module T = Types module V = Values open Scalars module E = Expressions open Errors module C = Contexts module Subst = Substitute module A = CfimAst module L = Logging (* TODO: Change state-passing style to : st -> ... -> (st, v) *) (* TODO: check that the value types are correct when evaluating *) (* TODO: module Type = T, etc. *) (* TODO: is it a good idea to give indices to variables? For instance: let ctx1 = .. in let ctx2 = ... ctx1 in ... *) (* TODO: move *) let mk_unit_ty : T.ety = T.Tuple [] (* TODO: move *) let mk_unit_value : V.typed_value = { V.value = V.Tuple (T.FieldId.vector_of_list []); V.ty = mk_unit_ty } let mk_typed_value (ty : T.ety) (value : V.value) : V.typed_value = { V.value; ty } (* TODO: move *) let mk_var (index : (name : string option) (var_ty : T.ety) : V.var = { V.index; name; var_ty } (** Small helper *) let mk_place_from_var_id (var_id : : = { var_id; projection = [] } (** TODO: change the name *) type eval_error = Panic type 'a eval_result = ('a, eval_error) result type exploration_kind = { enter_shared_loans : bool; enter_mut_borrows : bool; enter_abs : bool; } (** This record controls how some generic helper lookup/update functions behave, by restraining the kind of therms they can enter. *) (** Apply a predicate to all the borrows in a value *) let rec check_borrows_in_value (check : V.borrow_content -> bool) (v : V.typed_value) : bool = match v.V.value with | V.Concrete _ | V.Bottom | V.Symbolic _ -> true | V.Adt av -> T.FieldId.for_all (check_borrows_in_value check) av.field_values | V.Tuple values -> T.FieldId.for_all (check_borrows_in_value check) values | V.Assumed (Box bv) -> check_borrows_in_value check bv | V.Borrow bc -> ( check bc && match bc with | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> true | V.MutBorrow (_, mv) -> check_borrows_in_value check mv) | V.Loan lc -> ( match lc with | V.SharedLoan (_, sv) -> check_borrows_in_value check sv | V.MutLoan _ -> true) (** Apply a predicate to all the loans in a value *) let rec check_loans_in_value (check : V.loan_content -> bool) (v : V.typed_value) : bool = match v.V.value with | V.Concrete _ | V.Bottom | V.Symbolic _ -> true | V.Adt av -> T.FieldId.for_all (check_loans_in_value check) av.field_values | V.Tuple values -> T.FieldId.for_all (check_loans_in_value check) values | V.Assumed (Box bv) -> check_loans_in_value check bv | V.Borrow bc -> ( match bc with | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> true | V.MutBorrow (_, mv) -> check_loans_in_value check mv) | V.Loan lc -> ( check lc && match lc with | V.SharedLoan (_, sv) -> check_loans_in_value check sv | V.MutLoan _ -> true) (** Lookup a loan content in a value *) let rec lookup_loan_in_value (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (v : V.typed_value) : V.loan_content option = match v.V.value with | V.Concrete _ | V.Bottom | V.Symbolic _ -> None | V.Adt av -> let values = T.FieldId.vector_to_list av.field_values in List.find_map (lookup_loan_in_value ek l) values | V.Tuple values -> let values = T.FieldId.vector_to_list values in List.find_map (lookup_loan_in_value ek l) values | V.Assumed (Box bv) -> lookup_loan_in_value ek l bv | V.Borrow bc -> ( match bc with | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> None | V.MutBorrow (_, mv) -> if ek.enter_mut_borrows then lookup_loan_in_value ek l mv else None) | V.Loan lc -> ( match lc with | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) -> if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then Some lc else if ek.enter_shared_loans then lookup_loan_in_value ek l sv else None | V.MutLoan bid -> if bid = l then Some (V.MutLoan bid) else None) (** Lookup a loan content. The loan is referred to by a borrow id. *) let lookup_loan_opt (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (env : C.env) : V.loan_content option = let lookup_loan_in_env_value (ev : C.env_value) : V.loan_content option = match ev with | C.Var (_, v) -> lookup_loan_in_value ek l v | C.Abs _ -> raise Unimplemented (* TODO *) | C.Frame -> None in List.find_map lookup_loan_in_env_value env (** Lookup a loan content. The loan is referred to by a borrow id. Raises an exception if no loan was found. *) let lookup_loan (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (env : C.env) : V.loan_content = match lookup_loan_opt ek l env with | None -> failwith "Unreachable" | Some lc -> lc (** Update a loan content in a value. The loan is referred to by a borrow id. This is a helper function: it might break invariants. *) let rec update_loan_in_value (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (nlc : V.loan_content) (v : V.typed_value) : V.typed_value = match v.V.value with | V.Concrete _ | V.Bottom | V.Symbolic _ -> v | V.Adt av -> let values = (update_loan_in_value ek l nlc) av.field_values in let av = { av with field_values = values } in { v with value = Adt av } | V.Tuple values -> let values = (update_loan_in_value ek l nlc) values in { v with value = Tuple values } | V.Assumed (Box bv) -> { v with value = Assumed (Box (update_loan_in_value ek l nlc bv)) } | V.Borrow bc -> ( match bc with | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> v | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) -> if ek.enter_mut_borrows then let v' = V.Borrow (V.MutBorrow (bid, update_loan_in_value ek l nlc mv)) in { v with value = v' } else v) | V.Loan lc -> ( match lc with | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) -> if V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids then { v with value = V.Loan nlc } else if ek.enter_shared_loans then let v' = V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (bids, update_loan_in_value ek l nlc sv)) in { v with value = v' } else v | V.MutLoan bid -> if bid = l then { v with value = V.Loan nlc } else v) (** Update a loan content. The loan is referred to by a borrow id. This is a helper function: it might break invariants. *) let update_loan (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (nlc : V.loan_content) (env : C.env) : C.env = let update_loan_in_env_value (ev : C.env_value) : C.env_value = match ev with | C.Var (vid, v) -> Var (vid, update_loan_in_value ek l nlc v) | C.Abs _ -> raise Unimplemented (* TODO *) | C.Frame -> C.Frame in update_loan_in_env_value env (** Lookup a borrow content in a value *) let rec lookup_borrow_in_value (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (v : V.typed_value) : V.borrow_content option = match v.V.value with | V.Concrete _ | V.Bottom | V.Symbolic _ -> None | V.Adt av -> let values = T.FieldId.vector_to_list av.field_values in List.find_map (lookup_borrow_in_value ek l) values | V.Tuple values -> let values = T.FieldId.vector_to_list values in List.find_map (lookup_borrow_in_value ek l) values | V.Assumed (Box bv) -> lookup_borrow_in_value ek l bv | V.Borrow bc -> ( match bc with | V.SharedBorrow bid -> if l = bid then Some bc else None | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid -> if l = bid then Some bc else None | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) -> if bid = l then Some bc else if ek.enter_mut_borrows then lookup_borrow_in_value ek l mv else None) | V.Loan lc -> ( match lc with | V.SharedLoan (_, sv) -> if ek.enter_shared_loans then lookup_borrow_in_value ek l sv else None | V.MutLoan _ -> None) (** Lookup a borrow content from a borrow id. *) let lookup_borrow_opt (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (env : C.env) : V.borrow_content option = let lookup_borrow_in_env_value (ev : C.env_value) = match ev with | C.Var (_, v) -> lookup_borrow_in_value ek l v | C.Abs _ -> raise Unimplemented (* TODO *) | C.Frame -> None in List.find_map lookup_borrow_in_env_value env (** Lookup a borrow content from a borrow id. Raise an exception if no loan was found *) let lookup_borrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (env : C.env) : V.borrow_content = match lookup_borrow_opt ek l env with | None -> failwith "Unreachable" | Some lc -> lc (** Update a borrow content in a value. The borrow is referred to by a borrow id. This is a helper function: it might break invariants. *) let rec update_borrow_in_value (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (nbc : V.borrow_content) (v : V.typed_value) : V.typed_value = match v.V.value with | V.Concrete _ | V.Bottom | V.Symbolic _ -> v | V.Adt av -> let values = (update_borrow_in_value ek l nbc) av.field_values in let av = { av with field_values = values } in { v with value = Adt av } | V.Tuple values -> let values = (update_borrow_in_value ek l nbc) values in { v with value = Tuple values } | V.Assumed (Box bv) -> { v with value = Assumed (Box (update_borrow_in_value ek l nbc bv)) } | V.Borrow bc -> ( match bc with | V.SharedBorrow bid | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid -> if bid = l then { v with value = V.Borrow nbc } else v | V.MutBorrow (bid, mv) -> if bid = l then { v with value = V.Borrow nbc } else if ek.enter_mut_borrows then let v' = V.Borrow (V.MutBorrow (bid, update_borrow_in_value ek l nbc mv)) in { v with value = v' } else v) | V.Loan lc -> ( match lc with | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) -> if ek.enter_shared_loans then let v' = V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (bids, update_borrow_in_value ek l nbc sv)) in { v with value = v' } else v | V.MutLoan _ -> v) (** Update a borrow content. The borrow is referred to by a borrow id. This is a helper function: it might break invariants. *) let update_borrow (ek : exploration_kind) (l : (nbc : V.borrow_content) (env : C.env) : C.env = let update_borrow_in_env_value (ev : C.env_value) : C.env_value = match ev with | C.Var (vid, v) -> Var (vid, update_borrow_in_value ek l nbc v) | C.Abs _ -> raise Unimplemented (* TODO *) | C.Frame -> C.Frame in update_borrow_in_env_value env (** The following type identifies the relative position of expressions (in particular borrows) in other expressions. For instance, it is used to control [end_borrow]: we usually only allow to end "outer" borrows, unless we perform a drop. *) type inner_outer = Inner | Outer type borrow_ids = Borrows of V.BorrowId.Set.t | Borrow of (** Borrow lookup result *) type borrow_lres = | NotFound | Outer of borrow_ids | FoundMut of V.typed_value | FoundShared | FoundInactivatedMut let update_if_none opt x = match opt with None -> Some x | _ -> opt (** Auxiliary function: see its usage in [end_borrow_get_borrow_in_value] *) let update_outer_borrows (io : inner_outer) opt x = match io with | Inner -> (* If we can end inner borrows, we don't keep track of the outer borrows *) None | Outer -> update_if_none opt x let unwrap_res_to_outer_or opt default = match opt with Some x -> Outer x | None -> default (** Check if a value contains loans *) let rec loans_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : bool = match v.V.value with | V.Concrete _ -> false | V.Adt av -> let fields = T.FieldId.vector_to_list av.field_values in List.exists loans_in_value fields | V.Tuple fields -> let fields = T.FieldId.vector_to_list fields in List.exists loans_in_value fields | V.Assumed (Box bv) -> loans_in_value bv | V.Borrow bc -> ( match bc with | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> false | V.MutBorrow (_, bv) -> loans_in_value bv) | V.Loan _ -> true | V.Bottom | V.Symbolic _ -> false (** Return the first loan we find in a value *) let rec get_first_loan_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : V.loan_content option = match v.V.value with | V.Concrete _ -> None | V.Adt av -> let fields = T.FieldId.vector_to_list av.field_values in get_first_loan_in_values fields | V.Tuple fields -> let fields = T.FieldId.vector_to_list fields in get_first_loan_in_values fields | V.Assumed (Box bv) -> get_first_loan_in_value bv | V.Borrow bc -> ( match bc with | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> None | V.MutBorrow (_, bv) -> get_first_loan_in_value bv) | V.Loan lc -> Some lc | V.Bottom | V.Symbolic _ -> None and get_first_loan_in_values (vl : V.typed_value list) : V.loan_content option = match vl with | [] -> None | v :: vl' -> ( match get_first_loan_in_value v with | Some lc -> Some lc | None -> get_first_loan_in_values vl') (** Check if a value contains ⊥ *) let rec bottom_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : bool = match v.V.value with | V.Concrete _ -> false | V.Adt av -> let fields = T.FieldId.vector_to_list av.field_values in List.exists bottom_in_value fields | V.Tuple fields -> let fields = T.FieldId.vector_to_list fields in List.exists bottom_in_value fields | V.Assumed (Box bv) -> bottom_in_value bv | V.Borrow bc -> ( match bc with | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> false | V.MutBorrow (_, bv) -> bottom_in_value bv) | V.Loan lc -> ( match lc with | V.SharedLoan (_, sv) -> bottom_in_value sv | V.MutLoan _ -> false) | V.Bottom -> true | V.Symbolic _ -> (* This depends on the regions which have ended *) raise Unimplemented (** See [end_borrow_get_borrow_in_env] *) let rec end_borrow_get_borrow_in_value (config : C.config) (io : inner_outer) (l : (outer_borrows : borrow_ids option) (v0 : V.typed_value) : V.typed_value * borrow_lres = match v0.V.value with | V.Concrete _ | V.Bottom | V.Symbolic _ -> (v0, NotFound) | V.Assumed (Box bv) -> let bv', res = end_borrow_get_borrow_in_value config io l outer_borrows bv in (* Note that we allow boxes to outlive the inner borrows. * Also note that when using the symbolic mode, boxes will never * be "opened" and will be manipulated solely through functions * like new, deref, etc. which will enforce that we destroy * boxes upon ending inner borrows *) ({ v0 with value = Assumed (Box bv') }, res) | V.Adt adt -> let values = T.FieldId.vector_to_list adt.field_values in let values', res = end_borrow_get_borrow_in_values config io l outer_borrows values in let values' = T.FieldId.vector_of_list values' in ({ v0 with value = Adt { adt with field_values = values' } }, res) | V.Tuple values -> let values = T.FieldId.vector_to_list values in let values', res = end_borrow_get_borrow_in_values config io l outer_borrows values in let values' = T.FieldId.vector_of_list values' in ({ v0 with value = Tuple values' }, res) | V.Loan (V.MutLoan _) -> (v0, NotFound) | V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (borrows, v)) -> (* Update the outer borrows, if necessary *) let outer_borrows = update_outer_borrows io outer_borrows (Borrows borrows) in let v', res = end_borrow_get_borrow_in_value config io l outer_borrows v in ({ value = V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (borrows, v')); ty = v0.ty }, res) | V.Borrow (SharedBorrow l') -> if l = l' then ( { v0 with value = Bottom }, unwrap_res_to_outer_or outer_borrows FoundInactivatedMut ) else (v0, NotFound) | V.Borrow (InactivatedMutBorrow l') -> if l = l' then ( { v0 with value = Bottom }, unwrap_res_to_outer_or outer_borrows FoundInactivatedMut ) else (v0, NotFound) | V.Borrow (V.MutBorrow (l', bv)) -> if l = l' then ( { v0 with value = Bottom }, unwrap_res_to_outer_or outer_borrows (FoundMut bv) ) else (* Update the outer borrows, if necessary *) let outer_borrows = update_outer_borrows io outer_borrows (Borrow l') in let bv', res = end_borrow_get_borrow_in_value config io l outer_borrows bv in ({ v0 with value = V.Borrow (V.MutBorrow (l', bv')) }, res) and end_borrow_get_borrow_in_values (config : C.config) (io : inner_outer) (l : (outer_borrows : borrow_ids option) (vl0 : V.typed_value list) : V.typed_value list * borrow_lres = match vl0 with | [] -> (vl0, NotFound) | v :: vl -> ( let v', res = end_borrow_get_borrow_in_value config io l outer_borrows v in match res with | NotFound -> let vl', res = end_borrow_get_borrow_in_values config io l outer_borrows vl in (v' :: vl', res) | _ -> (v' :: vl, res)) (** Auxiliary function to end borrows: lookup a borrow in the environment, update it (by returning an updated environment where the borrow has been replaced by [Bottom])) if we can end the borrow (for instance, it is not an outer borrow...) or return the reason why we couldn't update the borrow. [end_borrow] then simply performs a loop: as long as we need to end (outer) borrows, we end them, and finally we end the borrow we wanted to end in the first place. *) let rec end_borrow_get_borrow_in_env (config : C.config) (io : inner_outer) (l : (env0 : C.env) : C.env * borrow_lres = match env0 with | [] -> ([], NotFound) | C.Var (x, v) :: env -> ( match end_borrow_get_borrow_in_value config io l None v with | v', NotFound -> let env', res = end_borrow_get_borrow_in_env config io l env in (Var (x, v') :: env', res) | v', res -> (Var (x, v') :: env, res)) | C.Abs _ :: _ -> assert (config.mode = SymbolicMode); raise Unimplemented | C.Frame :: env -> end_borrow_get_borrow_in_env config io l env (** See [give_back_value]. *) let rec give_back_value_to_value config bid (v : V.typed_value) (destv : V.typed_value) : V.typed_value = match destv.V.value with | V.Concrete _ | V.Bottom | V.Symbolic _ -> destv | V.Adt av -> let field_values = (give_back_value_to_value config bid v) (T.FieldId.vector_to_list av.field_values) in let field_values = T.FieldId.vector_of_list field_values in { destv with value = Adt { av with field_values } } | V.Tuple values -> let values = (give_back_value_to_value config bid v) (T.FieldId.vector_to_list values) in let values = T.FieldId.vector_of_list values in { destv with value = Tuple values } | V.Assumed (Box destv') -> { destv with value = Assumed (Box (give_back_value_to_value config bid v destv')); } | V.Borrow bc -> (* We may need to insert the value inside a borrowed value *) let bc' = match bc with | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> bc | V.MutBorrow (bid', destv') -> MutBorrow (bid', give_back_value_to_value config bid v destv') in { destv with value = V.Borrow bc' } | V.Loan lc -> ( match lc with | V.SharedLoan (_, _) -> destv | V.MutLoan bid' -> if bid' = bid then v else { destv with value = V.Loan (V.MutLoan bid') }) (** See [give_back_value]. *) let give_back_value_to_abs (_config : C.config) _bid _v _abs : V.abs = (* TODO *) raise Unimplemented (** See [give_back_shared]. *) let rec give_back_shared_to_value (config : C.config) bid (destv : V.typed_value) : V.typed_value = match destv.V.value with | V.Concrete _ | V.Bottom | V.Symbolic _ -> destv | V.Adt av -> let field_values = (give_back_shared_to_value config bid) (T.FieldId.vector_to_list av.field_values) in let field_values = T.FieldId.vector_of_list field_values in { destv with value = Adt { av with field_values } } | V.Tuple values -> let values = (give_back_shared_to_value config bid) (T.FieldId.vector_to_list values) in let values = T.FieldId.vector_of_list values in { destv with value = Tuple values } | V.Assumed (Box destv') -> { destv with value = Assumed (Box (give_back_shared_to_value config bid destv')); } | V.Borrow bc -> (* We may need to insert the value inside a borrowed value *) let bc' = match bc with | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> bc | V.MutBorrow (bid', destv') -> MutBorrow (bid', give_back_shared_to_value config bid destv') in { destv with value = V.Borrow bc' } | V.Loan lc -> ( match lc with | V.SharedLoan (bids, shared_value) -> if V.BorrowId.Set.mem bid bids then if V.BorrowId.Set.cardinal bids = 1 then shared_value else { destv with value = V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (V.BorrowId.Set.remove bid bids, shared_value)); } else { destv with value = V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (bids, give_back_shared_to_value config bid shared_value)); } | V.MutLoan _ -> destv) (** See [give_back_shared]. *) let give_back_shared_to_abs _config _bid _abs : V.abs = (* TODO *) raise Unimplemented (** Auxiliary function to end borrows. When we end a mutable borrow, we need to "give back" the value it contained to its original owner by reinserting it at the proper position. Note that this function doesn't check that there is actually a loan somewhere to which we can give the value: if this has to be checked, the check must be independently done before. *) let give_back_value (config : C.config) (bid : (v : V.typed_value) (env : C.env) : C.env = let give_back_value_to_env_value ev : C.env_value = match ev with | C.Var (vid, destv) -> C.Var (vid, give_back_value_to_value config bid v destv) | C.Abs abs -> assert (config.mode = SymbolicMode); C.Abs (give_back_value_to_abs config bid v abs) | C.Frame -> C.Frame in give_back_value_to_env_value env (** Auxiliary function to end borrows. When we end a shared borrow, we need to remove the borrow id from the list of borrows to the shared value. Note that this function doesn't check that there is actually a loan somewhere from which to remove the shared borrow id: if this has to be checked, the check must be independently done before. *) let