open Cps open InterpreterUtils open InterpreterProjectors open InterpreterBorrows open InterpreterStatements open LlbcAstUtils module L = Logging module T = Types module A = LlbcAst module M = Modules module SA = SymbolicAst (** The local logger *) let log = L.interpreter_log let compute_type_fun_contexts (m : M.llbc_module) : C.type_context * C.fun_context = let type_decls_list, _ = M.split_declarations m.declarations in let type_decls, fun_decls = M.compute_defs_maps m in let type_decls_groups, _funs_defs_groups = M.split_declarations_to_group_maps m.declarations in let type_infos = TypesAnalysis.analyze_type_declarations type_decls type_decls_list in let type_context = { C.type_decls_groups; type_decls; type_infos } in let fun_context = { C.fun_decls; gid_conv = m.gid_conv } in (type_context, fun_context) let initialize_eval_context (type_context : C.type_context) (fun_context : C.fun_context) (type_vars : T.type_var list) : C.eval_ctx = C.reset_global_counters (); { C.type_context; C.fun_context; C.type_vars; C.env = [ C.Frame ]; C.ended_regions = T.RegionId.Set.empty; } (** Initialize an evaluation context to execute a function. Introduces local variables initialized in the following manner: - input arguments are initialized as symbolic values - the remaining locals are initialized as ⊥ Abstractions are introduced for the regions present in the function signature. We return: - the initialized evaluation context - the list of symbolic values introduced for the input values - the instantiated function signature *) let initialize_symbolic_context_for_fun (type_context : C.type_context) (fun_context : C.fun_context) (fdef : A.fun_decl) : C.eval_ctx * V.symbolic_value list * A.inst_fun_sig = (* The abstractions are not initialized the same way as for function * calls: they contain *loan* projectors, because they "provide" us * with the input values (which behave as if they had been returned * by some function calls...). * Also, note that we properly set the set of parents of every abstraction: * this should not be necessary, as those abstractions should never be * *automatically* ended (because ending some borrows requires to end * one of them), but rather selectively ended when generating code * for each of the backward functions. We do it only because we can * do it, and because it gives a bit of sanity. * *) let sg = fdef.signature in (* Create the context *) let ctx = initialize_eval_context type_context fun_context sg.type_params in (* Instantiate the signature *) let type_params = (fun tv -> T.TypeVar tv.T.index) sg.type_params in let inst_sg = instantiate_fun_sig type_params sg in (* Create fresh symbolic values for the inputs *) let input_svs = (fun ty -> mk_fresh_symbolic_value V.SynthInput ty) inst_sg.inputs in (* Initialize the abstractions as empty (i.e., with no avalues) abstractions *) let call_id = C.fresh_fun_call_id () in assert (call_id =; let compute_abs_avalues (abs : V.abs) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx * V.typed_avalue list = (* Project over the values - we use *loan* projectors, as explained above *) let avalues = (mk_aproj_loans_value_from_symbolic_value abs.regions) input_svs in (ctx, avalues) in let ctx = create_push_abstractions_from_abs_region_groups call_id V.SynthInput inst_sg.A.regions_hierarchy compute_abs_avalues ctx in (* Split the variables between return var, inputs and remaining locals *) let body = Option.get fdef.body in let ret_var = List.hd body.locals in let input_vars, local_vars = Collections.List.split_at ( body.locals) body.arg_count in (* Push the return variable (initialized with ⊥) *) let ctx = C.ctx_push_uninitialized_var ctx ret_var in (* Push the input variables (initialized with symbolic values) *) let input_values = mk_typed_value_from_symbolic_value input_svs in let ctx = C.ctx_push_vars ctx (List.combine input_vars input_values) in (* Push the remaining local variables (initialized with ⊥) *) let ctx = C.ctx_push_uninitialized_vars ctx local_vars in (* Return *) (ctx, input_svs, inst_sg) (** Small helper. This is a continuation function called by the symbolic interpreter upon reaching the `return` instruction when synthesizing a *backward* function: this continuation takes care of doing the