open Types
open TypesUtils
open Values
open ValuesUtils
open Expressions
open Contexts
open LlbcAst
open Cps
open InterpreterUtils
open InterpreterProjectors
open InterpreterExpansion
open InterpreterPaths
open InterpreterExpressions
open Errors
module Subst = Substitute
module S = SynthesizeSymbolic

(** The local logger *)
let log = L.statements_log

(** Drop a value at a given place - TODO: factorize this with [assign_to_place] *)
let drop_value (config : config) (span : Meta.span) (p : place) : cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
      ("drop_value: place: " ^ place_to_string ctx p ^ "\n- Initial context:\n"
      ^ eval_ctx_to_string ~span:(Some span) ctx));
  (* Note that we use [Write], not [Move]: we allow to drop values *below* borrows *)
  let access = Write in
  (* First make sure we can access the place, by ending loans or expanding
   * symbolic values along the path, for instance *)
  let ctx, cc = update_ctx_along_read_place config span access p ctx in
  (* Prepare the place (by ending the outer loans *at* the place). *)
  let v, ctx, cc = comp2 cc (prepare_lplace config span p ctx) in
  (* Replace the value with {!Bottom} *)
  let ctx =
    (* Move the value at destination (that we will overwrite) to a dummy variable
     * to preserve the borrows it may contain *)
    let mv = InterpreterPaths.read_place span access p ctx in
    let dummy_id = fresh_dummy_var_id () in
    let ctx = ctx_push_dummy_var ctx dummy_id mv in
    (* Update the destination to ⊥ *)
    let nv = { v with value = VBottom } in
    let ctx = write_place span access p nv ctx in
        ("drop_value: place: " ^ place_to_string ctx p ^ "\n- Final context:\n"
        ^ eval_ctx_to_string ~span:(Some span) ctx));
  (* Compose and apply *)
  (ctx, cc)

(** Push a dummy variable to the environment *)
let push_dummy_var (vid : (v : typed_value) (ctx : eval_ctx) :
    eval_ctx =
  ctx_push_dummy_var ctx vid v

(** Remove a dummy variable from the environment *)
let remove_dummy_var (span : Meta.span) (vid : (ctx : eval_ctx) :
    typed_value * eval_ctx =
  let ctx, v = ctx_remove_dummy_var span ctx vid in
  (v, ctx)

(** Push an uninitialized variable to the environment *)
let push_uninitialized_var (span : Meta.span) (var : var) (ctx : eval_ctx) :
    eval_ctx =
  ctx_push_uninitialized_var span ctx var

(** Push a list of uninitialized variables to the environment *)
let push_uninitialized_vars (span : Meta.span) (vars : var list)
    (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx =
  ctx_push_uninitialized_vars span ctx vars

(** Push a variable to the environment *)
let push_var (span : Meta.span) (var : var) (v : typed_value) (ctx : eval_ctx) :
    eval_ctx =
  ctx_push_var span ctx var v

(** Push a list of variables to the environment *)
let push_vars (span : Meta.span) (vars : (var * typed_value) list)
    (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx =
  ctx_push_vars span ctx vars

(** Assign a value to a given place.

