open Types open LlbcAst open Errors type subtype_info = { under_borrow : bool; (** Are we inside a borrow? *) under_mut_borrow : bool; (** Are we inside a mut borrow? *) } [@@deriving show] (** See {!type_decl_info} *) type type_param_info = subtype_info [@@deriving show] type expl_info = subtype_info [@@deriving show] type type_borrows_info = { contains_static : bool; (** Does the type (transitively) contain a static borrow? *) contains_borrow : bool; (** Does the type (transitively) contain a borrow? *) contains_nested_borrows : bool; (** Does the type (transitively) contain nested borrows? *) contains_borrow_under_mut : bool; } [@@deriving show] (** Generic definition *) type 'p g_type_info = { borrows_info : type_borrows_info; (** Various informations about the borrows *) param_infos : 'p; (** Gives information about the type parameters *) is_tuple_struct : bool; (** If true, it means the type is a record that we should extract as a tuple. This field is only valid for type declarations. *) } [@@deriving show] (** Information about a type definition. *) type type_decl_info = type_param_info list g_type_info [@@deriving show] (** Information about a type. *) type ty_info = type_borrows_info [@@deriving show] (** Helper definition. Allows us to factorize code: {!analyze_full_ty} is used both to analyze type definitions and types. *) type partial_type_info = type_param_info list option g_type_info [@@deriving show] type type_infos = type_decl_info TypeDeclId.Map.t [@@deriving show] let expl_info_init = { under_borrow = false; under_mut_borrow = false } let type_borrows_info_init : type_borrows_info = { contains_static = false; contains_borrow = false; contains_nested_borrows = false; contains_borrow_under_mut = false; } (** Return true if a type declaration is a structure with unnamed fields. Note that there are two possibilities: - either all the fields are named - or none of the fields are named *) let type_decl_is_tuple_struct (x : type_decl) : bool = match x.kind with | Struct fields -> List.for_all (fun f -> f.field_name = None) fields | _ -> false let initialize_g_type_info (is_tuple_struct : bool) (param_infos : 'p) : 'p g_type_info = { borrows_info = type_borrows_info_init; is_tuple_struct; param_infos } let initialize_type_decl_info (is_rec : bool) (def : type_decl) : type_decl_info = let param_info = { under_borrow = false; under_mut_borrow = false } in let param_infos = (fun _ -> param_info) def.generics.types in let is_tuple_struct = !Config.use_tuple_structs && (not is_rec) && type_decl_is_tuple_struct def in initialize_g_type_info is_tuple_struct param_infos let type_decl_info_to_partial_type_info (info : type_decl_info) : partial_type_info = { borrows_info = info.borrows_info; is_tuple_struct = info.is_tuple_struct; param_infos = Some info.param_infos; } let partial_type_info_to_type_decl_info (info : partial_type_info) : type_decl_info = { borrows_info = info.borrows_info; is_tuple_struct = info.is_tuple_struct; param_infos = Option.get info.param_infos; } let partial_type_info_to_ty_info (info : partial_type_info) : ty_info = info.borrows_info let analyze_full_ty (updated : bool ref) (infos : type_infos) (ty_info : partial_type_info) (ty : ty) : partial_type_info = (* Small utility *) let check_update_bool (original : bool) (nv : bool) : bool = if nv && not original then ( updated := true; nv) else original in let r_is_static (r : region) : bool = r = RStatic in (* Update a partial_type_info, while registering if we actually performed an update *) let update_ty_info (ty_info : partial_type_info) (ty_b_info : type_borrows_info) : partial_type_info = let original = ty_info.borrows_info in let contains_static = check_update_bool original.contains_static ty_b_info.contains_static in let contains_borrow = check_update_bool original.contains_borrow ty_b_info.contains_borrow in let contains_nested_borrows = check_update_bool original.contains_nested_borrows ty_b_info.contains_nested_borrows in let contains_borrow_under_mut = check_update_bool original.contains_borrow_under_mut ty_b_info.contains_borrow_under_mut in let updated_borrows_info = { contains_static; contains_borrow; contains_nested_borrows; contains_borrow_under_mut; } in { ty_info with borrows_info = updated_borrows_info } in (* The recursive function which explores the type *) let rec analyze (expl_info : expl_info) (ty_info : partial_type_info) (ty : ty) : partial_type_info = match ty with | TLiteral _ | TNever | TTraitType _ -> ty_info | TVar var_id -> ( (* Update the information for the proper parameter, if necessary *) match ty_info.param_infos with | None -> ty_info | Some param_infos -> let param_info = TypeVarId.nth param_infos var_id in (* Set [under_borrow] *) let under_borrow = check_update_bool param_info.under_borrow expl_info.under_borrow in (* Set [under_nested_borrows] *) let under_mut_borrow = check_update_bool param_info.under_mut_borrow expl_info.under_mut_borrow in (* Update param_info *) let param_info = { under_borrow; under_mut_borrow } in let param_infos = TypeVarId.update_nth param_infos var_id param_info in let param_infos = Some param_infos in { ty_info with param_infos }) | TRef (r, rty, rkind) -> (* Update the type info *) let contains_static = r_is_static r in let contains_borrow = true in let contains_nested_borrows = expl_info.under_borrow in let contains_borrow_under_mut = expl_info.under_mut_borrow in let ty_b_info = { contains_static; contains_borrow; contains_nested_borrows; contains_borrow_under_mut; } in let ty_info = update_ty_info ty_info ty_b_info in (* Update the exploration info *) let expl_info = { under_borrow = true; under_mut_borrow = expl_info.under_mut_borrow || rkind = RMut; } in (* Continue exploring *) analyze expl_info ty_info rty | TRawPtr (rty, _) -> (* TODO: not sure what to do here *) analyze expl_info ty_info rty | TAdt ((TTuple | TAssumed (TBox | TSlice | TArray | TStr)), generics) -> (* Nothing to update: just explore the type parameters *) List.fold_left (fun ty_info ty -> analyze expl_info ty_info ty) ty_info generics.types | TAdt (TAdtId adt_id, generics) -> (* Lookup the information for this type definition *) let adt_info = TypeDeclId.Map.find adt_id infos in (* Update the type info with the information from the adt *) let ty_info = update_ty_info ty_info adt_info.borrows_info in (* Check if 'static appears in the region parameters *) let found_static = List.exists r_is_static generics.regions in let borrows_info = ty_info.borrows_info in let borrows_info = { borrows_info with contains_static = check_update_bool borrows_info.contains_static found_static; } in let ty_info = { ty_info with borrows_info } in (* For every instantiated type parameter: update the exploration info * then explore the type *) let params_tys = List.combine adt_info.param_infos generics.types in let ty_info = List.fold_left (fun ty_info (param_info, ty) -> (* Update the type info *) (* Below: we use only the information which we learn only * by taking the type parameter into account. *) let contains_static = false in let contains_borrow = param_info.under_borrow in let contains_nested_borrows = expl_info.under_borrow && param_info.under_borrow in let contains_borrow_under_mut = expl_info.under_mut_borrow && param_info.under_borrow in let ty_b_info = { contains_static; contains_borrow; contains_nested_borrows; contains_borrow_under_mut; } in let ty_info = update_ty_info ty_info ty_b_info in (* Update the exploration info *) let expl_info = { under_borrow = expl_info.under_borrow || param_info.under_borrow; under_mut_borrow = expl_info.under_mut_borrow || param_info.under_mut_borrow; } in (* Continue exploring *) analyze expl_info ty_info ty) ty_info params_tys in (* Return *) ty_info | TArrow (_regions, inputs, output) -> (* Just dive into the arrow *) let ty_info = List.fold_left (fun ty_info ty -> analyze expl_info ty_info ty) ty_info inputs in analyze expl_info ty_info output in (* Explore *) analyze expl_info_init ty_info ty let type_decl_is_opaque (d : type_decl) : bool = match d.kind with Opaque -> true | _ -> false let analyze_type_decl (updated : bool ref) (infos : type_infos) (def : type_decl) : type_infos = (* We analyze the type declaration only if it is not opaque (we need to explore * the variants of the ADTs *) if type_decl_is_opaque def then infos else (* Retrieve all the types of all the fields of all the variants *) let fields_tys : ty list = match def.kind with | Struct fields -> (fun f -> f.field_ty) fields | Enum variants -> List.concat ( (fun v -> (fun f -> f.field_ty) v.fields) variants) | Alias _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ def.item_meta.span "type aliases should have been removed earlier" | Opaque -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ def.item_meta.span "unreachable" in (* Explore the types and accumulate information *) let type_decl_info = TypeDeclId.Map.find def.def_id infos in let type_decl_info = type_decl_info_to_partial_type_info type_decl_info in let type_decl_info = List.fold_left (fun type_decl_info ty -> analyze_full_ty updated infos type_decl_info ty) type_decl_info fields_tys in let type_decl_info = partial_type_info_to_type_decl_info type_decl_info in (* Update the information for the type definition we explored *) let infos = TypeDeclId.Map.add def.def_id type_decl_info infos in (* Return *) infos let analyze_type_declaration_group (type_decls : type_decl TypeDeclId.Map.t) (infos : type_infos) (decl : type_declaration_group) : type_infos = (* Collect the identifiers used in the declaration group *) let is_rec, ids = match decl with | NonRecGroup id -> (false, [ id ]) | RecGroup ids -> (true, ids) in (* Retrieve the type definitions *) let decl_defs = (fun id -> TypeDeclId.Map.find id type_decls) ids in (* Initialize the type information for the current definitions *) let infos = List.fold_left (fun infos (def : type_decl) -> TypeDeclId.Map.add def.def_id (initialize_type_decl_info is_rec def) infos) infos decl_defs in (* Analyze the types - this function simply computes a fixed-point *) let updated : bool ref = ref false in let rec analyze (infos : type_infos) : type_infos = let infos = List.fold_left (fun infos def -> analyze_type_decl updated infos def) infos decl_defs in if !updated then ( updated := false; analyze infos) else infos in analyze infos (** Compute the type information for every *type definition* in a list of declarations. This type definition information is later used to easily compute the information of arbitrary types. Rk.: pay attention to the difference between type definitions and types! *) let analyze_type_declarations (type_decls : type_decl TypeDeclId.Map.t) (decls : type_declaration_group list) : type_infos = List.fold_left (fun infos decl -> analyze_type_declaration_group type_decls infos decl) TypeDeclId.Map.empty decls (** Analyze a type to check whether it contains borrows, etc., provided we have already analyzed the type definitions in the context. *) let analyze_ty (infos : type_infos) (ty : ty) : ty_info = (* We don't use [updated] but need to give it as parameter *) let updated = ref false in (* We don't need to compute whether the type contains 'static or not *) let ty_info = initialize_g_type_info false None in let ty_info = analyze_full_ty updated infos ty_info ty in (* Convert the ty_info *) partial_type_info_to_ty_info ty_info