give_back_shared config (bid : (env : C.env) : C.env = let give_back_shared_to_env_value ev : C.env_value = match ev with | C.Var (vid, destv) -> C.Var (vid, give_back_shared_to_value config bid destv) | C.Abs abs -> assert (config.mode = SymbolicMode); C.Abs (give_back_shared_to_abs config bid abs) | C.Frame -> C.Frame in give_back_shared_to_env_value env (** When copying values, we duplicate the shared borrows. This is tantamount to reborrowing the shared value. The following function applies this change to an environment by inserting a new borrow id in the set of borrows tracked by a shared value, referenced by the [original_bid] argument. *) let reborrow_shared (config : C.config) (original_bid : (new_bid : (env : C.env) : C.env = let rec reborrow_in_value (v : V.typed_value) : V.typed_value = match v.V.value with | V.Concrete _ | V.Bottom | V.Symbolic _ -> v | V.Adt av -> let fields = T.FieldId.vector_to_list av.field_values in let fields = reborrow_in_value fields in let fields = T.FieldId.vector_of_list fields in { v with value = Adt { av with field_values = fields } } | V.Tuple fields -> let fields = T.FieldId.vector_to_list fields in let fields = reborrow_in_value fields in let fields = T.FieldId.vector_of_list fields in { v with value = Tuple fields } | V.Assumed (Box bv) -> { v with value = Assumed (Box (reborrow_in_value bv)) } | V.Borrow bc -> ( match bc with | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> v | V.MutBorrow (bid, bv) -> { v with value = V.Borrow (V.MutBorrow (bid, reborrow_in_value bv)); }) | V.Loan lc -> ( match lc with | V.MutLoan _ -> v | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) -> (* Shared loan: check if the borrow id we are looking for is in the set of borrow ids. If yes, insert the new borrow id, otherwise explore inside the shared value *) if V.BorrowId.Set.mem original_bid bids then let bids' = V.BorrowId.Set.add new_bid bids in { v with value = V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (bids', sv)) } else { v with value = V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (bids, reborrow_in_value sv)); }) in let reborrow_in_ev (ev : C.env_value) : C.env_value = match ev with | C.Var (vid, v) -> C.Var (vid, reborrow_in_value v) | C.Abs abs -> assert (config.mode = SymbolicMode); C.Abs abs | C.Frame -> C.Frame in reborrow_in_ev env (** End a borrow identified by its borrow id First lookup the borrow in the environment and replace it with [Bottom]. Then, check that there is an associated loan in the environment. When moving values, before putting putting the value in its destination, we get an intermediate state where some values are "outside" the environment and thus inaccessible. As [give_back_value], for instance, just performs a map, we need to check independently that there is indeed a loan ready to receive the value we give back. Note that in theory, we shouldn't never reach a problematic state as the one we describe above, because when we move a value we need to end all the loans inside before moving it. Still, it is a very useful sanity check. Finally, give the values back. Of course, we end outer borrows before updating the target borrow if it proves necessary. *) let rec end_borrow (config : C.config) (io : inner_outer) (l : (env0 : C.env) : C.env = (* This is used for sanity checks *) let sanity_ek = { enter_shared_loans = true; enter_mut_borrows = true; enter_abs = true } in match end_borrow_get_borrow_in_env config io l env0 with (* It is possible that we can't find a borrow in symbolic mode (ending * an abstraction may end several borrows at once *) | env, NotFound -> assert (config.mode = SymbolicMode); env (* If we found outer borrows: end those borrows first *) | env, Outer outer_borrows -> let env' = match outer_borrows with | Borrows bids -> end_borrows config io bids env | Borrow bid -> end_borrow config io bid env in (* Retry to end the borrow *) end_borrow config io l env' (* If found mut: give the value back *) | env, FoundMut tv -> (* Check that the borrow is somewhere - purely a sanity check *) assert (Option.is_some (lookup_loan_opt sanity_ek l env)); give_back_value config l tv env (* If found shared or inactivated mut: remove the borrow id from the loan set of the shared value *) | env, (FoundShared | FoundInactivatedMut) -> (* Check that the borrow is somewhere - purely a sanity check *) assert (Option.is_some (lookup_loan_opt sanity_ek l env)); give_back_shared config l env and end_borrows (config : C.config) (io : inner_outer) (lset : V.BorrowId.Set.t) (env0 : C.env) : C.env = V.BorrowId.Set.fold (fun id env -> end_borrow config io id env) lset env0 let end_outer_borrow config = end_borrow config Outer let end_outer_borrows config = end_borrows config Outer let end_inner_borrow config = end_borrow config Inner let end_inner_borrows config = end_borrows config Inner (** Helper function: see [activate_inactivated_mut_borrow]. This function updates the shared loan to a mutable loan (we then update the borrow with another helper). Of course, the shared loan must contain exactly one borrow id (the one we give as parameter), otherwise we can't promote it. Also, the shared value mustn't contain any loan. The returned value (previously shared) is checked: - it mustn't contain loans - it mustn't contain [Bottom] - it mustn't contain inactivated borrows TODO: this kind of checks should be put in an auxiliary helper, because they are redundant *) let promote_shared_loan_to_mut_loan (l : (env : C.env) : C.env * V.typed_value = (* Lookup the shared loan *) let ek = { enter_shared_loans = false; enter_mut_borrows = true; enter_abs = false } in match lookup_loan ek l env with | V.MutLoan _ -> failwith "Expected a shared loan, found a mut loan" | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) -> (* Check that there is only one borrow id (l) and update the loan *) assert (V.BorrowId.Set.mem l bids && V.BorrowId.Set.cardinal bids = 1); (* We need to check that there aren't any loans in the value: we should have gotten rid of those already, but it is better to do a sanity check. *) assert (not (loans_in_value sv)); (* Also need to check there isn't [Bottom] (this is actually an invariant *) assert (not (bottom_in_value sv)); (* Update the loan content *) let env1 = update_loan ek l (V.MutLoan l) env in (* Return *) (env1, sv) (** Helper function: see [activate_inactivated_mut_borrow]. This function updates a shared borrow to a mutable borrow. *) let promote_inactivated_borrow_to_mut_borrow (l : (borrowed_value : V.typed_value) (env : C.env) : C.env = (* Lookup the inactivated borrow - note that we don't go inside borrows/loans: there can't be inactivated borrows inside other borrows/loans *) let ek = { enter_shared_loans = false; enter_mut_borrows = false; enter_abs = false } in match lookup_borrow ek l env with | V.SharedBorrow _ | V.MutBorrow (_, _) -> failwith "Expected an inactivated mutable borrow" | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> (* Update it *) update_borrow ek l (V.MutBorrow (l, borrowed_value)) env (** Promote an inactivated mut borrow to a mut borrow. The borrow must point to a shared value which is borrowed exactly once. *) let rec activate_inactivated_mut_borrow (config : C.config) (io : inner_outer) (l : (env : C.env) : C.env = (* Lookup the value *) let ek = { enter_shared_loans = false; enter_mut_borrows = true; enter_abs = false } in match lookup_loan ek l env with | V.MutLoan _ -> failwith "Unreachable" | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) -> ( (* If there are loans inside the value, end them. Note that there can't be inactivated borrows inside the value. If we perform an update, do a recursive call to lookup the updated value *) match get_first_loan_in_value sv with | Some lc -> (* End the loans *) let env' = match lc with | V.SharedLoan (bids, _) -> end_outer_borrows config bids env | V.MutLoan bid -> end_outer_borrow config bid env in (* Recursive call *) activate_inactivated_mut_borrow config io l env' | None -> (* No loan to end inside the value *) (* Some sanity checks *) assert (not (loans_in_value sv)); assert (not (bottom_in_value sv)); let check_not_inactivated bc = match bc with V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> false | _ -> true in assert (not (check_borrows_in_value check_not_inactivated sv)); (* End the borrows which borrow from the value, at the exception of the borrow we want to promote *) let bids = V.BorrowId.Set.remove l bids in let env1 = end_borrows config io bids env in (* Promote the loan *) let env2, borrowed_value = promote_shared_loan_to_mut_loan l env1 in (* Promote the borrow - the value should have been checked by [promote_shared_loan_to_mut_loan] *) promote_inactivated_borrow_to_mut_borrow l borrowed_value env2) (** Paths *) (** When we fail reading from or writing to a path, it might be because we need to update the environment by ending borrows, expanding symbolic values, etc. The following type is used to convey this information. *) type path_fail_kind = | FailSharedLoan of V.BorrowId.Set.t (** Failure because we couldn't go inside a shared loan *) | FailMutLoan of (** Failure because we couldn't go inside a mutable loan *) | FailInactivatedMutBorrow of (** Failure because we couldn't go inside an inactivated mutable borrow (which should get activated) *) | FailSymbolic of (E.projection_elem * V.symbolic_proj_comp) (** Failure because we need to enter a symbolic value (and thus need to expand it) *) | FailBottom of (int * E.projection_elem * T.ety) (** Failure because we need to enter an any value - we can expand Bottom values if they are left values. We return the number of elements which were remaining in the path when we reached the error - this allows to properly update the Bottom value, if needs be. *) | FailBorrow of V.borrow_content (** We got stuck because we couldn't enter a borrow *) (** Result of evaluating a path (reading from a path/writing to a path) Note that when we fail, we return information used to update the environment, as well as the *) type 'a path_access_result = ('a, path_fail_kind) result (** The result of reading from/writing to a place *) type updated_read_value = { read : V.typed_value; updated : V.typed_value } type projection_access = { enter_shared_loans : bool; enter_mut_borrows : bool; lookup_shared_borrows : bool; } (** Generic function to access (read/write) the value at the end of a projection. We