open Types open Values type env_value = Var of string * typed_value | Abs of abs type env = env_value list type 'a result = Stuck | Panic | Res of 'a type interpreter_mode = ConcreteMode | SymbolicMode type config = { mode : interpreter_mode; check_invariants : bool } type outer_borrows = Borrows of BorrowId.Set.t | Borrow of (** Borrow lookup result *) type borrow_lres = | Outer of outer_borrows | FoundMut of typed_value | FoundShared | NotFound let update_if_none opt x = match opt with None -> Some x | _ -> opt let unwrap_res_to_outer_or opt default = match opt with Some x -> Outer x | None -> default let rec end_borrow_get_borrow_in_value config l outer_borrows v0 : borrow_lres * typed_value = match v0.value with | Concrete _ | Bottom | Symbolic _ -> (NotFound, v0) | Assumed (Box bv) -> let res, bv' = end_borrow_get_borrow_in_value config l outer_borrows bv in (* Note that we allow boxes to outlive the inner borrows. * Also note that when using the symbolic mode, boxes will never * be "opened" and will be manipulated solely through functions * like new, deref, etc. which will enforce that we destroy * boxes upon ending inner borrows *) (res, { v0 with value = Assumed (Box bv') }) | Adt adt -> let values = FieldId.vector_to_list adt.field_values in let res, values' = end_borrow_get_borrow_in_values config l outer_borrows values in let values' = FieldId.vector_of_list values' in (res, { v0 with value = Adt { adt with field_values = values' } }) | Tuple values -> let values = FieldId.vector_to_list values in let res, values' = end_borrow_get_borrow_in_values config l outer_borrows values in let values' = FieldId.vector_of_list values' in (res, { v0 with value = Tuple values' }) | Loan (MutLoan _) -> (NotFound, v0) | Loan (SharedLoan (borrows, v)) -> let outer_borrows = update_if_none outer_borrows (Borrows borrows) in let res, v' = end_borrow_get_borrow_in_value config l outer_borrows v in (res, { value = Loan (SharedLoan (borrows, v')); ty = v0.ty }) | Borrow (SharedBorrow l') -> if l = l' then ( unwrap_res_to_outer_or outer_borrows FoundShared, { v0 with value = Bottom } ) else (NotFound, v0) | Borrow (InactivatedMutBorrow l') -> if l = l' then ( unwrap_res_to_outer_or outer_borrows FoundShared, { v0 with value = Bottom } ) else (NotFound, v0) | Borrow (MutBorrow (l', bv)) -> if l = l' then ( unwrap_res_to_outer_or outer_borrows (FoundMut bv), { v0 with value = Bottom } ) else let outer_borrows = update_if_none outer_borrows (Borrow l') in let res, bv' = end_borrow_get_borrow_in_value config l outer_borrows bv in (res, { v0 with value = Borrow (MutBorrow (l', bv')) }) and end_borrow_get_borrow_in_values config l outer_borrows vl0 : borrow_lres * typed_value list = match vl0 with | [] -> (NotFound, vl0) | v :: vl -> ( let res, v' = end_borrow_get_borrow_in_value config l outer_borrows v in match res with | NotFound -> let res, vl' = end_borrow_get_borrow_in_values config l outer_borrows vl in (res, v' :: vl') | _ -> (res, v' :: vl)) (*let rec end_borrow_get_borrow_in_env config l env0 : borrow_lres * env = match env0 with | [] -> NotFound | Var (x, v) :: env -> ( match end_borrow_get_borrow_in_value config None l v with | NotFound, v' -> let res, env' = end_borrow_get_borrow_in_env config l env' in (res, Var (x, v') :: env'') | res, v' -> (res, Var (x, v') :: env')) | Abs _ :: _ -> unimplemented __LOC__*) (*let rec end_borrow config (env0 : env) (env : env) (l : = match env with | [] -> [] | Var (x, v) :: env' -> unimplemented __LOC__ | Abs _ :: _ -> ( match config.mode with | Concrete -> unreachable __LOC__ | Symbolic -> unimplemented __LOC__)*)