include Charon.PrintUtils include Charon.PrintLlbcAst module V = Values module VU = ValuesUtils module C = Contexts module PrimitiveValues = Charon.PrintPrimitiveValues module Types = Charon.PrintTypes module Expressions = Charon.PrintExpressions (** Pretty-printing for values *) module Values = struct type value_formatter = { rvar_to_string : -> string; r_to_string : -> string; type_var_id_to_string : -> string; type_decl_id_to_string : -> string; adt_variant_to_string : -> -> string; var_id_to_string : -> string; adt_field_names : -> option -> string list option; } let value_to_etype_formatter (fmt : value_formatter) : PT.etype_formatter = { PT.r_to_string = PT.erased_region_to_string; PT.type_var_id_to_string = fmt.type_var_id_to_string; PT.type_decl_id_to_string = fmt.type_decl_id_to_string; } let value_to_rtype_formatter (fmt : value_formatter) : PT.rtype_formatter = { PT.r_to_string = PT.region_to_string fmt.r_to_string; PT.type_var_id_to_string = fmt.type_var_id_to_string; PT.type_decl_id_to_string = fmt.type_decl_id_to_string; } let value_to_stype_formatter (fmt : value_formatter) : PT.stype_formatter = { PT.r_to_string = PT.region_to_string fmt.rvar_to_string; PT.type_var_id_to_string = fmt.type_var_id_to_string; PT.type_decl_id_to_string = fmt.type_decl_id_to_string; } let var_id_to_string (id : : string = "var@" ^ E.VarId.to_string id let symbolic_value_id_to_string (id : : string = "s@" ^ V.SymbolicValueId.to_string id let symbolic_value_to_string (fmt : PT.rtype_formatter) (sv : V.symbolic_value) : string = symbolic_value_id_to_string sv.sv_id ^ " : " ^ PT.rty_to_string fmt sv.sv_ty let symbolic_value_proj_to_string (fmt : value_formatter) (sv : V.symbolic_value) (rty : T.rty) : string = symbolic_value_id_to_string sv.sv_id ^ " : " ^ PT.ty_to_string (value_to_rtype_formatter fmt) sv.sv_ty ^ " <: " ^ PT.ty_to_string (value_to_rtype_formatter fmt) rty (* TODO: it may be a good idea to try to factorize this function with * typed_avalue_to_string. At some point we had done it, because [typed_value] * and [typed_avalue] were instances of the same general type [g_typed_value], * but then we removed this general type because it proved to be a bad idea. *) let rec typed_value_to_string (fmt : value_formatter) (v : V.typed_value) : string = let ty_fmt : PT.etype_formatter = value_to_etype_formatter fmt in match v.value with | Primitive cv -> PPV.primitive_value_to_string cv | Adt av -> ( let field_values = (typed_value_to_string fmt) av.field_values in match v.ty with | T.Adt (T.Tuple, _, _) -> (* Tuple *) "(" ^ String.concat ", " field_values ^ ")" | T.Adt (T.AdtId def_id, _, _) -> (* "Regular" ADT *) let adt_ident = match av.variant_id with | Some vid -> fmt.adt_variant_to_string def_id vid | None -> fmt.type_decl_id_to_string def_id in if List.length field_values > 0 then match fmt.adt_field_names def_id av.V.variant_id with | None -> let field_values = String.concat ", " field_values in adt_ident ^ " (" ^ field_values ^ ")" | Some field_names -> let field_values = List.combine field_names field_values in let field_values = (fun (field, value) -> field ^ " = " ^ value ^ ";") field_values in let field_values = String.concat " " field_values in adt_ident ^ " { " ^ field_values ^ " }" else adt_ident | T.Adt (T.Assumed aty, _, _) -> ( (* Assumed type *) match (aty, field_values) with | Box, [ bv ] -> "@Box(" ^ bv ^ ")" | Option, _ -> if av.variant_id = Some T.option_some_id then "@Option::Some(" ^ Collections.List.to_cons_nil field_values ^ ")" else if av.variant_id = Some T.option_none_id then ( assert (field_values = []); "@Option::None") else raise (Failure "Unreachable") | Vec, _ -> "@Vec[" ^ String.concat ", " field_values ^ "]" | _ -> raise (Failure "Inconsistent value")) | _ -> raise (Failure "Inconsistent typed value")) | Bottom -> "⊥ : " ^ PT.ty_to_string