    Note that this function first pushes the value to assign in a dummy variable,
    then prepares the destination (by ending borrows, etc.) before popping the
    dummy variable and putting in its destination (after having checked that
    preparing the destination didn't introduce ⊥).
let assign_to_place (config : config) (span : Meta.span) (rv : typed_value)
    (p : place) : cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
      ("assign_to_place:" ^ "\n- rv: "
      ^ typed_value_to_string ~span:(Some span) ctx rv
      ^ "\n- p: " ^ place_to_string ctx p ^ "\n- Initial context:\n"
      ^ eval_ctx_to_string ~span:(Some span) ctx));
  (* Push the rvalue to a dummy variable, for bookkeeping *)
  let rvalue_vid = fresh_dummy_var_id () in
  let ctx = push_dummy_var rvalue_vid rv ctx in
  (* Prepare the destination *)
  let _, ctx, cc = prepare_lplace config span p ctx in
  (* Retrieve the rvalue from the dummy variable *)
  let rv, ctx = remove_dummy_var span rvalue_vid ctx in
  (* Move the value at destination (that we will overwrite) to a dummy variable
     to preserve the borrows *)
  let mv = InterpreterPaths.read_place span Write p ctx in
  let dest_vid = fresh_dummy_var_id () in
  let ctx = ctx_push_dummy_var ctx dest_vid mv in
  (* Write to the destination *)
  (* Checks - maybe the bookkeeping updated the rvalue and introduced bottoms *)
  exec_assert __FILE__ __LINE__
    (not (bottom_in_value ctx.ended_regions rv))
    span "The value to move contains bottom";
  (* Update the destination *)
  let ctx = write_place span Write p rv ctx in
  (* Debug *)
      ("assign_to_place:" ^ "\n- rv: "
      ^ typed_value_to_string ~span:(Some span) ctx rv
      ^ "\n- p: " ^ place_to_string ctx p ^ "\n- Final context:\n"
      ^ eval_ctx_to_string ~span:(Some span) ctx));
  (* Return *)
  (ctx, cc)

(** Evaluate an assertion, when the scrutinee is not symbolic *)
let eval_assertion_concrete (config : config) (span : Meta.span)
    (assertion : assertion) : st_cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
  (* There won't be any symbolic expansions: fully evaluate the operand *)
  let v, ctx, eval_op = eval_operand config span assertion.cond ctx in
  let st =
    match v.value with
    | VLiteral (VBool b) ->
        (* Branch *)
        if b = assertion.expected then Unit else Panic
    | _ ->
        craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span
          ("Expected a boolean, got: "
          ^ typed_value_to_string ~span:(Some span) ctx v)
  (* Compose and apply *)
  ((ctx, st), eval_op)

(** Evaluates an assertion.
    In the case the boolean under scrutinee is symbolic, we synthesize
    a call to [assert ...] then continue in the success branch (and thus
    expand the boolean to [true]).
let eval_assertion (config : config) (span : Meta.span) (assertion : assertion)
    : st_cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
  (* Evaluate the operand *)
  let v, ctx, cf_eval_op = eval_operand config span assertion.cond ctx in
  (* Evaluate the assertion *)
  sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (v.ty = TLiteral TBool) span;
  let st, cf_eval_assert =
    (* We make a choice here: we could completely decouple the concrete and
     * symbolic executions here but choose not to. In the case where we
     * know the concrete value of the boolean we test, we use this value
     * even if we are in symbolic mode. Note that this case should be
     * extremely rare... *)
    match v.value with
    | VLiteral (VBool _) ->
        (* Delegate to the concrete evaluation function *)
        eval_assertion_concrete config span assertion ctx
    | VSymbolic sv ->
        sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (config.mode = SymbolicMode) span;
        sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (sv.sv_ty = TLiteral TBool) span;
        (* We continue the execution as if the test had succeeded, and thus
         * perform the symbolic expansion: sv ~~> true.
         * We will of course synthesize an assertion in the generated code
         * (see below). *)
        let ctx =
          apply_symbolic_expansion_non_borrow config span sv ctx
            (SeLiteral (VBool true))
        (* Add the synthesized assertion *)
        ((ctx, Unit), S.synthesize_assertion ctx v)
    | _ ->
        craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span
          ("Expected a boolean, got: "
          ^ typed_value_to_string ~span:(Some span) ctx v)
  (* Compose and apply *)
  (st, cc_comp cf_eval_op cf_eval_assert)

(** Updates the discriminant of a value at a given place.