return the (eventually) updated value, the value we read at the end of the place and the (eventually) updated environment. *) let rec access_projection (access : projection_access) (env : C.env) (* Function to (eventually) update the value we find *) (update : V.typed_value -> V.typed_value) (p : E.projection) (v : V.typed_value) : (C.env * updated_read_value) path_access_result = (* For looking up/updating shared loans *) let ek : exploration_kind = { enter_shared_loans = true; enter_mut_borrows = true; enter_abs = true } in match p with | [] -> let nv = update v in (* Type checking *) assert (nv.ty = v.ty); Ok (env, { read = v; updated = nv }) | pe :: p' -> ( (* Match on the projection element and the value *) match (pe, v.V.value) with (* Field projection *) | Field (ProjAdt (_def_id, opt_variant_id), field_id), V.Adt adt -> ( (* Check that the projection is consistent with the current value *) (match (opt_variant_id, adt.variant_id) with | None, None -> () | Some vid, Some vid' -> if vid <> vid' then failwith "Unreachable" | _ -> failwith "Unreachable"); (* Actually project *) let fv = T.FieldId.nth adt.field_values field_id in match access_projection access env update p fv with | Error err -> Error err | Ok (env1, res) -> (* Update the field value *) let nvalues = T.FieldId.update_nth adt.field_values field_id res.updated in let nadt = V.Adt { adt with V.field_values = nvalues } in let updated = { v with value = nadt } in Ok (env1, { res with updated })) (* Tuples *) | Field (ProjTuple arity, field_id), V.Tuple values -> ( assert (arity = T.FieldId.length values); let fv = T.FieldId.nth values field_id in (* Project *) match access_projection access env update p fv with | Error err -> Error err | Ok (env1, res) -> (* Update the field value *) let nvalues = T.FieldId.update_nth values field_id res.updated in let ntuple = V.Tuple nvalues in let updated = { v with value = ntuple } in Ok (env1, { res with updated }) (* If we reach Bottom, it may mean we need to expand an uninitialized * enumeration value *)) | Field (ProjAdt (_, Some _variant_id), _), V.Bottom -> Error (FailBottom (1 + List.length p', pe, v.ty)) (* Symbolic value: needs to be expanded *) | _, Symbolic sp -> (* Expand the symbolic value *) Error (FailSymbolic (pe, sp)) (* Box dereferencement *) | DerefBox, Assumed (Box bv) -> ( (* We allow moving inside of boxes. In practice, this kind of * manipulations should happen only inside unsage code, so * it shouldn't happen due to user code, and we leverage it * when implementing box dereferencement for the concrete * interpreter *) match access_projection access env update p' bv with | Error err -> Error err | Ok (env1, res) -> let nv = { v with value = V.Assumed (V.Box res.updated) } in Ok (env1, { res with updated = nv })) (* Borrows *) | Deref, V.Borrow bc -> ( match bc with | V.SharedBorrow bid -> (* Lookup the loan content, and explore from there *) if access.lookup_shared_borrows then match lookup_loan ek bid env with | V.MutLoan _ -> failwith "Expected a shared loan" | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) -> ( (* Explore the shared value *) match access_projection access env update p' sv with | Error err -> Error err | Ok (env1, res) -> (* Update the shared loan with the new value returned by [access_projection] *) let env2 = update_loan ek bid (V.SharedLoan (bids, res.updated)) env1 in (* Return - note that we don't need to update the borrow itself *) Ok (env2, { res with updated = v })) else Error (FailBorrow bc) | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid -> Error (FailInactivatedMutBorrow bid) | V.MutBorrow (bid, bv) -> if access.enter_mut_borrows then match access_projection access env update p' bv with | Error err -> Error err | Ok (env1, res) -> let nv = { v with value = V.Borrow (V.MutBorrow (bid, res.updated)); } in Ok (env1, { res with updated = nv }) else Error (FailBorrow bc)) | _, V.Loan lc -> ( match lc with | V.MutLoan bid -> Error (FailMutLoan bid) | V.SharedLoan (bids, sv) -> (* If we can enter shared loan, we ignore the loan. Pay attention to the fact that we need to reexplore the *whole* place (i.e, we mustn't ignore the current projection element *) if access.enter_shared_loans then match access_projection access env update (pe :: p') sv with | Error err -> Error err | Ok (env1, res) -> let nv = { v with value = V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (bids, res.updated)); } in Ok (env1, { res with updated = nv }) else Error (FailSharedLoan bids)) | ( _, ( V.Concrete _ | V.Adt _ | V.Tuple _ | V.Bottom | V.Assumed _ | V.Borrow _ ) ) -> failwith "Inconsistent projection") (** Generic function to access (read/write) the value at a given place. We return the value we read at the place and the (eventually) updated environment, if we managed to access the place, or the precise reason why we failed. *) let access_place (access : projection_access) (* Function to (eventually) update the value we find *) (update : V.typed_value -> V.typed_value) (p : (env : C.env) : (C.env * V.typed_value) path_access_result = (* Lookup the variable's value *) let value = C.env_lookup_var_value env p.var_id in (* Apply the projection *) match access_projection access env update p.projection value with | Error err -> Error err | Ok (env1, res) -> (* Update the value *) let env2 = C.env_update_var_value env1 p.var_id res.updated in (* Return *) Ok (env2, type access_kind = | Read (** We can go inside borrows and loans *) | Write (** Don't enter shared borrows or shared loans *) | Move (** Don't enter borrows or loans *) let access_kind_to_projection_access (access : access_kind) : projection_access = match access with | Read -> { enter_shared_loans = true; enter_mut_borrows = true; lookup_shared_borrows = true; } | Write -> { enter_shared_loans = false; enter_mut_borrows = true; lookup_shared_borrows = false; } | Move -> { enter_shared_loans = false; enter_mut_borrows = false; lookup_shared_borrows = false; } (** Read the value at a given place *) let read_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p : (env : C.env) : V.typed_value path_access_result = let access = access_kind_to_projection_access access in (* The update function is the identity *) let update v = v in match access_place access update p env with | Error err -> Error err | Ok (env1, read_value) -> (* Note that we ignore the new environment: it should be the same as the original one. *) if config.check_invariants then assert (env1 = env); Ok read_value let read_place_unwrap (config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p : (env : C.env) : V.typed_value = match read_place config access p env with | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable" | Ok v -> v (** Update the value at a given place *) let write_place (_config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p : (nv : V.typed_value) (env : C.env) : C.env path_access_result = let access = access_kind_to_projection_access access in (* The update function substitutes the value with the new value *) let update _ = nv in match access_place access update p env with | Error err -> Error err | Ok (env1, _) -> (* We ignore the read value *) Ok env1 let write_place_unwrap (config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p : (nv : V.typed_value) (env : C.env) : C.env = match write_place config access p nv env with | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable" | Ok env -> env (** Compute an expanded ADT bottom value *) let compute_expanded_bottom_adt_value (tyctx : T.type_def T.TypeDefId.vector) (def_id : (opt_variant_id : option) (regions : T.erased_region list) (types : T.ety list) : V.typed_value = (* Lookup the definition and check if it is an enumeration - it should be an enumeration if and only if the projection element is a field projection with *some* variant id. Retrieve the list of fields at the same time. *) let def = T.TypeDefId.nth tyctx def_id in assert (List.length regions = T.RegionVarId.length def.T.region_params); (* Compute the field types *) let field_types = Subst.type_def_get_instantiated_field_type def opt_variant_id types in (* Initialize the expanded value *) let field_types = T.FieldId.vector_to_list field_types in let fields = (fun ty -> { V.value = Bottom; ty }) field_types in let fields = T.FieldId.vector_of_list fields in let av = V.Adt { def_id; variant_id = opt_variant_id; regions; types; field_values = fields; } in let ty = T.Adt (def_id, regions, types) in { V.value = av; V.ty } (** Compute an expanded tuple bottom value *) let compute_expanded_bottom_tuple_value (field_types : T.ety list) : V.typed_value = (* Generate the field values *) let fields = (fun ty -> { V.value = Bottom; ty }) field_types in let fields = T.FieldId.vector_of_list fields in let v = V.Tuple fields in let ty = T.Tuple field_types in { V.value = v; V.ty } (** Auxiliary helper to expand [Bottom] values. During compilation, rustc desaggregates the ADT initializations. The consequence is that the following rust code: ``` let x = Cons a b; ``` Looks like this in MIR: ``` (x as Cons).0 = a; (x as Cons).1 = b; set_discriminant(x, 0); // If `Cons` is the variant of index 0 ``` The consequence is that we may sometimes need to write fields to values which are currently [Bottom]. When doing this, we first expand the value to, say, [Cons Bottom Bottom] (note that field projection contains information about which variant we should project to, which is why we *can* set the variant index when writing one of its fields). TODO: rename to express the fact that this function uses a projection *) let expand_bottom_value (config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (tyctx : T.type_def T.TypeDefId.vector) (p : (remaining_pes : int) (pe : E.projection_elem) (ty : T.ety) (env : C.env) : C.env = (* Prepare the update: we need to take the proper prefix of the place during whose evaluation we got stuck *) let projection' = fst (Utilities.list_split_at p.projection (List.length p.projection - remaining_pes)) in let p' = { p with projection = projection' } in (* Compute the expanded value. The type of the [Bottom] value should be a tuple or an ADT. Note that the projection element we got stuck at should be a field projection, and gives the variant id if the [Bottom] value is an enumeration value. Also, the expanded value should be the proper ADT variant or a tuple with the proper arity, with all the