open Types open Values open CfimAst module V = Values open ValuesUtils module M = Modules (** Some global counters. * * Note that those counters were initially stored in [eval_ctx] values, * but it proved better to make them global and stateful: * - when branching (and thus executing on several paths with different * contexts) it is better to really have unique ids everywhere (and * not have fresh ids shared by several contexts even though introduced * after the branching) because at some point we might need to merge the * different contexts * - also, it is a lot more convenient to not store those counters in contexts * objects *) let symbolic_value_id_counter, fresh_symbolic_value_id = SymbolicValueId.fresh_stateful_generator () let borrow_id_counter, fresh_borrow_id = BorrowId.fresh_stateful_generator () let region_id_counter, fresh_region_id = RegionId.fresh_stateful_generator () let abstraction_id_counter, fresh_abstraction_id = AbstractionId.fresh_stateful_generator () (** We shouldn't need to reset the global counters, but it might be good to do it from time to time, for instance every time we start evaluating/ synthesizing a function. The reasons are manifold: - it might prevent the counters from overflowing (although this seems extremely unlikely - as a side node: we have overflow checks to make sure the synthesis doesn't get impacted by potential overflows) - most importantly, it allows to always manipulate low values, which is always a lot more readable when debugging *) let reset_global_counters () = symbolic_value_id_counter := SymbolicValueId.generator_zero; borrow_id_counter := BorrowId.generator_zero; region_id_counter := RegionId.generator_zero; abstraction_id_counter := AbstractionId.generator_zero type binder = { index :; (** Unique variable identifier *) name : string option; (** Possible name *) } [@@deriving show] (** A binder used in an environment, to map a variable to a value *) (** Environment value: mapping from variable to value, abstraction (only used in symbolic mode) or stack frame delimiter. TODO: rename Var (-> Binding?) *) type env_elem = | Var of (binder option[@opaque]) * typed_value (** Variable binding - the binder is None if the variable is a dummy variable (we use dummy variables to store temporaries while doing bookkeeping such as ending borrows for instance). *) | Abs of abs | Frame [@@deriving show, visitors { name = "iter_env_elem"; variety = "iter"; ancestors = [ "iter_abs" ]; nude = true (* Don't inherit [VisitorsRuntime.iter] *); concrete = true; }, visitors { name = "map_env_elem"; variety = "map"; ancestors = [ "map_abs" ]; nude = true (* Don't inherit [VisitorsRuntime.iter] *); concrete = true; }] type env = env_elem list [@@deriving show, visitors { name = "iter_env"; variety = "iter"; ancestors = [ "iter_env_elem" ]; nude = true (* Don't inherit [VisitorsRuntime.iter] *); concrete = true; }, visitors { name = "map_env"; variety = "map"; ancestors = [ "map_env_elem" ]; nude = true (* Don't inherit [VisitorsRuntime.iter] *); concrete = true; }] type interpreter_mode = ConcreteMode | SymbolicMode [@@deriving show] type config = { mode : interpreter_mode; (** Concrete mode (interpreter) or symbolic mode (for synthesis) **) check_invariants : bool; (** Check that invariants are maintained whenever we execute a statement *) greedy_expand_symbolics_with_borrows : bool; (** Expand all symbolic values containing borrows upon introduction - allows to use restrict ourselves to a simpler model for the projectors over symbolic values. The interpreter fails if doing this requires to do a branching (because we need to expand an enumeration with strictly more than one variant) or if we need to expand a recursive type (because this leads to looping). *) } [@@deriving show] type partial_config = { check_invariants : bool; greedy_expand_symbolics_with_borrows : bool; } (** See [config] *) let config_of_partial (mode : interpreter_mode) (config : partial_config) : config = { mode; check_invariants = config.check_invariants; greedy_expand_symbolics_with_borrows = config.greedy_expand_symbolics_with_borrows; } type type_context = { type_defs_groups : M.types_decl_group TypeDefId.map_t; type_defs : type_def list; } [@@deriving show] type eval_ctx = { type_context : type_context; fun_context : fun_def list; type_vars : type_var list; env : env; ended_regions : RegionId.set_t; } [@@deriving show] (** Evaluation context *) let lookup_type_var (ctx : eval_ctx) (vid : : type_var = TypeVarId.nth ctx.type_vars vid let opt_binder_has_vid (bv : binder option) (vid : : bool = match bv with Some bv -> bv.index = vid | None -> false let ctx_lookup_binder (ctx : eval_ctx) (vid : : binder = (* TOOD: we might want to stop at the end of the frame *) let rec lookup env = match env with | [] -> raise (Invalid_argument ("Variable not found: " ^ VarId.to_string vid)) | Var (var, _) :: env' -> if opt_binder_has_vid var vid then Option.get var else lookup env' | (Abs _ | Frame) :: env' -> lookup env' in lookup ctx.env (** TODO: make this more efficient with maps *) let ctx_lookup_type_def (ctx : eval_ctx) (tid : : type_def = TypeDefId.nth ctx.type_context.type_defs tid (** TODO: make this more efficient with maps *) let ctx_lookup_fun_def (ctx : eval_ctx) (fid : : fun_def = FunDefId.nth ctx.fun_context fid (** Retrieve a variable's value in an environment *) let env_lookup_var_value (env : env) (vid : : typed_value = (* We take care to stop at the end of current frame: different variables in different frames can have the same id! *) let rec lookup env = match env with | [] -> failwith "Unexpected" | Var (var, v) :: env' -> if opt_binder_has_vid var vid then v else lookup env' | Abs _ :: env' -> lookup env' | Frame :: _ -> failwith "End of frame" in lookup env (** Retrieve a variable's value in an evaluation context *) let ctx_lookup_var_value (ctx : eval_ctx) (vid : : typed_value = env_lookup_var_value ctx.env vid (** Update a variable's value in an environment This is a helper function: it can break invariants and doesn't perform any check. *) let env_update_var_value (env : env) (vid : (nv : typed_value) : env = (* We take care to stop at the end of current frame: different variables in different frames can have the same id! *) let rec update env = match env with | [] -> failwith "Unexpected" | Var (var, v) :: env' -> if opt_binder_has_vid var vid then Var (var, nv) :: env' else Var (var, v) :: update env' | Abs abs :: env' -> Abs abs :: update env' | Frame :: _ -> failwith "End of frame" in update env let var_to_binder (var : var) : binder = { index = var.index; name = } (** Update a variable's value in an evaluation context. This is a helper function: it can break invariants and doesn't perform any check. *) let ctx_update_var_value (ctx : eval_ctx) (vid : (nv : typed_value) : eval_ctx = { ctx with env = env_update_var_value ctx.env vid nv } (** Push a variable in the context's environment. Checks that the pushed variable and its value have the same type (this is important). *) let ctx_push_var (ctx : eval_ctx) (var : var) (v : typed_value) : eval_ctx = assert (var.var_ty = v.ty); let bv = var_to_binder var in { ctx with env = Var (Some bv, v) :: ctx.env } (** Push a list of variables. Checks that the pushed variables and their values have the same type (this is important). *) let ctx_push_vars (ctx : eval_ctx) (vars : (var * typed_value) list) : eval_ctx = assert ( List.for_all (fun (var, (value : typed_value)) -> var.var_ty = value.ty) vars); let vars = (fun (var, value) -> Var (Some (var_to_binder var), value)) vars in let vars = List.rev vars in { ctx with env = List.append vars ctx.env } (** Push a dummy variable in the context's