ty_fmt v.ty | Borrow bc -> borrow_content_to_string fmt bc | Loan lc -> loan_content_to_string fmt lc | Symbolic s -> symbolic_value_to_string (value_to_rtype_formatter fmt) s and borrow_content_to_string (fmt : value_formatter) (bc : V.borrow_content) : string = match bc with | SharedBorrow (_, bid) -> "⌊shared@" ^ V.BorrowId.to_string bid ^ "⌋" | MutBorrow (bid, tv) -> "&mut@" ^ V.BorrowId.to_string bid ^ " (" ^ typed_value_to_string fmt tv ^ ")" | ReservedMutBorrow (_, bid) -> "⌊reserved_mut@" ^ V.BorrowId.to_string bid ^ "⌋" and loan_content_to_string (fmt : value_formatter) (lc : V.loan_content) : string = match lc with | SharedLoan (loans, v) -> let loans = V.BorrowId.Set.to_string None loans in "@shared_loan(" ^ loans ^ ", " ^ typed_value_to_string fmt v ^ ")" | MutLoan bid -> "⌊mut@" ^ V.BorrowId.to_string bid ^ "⌋" let abstract_shared_borrow_to_string (fmt : value_formatter) (abs : V.abstract_shared_borrow) : string = match abs with | AsbBorrow bid -> V.BorrowId.to_string bid | AsbProjReborrows (sv, rty) -> "{" ^ symbolic_value_proj_to_string fmt sv rty ^ "}" let abstract_shared_borrows_to_string (fmt : value_formatter) (abs : V.abstract_shared_borrows) : string = "{" ^ String.concat "," ( (abstract_shared_borrow_to_string fmt) abs) ^ "}" let rec aproj_to_string (fmt : value_formatter) (pv : V.aproj) : string = match pv with | AProjLoans (sv, given_back) -> let given_back = if given_back = [] then "" else let given_back = snd given_back in let given_back = (aproj_to_string fmt) given_back in " (" ^ String.concat "," given_back ^ ") " in "⌊" ^ symbolic_value_to_string (value_to_rtype_formatter fmt) sv ^ given_back ^ "⌋" | AProjBorrows (sv, rty) -> "(" ^ symbolic_value_proj_to_string fmt sv rty ^ ")" | AEndedProjLoans (_, given_back) -> if given_back = [] then "_" else let given_back = snd given_back in let given_back = (aproj_to_string fmt) given_back in "ended_aproj_loans (" ^ String.concat "," given_back ^ ")" | AEndedProjBorrows _mv -> "_" | AIgnoredProjBorrows -> "_" let rec typed_avalue_to_string (fmt : value_formatter) (v : V.typed_avalue) : string = let ty_fmt : PT.rtype_formatter = value_to_rtype_formatter fmt in match v.value with | APrimitive cv -> PPV.primitive_value_to_string cv | AAdt av -> ( let field_values = (typed_avalue_to_string fmt) av.field_values in match v.ty with | T.Adt (T.Tuple, _, _) -> (* Tuple *) "(" ^ String.concat ", " field_values ^ ")" | T.Adt (T.AdtId def_id, _, _) -> (* "Regular" ADT *) let adt_ident = match av.variant_id with | Some vid -> fmt.adt_variant_to_string def_id vid | None -> fmt.type_decl_id_to_string def_id in if List.length field_values > 0 then match fmt.adt_field_names def_id av.V.variant_id with | None -> let field_values = String.concat ", " field_values in adt_ident ^ " (" ^ field_values ^ ")" | Some field_names -> let field_values = List.combine field_names field_values in let field_values = (fun (field, value) -> field ^ " = " ^ value ^ ";") field_values in let field_values = String.concat " " field_values in adt_ident ^ " { " ^ field_values ^ " }" else adt_ident | T.Adt (T.Assumed aty, _, _) -> ( (* Assumed type *) match (aty, field_values) with | Box, [ bv ] -> "@Box(" ^ bv ^ ")" | _ -> raise (Failure "Inconsistent value")) | _ -> raise (Failure "Inconsistent typed value")) | ABottom -> "⊥ : " ^ PT.ty_to_string ty_fmt v.ty | ABorrow bc -> aborrow_content_to_string fmt bc | ALoan lc -> aloan_content_to_string fmt lc | ASymbolic s -> aproj_to_string fmt s | AIgnored -> "_" and aloan_content_to_string (fmt : value_formatter) (lc : V.aloan_content) : string = match lc with | AMutLoan (bid, av) -> "⌊mut@" ^ V.BorrowId.to_string bid ^ ", " ^ typed_avalue_to_string fmt av ^ "⌋" | ASharedLoan (loans, v, av) -> let loans = V.BorrowId.Set.to_string None loans in "@shared_loan(" ^ loans ^ ", " ^ typed_value_to_string