(** This file implements various substitution utilities to instantiate types, function bodies, etc. *) open Types open TypesUtils open Values open Expressions open LlbcAst open Contexts type subst = { r_subst : region -> region; ty_subst : TypeVarId.id -> ty; cg_subst : ConstGenericVarId.id -> const_generic; (** Substitution from *local* trait clause to trait instance *) tr_subst : TraitClauseId.id -> trait_instance_id; (** Substitution for the [Self] trait instance *) tr_self : trait_instance_id; } let st_substitute_visitor (subst : subst) = object inherit [_] map_statement method! visit_region _ r = subst.r_subst r method! visit_TVar _ id = subst.ty_subst id method! visit_type_var_id _ _ = (* We should never get here because we reimplemented [visit_TypeVar] *) raise (Failure "Unexpected") method! visit_CGVar _ id = subst.cg_subst id method! visit_const_generic_var_id _ _ = (* We should never get here because we reimplemented [visit_Var] *) raise (Failure "Unexpected") method! visit_Clause _ id = subst.tr_subst id method! visit_Self _ = subst.tr_self end (** Substitute types variables and regions in a type. **IMPORTANT**: this doesn't normalize the types. *) let ty_substitute (subst : subst) (ty : ty) : ty = let visitor = st_substitute_visitor subst in visitor#visit_ty () ty (** **IMPORTANT**: this doesn't normalize the types. *) let trait_ref_substitute (subst : subst) (tr : trait_ref) : trait_ref = let visitor = st_substitute_visitor subst in visitor#visit_trait_ref () tr (** **IMPORTANT**: this doesn't normalize the types. *) let trait_instance_id_substitute (subst : subst) (tr : trait_instance_id) : trait_instance_id = let visitor = st_substitute_visitor subst in visitor#visit_trait_instance_id () tr (** **IMPORTANT**: this doesn't normalize the types. *) let generic_args_substitute (subst : subst) (g : generic_args) : generic_args = let visitor = st_substitute_visitor subst in visitor#visit_generic_args () g let predicates_substitute (subst : subst) (p : predicates) : predicates = let visitor = st_substitute_visitor subst in visitor#visit_predicates () p let erase_regions_subst : subst = { r_subst = (fun _ -> RErased); ty_subst = (fun vid -> TVar vid); cg_subst = (fun id -> CGVar id); tr_subst = (fun id -> Clause id); tr_self = Self; } (** Convert an {!rty} to an {!ety} by erasing the region variables *) let erase_regions (ty : ty) : ty = ty_substitute erase_regions_subst ty let trait_ref_erase_regions (tr : trait_ref) : trait_ref = trait_ref_substitute erase_regions_subst tr let trait_instance_id_erase_regions (tr : trait_instance_id) : trait_instance_id = trait_instance_id_substitute erase_regions_subst tr let generic_args_erase_regions (tr : generic_args) : generic_args = generic_args_substitute erase_regions_subst tr (** Generate fresh regions for region variables. Return the list of new regions and appropriate substitutions from the original region variables to the fresh regions. TODO: simplify? we only need the subst [RegionVarId.id -> RegionId.id] *) let fresh_regions_with_substs (region_vars : region_var list) : RegionId.id list * (RegionId.id -> RegionId.id) * (region -> region) = (* Generate fresh regions *) let fresh_region_ids = List.map (fun _ -> fresh_region_id ()) region_vars in (* Generate the map from region var ids to regions *) let ls = List.combine region_vars fresh_region_ids in let rid_map = List.fold_left (fun mp ((k : region_var), v) -> RegionId.Map.add k.index v mp) RegionId.Map.empty ls in (* Generate the substitution from region var id to region *) let rid_subst id = RegionId.Map.find id rid_map in (* Generate the substitution from region to region *) let r_subst (r : region) = match r with RStatic | RErased -> r | RVar id -> RVar (rid_subst id) in (* Return *) (fresh_region_ids, rid_subst, r_subst) (** Erase the regions in a type and perform a substitution *) let erase_regions_substitute_types (ty_subst : TypeVarId.id -> ty) (cg_subst : ConstGenericVarId.id -> const_generic) (tr_subst : TraitClauseId.id -> trait_instance_id) (tr_self : trait_instance_id) (ty : ty) : ty = let r_subst (_ : region) : region = RErased in let subst = { r_subst; ty_subst; cg_subst; tr_subst; tr_self } in ty_substitute subst ty (** Create a region substitution from a list of region variable ids and a list of regions (with which to substitute