    There are two situations:
    - either the discriminant is already the proper one (in which case we
      don't do anything)
    - or it is not the proper one (because the variant is not the proper
      one, or the value is actually {!Bottom} - this happens when
      initializing ADT values), in which case we replace the value with
      a variant with all its fields set to {!Bottom}.
      For instance, something like: [Cons Bottom Bottom].
let set_discriminant (config : config) (span : Meta.span) (p : place)
    (variant_id : : st_cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
      ("set_discriminant:" ^ "\n- p: " ^ place_to_string ctx p
     ^ "\n- variant id: "
      ^ VariantId.to_string variant_id
      ^ "\n- initial context:\n"
      ^ eval_ctx_to_string ~span:(Some span) ctx));
  (* Access the value *)
  let access = Write in
  let ctx, cc = update_ctx_along_read_place config span access p ctx in
  let v, ctx, cc = comp2 cc (prepare_lplace config span p ctx) in
  (* Update the value *)
  match (v.ty, v.value) with
  | TAdt ((TAdtId _ as type_id), generics), VAdt av -> (
      (* There are two situations:
         - either the discriminant is already the proper one (in which case we
           don't do anything)
         - or it is not the proper one, in which case we replace the value with
           a variant with all its fields set to {!Bottom}
      match av.variant_id with
      | None ->
          craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span
            "Found a struct value while expecting an enum"
      | Some variant_id' ->
          if variant_id' = variant_id then (* Nothing to do *)
            ((ctx, Unit), cc)
            (* Replace the value *)
            let bottom_v =
              match type_id with
              | TAdtId def_id ->
                  compute_expanded_bottom_adt_value span ctx def_id
                    (Some variant_id) generics
              | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Unreachable"
            let ctx, cc =
              comp cc (assign_to_place config span bottom_v p ctx)
            ((ctx, Unit), cc))
  | TAdt ((TAdtId _ as type_id), generics), VBottom ->
      let bottom_v =
        match type_id with
        | TAdtId def_id ->
            compute_expanded_bottom_adt_value span ctx def_id (Some variant_id)
        | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Unreachable"
      let ctx, cc = comp cc (assign_to_place config span bottom_v p ctx) in
      ((ctx, Unit), cc)
  | _, VSymbolic _ ->
      sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (config.mode = SymbolicMode) span;
      (* This is a bit annoying: in theory we should expand the symbolic value
       * then set the discriminant, because in the case the discriminant is
       * exactly the one we set, the fields are left untouched, and in the
       * other cases they are set to Bottom.
       * For now, we forbid setting the discriminant of a symbolic value:
       * setting a discriminant should only be used to initialize a value,
       * or reset an already initialized value, really. *)
      craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Unexpected value"
  | _, (VAdt _ | VBottom) -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Inconsistent state"
  | _, (VLiteral _ | VBorrow _ | VLoan _) ->
      craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Unexpected value"

(** Push a frame delimiter in the context's environment *)
let ctx_push_frame (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx =
  { ctx with env = EFrame :: ctx.env }

(** Push a frame delimiter in the context's environment *)
let push_frame (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx = ctx_push_frame ctx

(** Small helper: compute the type of the return value for a specific
    instantiation of an assumed function.
let get_assumed_function_return_type (span : Meta.span) (ctx : eval_ctx)
    (fid : assumed_fun_id) (generics : generic_args) : ety =
  sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (generics.trait_refs = []) span;
  (* [Box::free] has a special treatment *)
  match fid with
  | BoxFree ->
      sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (generics.regions = []) span;
      sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (List.length generics.types = 1) span;
      sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (generics.const_generics = []) span;
  | _ ->
      (* Retrieve the function's signature *)
      let sg = Assumed.get_assumed_fun_sig fid in
      (* Instantiate the return type  *)
      (* There shouldn't be any reference to Self *)
      let tr_self : trait_instance_id = UnknownTrait __FUNCTION__ in
      let generics = Subst.generic_args_erase_regions generics in
      let { Subst.r_subst = _; ty_subst; cg_subst; tr_subst; tr_self } =
        Subst.make_subst_from_generics sg.generics generics tr_self
      let ty =
        Subst.erase_regions_substitute_types ty_subst cg_subst tr_subst tr_self
      AssociatedTypes.ctx_normalize_erase_ty span ctx ty

let move_return_value (config : config) (span : Meta.span)
    (pop_return_value : bool) (ctx : eval_ctx) :
    typed_value option * eval_ctx * (eval_result -> eval_result) =
  if pop_return_value then
    let ret_vid = in
    let v, ctx, cc =
      eval_operand config span (Move (mk_place_from_var_id ret_vid)) ctx
    (Some v, ctx, cc)
  else (None, ctx, fun e -> e)

let pop_frame (config : config) (span : Meta.span) (pop_return_value : bool)
    (ctx : eval_ctx) :
    typed_value option * eval_ctx * (eval_result -> eval_result) =
  (* Debug *)
  log#ldebug (lazy ("pop_frame:\n" ^ eval_ctx_to_string ~span:(Some span) ctx));

