(* TODO: most of the definitions in this file need to be moved elsewhere *) module T = Types module V = Values open Scalars module E = Expressions open Errors module C = Contexts module Subst = Substitute module A = CfimAst module L = Logging open TypesUtils open ValuesUtils open Utils (** Some utilities *) let eval_ctx_to_string = Print.Contexts.eval_ctx_to_string let ety_to_string = Print.EvalCtxCfimAst.ety_to_string let typed_value_to_string = Print.EvalCtxCfimAst.typed_value_to_string let place_to_string = Print.EvalCtxCfimAst.place_to_string let operand_to_string = Print.EvalCtxCfimAst.operand_to_string let statement_to_string ctx = Print.EvalCtxCfimAst.statement_to_string ctx "" " " let same_symbolic_id (sv0 : V.symbolic_value) (sv1 : V.symbolic_value) : bool = sv0.V.sv_id = sv1.V.sv_id (* TODO: move *) let mk_var (index : V.VarId.id) (name : string option) (var_ty : T.ety) : A.var = { A.index; name; var_ty } (** Small helper *) let mk_place_from_var_id (var_id : V.VarId.id) : E.place = { var_id; projection = [] } (** Deconstruct a type of the form `Box` to retrieve the `T` inside *) let ty_get_box (box_ty : T.ety) : T.ety = match box_ty with | T.Adt (T.Assumed T.Box, [], [ boxed_ty ]) -> boxed_ty | _ -> failwith "Not a boxed type" (** Deconstruct a type of the form `&T` or `&mut T` to retrieve the `T` (and the borrow kind, etc.) *) let ty_get_ref (ty : T.ety) : T.erased_region * T.ety * T.ref_kind = match ty with | T.Ref (r, ty, ref_kind) -> (r, ty, ref_kind) | _ -> failwith "Not a ref type" let mk_ref_ty (r : 'r) (ty : 'r T.ty) (ref_kind : T.ref_kind) : 'r T.ty = T.Ref (r, ty, ref_kind) (** Make a box type *) let mk_box_ty (ty : 'r T.ty) : 'r T.ty = T.Adt (T.Assumed T.Box, [], [ ty ]) (** Box a value *) let mk_box_value (v : V.typed_value) : V.typed_value = let box_ty = mk_box_ty v.V.ty in let box_v = V.Adt { variant_id = None; field_values = [ v ] } in mk_typed_value box_ty box_v (** Create a fresh symbolic proj comp *) let mk_fresh_symbolic_proj_comp (ended_regions : T.RegionId.set_t) (ty : T.rty) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx * V.symbolic_proj_comp = let ctx, sv_id = C.fresh_symbolic_value_id ctx in let svalue = { V.sv_id; V.sv_ty = ty } in let sv = { V.svalue; rset_ended = ended_regions } in (ctx, sv) (** Create a fresh symbolic value (as a complementary projector) *) let mk_fresh_symbolic_proj_comp_value (ended_regions : T.RegionId.set_t) (ty : T.rty) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value = let ctx, sv = mk_fresh_symbolic_proj_comp ended_regions ty ctx in let value : V.value = V.Symbolic sv in let ty : T.ety = Subst.erase_regions ty in let sv : V.typed_value = { V.value; ty } in (ctx, sv) let mk_typed_value_from_proj_comp (sv : V.symbolic_proj_comp) : V.typed_value = let ty = Subst.erase_regions sv.V.svalue.V.sv_ty in let value = V.Symbolic sv in { V.value; ty } let mk_typed_value_from_symbolic_value (svalue : V.symbolic_value) : V.typed_value = let spc = { V.svalue; rset_ended = T.RegionId.Set.empty } in mk_typed_value_from_proj_comp spc let mk_aproj_loans_from_proj_comp (sv : V.symbolic_proj_comp) : V.typed_avalue = let ty = sv.V.svalue.V.sv_ty in let proj = V.AProjLoans sv.V.svalue in let value = V.ASymbolic proj in { V.value; ty } (** TODO: move *) let borrow_is_asb (bid : V.BorrowId.id) (asb : V.abstract_shared_borrow) : bool = match asb with | V.AsbBorrow bid' -> bid' = bid | V.AsbProjReborrows _ -> false (** TODO: move *) let borrow_in_asb (bid : V.BorrowId.id) (asb : V.abstract_shared_borrows) : bool = List.exists (borrow_is_asb bid) asb (** TODO: move *) let remove_borrow_from_asb (bid : V.BorrowId.id) (asb : V.abstract_shared_borrows) : V.abstract_shared_borrows = let removed = ref 0 in let asb = List.filter (fun asb -> if not (borrow_is_asb bid asb) then true else ( removed := !removed + 1; false)) asb in assert (!removed = 1); asb (* TODO: cleanup this a bit, once we have a better understanding about what we need *) type exploration_kind = { enter_shared_loans : bool; enter_mut_borrows : bool; enter_abs : bool; (** Note that if we allow to enter abs, we don't check whether we enter mutable/shared loans or borrows: there are no use cases requiring a finer control. *) } (** This record controls how some generic helper lookup/update functions behave, by restraining the kind of therms they can enter. *) let ek_all : exploration_kind = { enter_shared_loans = true; enter_mut_borrows = true; enter_abs = true } (** We sometimes need to return a value whose type may vary depending on whether we find it in a "concrete" value or an abstraction (ex.: loan contents when we perform environment lookups by using borrow ids) *) type ('a, 'b) concrete_or_abs = Concrete of 'a | Abstract of 'b type g_loan_content = (V.loan_content, V.aloan_content) concrete_or_abs (** Generic loan content: concrete or abstract *) type g_borrow_content = (V.borrow_content, V.aborrow_content) concrete_or_abs (** Generic borrow content: concrete or abstract *) type abs_or_var_id = AbsId of V.AbstractionId.id | VarId of V.VarId.id exception FoundBorrowContent of V.borrow_content (** Utility exception *) exception FoundLoanContent of V.loan_content (** Utility exception *) exception FoundABorrowContent of V.aborrow_content (** Utility exception *) exception FoundGBorrowContent of g_borrow_content (** Utility exception *) exception FoundGLoanContent of g_loan_content (** Utility exception *) (** Check if a value contains a borrow *) let borrows_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : bool = let obj = object inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value method! visit_borrow_content _env _ = raise Found end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_typed_value () v; false with Found -> true (** Check if a value contains inactivated mutable borrows *) let inactivated_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : bool = let obj = object inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value method! visit_InactivatedMutBorrow _env _ = raise Found end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_typed_value () v; false with Found -> true (** Check if a value contains a loan *) let loans_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : bool = let obj = object inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value method! visit_loan_content _env _ = raise Found end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_typed_value () v; false with Found -> true let symbolic_value_id_in_ctx (sv_id : V.SymbolicValueId.id) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : bool = let obj = object inherit [_] C.iter_eval_ctx method! visit_Symbolic _ sv = if sv.V.svalue.V.sv_id = sv_id then raise Found else () method! visit_ASymbolic _ aproj = match aproj with | AProjLoans sv | AProjBorrows (sv, _) -> if sv.V.sv_id = sv_id then raise Found else () method! visit_abstract_shared_borrows _ asb = let visit (asb : V.abstract_shared_borrow) : unit = match asb with | V.AsbBorrow _ -> () | V.AsbProjReborrows (sv, _) -> if sv.V.sv_id = sv_id then raise Found else () in List.iter visit asb end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx; false with Found -> true (** Lookup a loan content. The loan is referred to by a borrow id. TODO: group abs_or_var_id and g_loan_content. *) let lookup_loan_opt (ek : exploration_kind) (l : V.BorrowId.id) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : (abs_or_var_id * g_loan_content) option = (* We store here whether we are inside an abstraction or a value - note that we * could also track that with the environment, it would probably be more idiomatic * and cleaner *) let abs_or_var : abs_or_var_id option ref = ref None in let obj = object inherit [_] C.iter_eval_ctx as super method! visit_borrow_content env bc = match bc with | V.SharedBorrow bid -> (* Nothing specific to do *) super#visit_SharedBorrow env bid | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid -> (* Nothing specific to do *) super#visit_InactivatedMutBorrow env bid | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) -> (* Control the dive *) if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv else () method! visit_loan_content env lc = match lc with | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) -> (* Check if this is the loan we are looking for, and control the dive *) if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then raise (FoundGLoanContent (Concrete lc)) else if ek.enter_shared_loans then super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv else () | V.MutLoan bid -> (* Check if this is the loan we are looking for *) if bid = l then raise (FoundGLoanContent (Concrete lc)) else super#visit_MutLoan env bid (** We reimplement [visit_Loan] (rather than the more precise