the region variable ids *) let make_region_subst (var_ids : RegionId.id list) (regions : region list) : region -> region = let ls = List.combine var_ids regions in let mp = List.fold_left (fun mp (k, v) -> RegionId.Map.add k v mp) RegionId.Map.empty ls in fun r -> match r with RStatic | RErased -> r | RVar id -> RegionId.Map.find id mp let make_region_subst_from_vars (vars : region_var list) (regions : region list) : region -> region = make_region_subst (List.map (fun (x : region_var) -> x.index) vars) regions (** Create a type substitution from a list of type variable ids and a list of types (with which to substitute the type variable ids) *) let make_type_subst (var_ids : TypeVarId.id list) (tys : ty list) : TypeVarId.id -> ty = let ls = List.combine var_ids tys in let mp = List.fold_left (fun mp (k, v) -> TypeVarId.Map.add k v mp) TypeVarId.Map.empty ls in fun id -> TypeVarId.Map.find id mp let make_type_subst_from_vars (vars : type_var list) (tys : ty list) : TypeVarId.id -> ty = make_type_subst (List.map (fun (x : type_var) -> x.index) vars) tys (** Create a const generic substitution from a list of const generic variable ids and a list of const generics (with which to substitute the const generic variable ids) *) let make_const_generic_subst (var_ids : ConstGenericVarId.id list) (cgs : const_generic list) : ConstGenericVarId.id -> const_generic = let ls = List.combine var_ids cgs in let mp = List.fold_left (fun mp (k, v) -> ConstGenericVarId.Map.add k v mp) ConstGenericVarId.Map.empty ls in fun id -> ConstGenericVarId.Map.find id mp let make_const_generic_subst_from_vars (vars : const_generic_var list) (cgs : const_generic list) : ConstGenericVarId.id -> const_generic = make_const_generic_subst (List.map (fun (x : const_generic_var) -> x.index) vars) cgs (** Create a trait substitution from a list of trait clause ids and a list of trait refs *) let make_trait_subst (clause_ids : TraitClauseId.id list) (trs : trait_ref list) : TraitClauseId.id -> trait_instance_id = let ls = List.combine clause_ids trs in let mp = List.fold_left (fun mp (k, v) -> TraitClauseId.Map.add k (TraitRef v) mp) TraitClauseId.Map.empty ls in fun id -> TraitClauseId.Map.find id mp let make_trait_subst_from_clauses (clauses : trait_clause list) (trs : trait_ref list) : TraitClauseId.id -> trait_instance_id = make_trait_subst (List.map (fun (x : trait_clause) -> x.clause_id) clauses) trs let make_subst_from_generics (params : generic_params) (args : generic_args) (tr_self : trait_instance_id) : subst = let r_subst = make_region_subst_from_vars params.regions args.regions in let ty_subst = make_type_subst_from_vars params.types args.types in let cg_subst = make_const_generic_subst_from_vars params.const_generics args.const_generics in let tr_subst = make_trait_subst_from_clauses params.trait_clauses args.trait_refs in { r_subst; ty_subst; cg_subst; tr_subst; tr_self } let make_subst_from_generics_erase_regions (params : generic_params) (generics : generic_args) (tr_self : trait_instance_id) = let generics = generic_args_erase_regions generics in let tr_self = trait_instance_id_erase_regions tr_self in let subst = make_subst_from_generics params generics tr_self in { subst with r_subst = (fun _ -> RErased) } (** Instantiate the type variables in an ADT definition, and return, for every variant, the list of the types of its fields. **IMPORTANT**: this function doesn't normalize the types, you may want to use the [AssociatedTypes] equivalent instead. *) let type_decl_get_instantiated_variants_fields_types (def : type_decl) (generics : generic_args) : (VariantId.id option * ty list) list = (* There shouldn't be any reference to Self *) let tr_self = UnknownTrait __FUNCTION__ in let subst = make_subst_from_generics def.generics generics tr_self in let (variants_fields : (VariantId.id option * field list) list) = match def.kind with | Enum variants -> List.mapi (fun i v -> (Some (VariantId.of_int i), v.fields)) variants | Struct fields -> [ (None, fields) ] | Opaque -> raise (Failure ("Can't retrieve the variants of an opaque type: " ^ show_name def.name)) in List.map (fun (id, fields) -> (id, List.map (fun f -> ty_substitute subst f.field_ty) fields)) variants_fields (** Instantiate the type variables in an ADT definition, and return the list of types of the fields for the chosen