSymbolicValue of V.symbolic_value (** Utility exception *) exception FoundAProjBorrows of V.symbolic_value * T.rty (** Utility exception *) let symbolic_value_id_in_ctx (sv_id : V.SymbolicValueId.id) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : bool = let obj = object inherit [_] C.iter_eval_ctx method! visit_Symbolic _ sv = if sv.V.sv_id = sv_id then raise Found else () method! visit_ASymbolic _ aproj = match aproj with | AProjLoans sv | AProjBorrows (sv, _) -> if sv.V.sv_id = sv_id then raise Found else () | AEndedProjLoans | AEndedProjBorrows -> () method! visit_abstract_shared_borrows _ asb = let visit (asb : V.abstract_shared_borrow) : unit = match asb with | V.AsbBorrow _ -> () | V.AsbProjReborrows (sv, _) -> if sv.V.sv_id = sv_id then raise Found else () in List.iter visit asb end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx; false with Found -> true (** Check that a symbolic value doesn't contain ended regions. Note that we don't check that the set of ended regions is empty: we check that the set of ended regions doesn't intersect the set of regions used in the type (this is more general). *) let symbolic_value_has_ended_regions (ended_regions : T.RegionId.set_t) (s : V.symbolic_value) : bool = let regions = rty_regions s.V.sv_ty in not (T.RegionId.Set.disjoint regions ended_regions) (** Check if a [value] contains ⊥. Note that this function is very general: it also checks wether symbolic values contain already ended regions. *) let bottom_in_value (ended_regions : T.RegionId.set_t) (v : V.typed_value) : bool = let obj = object inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value method! visit_Bottom _ = raise Found method! visit_symbolic_value _ s = if symbolic_value_has_ended_regions ended_regions s then raise Found else () end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_typed_value () v; false with Found -> true (** Check if an [avalue] contains ⊥. Note that this function is very general: it also checks wether symbolic values contain already ended regions. TODO: remove? *) let bottom_in_avalue (ended_regions : T.RegionId.set_t) (v : V.typed_avalue) : bool = let obj = object inherit [_] V.iter_typed_avalue method! visit_Bottom _ = raise Found method! visit_symbolic_value _ sv = if symbolic_value_has_ended_regions ended_regions sv then raise Found else () method! visit_aproj _ ap = (* Nothing to do actually *) match ap with | V.AProjLoans _sv -> () | V.AProjBorrows (_sv, _rty) -> () | V.AEndedProjLoans | V.AEndedProjBorrows -> () end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_typed_avalue () v; false with Found -> true