open Types open Values open Expressions open CfimAst open Errors type env_value = Var of * typed_value | Abs of abs type env = env_value list type interpreter_mode = ConcreteMode | SymbolicMode type config = { mode : interpreter_mode; check_invariants : bool } type stack_frame = { vars : list } (** A function frame When using the interpreter in concrete mode (i.e, non symbolic) we push a function frame whenever we enter a function body (and pop it upon leaving it). *) type eval_ctx = { type_context : type_def TypeDefId.vector; fun_context : fun_def FunDefId.vector; type_vars : type_var TypeVarId.vector; vars : var VarId.Map.t; frames : stack_frame list; env : env; symbolic_counter : SymbolicValueId.generator; borrow_counter : BorrowId.generator; } (** Evaluation context *) let fresh_symbolic_value_id (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx * = let id, counter' = SymbolicValueId.fresh ctx.symbolic_counter in ({ ctx with symbolic_counter = counter' }, id) let fresh_borrow_id (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx * = let id, counter' = BorrowId.fresh ctx.borrow_counter in ({ ctx with borrow_counter = counter' }, id) let lookup_type_var (ctx : eval_ctx) (vid : : type_var = TypeVarId.nth ctx.type_vars vid let ctx_lookup_var (ctx : eval_ctx) (vid : : var = VarId.Map.find vid ctx.vars let ctx_lookup_type_def (ctx : eval_ctx) (tid : : type_def = TypeDefId.nth ctx.type_context tid (** Retrieve a variable's value in an environment *) let env_lookup_var_value (env : env) (vid : : typed_value = let check_ev (ev : env_value) : typed_value option = match ev with | Var (vid', v) -> if vid' = vid then Some v else None | Abs _ -> None in match List.find_map check_ev env with | None -> failwith "Unreachable" | Some v -> v (** Retrieve a variable's value in an evaluation context *) let ctx_lookup_var_value (ctx : eval_ctx) (vid : : typed_value = env_lookup_var_value ctx.env vid (** Update a variable's value in an environment This is a helper function: it can break invariants and doesn't perform any check. *) let env_update_var_value (env : env) (vid : (nv : typed_value) : env = let update_ev (ev : env_value) : env_value = match ev with | Var (vid', v) -> if vid' = vid then Var (vid, nv) else Var (vid', v) | Abs abs -> Abs abs in update_ev env (** Update a variable's value in an evaluation context. This is a helper function: it can break invariants and doesn't perform any check. *) let ctx_update_var_value (ctx : eval_ctx) (vid : (nv : typed_value) : eval_ctx = { ctx with env = env_update_var_value ctx.env vid nv }