functions [visit_SharedLoan], etc.) on purpose: as we have an exhaustive match below, we are more resilient to definition updates (the compiler is our friend). *) method! visit_aloan_content env lc = match lc with | V.AMutLoan (bid, av) -> if bid = l then raise (FoundGLoanContent (Abstract lc)) else super#visit_AMutLoan env bid av | V.ASharedLoan (bids, v, av) -> if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then raise (FoundGLoanContent (Abstract lc)) else super#visit_ASharedLoan env bids v av | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back; child } -> super#visit_AEndedMutLoan env given_back child | V.AEndedSharedLoan (v, av) -> super#visit_AEndedSharedLoan env v av | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (bid, av) -> super#visit_AIgnoredMutLoan env bid av | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back; child } -> super#visit_AEndedIgnoredMutLoan env given_back child | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan av -> super#visit_AIgnoredSharedLoan env av (** Note that we don't control diving inside the abstractions: if we allow to dive inside abstractions, we allow to go anywhere (because there are no use cases requiring finer control) *) method! visit_Var env bv v = assert (Option.is_none !abs_or_var); abs_or_var := Some (VarId bv.C.index); super#visit_Var env bv v; abs_or_var := None method! visit_Abs env abs = assert (Option.is_none !abs_or_var); if ek.enter_abs then ( abs_or_var := Some (AbsId abs.V.abs_id); super#visit_Abs env abs) else () end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx; None with FoundGLoanContent lc -> ( match !abs_or_var with | Some abs_or_var -> Some (abs_or_var, lc) | None -> failwith "Inconsistent state") (** Lookup a loan content. The loan is referred to by a borrow id. Raises an exception if no loan was found. *) let lookup_loan (ek : exploration_kind) (l : V.BorrowId.id) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : abs_or_var_id * g_loan_content = match lookup_loan_opt ek l ctx with | None -> failwith "Unreachable" | Some res -> res (** Update a loan content. The loan is referred to by a borrow id. This is a helper function: it might break invariants. *) let update_loan (ek : exploration_kind) (l : V.BorrowId.id) (nlc : V.loan_content) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx = (* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one loan: when updating * inside values, we check we don't update more than one loan. Then, upon * returning we check that we updated at least once. *) let r = ref false in let update () : V.loan_content = assert (not !r); r := true; nlc in let obj = object inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super method! visit_borrow_content env bc = match bc with | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> (* Nothing specific to do *) super#visit_borrow_content env bc | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) -> (* Control the dive into mutable borrows *) if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv else V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) method! visit_loan_content env lc = match lc with | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) -> (* Shared loan: check if this is the loan we are looking for, and control the dive. *) if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then update () else if ek.enter_shared_loans then super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv else V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) | V.MutLoan bid -> (* Mut loan: checks if this is the loan we are looking for *) if bid = l then update () else super#visit_MutLoan env bid (** We reimplement [visit_loan_content] (rather than one of the sub- functions) on purpose: exhaustive matches are good for maintenance *) method! visit_abs env abs = if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else abs (** Note that once inside the abstractions, we don't control diving (there are no use cases requiring finer control). Also, as we give back a [loan_content] (and not an [aloan_content]) we don't need to do reimplement the visit functions for the values inside the abstractions (rk.: there may be "concrete" values inside abstractions, so there is a utility in diving inside). *) end in let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx in (* Check that we updated at least one