proper manipulations to finish the synthesis (mostly by ending abstractions). *) let evaluate_function_symbolic_synthesize_backward_from_return (config : C.config) (fdef : A.fun_decl) (inst_sg : A.inst_fun_sig) (back_id : (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : SA.expression option = (* We need to instantiate the function signature - to retrieve * the return type. Note that it is important to re-generate * an instantiation of the signature, so that we use fresh * region ids for the return abstractions. *) let sg = fdef.signature in let type_params = (fun tv -> T.TypeVar tv.T.index) sg.type_params in let ret_inst_sg = instantiate_fun_sig type_params sg in let ret_rty = ret_inst_sg.output in (* Move the return value out of the return variable *) let cf_pop_frame = ctx_pop_frame config in (* Insert the return value in the return abstractions (by applying * borrow projections) *) let cf_consume_ret ret_value ctx = let ret_call_id = C.fresh_fun_call_id () in let compute_abs_avalues (abs : V.abs) (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : C.eval_ctx * V.typed_avalue list = let ctx, avalue = apply_proj_borrows_on_input_value config ctx abs.regions abs.ancestors_regions ret_value ret_rty in (ctx, [ avalue ]) in (* Initialize and insert the abstractions in the context *) let ctx = create_push_abstractions_from_abs_region_groups ret_call_id V.SynthRet ret_inst_sg.A.regions_hierarchy compute_abs_avalues ctx in (* We now need to end the proper *input* abstractions - pay attention * to the fact that we end the *input* abstractions, not the *return* * abstractions (of course, the corresponding return abstractions will * automatically be ended, because they consumed values coming from the * input abstractions...) *) let parent_rgs = list_parent_region_groups sg back_id in let parent_input_abs_ids = T.RegionGroupId.mapi (fun rg_id rg -> if T.RegionGroupId.Set.mem rg_id parent_rgs then Some else None) inst_sg.regions_hierarchy in let parent_input_abs_ids = List.filter_map (fun x -> x) parent_input_abs_ids in (* End the parent abstractions and the current abstraction - note that we * end them in an order which follows the regions hierarchy: it should lead * to generated code which has a better consistency between the parent * and children backward functions *) let current_abs_id = (T.RegionGroupId.nth inst_sg.regions_hierarchy back_id).id in let target_abs_ids = List.append parent_input_abs_ids [ current_abs_id ] in let cf_end_target_abs cf = List.fold_left (fun cf id -> end_abstraction config [] id cf) cf target_abs_ids in (* Generate the Return node *) let cf_return : m_fun = fun _ -> Some (SA.Return None) in (* Apply *) cf_end_target_abs cf_return ctx in cf_pop_frame cf_consume_ret ctx (** Evaluate a function with the symbolic interpreter. We return: - the list of symbolic values introduced for the input values (this is useful for the synthesis) - the symbolic AST generated by the symbolic execution *) let evaluate_function_symbolic (config : C.partial_config) (synthesize : bool) (type_context : C.type_context) (fun_context : C.fun_context) (fdef : A.fun_decl) (back_id : option) : V.symbolic_value list * SA.expression option = (* Debug *) let name_to_string () = Print.fun_name_to_string ^ " (" ^ Print.option_to_string T.RegionGroupId.to_string back_id ^ ")" in log#ldebug (lazy ("evaluate_function_symbolic: " ^ name_to_string ())); (* Create the evaluation context *) let ctx, input_svs, inst_sg = initialize_symbolic_context_for_fun type_context fun_context fdef in (* Create the continuation to finish the evaluation *) let config = C.config_of_partial C.SymbolicMode config in let cf_finish res ctx = match res with | Return -> if synthesize then (* There are two cases: * - if this is a forward translation, we retrieve the returned value. * - if this is a backward translation, we introduce "return" * abstractions to consume the return value, then end all the * abstractions up to the one in which we are interested. *) match back_id with | None -> (* Forward translation *) (* Pop the frame and retrieve the returned value at the same time*) let cf_pop = ctx_pop_frame config in (* Generate the Return node *) let cf_return ret_value : m_fun = fun _ -> Some (SA.Return (Some ret_value)) in (* Apply *) cf_pop cf_return ctx | Some back_id -> (* Backward translation *) evaluate_function_symbolic_synthesize_backward_from_return config fdef inst_sg back_id ctx else None | Panic -> (* Note that as we explore all the execution branches, one of * the executions can lead to a panic *) if synthesize then Some SA.Panic else None | _ -> failwith ("evaluate_function_symbolic failed on: " ^ name_to_string ()) in (* Evaluate the function *) let symbolic = eval_function_body config (Option.get fdef.A.body).body cf_finish ctx in (* Return *) (input_svs, symbolic) module Test = struct (** Test a unit function (taking no arguments) by evaluating it in an empty environment. *) let test_unit_function (config : C.partial_config) (m : M.llbc_module) (fid : : unit = (* Retrieve the function declaration *) let fdef = A.FunDeclId.nth m.functions fid in let body = Option.get fdef.body in (* Debug *) log#ldebug (lazy ("test_unit_function: " ^ Print.fun_name_to_string; (* Sanity check - *) assert (List.length fdef.A.signature.region_params = 0); assert (List.length fdef.A.signature.type_params = 0); assert (body.A.arg_count = 0); (* Create the evaluation context *) let type_context, fun_context = compute_type_fun_contexts m in let ctx = initialize_eval_context type_context fun_context [] in (* Insert the (uninitialized) local variables *) let ctx = C.ctx_push_uninitialized_vars ctx body.A.locals in (* Create the continuation to check the function's result *) let config = C.config_of_partial C.ConcreteMode config in let cf_check res ctx = match res with | Return -> (* Ok: drop the local variables and finish *) ctx_pop_frame config (fun _ _ -> None) ctx | _ -> failwith ("Unit test failed (concrete execution) on: " ^ Print.fun_name_to_string in (* Evaluate the function *) let _ = eval_function_body config body.body cf_check ctx in () (** Small helper: return true if the function is a *transparent* unit function (no parameters, no arguments) - TODO: move *) let fun_decl_is_transparent_unit (def : A.fun_decl) : bool = match def.body with | None -> false | Some body -> body.arg_count = 0 && List.length def.A.signature.region_params = 0 && List.length def.A.signature.type_params = 0 && List.length def.A.signature.inputs = 0 (** Test all the unit functions in a list of function definitions *) let test_unit_functions (config : C.partial_config) (m : M.llbc_module) : unit = let unit_funs = List.filter fun_decl_is_transparent_unit m.functions in let test_unit_fun (def : A.fun_decl) : unit = test_unit_function config m def.A.def_id in List.iter test_unit_fun unit_funs (** Execute the symbolic interpreter on a function. *) let test_function_symbolic (config : C.partial_config) (synthesize : bool) (type_context : C.type_context) (fun_context : C.fun_context) (fdef : A.fun_decl) : unit = (* Debug *) log#ldebug (lazy ("test_function_symbolic: " ^ Print.fun_name_to_string; (* Evaluate *) let evaluate = evaluate_function_symbolic config synthesize type_context fun_context fdef in (* Execute the forward function *) let _ = evaluate None in (* Execute the backward functions *) let _ = T.RegionGroupId.mapi (fun gid _ -> evaluate (Some gid)) fdef.signature.regions_hierarchy in () (** Small helper *) let fun_decl_is_transparent (def : A.fun_decl) : bool = Option.is_some def.body (** Execute the symbolic interpreter on a list of functions. TODO: for now we ignore the functions which contain loops, because they are not supported by the symbolic interpreter. *) let test_functions_symbolic (config : C.partial_config) (synthesize : bool) (m : M.llbc_module) : unit = (* Filter the functions which contain loops *) let no_loop_funs = List.filter (fun f -> not (LlbcAstUtils.fun_decl_has_loops f)) m.functions in (* Filter the opaque functions *) let no_loop_funs = List.filter fun_decl_is_transparent no_loop_funs in let type_context, fun_context = compute_type_fun_contexts m in let test_fun (def : A.fun_decl) : unit = (* Execute the function - note that as the symbolic interpreter explores * all the path, some executions are expected to "panic": we thus don't * check the return value *) test_function_symbolic config synthesize type_context fun_context def in List.iter test_fun no_loop_funs end