  (* List the local variables, but the return variable *)
  let ret_vid = in
  let rec list_locals env =
    match env with
    | [] -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Inconsistent environment"
    | EAbs _ :: env -> list_locals env
    | EBinding (BDummy _, _) :: env -> list_locals env
    | EBinding (BVar var, _) :: env ->
        let locals = list_locals env in
        if var.index <> ret_vid then var.index :: locals else locals
    | EFrame :: _ -> []
  let locals : list = list_locals ctx.env in
  (* Debug *)
      ("pop_frame: locals in which to drop the outer loans: ["
      ^ String.concat "," ( VarId.to_string locals)
      ^ "]"));

  (* Move the return value out of the return variable *)
  let v, ctx, cc = move_return_value config span pop_return_value ctx in
  let _ =
    match v with
    | None -> ()
    | Some ret_value ->
        sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__
          (not (bottom_in_value ctx.ended_regions ret_value))

  (* Drop the outer *loans* we find in the local variables *)
  let ctx, cc =
    comp cc
      ((* Drop the loans *)
       let locals = List.rev locals in
         (fun lid ctx ->
           drop_outer_loans_at_lplace config span (mk_place_from_var_id lid) ctx)
         locals ctx)
  (* Debug *)
      ("pop_frame: after dropping outer loans in local variables:\n"
      ^ eval_ctx_to_string ~span:(Some span) ctx));

  (* Pop the frame - we remove the [Frame] delimiter, and reintroduce all
   * the local variables (which may still contain borrow permissions - but
   * no outer loans) as dummy variables in the caller frame *)
  let rec pop env =
    match env with
    | [] -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Inconsistent environment"
    | EAbs abs :: env -> EAbs abs :: pop env
    | EBinding (_, v) :: env ->
        let vid = fresh_dummy_var_id () in
        EBinding (BDummy vid, v) :: pop env
    | EFrame :: env -> (* Stop here *) env
  let env = pop ctx.env in
  let ctx = { ctx with env } in
  (* Return *)
  (v, ctx, cc)

(** Pop the current frame and assign the returned value to its destination. *)
let pop_frame_assign (config : config) (span : Meta.span) (dest : place) :
    cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
  let v, ctx, cc = pop_frame config span true ctx in
  comp cc (assign_to_place config span (Option.get v) dest ctx)

(** Auxiliary function - see {!eval_assumed_function_call} *)
let eval_box_new_concrete (config : config) (span : Meta.span)
    (generics : generic_args) : cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
  (* Check and retrieve the arguments *)
    (generics.regions, generics.types, generics.const_generics, ctx.env)
  | ( [],
      [ boxed_ty ],
      EBinding (BVar input_var, input_value)
      :: EBinding (_ret_var, _)
      :: EFrame :: _ ) ->
      (* Required type checking *)
      cassert __FILE__ __LINE__
        (input_value.ty = boxed_ty)
        span "The input given to Box::new doesn't have the proper type";

      (* Move the input value *)
      let v, ctx, cc =
        eval_operand config span
          (Move (mk_place_from_var_id input_var.index))

      (* Create the new box *)
      (* Create the box value *)
      let generics = TypesUtils.mk_generic_args_from_types [ boxed_ty ] in
      let box_ty = TAdt (TAssumed TBox, generics) in
      let box_v = VAdt { variant_id = None; field_values = [ v ] } in
      let box_v = mk_typed_value span box_ty box_v in

      (* Move this value to the return variable *)
      let dest = mk_place_from_var_id in
      comp cc (assign_to_place config span box_v dest ctx)
  | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Inconsistent state"

(** Auxiliary function - see {!eval_assumed_function_call}.

