open Types open Values open CfimAst (** Environment value: mapping from variable to value, abstraction (only used in symbolic mode) or stack frame delimiter. TODO: rename? Environment element or something? *) type env_value = Var of var * typed_value | Abs of abs | Frame type env = env_value list type interpreter_mode = ConcreteMode | SymbolicMode type config = { mode : interpreter_mode; check_invariants : bool } type eval_ctx = { type_context : type_def TypeDefId.vector; fun_context : fun_def FunDefId.vector; type_vars : type_var TypeVarId.vector; env : env; symbolic_counter : SymbolicValueId.generator; borrow_counter : BorrowId.generator; } (** Evaluation context *) let fresh_symbolic_value_id (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx * = let id, counter' = SymbolicValueId.fresh ctx.symbolic_counter in ({ ctx with symbolic_counter = counter' }, id) let fresh_borrow_id (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx * = let id, counter' = BorrowId.fresh ctx.borrow_counter in ({ ctx with borrow_counter = counter' }, id) let lookup_type_var (ctx : eval_ctx) (vid : : type_var = TypeVarId.nth ctx.type_vars vid let ctx_lookup_var (ctx : eval_ctx) (vid : : var = (* TOOD: we might want to stop at the end of the frame *) let rec lookup env = match env with | [] -> raise (Invalid_argument ("Variable not found: " ^ VarId.to_string vid)) | Var (var, _) :: env' -> if var.index = vid then var else lookup env' | (Abs _ | Frame) :: env' -> lookup env' in lookup ctx.env let ctx_lookup_type_def (ctx : eval_ctx) (tid : : type_def = TypeDefId.nth ctx.type_context tid let ctx_lookup_fun_def (ctx : eval_ctx) (fid : : fun_def = FunDefId.nth ctx.fun_context fid (** Retrieve a variable's value in an environment *) let env_lookup_var_value (env : env) (vid : : typed_value = (* TOOD: we might want to stop at the end of the frame *) let check_ev (ev : env_value) : typed_value option = match ev with | Var (var, v) -> if var.index = vid then Some v else None | Abs _ | Frame -> None in match List.find_map check_ev env with | None -> failwith "Unreachable" | Some v -> v (** Retrieve a variable's value in an evaluation context *) let ctx_lookup_var_value (ctx : eval_ctx) (vid : : typed_value = env_lookup_var_value ctx.env vid (** Update a variable's value in an environment This is a helper function: it can break invariants and doesn't perform any check. *) let env_update_var_value (env : env) (vid : (nv : typed_value) : env = (* TOOD: we might want to stop at the end of the frame *) let update_ev (ev : env_value) : env_value = match ev with | Var (var, v) -> if var.index = vid then Var (var, nv) else Var (var, v) | Abs abs -> Abs abs | Frame -> Frame in update_ev env (** Update a variable's value in an evaluation context. This is a helper function: it can break invariants and doesn't perform any check. *) let ctx_update_var_value (ctx : eval_ctx) (vid : (nv : typed_value) : eval_ctx = { ctx with env = env_update_var_value ctx.env vid nv } (** Push a variable in the context's environment. Checks that the pushed variable and its value have the same type (this is important). *) let ctx_push_var (ctx : eval_ctx) (var : var) (v : typed_value) : eval_ctx = assert (var.var_ty = v.ty); { ctx with env = Var (var, v) :: ctx.env } (** Push a list of variables. Checks that the pushed variables and their values have the same type (this is important). *) let ctx_push_vars (ctx : eval_ctx) (vars : (var * typed_value) list) : eval_ctx = assert (List.for_all (fun (var, value) -> var.var_ty = value.ty) vars); let vars = (fun (var, value) -> Var (var, value)) vars in let vars = List.rev vars in { ctx with env = List.append vars ctx.env } let mk_bottom (ty : ety) : typed_value = { value = Bottom; ty } (** Push an uninitialized variable (which thus maps to [Bottom]) *) let ctx_push_uninitialized_var (ctx : eval_ctx) (var : var) : eval_ctx = ctx_push_var ctx var (mk_bottom var.var_ty) (** Push a list of uninitialized variables (which thus map to [Bottom]) *) let ctx_push_uninitialized_vars (ctx : eval_ctx) (vars : var list) : eval_ctx = let vars = (fun v -> (v, mk_bottom v.var_ty)) vars in ctx_push_vars ctx vars