fields initialized to [Bottom] *) let nv = match (pe, ty) with | ( Field (ProjAdt (def_id, opt_variant_id), _), T.Adt (def_id', regions, types) ) -> assert (def_id = def_id'); compute_expanded_bottom_adt_value tyctx def_id opt_variant_id regions types | Field (ProjTuple arity, _), T.Tuple tys -> assert (arity = List.length tys); (* Generate the field values *) compute_expanded_bottom_tuple_value tys | _ -> failwith "Unreachable" in (* Update the environment by inserting the expanded value at the proper place *) match write_place config access p' nv env with | Ok env -> env | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable" (** Update the environment to be able to read a place. When reading a place, we may be stuck along the way because some value is borrowed, we reach a symbolic value, etc. In this situation [read_place] fails while returning precise information about the failure. This function uses this information to update the environment (by ending borrows, expanding symbolic values) until we manage to fully read the place. *) let rec update_env_along_read_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p : (env : C.env) : C.env = (* Attempt to read the place: if it fails, update the environment and retry *) match read_place config access p env with | Ok _ -> env | Error err -> let env' = match err with | FailSharedLoan bids -> end_outer_borrows config bids env | FailMutLoan bid -> end_outer_borrow config bid env | FailInactivatedMutBorrow bid -> activate_inactivated_mut_borrow config Outer bid env | FailSymbolic (_pe, _sp) -> (* Expand the symbolic value *) raise Unimplemented | FailBottom (_, _, _) -> (* We can't expand [Bottom] values while reading them *) failwith "Found [Bottom] while reading a place" | FailBorrow _ -> failwith "Could not read a borrow" in update_env_along_read_place config access p env' (** Update the environment to be able to write to a place. See [update_env_alond_read_place]. *) let rec update_env_along_write_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (tyctx : T.type_def T.TypeDefId.vector) (p : (nv : V.typed_value) (env : C.env) : C.env = (* Attempt to write the place: if it fails, update the environment and retry *) match write_place config access p nv env with | Ok env' -> env' | Error err -> let env' = match err with | FailSharedLoan bids -> end_outer_borrows config bids env | FailMutLoan bid -> end_outer_borrow config bid env | FailInactivatedMutBorrow bid -> activate_inactivated_mut_borrow config Outer bid env | FailSymbolic (_pe, _sp) -> (* Expand the symbolic value *) raise Unimplemented | FailBottom (remaining_pes, pe, ty) -> (* Expand the [Bottom] value *) expand_bottom_value config access tyctx p remaining_pes pe ty env | FailBorrow _ -> failwith "Could not write to a borrow" in update_env_along_write_place config access tyctx p nv env' exception UpdateEnv of C.env (** Small utility used to break control-flow *) (** Collect the borrows at a given place (by ending borrows when we find some loans). This is used when reading, borrowing, writing to a value. We typically first call [update_env_along_read_place] or [update_env_along_write_place] to get access to the value, then call this function to "prepare" the value. *) let rec collect_borrows_at_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p : (env : C.env) : C.env = (* First, retrieve the value *) match read_place config access p env with | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable" | Ok v -> ( (* Explore the value to check if we need to update the environment. In particular, we need to end the proper loans in the value. Also, we fail if the value contains any [Bottom]. We use exceptions to make it handy. *) let rec inspect_update v : unit = match v.V.value with | V.Concrete _ -> () | V.Bottom -> failwith "Unreachable" (* note that we don't really need to fail here *) | V.Symbolic _ -> (* Nothing to do for symbolic values - note that if the value needs to be copied, etc. we perform additional checks later *) () | V.Adt adt -> T.FieldId.iter inspect_update adt.field_values | V.Tuple values -> T.FieldId.iter inspect_update values | V.Assumed (Box v) -> inspect_update v | V.Borrow bc -> ( match bc with | V.SharedBorrow _ -> () | V.MutBorrow (_, tv) -> inspect_update tv | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid -> (* We need to activate inactivated borrows *) let env' = activate_inactivated_mut_borrow config Inner bid env in raise (UpdateEnv env')) | V.Loan lc -> ( match lc with | V.SharedLoan (bids, ty) -> ( (* End the loans if we need a modification access, otherwise dive into the shared value *) match access with | Read -> inspect_update ty | Write | Move -> let env' = end_outer_borrows config bids env in raise (UpdateEnv env')) | V.MutLoan bid -> (* We always need to end mutable borrows *) let env' = end_outer_borrow config bid env in raise (UpdateEnv env')) in (* Inspect the value and update the environment while doing so. If the environment gets updated: perform a recursive call (many things may have been updated in the environment: first we need to retrieve the proper updated value - and this value may actually not be accessible anymore *) try inspect_update v; (* No environment update required: return the current environment *) env with UpdateEnv env' -> collect_borrows_at_place config access p env') (** Drop (end) all the borrows at a given place. Repeat: - read the value at a given place - as long as we find a loan or a borrow, end it This is used to drop values (when we need to write to a place, we first drop the value there to properly propagate back values which are not/can't be borrowed anymore). *) let rec drop_borrows_at_place (config : C.config) (p : (env : C.env) : C.env = (* We do something similar to [collect_borrows_at_place]. First, retrieve the value *) match read_place config Write p env with | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable" | Ok v -> ( (* Explore the value to check if we need to update the environment. Note that we can end the borrows which are inside the value (while the value itself might be inside a borrow/loan: we are thus ending inner borrows). Because a loan inside the value may be linked to a borrow somewhere else *also inside* the value (it's possible with adts), we first end all the borrows we find - by using [Inner] to allow ending inner borrows - then end all the loans we find. It is really important to do this in two steps: the borrow linked to a loan may be inside the value at place p, in which case this borrow may be an inner borrow that we *can* end, but it may also be outside this value, in which case we need to end all the outer borrows first... Also, whenever the environment is updated, we need to re-inspect the value at place p *in two steps* again (end borrows, then end loans). We use exceptions to make it handy. *) let rec inspect_update (end_loans : bool) v : unit = match v.V.value with | V.Concrete _ -> () | V.Bottom -> (* Note that we are going to *write* to the value: it is ok if this value contains [Bottom] - and actually we introduce some occurrences of [Bottom] by ending borrows *) () | V.Symbolic _ -> (* Nothing to do for symbolic values - TODO: not sure *) raise Unimplemented | V.Adt adt -> T.FieldId.iter (inspect_update end_loans) adt.field_values | V.Tuple values -> T.FieldId.iter (inspect_update end_loans) values | V.Assumed (Box v) -> inspect_update end_loans v | V.Borrow bc -> ( assert (not end_loans); (* Sanity check *) (* We need to end all borrows. Note that we ignore the outer borrows when ending the borrows we find here (we call [end_inner_borrow(s)]: the value at place p might be below a borrow/loan. Note however that the borrow we found here is an outer borrow, if we restrain ourselves at the value at place p. *) match bc with | V.SharedBorrow bid | V.MutBorrow (bid, _) -> raise (UpdateEnv (end_inner_borrow config bid env)) | V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid -> (* We need to activate inactivated borrows - later, we will * actually end it *) let env' = activate_inactivated_mut_borrow config Inner bid env in raise (UpdateEnv env')) | V.Loan lc -> if (* If we can, end the loans, otherwise ignore *) end_loans then (* We need to end all loans. Note that as all the borrows inside the value at place p should already have ended, the borrows associated to the loans we find here should be borrows from outside this value: we need to call [end_outer_borrow(s)] (we can't ignore outer borrows this time). *) match lc with | V.SharedLoan (bids, _) -> raise (UpdateEnv (end_outer_borrows config bids env)) | V.MutLoan bid -> raise (UpdateEnv (end_outer_borrow config bid env)) else () in (* Inspect the value and update the environment while doing so. If the environment gets updated: perform a recursive call (many things may have been updated in the environment: first we need to retrieve the proper updated value - and this value may actually not be accessible anymore *) try (* Inspect the value: end the borrows only *) inspect_update false v; (* Inspect the value: end the loans *) inspect_update true v; (* No environment update required: return the current environment *) env with UpdateEnv env' -> drop_borrows_at_place config p env') (** Copy a value, and return the resulting value. Note that copying values might update the context. For instance, when copying shared borrows, we need to insert new shared borrows in the context. *) let rec copy_value (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (v : V.typed_value) : C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value = match v.V.value with | V.Concrete _ -> (ctx, v) | V.Adt av -> let fields = T.FieldId.vector_to_list av.field_values in let ctx', fields = List.fold_left_map (copy_value config) ctx fields in let fields = T.FieldId.vector_of_list fields in (ctx', { v with V.value = V.Adt { av with field_values = fields } }) | V.Tuple fields -> let fields = T.FieldId.vector_to_list fields in let ctx', fields = List.fold_left_map (copy_value config) ctx fields in let fields = T.FieldId.vector_of_list fields in (ctx', { v with V.value = V.Tuple fields }) | V.Bottom -> failwith "Can't copy ⊥" | V.Assumed _ -> failwith "Can't copy an assumed value" | V.Borrow bc -> ( (* We can only copy shared borrows *) match bc with | SharedBorrow bid -> let ctx', bid' = C.fresh_borrow_id ctx in let env'' = reborrow_shared config bid bid' ctx'.env