loan *) assert !r; ctx (** Update a abstraction loan content. The loan is referred to by a borrow id. This is a helper function: it might break invariants. *) let update_aloan (ek : exploration_kind) (l : V.BorrowId.id) (nlc : V.aloan_content) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx = (* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one loan: when updating * inside values, we check we don't update more than one loan. Then, upon * returning we check that we updated at least once. *) let r = ref false in let update () : V.aloan_content = assert (not !r); r := true; nlc in let obj = object inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super method! visit_aloan_content env lc = match lc with | V.AMutLoan (bid, av) -> if bid = l then update () else super#visit_AMutLoan env bid av | V.ASharedLoan (bids, v, av) -> if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then update () else super#visit_ASharedLoan env bids v av | V.AEndedMutLoan { given_back; child } -> super#visit_AEndedMutLoan env given_back child | V.AEndedSharedLoan (v, av) -> super#visit_AEndedSharedLoan env v av | V.AIgnoredMutLoan (bid, av) -> super#visit_AIgnoredMutLoan env bid av | V.AEndedIgnoredMutLoan { given_back; child } -> super#visit_AEndedIgnoredMutLoan env given_back child | V.AIgnoredSharedLoan av -> super#visit_AIgnoredSharedLoan env av method! visit_abs env abs = if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else abs (** Note that once inside the abstractions, we don't control diving (there are no use cases requiring finer control). *) end in let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx in (* Check that we updated at least one loan *) assert !r; ctx (** Lookup a borrow content from a borrow id. *) let lookup_borrow_opt (ek : exploration_kind) (l : V.BorrowId.id) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : g_borrow_content option = let obj = object inherit [_] C.iter_eval_ctx as super method! visit_borrow_content env bc = match bc with | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) -> (* Check the borrow id and control the dive *) if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Concrete bc)) else if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv else () | V.SharedBorrow bid -> (* Check the borrow id *) if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Concrete bc)) else () | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid -> (* Check the borrow id *) if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Concrete bc)) else () method! visit_loan_content env lc = match lc with | V.MutLoan bid -> (* Nothing special to do *) super#visit_MutLoan env bid | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) -> (* Control the dive *) if ek.enter_shared_loans then super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv else () method! visit_aborrow_content env bc = match bc with | V.AMutBorrow (bid, av) -> if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Abstract bc)) else super#visit_AMutBorrow env bid av | V.ASharedBorrow bid -> if bid = l then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Abstract bc)) else super#visit_ASharedBorrow env bid | V.AIgnoredMutBorrow av -> super#visit_AIgnoredMutBorrow env av | V.AProjSharedBorrow asb -> if borrow_in_asb l asb then raise (FoundGBorrowContent (Abstract bc)) else () method! visit_abs env abs = if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else () end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx; None with FoundGBorrowContent lc -> Some lc (** Lookup a borrow content from a borrow id. Raise an exception if no loan was found *) let lookup_borrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l : V.BorrowId.id) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : g_borrow_content = match lookup_borrow_opt ek l ctx with | None -> failwith "Unreachable" | Some lc -> lc (** Update a borrow content. The borrow is referred to by a borrow id. This is a helper function: it might break invariants. *) let update_borrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l : V.BorrowId.id) (nbc : V.borrow_content) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx = (* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one borrow: when updating * inside values, we check we don't update more than one borrow. Then, upon * returning we check that we updated at least