open Utils open TypesUtils open Types open Values open Errors include Charon.ValuesUtils (** Utility exception *) exception FoundSymbolicValue of symbolic_value let mk_unit_value : typed_value = { value = VAdt { variant_id = None; field_values = [] }; ty = mk_unit_ty } let mk_typed_value (meta : Meta.meta) (ty : ty) (value : value) : typed_value = sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (ty_is_ety ty) meta; { value; ty } let mk_typed_avalue (meta : Meta.meta) (ty : ty) (value : avalue) : typed_avalue = sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (ty_is_rty ty) meta; { value; ty } let mk_bottom (meta : Meta.meta) (ty : ty) : typed_value = sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (ty_is_ety ty) meta; { value = VBottom; ty } let mk_abottom (meta : Meta.meta) (ty : ty) : typed_avalue = sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (ty_is_rty ty) meta; { value = ABottom; ty } let mk_aignored (meta : Meta.meta) (ty : ty) : typed_avalue = sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (ty_is_rty ty) meta; { value = AIgnored; ty } let value_as_symbolic (meta : Meta.meta) (v : value) : symbolic_value = match v with VSymbolic v -> v | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ meta "Unexpected" (** Box a value *) let mk_box_value (meta : Meta.meta) (v : typed_value) : typed_value = let box_ty = mk_box_ty v.ty in let box_v = VAdt { variant_id = None; field_values = [ v ] } in mk_typed_value meta box_ty box_v let is_bottom (v : value) : bool = match v with VBottom -> true | _ -> false let is_aignored (v : avalue) : bool = match v with AIgnored -> true | _ -> false let is_symbolic (v : value) : bool = match v with VSymbolic _ -> true | _ -> false let as_symbolic (meta : Meta.meta) (v : value) : symbolic_value = match v with VSymbolic s -> s | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ meta "Unexpected" let as_mut_borrow (meta : Meta.meta) (v : typed_value) : * typed_value = match v.value with | VBorrow (VMutBorrow (bid, bv)) -> (bid, bv) | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ meta "Unexpected" let is_unit (v : typed_value) : bool = ty_is_unit v.ty && match v.value with | VAdt av -> av.variant_id = None && av.field_values = [] | _ -> false (** Check if a value contains a *concrete* borrow (i.e., a [Borrow] value - we don't check if there are borrows hidden in symbolic values). *) let borrows_in_value (v : typed_value) : bool = let obj = object inherit [_] iter_typed_value method! visit_borrow_content _env _ = raise Found end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_typed_value () v; false with Found -> true (** Check if a value contains reserved mutable borrows (which are necessarily *concrete*: a symbolic value can't "hide" reserved borrows). *) let reserved_in_value (v : typed_value) : bool = let obj = object inherit [_] iter_typed_value method! visit_VReservedMutBorrow _env _ = raise Found end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_typed_value () v; false with Found -> true (** Check if a value contains a loan (which is necessarily *concrete*: symbolic values can't "hide" loans). *) let loans_in_value (v : typed_value) : bool = let obj = object inherit [_] iter_typed_value method! visit_loan_content _env _ = raise Found end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_typed_value () v; false with Found -> true (** Check if a value contains concrete borrows or loans *) let concrete_borrows_loans_in_value (v : typed_value) : bool = let obj = object inherit [_] iter_typed_value method! visit_borrow_content _env _ = raise Found method! visit_loan_content _env _ = raise Found end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_typed_value () v; false with Found -> true (** Check if a value contains outer loans (i.e., loans which are not in borrwed values. *) let outer_loans_in_value (v : typed_value) : bool = let obj = object inherit [_] iter_typed_value method! visit_loan_content _env _ = raise Found method! visit_borrow_content _ _ = (* Do nothing so as *not to dive* in borrowed values *) () end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_typed_value () v; false with Found -> true let find_first_primitively_copyable_sv_with_borrows (type_infos : TypesAnalysis.type_infos) (v : typed_value) : symbolic_value option = (* The visitor *) let obj = object inherit [_] iter_typed_value method! visit_VSymbolic _ sv = let ty = sv.sv_ty in if ty_is_primitively_copyable ty && ty_has_borrows type_infos ty then raise (FoundSymbolicValue sv) else () end in (* Small helper *) try obj#visit_typed_value () v; None with FoundSymbolicValue sv -> Some sv (** Strip the outer shared loans in a value. Ex.: [shared_loan {l0, l1} (3 : u32, shared_loan {l2} (4 : u32))] ~~> [(3 : u32, shared_loan {l2} (4 : u32))] *) let rec value_strip_shared_loans (v : typed_value) : typed_value = match v.value with | VLoan (VSharedLoan (_, v')) -> value_strip_shared_loans v' | _ -> v (** Check if a symbolic value has borrows *) let symbolic_value_has_borrows (infos : TypesAnalysis.type_infos) (sv : symbolic_value) : bool = ty_has_borrows infos sv.sv_ty (** Check if a value has borrows in **a general sense**. It checks if: - there are concrete borrows - there are symbolic values which may contain borrows *) let value_has_borrows (infos : TypesAnalysis.type_infos) (v : value) : bool = let obj = object inherit [_] iter_typed_value method! visit_borrow_content _env _ = raise Found method! visit_symbolic_value _ sv = if symbolic_value_has_borrows infos sv then raise Found else () end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_value () v; false with Found -> true (** Check if a value has loans. Note that loans are necessarily concrete (there can't be loans hidden inside symbolic values). *) let value_has_loans (v : value) : bool = let obj = object inherit [_] iter_typed_value method! visit_loan_content _env _ = raise Found end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_value () v; false with Found -> true (** Check if a value has loans or borrows in **a general sense**. It checks if: - there are concrete loans or concrete borrows - there are symbolic values which may contain borrows (symbolic values can't contain loans). *) let value_has_loans_or_borrows (infos : TypesAnalysis.type_infos) (v : value) : bool = let obj = object inherit [_] iter_typed_value method! visit_borrow_content _env _ = raise Found method! visit_loan_content _env _ = raise Found method! visit_symbolic_value _ sv = if ty_has_borrow_under_mut infos sv.sv_ty then raise Found else () end in (* We use exceptions *) try obj#visit_value () v; false with Found -> true (** Remove the shared loans in a value *) let value_remove_shared_loans (v : typed_value) : typed_value = let visitor = object (self : 'self) inherit [_] map_typed_value as super method! visit_typed_value env v = match v.value with | VLoan (VSharedLoan (_, sv)) -> self#visit_typed_value env sv | _ -> super#visit_typed_value env v end in visitor#visit_typed_value () v