in let ctx'' = { ctx' with env = env'' } in (ctx'', { v with V.value = V.Borrow (SharedBorrow bid') }) | MutBorrow (_, _) -> failwith "Can't copy a mutable borrow" | V.InactivatedMutBorrow _ -> failwith "Can't copy an inactivated mut borrow") | V.Loan lc -> ( (* We can only copy shared loans *) match lc with | V.MutLoan _ -> failwith "Can't copy a mutable loan" | V.SharedLoan (_, sv) -> copy_value config ctx sv) | V.Symbolic _sp -> (* TODO: check that the value is copyable *) raise Unimplemented (** Convert a constant operand value to a typed value *) let constant_value_to_typed_value (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (ty : T.ety) (cv : E.operand_constant_value) : V.typed_value = (* Check the type while converting *) match (ty, cv) with (* Unit *) | T.Tuple [], Unit -> { V.value = V.Tuple (T.FieldId.vector_of_list []); ty } (* Adt with one variant and no fields *) | T.Adt (def_id, [], []), ConstantAdt def_id' -> assert (def_id = def_id'); (* Check that the adt definition only has one variant with no fields, compute the variant id at the same time. *) let def = T.TypeDefId.nth ctx.type_context def_id in assert (T.RegionVarId.length def.region_params = 0); assert (T.TypeVarId.length def.type_params = 0); let variant_id = match def.kind with | Struct fields -> assert (T.FieldId.length fields = 0); None | Enum variants -> assert (T.VariantId.length variants = 1); let variant_id = in let variant = T.VariantId.nth variants variant_id in assert (T.FieldId.length variant.fields = 0); Some variant_id in let value = V.Adt { def_id; variant_id; regions = []; types = []; field_values = T.FieldId.vector_of_list []; } in { value; ty } (* Scalar, boolean... *) | T.Bool, ConstantValue (Bool v) -> { V.value = V.Concrete (Bool v); ty } | T.Char, ConstantValue (Char v) -> { V.value = V.Concrete (Char v); ty } | T.Str, ConstantValue (String v) -> { V.value = V.Concrete (String v); ty } | T.Integer int_ty, ConstantValue (V.Scalar v) -> (* Check the type and the ranges *) assert (int_ty == v.int_ty); assert (check_scalar_value_in_range v); { V.value = V.Concrete (V.Scalar v); ty } (* Remaining cases (invalid) - listing as much as we can on purpose (allows to catch errors at compilation if the definitions change) *) | _, Unit | _, ConstantAdt _ | _, ConstantValue _ -> failwith "Improperly typed constant value" (** Small utility *) let prepare_rplace (config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value = let env1 = update_env_along_read_place config access p ctx.env in let env2 = collect_borrows_at_place config access p env1 in let v = read_place_unwrap config access p env2 in let ctx2 = { ctx with env = env2 } in (ctx2, v) (** Evaluate an operand. *) let eval_operand (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (op : E.operand) : C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value = match op with | Expressions.Constant (ty, cv) -> let v = constant_value_to_typed_value ctx ty cv in (ctx, v) | Expressions.Copy p -> (* Access the value *) let access = Read in let ctx1, v = prepare_rplace config access p ctx in (* Copy the value *) assert (not (bottom_in_value v)); copy_value config ctx1 v | Expressions.Move p -> ( (* Access the value *) let access = Move in let ctx1, v = prepare_rplace config access p ctx in (* Move the value *) assert (not (bottom_in_value v)); let bottom = { V.value = Bottom; ty = v.ty } in match write_place config access p bottom ctx1.env with | Error _ -> failwith "Unreachable" | Ok env2 -> let ctx2 = { ctx1 with env = env2 } in (ctx2, v)) (** Evaluate several operands. *) let eval_operands (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (ops : E.operand list) : C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value list = List.fold_left_map (fun ctx op -> eval_operand config ctx op) ctx ops let eval_two_operands (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (op1 : E.operand) (op2 : E.operand) : C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value * V.typed_value = match eval_operands config ctx [ op1; op2 ] with | ctx', [ v1; v2 ] -> (ctx', v1, v2) | _ -> failwith "Unreachable" let eval_unary_op (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (unop : E.unop) (op : E.operand) : (C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value) eval_result = (* Evaluate the operand *) let ctx1, v = eval_operand config ctx op in (* Apply the unop *) match (unop, v.V.value) with | E.Not, V.Concrete (Bool b) -> Ok (ctx1, { v with V.value = V.Concrete (Bool (not b)) }) | E.Neg, V.Concrete (V.Scalar sv) -> ( let i = Z.neg sv.V.value in match mk_scalar sv.int_ty i with | Error _ -> Error Panic | Ok sv -> Ok (ctx1, { v with V.value = V.Concrete (V.Scalar sv) })) | (E.Not | E.Neg), Symbolic _ -> raise Unimplemented (* TODO *) | _ -> failwith "Invalid value for unop" let eval_binary_op (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (binop : E.binop) (op1 : E.operand) (op2 : E.operand) : (C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value) eval_result = (* Evaluate the operands *) let ctx2, v1, v2 = eval_two_operands config ctx op1 op2 in if (* Binary operations only apply on integer values, but when we check for * equality *) binop = Eq || binop = Ne then ( (* Equality/inequality check is primitive only on primitive types *) assert (v1.ty = v2.ty); let b = v1 = v2 in Ok (ctx2, { V.value = V.Concrete (Bool b); ty = T.Bool })) else match (v1.V.value, v2.V.value) with | V.Concrete (V.Scalar sv1), V.Concrete (V.Scalar sv2) -> ( let res = (* There are binops which require the two operands to have the same type, and binops for which it is not the case. There are also binops which return booleans, and binops which return integers. *) match binop with | E.Lt | E.Le | E.Ge | E.Gt -> (* The two operands must have the same type and the result is a boolean *) assert (sv1.int_ty = sv2.int_ty); let b = match binop with | E.Lt -> sv1.V.value sv1.V.value | E.Le -> Z.leq sv1.V.value sv1.V.value | E.Ge -> Z.geq sv1.V.value sv1.V.value | E.Gt -> sv1.V.value sv1.V.value | E.Div | E.Rem | E.Add | E.Sub | E.Mul | E.BitXor | E.BitAnd | E.BitOr | E.Shl | E.Shr | E.Ne | E.Eq -> failwith "Unreachable" in Ok { V.value = V.Concrete (Bool b); ty = T.Bool } | E.Div | E.Rem | E.Add | E.Sub | E.Mul | E.BitXor | E.BitAnd | E.BitOr -> ( (* The two operands must have the same type and the result is an integer *) assert (sv1.int_ty = sv2.int_ty); let res = match binop with | E.Div -> if sv2.V.value = then Error () else mk_scalar sv1.int_ty (Z.div sv1.V.value sv2.V.value) | E.Rem -> (* See [] *) if sv2.V.value = then Error () else mk_scalar sv1.int_ty (Z.rem sv1.V.value sv2.V.value) | E.Add -> mk_scalar sv1.int_ty (Z.add sv1.V.value sv2.V.value) | E.Sub -> mk_scalar sv1.int_ty (Z.sub sv1.V.value sv2.V.value) | E.Mul -> mk_scalar sv1.int_ty (Z.mul sv1.V.value sv2.V.value) | E.BitXor -> raise Unimplemented | E.BitAnd -> raise Unimplemented | E.BitOr -> raise Unimplemented | E.Lt | E.Le | E.Ge | E.Gt | E.Shl | E.Shr | E.Ne | E.Eq -> failwith "Unreachable" in match res with | Error err -> Error err | Ok sv -> Ok { V.value = V.Concrete (V.Scalar sv); ty = Integer sv1.int_ty; }) | E.Shl | E.Shr -> raise Unimplemented | E.Ne | E.Eq -> failwith "Unreachable" in match res with Error _ -> Error Panic | Ok v -> Ok (ctx2, v)) | _ -> failwith "Invalid inputs for binop" (** Evaluate an rvalue in a given context: return the updated context and the computed value *) let eval_rvalue (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (rvalue : E.rvalue) : (C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value) eval_result = match rvalue with | E.Use op -> Ok (eval_operand config ctx op) | E.Ref (p, bkind) -> ( match bkind with | E.Shared | E.TwoPhaseMut -> (* Access the value *) let access = if bkind = E.Shared then Read else Write in let ctx2, v = prepare_rplace config access p ctx in (* Compute the rvalue - simply a shared borrow with a fresh id *) let ctx3, bid = C.fresh_borrow_id ctx2 in let rv_ty = T.Ref (T.Erased, v.ty, Shared) in let bc = if bkind = E.Shared then V.SharedBorrow bid else V.InactivatedMutBorrow bid in let rv = { V.value = V.Borrow bc; ty = rv_ty } in (* Compute the value with which to replace the value at place p *) let nv = match v.V.value with | V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (bids, sv)) -> (* Shared loan: insert the new borrow id *) let bids1 = V.BorrowId.Set.add bid bids in { v with V.value = V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (bids1, sv)) } | _ -> (* Not a shared loan: add a wrapper *) let v' = V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (V.BorrowId.Set.singleton bid, v)) in { v with V.value = v' } in (* Update the value in the environment *) let env4 = write_place_unwrap config access p nv ctx3.env in (* Return *) Ok ({ ctx3 with env = env4 }, rv) | E.Mut -> (* Access the value *) let access = Write in let ctx2, v = prepare_rplace config access p ctx in (* Compute the rvalue - wrap the value in a mutable borrow with a fresh id *) let ctx3, bid = C.fresh_borrow_id ctx2 in let rv_ty = T.Ref (T.Erased, v.ty, Mut) in let rv = { V.value = V.Borrow (V.MutBorrow (bid, v)); ty = rv_ty } in (* Compute the value with which to replace the value at place p *) let nv = { v with V.value = V.Loan (V.MutLoan bid) } in (* Update the value in the environment *) let env4 = write_place_unwrap config access p nv ctx3.env in (* Return *) Ok ({ ctx3 with env = env4 }, rv)) | E.UnaryOp (unop, op) -> eval_unary_op config ctx unop op | E.BinaryOp (binop, op1, op2) -> eval_binary_op config ctx binop op1 op2 | E.Discriminant p -> ( (* Note that discriminant values have type `isize` *) (* Access the value *) let access = Read in let ctx1, v = prepare_rplace config access p ctx in match v.V.value with | Adt av -> ( match av.variant_id with | None -> failwith "Invalid input for `discriminant`: structure instead of enum" | Some variant_id -> ( let id = Z.of_int (T.VariantId.to_int variant_id) in match mk_scalar Isize id with | Error _ -> failwith "Disciminant id out of range" (* Should really never happen *) | Ok sv -> Ok ( ctx1, { V.value = V.Concrete (V.Scalar sv); ty = Integer Isize } ))) | _ -> failwith "Invalid input for `discriminant`") | E.Aggregate (aggregate_kind, ops) -> ( (* Evaluate the operands *) let ctx1, values = eval_operands config ctx ops in let values = T.FieldId.vector_of_list values in (* Match on the aggregate kind *) match aggregate_kind with | E.AggregatedTuple -> let tys = (fun v -> v.V.ty) (T.FieldId.vector_to_list values) in Ok (ctx1, { V.value = Tuple values; ty = T.Tuple tys }) | E.AggregatedAdt (def_id, opt_variant_id, regions, types) -> (* Sanity checks *) let type_def = C.ctx_lookup_type_def ctx def_id in assert ( T.RegionVarId.length type_def.region_params = List.length regions); let expected_field_types = Subst.ctx_adt_get_instantiated_field_types ctx1 def_id opt_variant_id types in assert (expected_field_types = (fun v -> v.V.ty) values); (* Construct the value *) let av = { V.def_id; V.variant_id = opt_variant_id; V.regions; V.types; V.field_values = values; } in let aty = T.Adt (def_id, regions, types) in Ok (ctx1, { V.value = Adt av; ty = aty })) (** Result of evaluating a statement - TODO: add prefix *) type statement_eval_res = Unit | Break of int | Continue of int | Return (** Small utility. Prepare a place which is to be used as the destination of an assignment: update the environment along the paths, collect the borrows at the place, then drop the borrows. Return the updated value at the end of the place (which is likely to contain [Bottoms] values). *) let prepare_lplace (config : C.config) (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value = let access = Write in let env1 = update_env_along_read_place config access p ctx.env in let env2 = collect_borrows_at_place config access p env1 in let env3 = drop_borrows_at_place config p env2 in let v = read_place_unwrap config access p env3 in let ctx3 = { ctx with env = env3 } in (ctx3, v) (** Read the value at a given place. As long as it is a loan, end the loan *) let rec end_loan_exactly_at_place (config : C.config) (access : access_kind) (p : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx = let v = read_place_unwrap config access p ctx.env in match v.V.value with | V.Loan (V.SharedLoan (bids, _)) -> let env1 = end_borrows config Outer bids ctx.env in let ctx1 = { ctx with env = env1 } in end_loan_exactly_at_place config access p ctx1 | V.Loan (V.MutLoan bid) -> let env1 = end_borrow config Outer bid ctx.env in let ctx1 = { ctx with env = env1 } in end_loan_exactly_at_place config access p ctx1 | _ -> ctx let set_discriminant (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (p : (variant_id : : (C.eval_ctx * statement_eval_res) eval_result = (* Access the value *) let access = Write in let env1 = update_env_along_read_place config access p ctx.env in let ctx1 = { ctx with env = env1 } in let ctx2 = end_loan_exactly_at_place config access p ctx1 in let v = read_place_unwrap config access p ctx2.env in (* Update the value *) match (v.V.ty, v.V.value) with | T.Adt (def_id, regions, types), V.Adt av -> ( (* There are two situations: - either the discriminant is already the proper one (in which case we don't do anything) - or it is not the proper one, in which case we replace the value with a variant with all its fields set to [Bottom] *) match av.variant_id with | None -> failwith "Found a struct value while expected an enum" | Some variant_id' -> if variant_id' = variant_id then (* Nothing to do *) Ok (ctx2, Unit) else (* Replace the value *) let bottom_v = compute_expanded_bottom_adt_value ctx2.type_context def_id (Some variant_id) regions types in let env3 = write_place_unwrap config access p bottom_v ctx2.env in let ctx3 = { ctx2 with env = env3 } in Ok (ctx3, Unit)) | T.Adt (def_id, regions, types), V.Bottom -> let bottom_v = compute_expanded_bottom_adt_value ctx2.type_context def_id (Some variant_id) regions types in let env3 = write_place_unwrap config access p bottom_v ctx2.env in let ctx3 = { ctx2 with env = env3 } in Ok (ctx3, Unit) | _, V.Symbolic _ -> assert (config.mode = SymbolicMode); (* TODO *) raise Unimplemented | _, (V.Adt _ | V.Bottom) -> failwith "Inconsistent state" | _, (V.Concrete _ | V.Tuple _ | V.Borrow _ | V.Loan _ | V.Assumed _) -> failwith "Unexpected value" (** Push a frame delimiter in the context's environment *) let ctx_push_frame (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx = { ctx with env = Frame :: ctx.env } (** Drop a value at a given place *) let drop_value (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (p : : C.eval_ctx = let ctx1, v = prepare_lplace config p ctx in let nv = { v with value = V.Bottom } in let env2 = write_place_unwrap config Write p nv ctx1.env in let ctx2 = { ctx with env = env2 } in ctx2 (** Small helper: compute the type of the return value for a specific instantiation of a non-local function. *) let get_non_local_function_return_type (fid : A.assumed_fun_id) (region_params : T.erased_region list) (type_params : T.ety list) : T.ety = match (fid, region_params, type_params) with | A.BoxNew, [], [ bty ] -> T.Assumed (T.Box, [], [ bty ]) | A.BoxDeref, [], [ bty ] -> T.Ref (T.Erased, bty, T.Shared) | A.BoxDerefMut, [], [ bty ] -> T.Ref (T.Erased, bty, T.Mut) | A.BoxFree, [], [ _ ] -> mk_unit_ty | _ -> failwith "Inconsistent state" (** Pop the current frame. Drop all the local variables but the return variable, move the return value out of the return variable, remove all the local variables (but not the abstractions!) from the context, remove the [Frame] indicator delimiting the current frame and return the return value and the updated context. *) let ctx_pop_frame (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx * V.typed_value = let ret_vid = in (* List the local variables, but the return variable *) let rec list_locals env = match env with | [] -> failwith "Inconsistent environment" | C.Abs _ :: env' -> list_locals env' | C.Var (var, _) :: env' -> let locals = list_locals env' in if var.index = ret_vid then var.index :: locals else locals | C.Frame :: _ -> [] in let locals = list_locals ctx.env in (* Drop the local variables *) let ctx1 = List.fold_left (fun ctx lid -> drop_value config ctx (mk_place_from_var_id lid)) ctx locals in (* Move the return value out of the return variable *) let ctx2, ret_value = eval_operand config ctx1 (E.Move (mk_place_from_var_id ret_vid)) in (* Pop the frame *) let rec pop env = match env with | [] -> failwith "Inconsistent environment" | C.Abs abs :: env' -> C.Abs abs :: pop env' | C.Var (_, _) :: env' -> pop env' | C.Frame :: env' -> env' in let env3 = pop ctx2.env in let ctx3 = { ctx2 with env = env3 } in (ctx3, ret_value) (** Assign a value to a given place *) let assign_to_place (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (v : V.typed_value) (p : : C.eval_ctx = (* Prepare the destination *) let ctx2, _ = prepare_lplace config p ctx in (* Update the destination *) let env3 = write_place_unwrap config Write p v ctx2.env in let ctx3 = { ctx2 with env = env3 } in ctx3 (** Auxiliary function - see [eval_non_local_function_call] *) let eval_box_new (config : C.config) (region_params : T.erased_region list) (type_params : T.ety list) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx eval_result = (* Check and retrieve the arguments *) match (region_params, type_params, ctx.env) with | ( [], [ boxed_ty ], Var (input_var, input_value) :: Var (_ret_var, _) :: C.Frame :: _ ) -> (* Sanity check for invariant *) assert (input_var.var_ty = input_value.V.ty); (* Necessary type checking *) assert (input_value.V.ty = boxed_ty); (* Move the input value *) let ctx, moved_input_value = eval_operand config ctx (E.Move (mk_place_from_var_id input_var.V.index)) in (* Create the box value *) let box_ty = T.Assumed (T.Box, [], [ boxed_ty ]) in let box_v = V.Assumed (V.Box moved_input_value) in let box_v = mk_typed_value box_ty box_v in (* Move this value to the return variable *) let dest = mk_place_from_var_id in let ctx = assign_to_place config ctx box_v dest in (* Return *) Ok ctx | _ -> failwith "Inconsistent state" let ty_is_boxed_ty (box_ty : T.ety) (boxed_ty : T.ety) : bool = match box_ty with | T.Assumed (T.Box, [], [ boxed_ty' ]) -> boxed_ty' = boxed_ty | _ -> false (** Auxiliary function which factorizes code to evaluate `std::Deref::deref` and `std::DerefMut::deref_mut` - see [eval_non_local_function_call] *) let eval_box_deref_mut_or_shared (config : C.config) (region_params : T.erased_region list) (type_params : T.ety list) (is_mut : bool) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx eval_result = (* Check the arguments *) match (region_params, type_params, ctx.env) with | ( [], [ boxed_ty ], Var (input_var, input_value) :: Var (_ret_var, _) :: C.Frame :: _ ) -> ( (* Sanity check for invariant *) assert (input_var.var_ty = input_value.V.ty); (* Necessary type checking *) assert (ty_is_boxed_ty input_value.V.ty boxed_ty); (* Borrow the boxed value *) let p = { E.var_id = input_var.V.index; projection = [ E.DerefBox ] } in let borrow_kind = if is_mut then E.Mut else E.Shared in let rv = E.Ref (p, borrow_kind) in match eval_rvalue config ctx rv with | Error err -> Error err | Ok (ctx, borrowed_value) -> (* Move the borrowed value to its destination *) let destp = mk_place_from_var_id in let ctx = assign_to_place config ctx borrowed_value destp in Ok ctx) | _ -> failwith "Inconsistent state" (** Auxiliary function - see [eval_non_local_function_call] *) let eval_box_deref (config : C.config) (region_params : T.erased_region list) (type_params : T.ety list) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx eval_result = let is_mut = false in eval_box_deref_mut_or_shared config region_params type_params is_mut ctx (** Auxiliary function - see [eval_non_local_function_call] *) let eval_box_deref_mut (config : C.config) (region_params : T.erased_region list) (type_params : T.ety list) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx eval_result = let is_mut = true in eval_box_deref_mut_or_shared config region_params type_params is_mut ctx (** Auxiliary function - see [eval_non_local_function_call]. In practice, does nothing put aside checking the input types: the box value has been moved to a local variable in the function frame, this value is then dropped uppon exiting. *) let eval_box_free (config : C.config) (region_params : T.erased_region list) (type_params : T.ety list) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx eval_result = match (region_params, type_params, ctx.env) with | ( [], [ boxed_ty ], Var (input_var, input_value) :: Var (_ret_var, _) :: C.Frame :: _ ) -> (* Check the arguments *) assert (input_var.var_ty = input_value.V.ty); (* Sanity check for type invariant *) assert (ty_is_boxed_ty input_value.V.ty