once. *) let r = ref false in let update () : V.borrow_content = assert (not !r); r := true; nbc in let obj = object inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super method! visit_borrow_content env bc = match bc with | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) -> (* Check the id and control dive *) if bid = l then update () else if ek.enter_mut_borrows then super#visit_MutBorrow env bid mv else V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) | V.SharedBorrow bid -> (* Check the id *) if bid = l then update () else super#visit_SharedBorrow env bid | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid -> (* Check the id *) if bid = l then update () else super#visit_InactivatedMutBorrow env bid method! visit_loan_content env lc = match lc with | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) -> (* Control the dive *) if ek.enter_shared_loans then super#visit_SharedLoan env bids sv else V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) | V.MutLoan bid -> (* Nothing specific to do *) super#visit_MutLoan env bid method! visit_abs env abs = if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else abs end in let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx in (* Check that we updated at least one borrow *) assert !r; ctx (** Update an abstraction borrow content. The borrow is referred to by a borrow id. This is a helper function: it might break invariants. *) let update_aborrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l : V.BorrowId.id) (nv : V.avalue) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx = (* We use a reference to check that we update exactly one borrow: when updating * inside values, we check we don't update more than one borrow. Then, upon * returning we check that we updated at least once. *) let r = ref false in let update () : V.avalue = assert (not !r); r := true; nv in let obj = object inherit [_] C.map_eval_ctx as super method! visit_ABorrow env bc = match bc with | V.AMutBorrow (bid, av) -> if bid = l then update () else V.ABorrow (super#visit_AMutBorrow env bid av) | V.ASharedBorrow bid -> if bid = l then update () else V.ABorrow (super#visit_ASharedBorrow env bid) | V.AIgnoredMutBorrow av -> V.ABorrow (super#visit_AIgnoredMutBorrow env av) | V.AProjSharedBorrow asb -> if borrow_in_asb l asb then update () else V.ABorrow (super#visit_AProjSharedBorrow env asb) method! visit_abs env abs = if ek.enter_abs then super#visit_abs env abs else abs end in let ctx = obj#visit_eval_ctx () ctx in (* Check that we updated at least one borrow *) assert !r; ctx (** TODO: move to InterpreterSymbolic or sth *) type symbolic_expansion = | SeConcrete of V.constant_value | SeAdt of (T.VariantId.id option * V.symbolic_proj_comp list) | SeMutRef of V.BorrowId.id * V.symbolic_proj_comp | SeSharedRef of V.BorrowId.set_t * V.symbolic_proj_comp (** The following type identifies the relative position of expressions (in particular borrows) in other expressions. For instance, it is used to control [end_borrow]: we usually only allow to end "outer" borrows, unless we perform a drop. *) type inner_outer = Inner | Outer type borrow_ids = Borrows of V.BorrowId.Set.t | Borrow of V.BorrowId.id exception FoundBorrowIds of borrow_ids let update_if_none opt x = match opt with None -> Some x | _ -> opt (** Auxiliary function: see its usage in [end_borrow_get_borrow_in_value] *) let update_outer_borrows (io : inner_outer) (outer : V.AbstractionId.id option * borrow_ids option) (x : borrow_ids) : V.AbstractionId.id option * borrow_ids option = match io with | Inner -> (* If we can end inner borrows, we don't keep track of the outer borrows *) outer | Outer -> let abs, opt = outer in (abs, update_if_none opt x) (** Return the first loan we find in a value *) let get_first_loan_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : V.loan_content option = let obj = object inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value method! visit_loan_content _ lc = raise (FoundLoanContent lc) end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_typed_value () v; None with FoundLoanContent lc -> Some lc (** Check if two different projections intersect. This is necessary when giving a symbolic value to an abstraction: we need to check that the regions which are already ended inside the abstraction don't intersect the regions over which we project in the new