variant. **IMPORTANT**: this function doesn't normalize the types, you may want to use the [AssociatedTypes] equivalent instead. *) let type_decl_get_instantiated_field_types (def : type_decl) (opt_variant_id : VariantId.id option) (generics : generic_args) : ty list = (* For now, check that there are no clauses - otherwise we might need to normalize the types *) assert (def.generics.trait_clauses = []); (* There shouldn't be any reference to Self *) let tr_self = UnknownTrait __FUNCTION__ in let subst = make_subst_from_generics def.generics generics tr_self in let fields = type_decl_get_fields def opt_variant_id in List.map (fun f -> ty_substitute subst f.field_ty) fields (** Return the types of the properly instantiated ADT's variant, provided a context. **IMPORTANT**: this function doesn't normalize the types, you may want to use the [AssociatedTypes] equivalent instead. *) let ctx_adt_get_instantiated_field_types (ctx : eval_ctx) (def_id : TypeDeclId.id) (opt_variant_id : VariantId.id option) (generics : generic_args) : ty list = let def = ctx_lookup_type_decl ctx def_id in type_decl_get_instantiated_field_types def opt_variant_id generics (** Return the types of the properly instantiated ADT value (note that here, ADT is understood in its broad meaning: ADT, assumed value or tuple). **IMPORTANT**: this function doesn't normalize the types, you may want to use the [AssociatedTypes] equivalent instead. *) let ctx_adt_value_get_instantiated_field_types (ctx : eval_ctx) (adt : adt_value) (id : type_id) (generics : generic_args) : ty list = match id with | TAdtId id -> (* Retrieve the types of the fields *) ctx_adt_get_instantiated_field_types ctx id adt.variant_id generics | TTuple -> assert (generics.regions = []); generics.types | TAssumed aty -> ( match aty with | TBox -> assert (generics.regions = []); assert (List.length generics.types = 1); assert (generics.const_generics = []); generics.types | TArray | TSlice | TStr -> (* Those types don't have fields *) raise (Failure "Unreachable")) (** Apply a type substitution to a place *) let place_substitute (subst : subst) (p : place) : place = (* There is in fact nothing to do *) (st_substitute_visitor subst)#visit_place () p (** Apply a type substitution to an operand *) let operand_substitute (subst : subst) (op : operand) : operand = (st_substitute_visitor subst)#visit_operand () op (** Apply a type substitution to an rvalue *) let rvalue_substitute (subst : subst) (rv : rvalue) : rvalue = (st_substitute_visitor subst)#visit_rvalue () rv (** Apply a type substitution to an assertion *) let assertion_substitute (subst : subst) (a : assertion) : assertion = (st_substitute_visitor subst)#visit_assertion () a (** Apply a type substitution to a call *) let call_substitute (subst : subst) (call : call) : call = (st_substitute_visitor subst)#visit_call () call (** Apply a type substitution to a statement *) let statement_substitute (subst : subst) (st : statement) : statement = (st_substitute_visitor subst)#visit_statement () st (** Apply a type substitution to a function body. Return the local variables and the body. *) let fun_body_substitute_in_body (subst : subst) (body : fun_body) : var list * statement = let locals = List.map (fun (v : var) -> { v with var_ty = ty_substitute subst v.var_ty }) body.locals in let body = statement_substitute subst body.body in (locals, body) let trait_type_constraint_substitute (subst : subst) (ttc : trait_type_constraint) : trait_type_constraint = let { trait_ref; generics; type_name; ty } = ttc in let visitor = st_substitute_visitor subst in let trait_ref = visitor#visit_trait_ref () trait_ref in let generics = visitor#visit_generic_args () generics in let ty = visitor#visit_ty () ty in { trait_ref; generics; type_name; ty } (** Substitute a function signature, together with the regions hierarchy associated to that signature. **IMPORTANT:** this function doesn't normalize the types. *) let substitute_signature (asubst : RegionGroupId.id -> AbstractionId.id) (r_subst : RegionId.id -> RegionId.id) (ty_subst : TypeVarId.id -> ty) (cg_subst : ConstGenericVarId.id -> const_generic) (tr_subst : TraitClauseId.id -> trait_instance_id) (tr_self : trait_instance_id) (sg : fun_sig) (regions_hierarchy : region_groups) : inst_fun_sig = let r_subst' (r : region) : region = match r with