    [Box::free] is not handled the same way as the other assumed functions:
    - in the regular case, whenever we need to evaluate an assumed function,
      we evaluate the operands, push a frame, call a dedicated function
      to correctly update the variables in the frame (and mimic the execution
      of a body) and finally pop the frame
    - in the case of [Box::free]: the value given to this function is often
      of the form [Box(⊥)] because we can move the value out of the
      box before freeing the box. It makes it invalid to see box_free as a
      "regular" function: it is not valid to call a function with arguments
      which contain [⊥]. For this reason, we execute [Box::free] as drop_value,
      but this is a bit annoying with regards to the semantics...

    Followingly this function doesn't behave like the others: it does not expect
    a stack frame to have been pushed, but rather simply behaves like {!drop_value}.
    It thus updates the box value (by calling {!drop_value}) and updates
    the destination (by setting it to [()]).
let eval_box_free (config : config) (span : Meta.span) (generics : generic_args)
    (args : operand list) (dest : place) : cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
  match (generics.regions, generics.types, generics.const_generics, args) with
  | [], [ boxed_ty ], [], [ Move input_box_place ] ->
      (* Required type checking *)
      let input_box =
        InterpreterPaths.read_place span Write input_box_place ctx
      (let input_ty = ty_get_box input_box.ty in
       sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (input_ty = boxed_ty))

      (* Drop the value *)
      let ctx, cc = drop_value config span input_box_place ctx in

      (* Update the destination by setting it to [()] *)
      comp cc (assign_to_place config span mk_unit_value dest ctx)
  | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Inconsistent state"

(** Evaluate a non-local function call in concrete mode *)
let eval_assumed_function_call_concrete (config : config) (span : Meta.span)
    (fid : assumed_fun_id) (call : call) : cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
  let args = call.args in
  let dest = call.dest in
  match call.func with
  | FnOpMove _ ->
      (* Closure case: TODO *)
      craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Closures are not supported yet"
  | FnOpRegular func -> (
      let generics = func.generics in
      (* Sanity check: we don't fully handle the const generic vars environment
         in concrete mode yet *)
      sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (generics.const_generics = []) span;
      (* There are two cases (and this is extremely annoying):
         - the function is not box_free
         - the function is box_free
         See {!eval_box_free}
      match fid with
      | BoxFree ->
          (* Degenerate case: box_free *)
          eval_box_free config span generics args dest ctx
      | _ ->
          (* "Normal" case: not box_free *)
          (* Evaluate the operands *)
          (*      let ctx, args_vl = eval_operands config ctx args in *)
          let args_vl, ctx, cc = eval_operands config span args ctx in

          (* Evaluate the call
           * Style note: at some point we used {!comp_transmit} to
           * transmit the result of {!eval_operands} above down to {!push_vars}
           * below, without having to introduce an intermediary function call,
           * but it made it less clear where the computed values came from,
           * so we reversed the modifications. *)
          (* Push the stack frame: we initialize the frame with the return variable,
             and one variable per input argument *)
          let ctx = push_frame ctx in

          (* Create and push the return variable *)
          let ret_vid = in
          let ret_ty = get_assumed_function_return_type span ctx fid generics in
          let ret_var = mk_var ret_vid (Some "@return") ret_ty in
          let ctx = push_uninitialized_var span ret_var ctx in

          (* Create and push the input variables *)
          let input_vars =
              (fun id (v : typed_value) -> (mk_var id None v.ty, v))
          let ctx = push_vars span input_vars ctx in

          (* "Execute" the function body. As the functions are assumed, here we call
           * custom functions to perform the proper manipulations: we don't have
           * access to a body. *)
          let ctx, cf_eval_body =
            match fid with
            | BoxNew -> eval_box_new_concrete config span generics ctx
            | BoxFree ->
                (* Should have been treated above *)
                craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Unreachable"
            | ArrayIndexShared | ArrayIndexMut | ArrayToSliceShared
            | ArrayToSliceMut | ArrayRepeat | SliceIndexShared | SliceIndexMut
                craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Unimplemented"
          let cc = cc_comp cc cf_eval_body in

