open Identifiers open Types open Values open Expressions module FunDefId = IdGen () module RegionGroupId = IdGen () type var = { index :; (** Unique variable identifier *) name : string option; var_ty : ety; (** The variable type - erased type, because variables are not used ** in function signatures: they are only used to declare the list of ** variables manipulated by a function body *) } [@@deriving show] (** A variable, as used in a function definition *) type assumed_fun_id = BoxNew | BoxDeref | BoxDerefMut | BoxFree [@@deriving show] type fun_id = Local of | Assumed of assumed_fun_id [@@deriving show] type assertion = { cond : operand; expected : bool } [@@deriving show] type ('id, 'r) g_region_group = { id : 'id; regions : 'r list; parents : 'id list; } [@@deriving show] (** A group of regions. Results from a lifetime analysis: we group the regions with the same lifetime together, and compute the hierarchy between the regions. This is necessary to introduce the proper abstraction with the proper constraints, when evaluating a function call in symbolic mode. *) type ('r, 'id) g_region_groups = ('r, 'id) g_region_group list [@@deriving show] type region_var_group = (, g_region_group [@@deriving show] type region_var_groups = (, g_region_groups [@@deriving show] type abs_region_group = (, g_region_group [@@deriving show] type abs_region_groups = (, g_region_groups [@@deriving show] type fun_sig = { region_params : region_var list; num_early_bound_regions : int; regions_hierarchy : region_var_groups; type_params : type_var list; inputs : sty list; output : sty; } [@@deriving show] (** A function signature, as used when declaring functions *) type inst_fun_sig = { regions_hierarchy : abs_region_groups; inputs : rty list; output : rty; } [@@deriving show] (** A function signature, after instantiation *) type call = { func : fun_id; region_params : erased_region list; type_params : ety list; args : operand list; dest : place; } [@@deriving show] (** Ancestor for [typed_value] iter visitor *) class ['self] iter_statement_base = object (_self : 'self) inherit [_] VisitorsRuntime.iter method visit_place : 'env -> place -> unit = fun _ _ -> () method visit_rvalue : 'env -> rvalue -> unit = fun _ _ -> () method visit_id : 'env -> -> unit = fun _ _ -> () method visit_assertion : 'env -> assertion -> unit = fun _ _ -> () method visit_call : 'env -> call -> unit = fun _ _ -> () end (** Ancestor for [typed_value] map visitor *) class ['self] map_statement_base = object (_self : 'self) inherit [_] VisitorsRuntime.iter method visit_place : 'env -> place -> place = fun _ x -> x method visit_rvalue : 'env -> rvalue -> rvalue = fun _ x -> x method visit_id : 'env -> -> = fun _ x -> x method visit_assertion : 'env -> assertion -> assertion = fun _ x -> x method visit_call : 'env -> call -> call = fun _ x -> x end type statement = | Assign of place * rvalue | FakeRead of place | SetDiscriminant of place * | Drop of place | Assert of assertion | Call of call | Panic | Return | Break of int (** Break to (outer) loop. The [int] identifies the loop to break to: * 0: break to the first outer loop (the current loop) * 1: break to the second outer loop * ... *) | Continue of int (** Continue to (outer) loop. The loop identifier works the same way as for [Break] *) | Nop | Sequence of statement * statement | Switch of operand * switch_targets | Loop of statement [@@deriving show] and switch_targets = | If of statement * statement (** Gives the "if" and "else" blocks *) | SwitchInt of integer_type * (scalar_value * statement) list * statement (** The targets for a switch over an integer are: - the list `(matched value, statement to execute)` - the "otherwise" statement. Also note that we precise the type of the integer (uint32, int64, etc.) which we switch on. *) [@@deriving show, visitors { name = "iter_statement"; variety = "iter"; ancestors = [ "iter_statement_base" ]; nude = true (* Don't inherit [VisitorsRuntime.iter] *); concrete = true; }, visitors { name = "map_statement"; variety = "map"; ancestors = [ "map_statement_base" ]; nude = true (* Don't inherit [VisitorsRuntime.iter] *); concrete = true; }] type fun_def = { def_id :; name : name; signature : fun_sig; divergent : bool; arg_count : int; locals : var list; body : statement; } [@@deriving show] (** TODO: function definitions (and maybe type definitions in the future) * contain information like `divergent`. I wonder if this information should * be stored directly inside the definitions or inside separate maps/sets. * Of course, if everything is stored in separate maps/sets, nothing * prevents us from computing this info in Charon (and thus exporting directly * it with the type/function defs), in which case we just have to implement special * treatment when deserializing, to move the info to a separate map. *)