RStatic | RErased -> r | RVar rid -> RVar (r_subst rid) in let subst = { r_subst = r_subst'; ty_subst; cg_subst; tr_subst; tr_self } in let inputs = List.map (ty_substitute subst) sg.inputs in let output = ty_substitute subst sg.output in let subst_region_group (rg : region_group) : abs_region_group = let id = asubst rg.id in let regions = List.map r_subst rg.regions in let parents = List.map asubst rg.parents in ({ id; regions; parents } : abs_region_group) in let regions_hierarchy = List.map subst_region_group regions_hierarchy in let trait_type_constraints = List.map (trait_type_constraint_substitute subst) sg.preds.trait_type_constraints in { inputs; output; regions_hierarchy; trait_type_constraints } (** Substitute variable identifiers in a type *) let statement_substitute_ids (ty_subst : TypeVarId.id -> TypeVarId.id) (cg_subst : ConstGenericVarId.id -> ConstGenericVarId.id) (ty : ty) : ty = let visitor = object inherit [_] map_ty method visit_'r _ r = r method! visit_type_var_id _ id = ty_subst id method! visit_const_generic_var_id _ id = cg_subst id end in visitor#visit_ty () ty let subst_ids_visitor (r_subst : RegionId.id -> RegionId.id) (ty_subst : TypeVarId.id -> TypeVarId.id) (cg_subst : ConstGenericVarId.id -> ConstGenericVarId.id) (ssubst : SymbolicValueId.id -> SymbolicValueId.id) (bsubst : BorrowId.id -> BorrowId.id) (asubst : AbstractionId.id -> AbstractionId.id) = object (self : 'self) inherit [_] map_env method! visit_type_var_id _ id = ty_subst id method! visit_const_generic_var_id _ id = cg_subst id method! visit_region_id _ rid = r_subst rid method! visit_borrow_id _ bid = bsubst bid method! visit_loan_id _ bid = bsubst bid method! visit_symbolic_value_id _ id = ssubst id (** We *do* visit meta-values *) method! visit_msymbolic_value env sv = self#visit_symbolic_value env sv (** We *do* visit meta-values *) method! visit_mvalue env v = self#visit_typed_value env v method! visit_abstraction_id _ id = asubst id end let typed_value_subst_ids (r_subst : RegionId.id -> RegionId.id) (ty_subst : TypeVarId.id -> TypeVarId.id) (cg_subst : ConstGenericVarId.id -> ConstGenericVarId.id) (ssubst : SymbolicValueId.id -> SymbolicValueId.id) (bsubst : BorrowId.id -> BorrowId.id) (v : typed_value) : typed_value = let asubst _ = raise (Failure "Unreachable") in let vis = subst_ids_visitor r_subst ty_subst cg_subst ssubst bsubst asubst in vis#visit_typed_value () v let typed_value_subst_rids (r_subst : RegionId.id -> RegionId.id) (v : typed_value) : typed_value = typed_value_subst_ids r_subst (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) v let typed_avalue_subst_ids (r_subst : RegionId.id -> RegionId.id) (ty_subst : TypeVarId.id -> TypeVarId.id) (cg_subst : ConstGenericVarId.id -> ConstGenericVarId.id) (ssubst : SymbolicValueId.id -> SymbolicValueId.id) (bsubst : BorrowId.id -> BorrowId.id) (v : typed_avalue) : typed_avalue = let asubst _ = raise (Failure "Unreachable") in let vis = subst_ids_visitor r_subst ty_subst cg_subst ssubst bsubst asubst in vis#visit_typed_avalue () v let abs_subst_ids (r_subst : RegionId.id -> RegionId.id) (ty_subst : TypeVarId.id -> TypeVarId.id) (cg_subst : ConstGenericVarId.id -> ConstGenericVarId.id) (ssubst : SymbolicValueId.id -> SymbolicValueId.id) (bsubst : BorrowId.id -> BorrowId.id) (asubst : AbstractionId.id -> AbstractionId.id) (x : abs) : abs = let vis = subst_ids_visitor r_subst ty_subst cg_subst ssubst bsubst asubst in vis#visit_abs () x let env_subst_ids (r_subst : RegionId.id -> RegionId.id) (ty_subst : TypeVarId.id -> TypeVarId.id) (cg_subst : ConstGenericVarId.id -> ConstGenericVarId.id) (ssubst : SymbolicValueId.id -> SymbolicValueId.id) (bsubst : BorrowId.id -> BorrowId.id) (asubst : AbstractionId.id -> AbstractionId.id) (x : env) : env = let vis = subst_ids_visitor r_subst ty_subst cg_subst ssubst bsubst asubst in vis#visit_env () x let typed_avalue_subst_rids (r_subst : RegionId.id -> RegionId.id) (x : typed_avalue) : typed_avalue = let asubst _ = raise (Failure "Unreachable") in let vis = subst_ids_visitor r_subst (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) asubst in vis#visit_typed_avalue () x let env_subst_rids (r_subst : RegionId.id -> RegionId.id) (x : env) : env = let vis = subst_ids_visitor r_subst (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) in vis#visit_env () x