abstraction. Note that the two abstractions have different views (in terms of regions) of the symbolic value (hence the two region types). *) let rec projections_intersect (ty1 : T.rty) (rset1 : T.RegionId.set_t) (ty2 : T.rty) (rset2 : T.RegionId.set_t) : bool = match (ty1, ty2) with | T.Bool, T.Bool | T.Char, T.Char | T.Str, T.Str -> false | T.Integer int_ty1, T.Integer int_ty2 -> assert (int_ty1 = int_ty2); false | T.Adt (id1, regions1, tys1), T.Adt (id2, regions2, tys2) -> assert (id1 = id2); (* The intersection check for the ADTs is very crude: * we check if some arguments intersect. As all the type and region * parameters should be used somewhere in the ADT (otherwise rustc * generates an error), it means that it should be equivalent to checking * whether two fields intersect (and anyway comparing the field types is * difficult in case of enumerations...). * If we didn't have the above property enforced by the rust compiler, * this check would still be a reasonable conservative approximation. *) let regions = List.combine regions1 regions2 in let tys = List.combine tys1 tys2 in List.exists (fun (r1, r2) -> region_in_set r1 rset1 && region_in_set r2 rset2) regions || List.exists (fun (ty1, ty2) -> projections_intersect ty1 rset1 ty2 rset2) tys | T.Array ty1, T.Array ty2 | T.Slice ty1, T.Slice ty2 -> projections_intersect ty1 rset1 ty2 rset2 | T.Ref (r1, ty1, kind1), T.Ref (r2, ty2, kind2) -> (* Sanity check *) assert (kind1 = kind2); (* The projections intersect if the borrows intersect or their contents * intersect *) (region_in_set r1 rset1 && region_in_set r2 rset2) || projections_intersect ty1 rset1 ty2 rset2 | _ -> failwith "Unreachable" (** Check if the ended regions of a comp projector over a symbolic value intersect the regions listed in another projection *) let symbolic_proj_comp_ended_regions_intersect_proj (s : V.symbolic_proj_comp) (ty : T.rty) (regions : T.RegionId.set_t) : bool = projections_intersect s.V.svalue.V.sv_ty s.V.rset_ended ty regions (** Check that a symbolic value doesn't contain ended regions. Note that we don't check that the set of ended regions is empty: we check that the set of ended regions doesn't intersect the set of regions used in the type (this is more general). *) let symbolic_proj_comp_ended_regions (s : V.symbolic_proj_comp) : bool = let regions = rty_regions s.V.svalue.V.sv_ty in not (T.RegionId.Set.disjoint regions s.rset_ended) (** Check if a [value] contains ⊥. Note that this function is very general: it also checks wether symbolic values contain already ended regions. *) let bottom_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : bool = let obj = object inherit [_] V.iter_typed_value method! visit_Bottom _ = raise Found method! visit_symbolic_proj_comp _ s = if symbolic_proj_comp_ended_regions s then raise Found else () end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_typed_value () v; false with Found -> true (** Check if an [avalue] contains ⊥. Note that this function is very general: it also checks wether symbolic values contain already ended regions. TODO: remove? *) let bottom_in_avalue (v : V.typed_avalue) (_abs_regions : T.RegionId.set_t) : bool = let obj = object inherit [_] V.iter_typed_avalue method! visit_Bottom _ = raise Found method! visit_symbolic_proj_comp _ sv = if symbolic_proj_comp_ended_regions sv then raise Found else () method! visit_aproj _ ap = (* Nothing to do actually *) match ap with | V.AProjLoans _sv -> () | V.AProjBorrows (_sv, _rty) -> () end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_typed_avalue () v; false with Found -> true type outer_borrows_or_abs = | OuterBorrows of borrow_ids | OuterAbs of V.AbstractionId.id exception FoundOuter of outer_borrows_or_abs (** Utility exception *) (** Return true if a type is "primitively copyable". * * "primitively copyable" means that copying instances of this type doesn't * require calling dedicated functions defined through the Copy trait. It * is the case for types like integers, shared borrows, etc. *) let rec type_is_primitively_copyable (ty : T.ety) : bool = match ty with | T.Adt ((T.AdtId _ | T.Assumed _), _, _) -> false | T.Adt (T.Tuple, _, tys) -> List.for_all type_is_primitively_copyable tys | T.TypeVar _ | T.Never | T.Str | T.Array _ | T.Slice _ -> false | T.Bool | T.Char | T.Integer _ -> true | T.Ref (_, _, T.Mut) -> false | T.Ref (_, _, T.Shared) -> true