boxed_ty); (* Required type checking *) (* Update the return value *) let dest = mk_place_from_var_id in let ctx = assign_to_place config ctx mk_unit_value dest in (* Return *) Ok ctx | _ -> failwith "Inconsistent state" (** Evaluate a non-local (i.e, assumed) function call such as `Box::deref` (auxiliary helper for [eval_statement]) *) let eval_non_local_function_call (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (fid : A.assumed_fun_id) (region_params : T.erased_region list) (type_params : T.ety list) (args : E.operand list) (dest : : C.eval_ctx eval_result = (* Evaluate the operands *) let ctx, args_vl = eval_operands config ctx args in (* Push the stack frame: we initialize the frame with the return variable, and one variable per input argument *) let ctx = ctx_push_frame ctx in (* Create and push the return variable *) let ret_vid = in let ret_ty = get_non_local_function_return_type fid region_params type_params in let ret_var = mk_var ret_vid (Some "@return") ret_ty in let ctx = C.ctx_push_uninitialized_var ctx ret_var in (* Create and push the input variables *) let input_vars = V.VarId.vector_to_list (V.VarId.mapi_from1 (fun id v -> (mk_var id None v.V.ty, v)) (V.VarId.vector_of_list args_vl)) in let ctx = C.ctx_push_vars ctx input_vars in (* "Execute" the function body. As the functions are assumed, here we call custom functions to perform the proper manipulations: we don't have access to a body. *) let res = match fid with | A.BoxNew -> eval_box_new config region_params type_params ctx | A.BoxDeref -> eval_box_deref config region_params type_params ctx | A.BoxDerefMut -> eval_box_deref_mut config region_params type_params ctx | A.BoxFree -> eval_box_free config region_params type_params ctx in (* Check if the function body evaluated correctly *) match res with | Error err -> Error err | Ok ctx -> (* Pop the stack frame and retrieve the return value *) let ctx, ret_value = ctx_pop_frame config ctx in (* Move the return value to its destination *) let ctx = assign_to_place config ctx ret_value dest in (* Return *) Ok ctx (** Evaluate a statement *) let rec eval_statement (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (st : A.statement) : (C.eval_ctx * statement_eval_res) eval_result = match st with | A.Assign (p, rvalue) -> ( (* Evaluate the rvalue *) match eval_rvalue config ctx rvalue with | Error err -> Error err | Ok (ctx1, rvalue) -> (* Assign *) let ctx2 = assign_to_place config ctx1 rvalue p in Ok (ctx2, Unit)) | A.FakeRead p -> let ctx1, _ = prepare_rplace config Read p ctx in Ok (ctx1, Unit) | A.SetDiscriminant (p, variant_id) -> set_discriminant config ctx p variant_id | A.Drop p -> Ok (drop_value config ctx p, Unit) | A.Assert assertion -> ( let ctx1, v = eval_operand config ctx assertion.cond in assert (v.ty = T.Bool); match v.value with | Concrete (Bool b) -> if b = assertion.expected then Ok (ctx1, Unit) else Error Panic | _ -> failwith "Expected a boolean") | A.Call call -> eval_function_call config ctx call | A.Panic -> Error Panic | A.Return -> Ok (ctx, Return) | A.Break i -> Ok (ctx, Break i) | A.Continue i -> Ok (ctx, Continue i) | A.Nop -> Ok (ctx, Unit) (** Evaluate a function call (auxiliary helper for [eval_statement]) *) and eval_function_call (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (call : : (C.eval_ctx * statement_eval_res) eval_result = (* There are two cases * - this is a local function, in which case we execute its body - this is a non-local function, in which case there is a special treatment *) let res = match call.func with | A.Local fid -> eval_local_function_call config ctx fid call.region_params call.type_params call.args call.dest | A.Assumed fid -> eval_non_local_function_call config ctx fid call.region_params call.type_params call.args call.dest in match res with Error err -> Error err | Ok ctx -> Ok (ctx, Unit) (** Evaluate a local (i.e, not assumed) function call (auxiliary helper for [eval_statement]) *) and eval_local_function_call (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (fid : (_region_params : T.erased_region list) (type_params : T.ety list) (args : E.operand list) (dest : : C.eval_ctx eval_result = (* Retrieve the (correctly instantiated) body *) let def = C.ctx_lookup_fun_def ctx fid in match config.mode with | ConcreteMode -> ( let tsubst = Subst.make_type_subst ( (fun v -> v.T.tv_index) (T.TypeVarId.vector_to_list def.A.signature.type_params)) type_params in let locals, body = Subst.fun_def_substitute_in_body tsubst def in let locals = V.VarId.vector_to_list locals in (* Evaluate the input operands *) let ctx1, args = eval_operands config ctx args in assert (List.length args = def.A.arg_count); (* Push a frame delimiter *) let ctx2 = ctx_push_frame ctx1 in (* Compute the initial values for the local variables *) (* 1. Push the return value *) let ret_var, locals = match locals with | ret_ty :: locals -> (ret_ty, locals) | _ -> failwith "Unreachable" in let ctx3 = C.ctx_push_var ctx2 ret_var (C.mk_bottom ret_var.var_ty) in (* 2. Push the input values *) let input_locals, locals = Utilities.list_split_at locals def.A.arg_count in let inputs = List.combine input_locals args in (* Note that this function checks that the variables and their values have the same type (this is important) *) let ctx4 = C.ctx_push_vars ctx3 inputs in (* 3. Push the remaining local variables (initialized as [Bottom]) *) let ctx5 = C.ctx_push_uninitialized_vars ctx4 locals in (* Execute the function body *) match eval_function_body config ctx5 body with | Error Panic -> Error Panic | Ok ctx6 -> (* Pop the stack frame and retrieve the return value *) let ctx7, ret_value = ctx_pop_frame config ctx6 in (* Move the return value to its destination *) let ctx8 = assign_to_place config ctx7 ret_value dest in (* Return *) Ok ctx8) | SymbolicMode -> raise Unimplemented (** Evaluate an expression seen as a function body (auxiliary helper for [eval_statement]) *) and eval_function_body (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (body : A.expression) : (C.eval_ctx, eval_error) result = match eval_expression config ctx body with | Error err -> Error err | Ok (ctx1, res) -> ( match res with | Unit | Break _ | Continue _ -> failwith "Inconsistent state" | Return -> Ok ctx1) (** Evaluate an expression *) and eval_expression (config : C.config) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (e : A.expression) : (C.eval_ctx * statement_eval_res) eval_result = match e with | A.Statement st -> eval_statement config ctx st | A.Sequence (e1, e2) -> ( (* Evaluate the first expression *) match eval_expression config ctx e1 with | Error err -> Error err | Ok (ctx1, Unit) -> (* Evaluate the second expression *) eval_expression config ctx1 e2 (* Control-flow break: transmit. We enumerate the cases on purpose *) | Ok (ctx1, Break i) -> Ok (ctx1, Break i) | Ok (ctx1, Continue i) -> Ok (ctx1, Continue i) | Ok (ctx1, Return) -> Ok (ctx1, Return)) | A.Loop loop_body -> (* Evaluate a loop body We need a specific function for the [Continue] case: in case we continue, we might have to reevaluate the current loop body with the new context (and repeat this an indefinite number of times). *) let rec eval_loop_body (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : (C.eval_ctx * statement_eval_res) eval_result = (* Evaluate the loop body *) match eval_expression config ctx loop_body with | Error err -> Error err | Ok (ctx1, Unit) -> (* We finished evaluating the expression in a "normal" manner *) Ok (ctx1, Unit) (* Control-flow breaks *) | Ok (ctx1, Break i) -> (* Decrease the break index *) if i = 0 then Ok (ctx1, Unit) else Ok (ctx1, Break (i - 1)) | Ok (ctx1, Continue i) -> (* Decrease the continue index *) if i = 0 then (* We stop there. When we continue, we go back to the beginning of the loop: we must thus reevaluate the loop body (and recheck the result to know whether we must reevaluate again, etc. *) eval_loop_body ctx1 else (* We don't stop there: transmit *) Ok (ctx1, Continue (i - 1)) | Ok (ctx1, Return) -> Ok (ctx1, Return) in (* Apply *) eval_loop_body ctx | A.Switch (op, tgts) -> ( (* Evaluate the operand *) let ctx1, op_v = eval_operand config ctx op in match tgts with | A.If (e1, e2) -> ( match op_v.value with | V.Concrete (V.Bool b) -> if b then eval_expression config ctx1 e1 else eval_expression config ctx1 e2 | _ -> failwith "Inconsistent state") | A.SwitchInt (int_ty, tgts, otherwise) -> ( match op_v.value with | V.Concrete (V.Scalar sv) -> ( assert (sv.V.int_ty = int_ty); match List.find_opt (fun (sv', _) -> sv = sv') tgts with | None -> eval_expression config ctx1 otherwise | Some (_, tgt) -> eval_expression config ctx1 tgt) | _ -> failwith "Inconsistent state")) (** Test a unit function (taking no arguments) by evaluating it in an empty environment *) let test_unit_function (type_defs : T.type_def T.TypeDefId.vector) (fun_defs : A.fun_def A.FunDefId.vector) (fid : : unit eval_result = (* Retrieve the function declaration *) let fdef = A.FunDefId.nth fun_defs fid in (* Sanity check - *) assert (T.RegionVarId.length fdef.A.signature.region_params = 0); assert (T.TypeVarId.length fdef.A.signature.type_params = 0); assert (fdef.A.arg_count = 0); (* Create the evaluation context *) let ctx = { C.type_context = type_defs; C.fun_context = fun_defs; C.type_vars = T.TypeVarId.empty_vector; C.env = []; C.symbolic_counter = V.SymbolicValueId.generator_zero; C.borrow_counter = V.BorrowId.generator_zero; } in (* Evaluate the function *) let config = { C.mode = C.ConcreteMode; C.check_invariants = true } in match eval_function_body config ctx fdef.A.body with | Error err -> Error err | Ok _ -> Ok () (** Small helper: return true if the function is a unit function (no parameters, no arguments) - TODO: move *) let fun_def_is_unit (def : A.fun_def) : bool = def.A.arg_count = 0 && V.VarId.length def.A.locals = 0 && T.RegionVarId.length def.A.signature.region_params = 0 && T.TypeVarId.length def.A.signature.type_params = 0 && V.VarId.length def.A.signature.inputs = 0 (** Test all the unit functions in a list of function definitions *) let test_all_unit_functions (type_defs : T.type_def T.TypeDefId.vector) (fun_defs : A.fun_def A.FunDefId.vector) : bool = let test_fun (def : A.fun_def) : bool = if fun_def_is_unit def then match test_unit_function type_defs fun_defs def.A.def_id with | Error _ -> false | Ok _ -> true else true in A.FunDefId.for_all test_fun fun_defs