environment. *) let ctx_push_dummy_var (ctx : eval_ctx) (v : typed_value) : eval_ctx = { ctx with env = Var (None, v) :: ctx.env } (** Pop the first dummy variable from a context's environment. *) let ctx_pop_dummy_var (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx * typed_value = let rec pop_var (env : env) : env * typed_value = match env with | [] -> failwith "Could not find a dummy variable" | Var (None, v) :: env -> (env, v) | ee :: env -> let env, v = pop_var env in (ee :: env, v) in let env, v = pop_var ctx.env in ({ ctx with env }, v) (** Read the first dummy variable in a context's environment. *) let ctx_read_first_dummy_var (ctx : eval_ctx) : typed_value = let rec read_var (env : env) : typed_value = match env with | [] -> failwith "Could not find a dummy variable" | Var (None, v) :: _env -> v | _ :: env -> read_var env in read_var ctx.env (** Push an uninitialized variable (which thus maps to [Bottom]) *) let ctx_push_uninitialized_var (ctx : eval_ctx) (var : var) : eval_ctx = ctx_push_var ctx var (mk_bottom var.var_ty) (** Push a list of uninitialized variables (which thus map to [Bottom]) *) let ctx_push_uninitialized_vars (ctx : eval_ctx) (vars : var list) : eval_ctx = let vars = (fun v -> (v, mk_bottom v.var_ty)) vars in ctx_push_vars ctx vars let env_lookup_abs (env : env) (abs_id : : V.abs = let rec lookup env = match env with | [] -> failwith "Unexpected" | Var (_, _) :: env' -> lookup env' | Abs abs :: env' -> if abs.abs_id = abs_id then abs else lookup env' | Frame :: env' -> lookup env' in lookup env let ctx_lookup_abs (ctx : eval_ctx) (abs_id : : V.abs = env_lookup_abs ctx.env abs_id let ctx_type_def_is_rec (ctx : eval_ctx) (id : : bool = let decl_group = TypeDefId.Map.find id ctx.type_context.type_defs_groups in match decl_group with M.Rec _ -> true | M.NonRec _ -> false (** Visitor to iterate over the values in the *current* frame *) class ['self] iter_frame = object (self : 'self) inherit [_] V.iter_abs method visit_Var : 'acc -> binder option -> typed_value -> unit = fun acc _vid v -> self#visit_typed_value acc v method visit_Abs : 'acc -> abs -> unit = fun acc abs -> self#visit_abs acc abs method visit_env_elem : 'acc -> env_elem -> unit = fun acc em -> match em with | Var (vid, v) -> self#visit_Var acc vid v | Abs abs -> self#visit_Abs acc abs | Frame -> failwith "Unreachable" method visit_env : 'acc -> env -> unit = fun acc env -> match env with | [] -> () | Frame :: _ -> (* We stop here *) () | em :: env -> self#visit_env_elem acc em; self#visit_env acc env end (** Visitor to map over the values in the *current* frame *) class ['self] map_frame_concrete = object (self : 'self) inherit [_] V.map_abs method visit_Var : 'acc -> binder option -> typed_value -> env_elem = fun acc vid v -> let v = self#visit_typed_value acc v in Var (vid, v) method visit_Abs : 'acc -> abs -> env_elem = fun acc abs -> Abs (self#visit_abs acc abs) method visit_env_elem : 'acc -> env_elem -> env_elem = fun acc em -> match em with | Var (vid, v) -> self#visit_Var acc vid v | Abs abs -> self#visit_Abs acc abs | Frame -> failwith "Unreachable" method visit_env : 'acc -> env -> env = fun acc env -> match env with | [] -> [] | Frame :: env -> (* We stop here *) Frame :: env | em :: env -> let em = self#visit_env_elem acc em in let env = self#visit_env acc env in em :: env end (** Visitor to iterate over the values in a context *) class ['self] iter_eval_ctx = object (_self : 'self) inherit [_] iter_env as super method visit_eval_ctx : 'acc -> eval_ctx -> unit = fun acc ctx -> super#visit_env acc ctx.env end (** Visitor to map the values in a context *) class ['self] map_eval_ctx = object (_self : 'self) inherit [_] map_env as super method visit_eval_ctx : 'acc -> eval_ctx -> eval_ctx = fun acc ctx -> let env = super#visit_env acc ctx.env in { ctx with env } end