          (* Pop the frame *)
          comp cc (pop_frame_assign config span dest ctx))

(** Helper
    Create abstractions (with no avalues, which have to be inserted afterwards)
    from a list of abs region groups.
    [region_can_end]: gives the region groups from which we generate functions
    which can end or not.
let create_empty_abstractions_from_abs_region_groups
    (kind : -> abs_kind) (rgl : abs_region_group list)
    (region_can_end : -> bool) : abs list =
  (* We use a reference to progressively create a map from abstraction ids
   * to set of ancestor regions. Note that {!abs_to_ancestors_regions} [abs_id]
   * returns the union of:
   * - the regions of the ancestors of abs_id
   * - the regions of abs_id
  let abs_to_ancestors_regions : RegionId.Set.t AbstractionId.Map.t ref =
    ref AbstractionId.Map.empty
  (* Auxiliary function to create one abstraction *)
  let create_abs (rg_id : (rg : abs_region_group) : abs =
    let abs_id = in
    let original_parents = rg.parents in
    let parents =
        (fun s pid -> AbstractionId.Set.add pid s)
        AbstractionId.Set.empty rg.parents
    let regions =
        (fun s rid -> RegionId.Set.add rid s)
        RegionId.Set.empty rg.regions
    let ancestors_regions =
        (fun acc parent_id ->
          RegionId.Set.union acc
            (AbstractionId.Map.find parent_id !abs_to_ancestors_regions))
        RegionId.Set.empty rg.parents
    let ancestors_regions_union_current_regions =
      RegionId.Set.union ancestors_regions regions
    let can_end = region_can_end rg_id in
    abs_to_ancestors_regions :=
      AbstractionId.Map.add abs_id ancestors_regions_union_current_regions
    (* Create the abstraction *)
      kind = kind rg_id;
      avalues = [];
  (* Apply *)
  RegionGroupId.mapi create_abs rgl

let create_push_abstractions_from_abs_region_groups
    (kind : -> abs_kind) (rgl : abs_region_group list)
    (region_can_end : -> bool)
    (compute_abs_avalues : abs -> eval_ctx -> eval_ctx * typed_avalue list)
    (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx =
  (* Initialize the abstractions as empty (i.e., with no avalues) abstractions *)
  let empty_absl =
    create_empty_abstractions_from_abs_region_groups kind rgl region_can_end

  (* Compute and add the avalues to the abstractions, the insert the abstractions
   * in the context. *)
  let insert_abs (ctx : eval_ctx) (abs : abs) : eval_ctx =
    (* Compute the values to insert in the abstraction *)
    let ctx, avalues = compute_abs_avalues abs ctx in
    (* Add the avalues to the abstraction *)
    let abs = { abs with avalues } in
    (* Insert the abstraction in the context *)
    let ctx = { ctx with env = EAbs abs :: ctx.env } in
    (* Return *)
  List.fold_left insert_abs ctx empty_absl

(** Auxiliary helper for [eval_transparent_function_call_symbolic]
    Instantiate the signature and introduce fresh abstractions and region ids while doing so.

    We perform some manipulations when instantiating the signature.

    # Trait impl calls
    In particular, we have a special treatment of trait method calls when
    the trait ref is a known impl.

    For instance:
      trait HasValue {
        fn has_value(&self) -> bool;

      impl<T> HasValue for Option<T> {
        fn has_value(&self) {
          match self {
            None => false,
            Some(_) => true,

      fn option_has_value<T>(x: &Option<T>) -> bool {

    The generated code looks like this:
      structure HasValue (Self : Type) = {
        has_value : Self -> result bool

      let OptionHasValueImpl.has_value (Self : Type) (self : Self) : result bool =
        match self with
        | None => false
        | Some _ => true

      let OptionHasValueInstance (T : Type) : HasValue (Option T) = {
        has_value = OptionHasValueInstance.has_value