fmt v ^ ", " ^ typed_avalue_to_string fmt av ^ ")" | AEndedMutLoan ml -> "@ended_mut_loan{" ^ typed_avalue_to_string fmt ml.child ^ "; " ^ typed_avalue_to_string fmt ml.given_back ^ " }" | AEndedSharedLoan (v, av) -> "@ended_shared_loan(" ^ typed_value_to_string fmt v ^ ", " ^ typed_avalue_to_string fmt av ^ ")" | AIgnoredMutLoan (bid, av) -> "@ignored_mut_loan(" ^ V.BorrowId.to_string bid ^ ", " ^ typed_avalue_to_string fmt av ^ ")" | AEndedIgnoredMutLoan ml -> "@ended_ignored_mut_loan{ " ^ typed_avalue_to_string fmt ml.child ^ "; " ^ typed_avalue_to_string fmt ml.given_back ^ "}" | AIgnoredSharedLoan sl -> "@ignored_shared_loan(" ^ typed_avalue_to_string fmt sl ^ ")" and aborrow_content_to_string (fmt : value_formatter) (bc : V.aborrow_content) : string = match bc with | AMutBorrow (_, bid, av) -> "&mut@" ^ V.BorrowId.to_string bid ^ " (" ^ typed_avalue_to_string fmt av ^ ")" | ASharedBorrow bid -> "⌊shared@" ^ V.BorrowId.to_string bid ^ "⌋" | AIgnoredMutBorrow (opt_bid, av) -> "@ignored_mut_borrow(" ^ option_to_string V.BorrowId.to_string opt_bid ^ ", " ^ typed_avalue_to_string fmt av ^ ")" | AEndedMutBorrow (_mv, child) -> "@ended_mut_borrow(" ^ typed_avalue_to_string fmt child ^ ")" | AEndedIgnoredMutBorrow { child; given_back_loans_proj; given_back_meta = _ } -> "@ended_ignored_mut_borrow{ " ^ typed_avalue_to_string fmt child ^ "; " ^ typed_avalue_to_string fmt given_back_loans_proj ^ ")" | AEndedSharedBorrow -> "@ended_shared_borrow" | AProjSharedBorrow sb -> "@ignored_shared_borrow(" ^ abstract_shared_borrows_to_string fmt sb ^ ")" let abs_to_string (fmt : value_formatter) (indent : string) (indent_incr : string) (abs : V.abs) : string = let indent2 = indent ^ indent_incr in let avs = (fun av -> indent2 ^ typed_avalue_to_string fmt av) abs.avalues in let avs = String.concat ",\n" avs in indent ^ "abs@" ^ V.AbstractionId.to_string abs.abs_id ^ "{parents=" ^ V.AbstractionId.Set.to_string None abs.parents ^ "}" ^ "{regions=" ^ T.RegionId.Set.to_string None abs.regions ^ "}" ^ " {\n" ^ avs ^ "\n" ^ indent ^ "}" end module PV = Values (* local module *) (** Pretty-printing for contexts *) module Contexts = struct let var_binder_to_string (bv : C.var_binder) : string = match with | None -> PV.var_id_to_string bv.index | Some name -> name let dummy_var_id_to_string (bid : : string = "_@" ^ C.DummyVarId.to_string bid let binder_to_string (bv : C.binder) : string = match bv with | VarBinder b -> var_binder_to_string b | DummyBinder bid -> dummy_var_id_to_string bid let env_elem_to_string (fmt : PV.value_formatter) (indent : string) (indent_incr : string) (ev : C.env_elem) : string = match ev with | Var (var, tv) -> let bv = binder_to_string var in indent ^ bv ^ " -> " ^ PV.typed_value_to_string fmt tv ^ " ;" | Abs abs -> PV.abs_to_string fmt indent indent_incr abs | Frame -> raise (Failure "Can't print a Frame element") let opt_env_elem_to_string (fmt : PV.value_formatter) (indent : string) (indent_incr : string) (ev : C.env_elem option) : string = match ev with | None -> indent ^ "..." | Some ev -> env_elem_to_string fmt indent indent_incr ev (** Filters "dummy" bindings from an environment, to gain space and clarity/ See [env_to_string]. *) let filter_env (env : C.env) : C.env_elem option list = (* We filter: * - non-dummy bindings which point to ⊥ * - dummy bindings which don't contain loans nor borrows * Note that the first case can sometimes be confusing: we may try to improve * it... *) let filter_elem (ev : C.env_elem) : C.env_elem option = match ev with | Var (VarBinder _, tv) -> (* Not a dummy binding: check if the value is ⊥ *) if VU.is_bottom tv.value then None else Some ev | Var (DummyBinder _, tv) -> (* Dummy binding: check if the value contains borrows or loans *) if VU.borrows_in_value tv || VU.loans_in_value tv then Some ev else None | _ -> Some