module L = Logging module T = Types module A = CfimAst module M = Modules open InterpreterUtils open InterpreterExpressions open InterpreterStatements (* TODO: it would be good to find a "core", which implements the rules (like "end_borrow") and on top of which we build more complex functions which chose in which order to apply the rules, etc. This way we would make very explicit where we need to insert sanity checks, what the preconditions are, where invariants might be broken, etc. *) (* TODO: intensively test with PLT-redex *) (* TODO: remove the config parameters when they are useless *) (** The local logger *) let log = L.interpreter_log module Test = struct let initialize_context (m : M.cfim_module) (type_vars : T.type_var list) : C.eval_ctx = let type_decls, _ = M.split_declarations m.declarations in let type_defs, fun_defs = M.compute_defs_maps m in let type_defs_groups, _funs_defs_groups = M.split_declarations_to_group_maps m.declarations in let type_infos = TypesAnalysis.analyze_type_declarations type_defs type_decls in let type_context = { C.type_defs_groups; type_defs; type_infos } in C.reset_global_counters (); { C.type_context; C.fun_context = fun_defs; C.type_vars; C.env = []; C.ended_regions = T.RegionId.Set.empty; } (** Initialize an evaluation context to execute a function. Introduces local variables initialized in the following manner: - input arguments are initialized as symbolic values - the remaining locals are initialized as ⊥ "Dummy" abstractions are introduced for the regions present in the function signature. *) let initialize_symbolic_context_for_fun (m : M.cfim_module) (fdef : A.fun_def) : C.eval_ctx = (* The abstractions are not initialized the same way as for function * calls: they contain *loan* projectors, because they "provide" us * with the input values (which behave as if they had been returned * by some function calls...). * Also, note that we properly set the set of parents of every abstraction: * this should not be necessary, as those abstractions should never be * *automatically* ended (because ending some borrows requires to end * one of them), but rather selectively ended when generating code * for each of the backward functions. We do it only because we can * do it, and because it gives a bit of sanity. * *) let sg = fdef.signature in (* Create the context *) let ctx = initialize_context m sg.type_params in (* Instantiate the signature *) let type_params = (fun tv -> T.TypeVar tv.T.index) sg.type_params in let ctx, inst_sg = instantiate_fun_sig type_params sg ctx in (* Create fresh symbolic values for the inputs *) let input_svs = (fun ty -> mk_fresh_symbolic_value V.SynthInput ty) inst_sg.inputs in (* Initialize the abstractions as empty (i.e., with no avalues) abstractions *) let empty_absl = create_empty_abstractions_from_abs_region_groups V.Synth inst_sg.A.regions_hierarchy in (* Add the avalues to the abstractions and insert them in the context *) let insert_abs (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (abs : V.abs) : C.eval_ctx = (* Project over the values - we use *loan* projectors, as explained above *) let avalues = (mk_aproj_loans_value_from_symbolic_value abs.regions) input_svs in (* Insert the avalues in the abstraction *) let abs = { abs with avalues } in (* Insert the abstraction in the context *) let ctx = { ctx with env = Abs abs :: ctx.env } in (* Return *) ctx in let ctx = List.fold_left insert_abs ctx empty_absl in (* Split the variables between return var, inputs and remaining locals *) let ret_var = List.hd fdef.locals in let input_vars, local_vars = Collections.List.split_at ( fdef.locals) fdef.arg_count in (* Push the return variable (initialized with ⊥) *) let ctx = C.ctx_push_uninitialized_var ctx ret_var in (* Push the input variables (initialized with symbolic values) *) let input_values = mk_typed_value_from_symbolic_value input_svs in let ctx = C.ctx_push_vars ctx (List.combine input_vars input_values) in (* Push the remaining local variables (initialized with ⊥) *) let ctx = C.ctx_push_uninitialized_vars ctx local_vars in (* Return *) ctx (** Test a unit function (taking no arguments) by evaluating it in an empty environment. *) let test_unit_function (config : C.partial_config) (m : M.cfim_module) (fid : : unit eval_result = (* Retrieve the function declaration *) let fdef = A.FunDefId.nth m.functions fid in (* Debug *) log#ldebug (lazy ("test_unit_function: " ^ Print.name_to_string; (* Sanity check - *) assert (List.length fdef.A.signature.region_params = 0); assert (List.length fdef.A.signature.type_params = 0); assert (fdef.A.arg_count = 0); (* Create the evaluation context *) let ctx = initialize_context m [] in (* Insert the (uninitialized) local variables *) let ctx = C.ctx_push_uninitialized_vars ctx fdef.A.locals in (* Evaluate the function *) let config = C.config_of_partial C.ConcreteMode config in match eval_function_body config ctx fdef.A.body with | [ Ok _ ] -> Ok () | [ Error err ] -> Error err | _ -> (* We execute the concrete interpreter: there shouldn't be any branching *) failwith "Unreachable" (** Small helper: return true if the function is a unit function (no parameters, no arguments) - TODO: move *) let fun_def_is_unit (def : A.fun_def) : bool = def.A.arg_count = 0 && List.length def.A.signature.region_params = 0 && List.length def.A.signature.type_params = 0 && List.length def.A.signature.inputs = 0 (** Test all the unit functions in a list of function definitions *) let test_unit_functions (config : C.partial_config) (m : M.cfim_module) : unit = let unit_funs = List.filter fun_def_is_unit m.functions in let test_unit_fun (def : A.fun_def) : unit = match test_unit_function config m def.A.def_id with | Error _ -> failwith "Unit test failed (concrete execution)" | Ok _ -> () in List.iter test_unit_fun unit_funs (** Execute the symbolic interpreter on a function. *) let test_function_symbolic (config : C.partial_config) (m : M.cfim_module) (fid : : C.eval_ctx eval_result list = (* Retrieve the function declaration *) let fdef = A.FunDefId.nth m.functions fid in (* Debug *) log#ldebug (lazy ("test_function_symbolic: " ^ Print.name_to_string; (* Create the evaluation context *) let ctx = initialize_symbolic_context_for_fun m fdef in (* Evaluate the function *) let config = C.config_of_partial C.SymbolicMode config in eval_function_body config ctx fdef.A.body (** Execute the symbolic interpreter on a list of functions. TODO: for now we ignore the functions which contain loops, because they are not supported by the symbolic interpreter. *) let test_functions_symbolic (config : C.partial_config) (m : M.cfim_module) : unit = let no_loop_funs = List.filter (fun f -> not (CfimAstUtils.fun_def_has_loops f)) m.functions in let test_fun (def : A.fun_def) : unit = (* Execute the function - note that as the symbolic interpreter explores * all the path, some executions are expected to "panic": we thus don't * check the return value *) let _ = test_function_symbolic config m def.A.def_id in () in List.iter test_fun no_loop_funs end