ev in let env = filter_elem env in (* We collapse groups of filtered values - so that we can print one * single "..." for a whole group of filtered values *) let rec group_filtered (env : C.env_elem option list) : C.env_elem option list = match env with | [] -> [] | None :: None :: env -> group_filtered (None :: env) | x :: env -> x :: group_filtered env in group_filtered env (** Environments can have a lot of dummy or uninitialized values: [filter] allows to filter them when printing, replacing groups of such bindings with "..." to gain space and clarity. *) let env_to_string (filter : bool) (fmt : PV.value_formatter) (env : C.env) : string = let env = if filter then filter_env env else (fun ev -> Some ev) env in "{\n" ^ String.concat "\n" ( (fun ev -> opt_env_elem_to_string fmt " " " " ev) env) ^ "\n}" type ctx_formatter = PV.value_formatter let ast_to_ctx_formatter (fmt : PA.ast_formatter) : ctx_formatter = { PV.rvar_to_string = fmt.rvar_to_string; PV.r_to_string = fmt.r_to_string; PV.type_var_id_to_string = fmt.type_var_id_to_string; PV.type_decl_id_to_string = fmt.type_decl_id_to_string; PV.adt_variant_to_string = fmt.adt_variant_to_string; PV.var_id_to_string = fmt.var_id_to_string; PV.adt_field_names = fmt.adt_field_names; } let ast_to_value_formatter (fmt : PA.ast_formatter) : PV.value_formatter = ast_to_ctx_formatter fmt let ctx_to_etype_formatter (fmt : ctx_formatter) : PT.etype_formatter = PV.value_to_etype_formatter fmt let ctx_to_rtype_formatter (fmt : ctx_formatter) : PT.rtype_formatter = PV.value_to_rtype_formatter fmt let eval_ctx_to_ctx_formatter (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : ctx_formatter = (* We shouldn't use rvar_to_string *) let rvar_to_string _r = raise (Failure "Unexpected use of rvar_to_string") in let r_to_string r = PT.region_id_to_string r in let type_var_id_to_string vid = let v = C.lookup_type_var ctx vid in in let type_decl_id_to_string def_id = let def = C.ctx_lookup_type_decl ctx def_id in name_to_string in let adt_variant_to_string = PT.type_ctx_to_adt_variant_to_string_fun ctx.type_context.type_decls in let var_id_to_string vid = let bv = C.ctx_lookup_var_binder ctx vid in var_binder_to_string bv in let adt_field_names = PT.type_ctx_to_adt_field_names_fun ctx.type_context.type_decls in { rvar_to_string; r_to_string; type_var_id_to_string; type_decl_id_to_string; adt_variant_to_string; var_id_to_string; adt_field_names; } let eval_ctx_to_ast_formatter (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : PA.ast_formatter = let ctx_fmt = eval_ctx_to_ctx_formatter ctx in let adt_field_to_string = PT.type_ctx_to_adt_field_to_string_fun ctx.type_context.type_decls in let fun_decl_id_to_string def_id = let def = C.ctx_lookup_fun_decl ctx def_id in fun_name_to_string in let global_decl_id_to_string def_id = let def = C.ctx_lookup_global_decl ctx def_id in global_name_to_string in { rvar_to_string = ctx_fmt.PV.rvar_to_string; r_to_string = ctx_fmt.PV.r_to_string; type_var_id_to_string = ctx_fmt.PV.type_var_id_to_string; type_decl_id_to_string = ctx_fmt.PV.type_decl_id_to_string; adt_variant_to_string = ctx_fmt.PV.adt_variant_to_string; var_id_to_string = ctx_fmt.PV.var_id_to_string; adt_field_names = ctx_fmt.PV.adt_field_names; adt_field_to_string; fun_decl_id_to_string; global_decl_id_to_string; } (** Split an [env] at every occurrence of [Frame], eliminating those elements. Also reorders the frames and the values in the frames according to the following order: * frames: from the current frame to the first pushed (oldest frame) * values: from the first pushed (oldest) to the last pushed *) let split_env_according_to_frames (env : C.env) : C.env list = let rec split_aux (frames : C.env list) (curr_frame : C.env) (env : C.env) = match env with | [] -> if List.length curr_frame > 0 then curr_frame :: frames else frames | Frame :: env' -> split_aux (curr_frame :: frames) [] env' | ev :: env' -> split_aux frames (ev :: curr_frame) env' in let frames = split_aux [] [] env in frames let eval_ctx_to_string (ctx : C.eval_ctx) : string = let fmt = eval_ctx_to_ctx_formatter ctx in let ended_regions = T.RegionId.Set.to_string None ctx.ended_regions in let frames = split_env_according_to_frames ctx.env in let num_frames = List.length frames in let frames = List.mapi (fun i f -> let num_bindings = ref 0 in let num_dummies = ref 0 in let num_abs = ref 0 in List.iter (fun ev -> match ev with | C.Var (DummyBinder _, _) -> num_dummies := !num_abs + 1 | C.Var (VarBinder _, _) -> num_bindings := !num_bindings + 1 | C.Abs _ -> num_abs := !num_abs + 1 | _ -> raise (Failure "Unreachable")) f; "\n# Frame " ^ string_of_int i ^ ":" ^ "\n- locals: " ^ string_of_int !num_bindings ^ "\n- dummy bindings: " ^ string_of_int !num_dummies ^ "\n- abstractions: " ^ string_of_int !num_abs ^ "\n" ^ env_to_string true fmt f ^ "\n") frames in "# Ended regions: " ^ ended_regions ^ "\n" ^ "# " ^ string_of_int num_frames ^ " frame(s)\n" ^ String.concat "" frames end module PC = Contexts (* local module *) (** Pretty-printing for LLBC ASTs (functions based on an evaluation context) *) module EvalCtxLlbcAst = struct let ety_to_string (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (t : T.ety) : string = let fmt = PC.eval_ctx_to_ctx_formatter ctx in let fmt = PC.ctx_to_etype_formatter fmt in PT.ety_to_string fmt t let rty_to_string (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (t : T.rty) : string = let fmt = PC.eval_ctx_to_ctx_formatter ctx in let fmt = PC.ctx_to_rtype_formatter fmt in PT.rty_to_string fmt t let borrow_content_to_string (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (bc : V.borrow_content) : string = let fmt = PC.eval_ctx_to_ctx_formatter ctx in PV.borrow_content_to_string fmt bc let loan_content_to_string (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (lc : V.loan_content) : string = let fmt = PC.eval_ctx_to_ctx_formatter ctx in PV.loan_content_to_string fmt lc let aborrow_content_to_string (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (bc : V.aborrow_content) : string = let fmt = PC.eval_ctx_to_ctx_formatter ctx in PV.aborrow_content_to_string fmt bc let aloan_content_to_string (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (lc : V.aloan_content) : string = let fmt = PC.eval_ctx_to_ctx_formatter ctx in PV.aloan_content_to_string fmt lc let aproj_to_string (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (p : V.aproj) : string = let fmt = PC.eval_ctx_to_ctx_formatter ctx in PV.aproj_to_string fmt p let symbolic_value_to_string (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (sv : V.symbolic_value) : string = let fmt = PC.eval_ctx_to_ctx_formatter ctx in let fmt = PC.ctx_to_rtype_formatter fmt in PV.symbolic_value_to_string fmt sv let typed_value_to_string (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (v : V.typed_value) : string = let fmt = PC.eval_ctx_to_ctx_formatter ctx in PV.typed_value_to_string fmt v let typed_avalue_to_string (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (v : V.typed_avalue) : string = let fmt = PC.eval_ctx_to_ctx_formatter ctx in PV.typed_avalue_to_string fmt v let place_to_string (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (op : : string = let fmt = PC.eval_ctx_to_ast_formatter ctx in PE.place_to_string fmt op let operand_to_string (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (op : E.operand) : string = let fmt = PC.eval_ctx_to_ast_formatter ctx in PE.operand_to_string fmt op let statement_to_string (ctx : C.eval_ctx) (indent : string) (indent_incr : string) (e : A.statement) : string = let fmt = PC.eval_ctx_to_ast_formatter ctx in PA.statement_to_string fmt indent indent_incr e end