    In [option_has_value], we don't want to refer to the [has_value] method
    of the instance of [HasValue] for [Option<T>]. We want to refer directly
    to the function which implements [has_value] for [Option<T>].
    That is, instead of generating this:
      let option_has_value (T : Type) (x : Option T) : result bool =
        (OptionHasValueInstance T).has_value x

    We want to generate this:
      let option_has_value (T : Type) (x : Option T) : result bool =
        OptionHasValueImpl.has_value T x

    # Provided trait methods
    Calls to provided trait methods also have a special treatment because
    for now we forbid overriding provided trait methods in the trait implementations,
    which means that whenever we call a provided trait method, we do not refer
    to a trait clause but directly to the method provided in the trait declaration.
let eval_transparent_function_call_symbolic_inst (span : Meta.span)
    (call : call) (ctx : eval_ctx) :
    * generic_args
    * (generic_args * trait_instance_id) option
    * fun_decl
    * region_var_groups
    * inst_fun_sig =
  match call.func with
  | FnOpMove _ ->
      (* Closure case: TODO *)
      craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Closures are not supported yet"
  | FnOpRegular func -> (
      match func.func with
      | FunId (FRegular fid) ->
          let def = ctx_lookup_fun_decl ctx fid in
              ("fun call:\n- call: " ^ call_to_string ctx call
             ^ "\n- call.generics:\n"
              ^ generic_args_to_string ctx func.generics
              ^ "\n- def.signature:\n"
              ^ fun_sig_to_string ctx def.signature));
          let tr_self = UnknownTrait __FUNCTION__ in
          let regions_hierarchy =
            LlbcAstUtils.FunIdMap.find (FRegular fid)
          let inst_sg =
            instantiate_fun_sig span ctx func.generics tr_self def.signature
          (func.func, func.generics, None, def, regions_hierarchy, inst_sg)
      | FunId (FAssumed _) ->
          (* Unreachable: must be a transparent function *)
          craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Unreachable"
      | TraitMethod (trait_ref, method_name, _) -> (
              ("trait method call:\n- call: " ^ call_to_string ctx call
             ^ "\n- method name: " ^ method_name ^ "\n- call.generics:\n"
              ^ generic_args_to_string ctx func.generics
              ^ "\n- trait_ref.trait_decl_ref: "
              ^ trait_decl_ref_to_string ctx trait_ref.trait_decl_ref));
          (* Lookup the trait method signature - there are several possibilities
             depending on whethere we call a top-level trait method impl or the
             method from a local clause *)
          match trait_ref.trait_id with
          | TraitImpl impl_id -> (
              (* Lookup the trait impl *)
              let trait_impl = ctx_lookup_trait_impl ctx impl_id in
                (lazy ("trait impl: " ^ trait_impl_to_string ctx trait_impl));
              (* First look in the required methods *)
              let method_id =
                  (fun (s, _) -> s = method_name)
              match method_id with
              | Some (_, id) ->
                  (* This is a required method *)
                  let method_def = ctx_lookup_fun_decl ctx id in
                  (* We have to concatenate the generics for the impl
                     and the generics for the method *)
                  let generics =
                    merge_generic_args trait_ref.generics func.generics
                  (* Instantiate *)
                  let tr_self = TraitRef trait_ref in
                  let fid : fun_id = FRegular id in
                  let regions_hierarchy =
                    LlbcAstUtils.FunIdMap.find fid
                  let inst_sg =
                    instantiate_fun_sig span ctx generics tr_self
                      method_def.signature regions_hierarchy
                  (* Also update the function identifier: we want to forget
                     the fact that we called a trait method, and treat it as
                     a regular function call to the top-level function
                     which implements the method. In order to do this properly,
                     we also need to update the generics.
                  let func = FunId fid in
                  ( func,
                    Some (generics, tr_self),
                    inst_sg )
              | None ->
                  (* If not found, lookup the methods provided by the trait *declaration*
                     (remember: for now, we forbid overriding provided methods) *)
                  cassert __FILE__ __LINE__
                    (trait_impl.provided_methods = [])
                    span "Overriding provided methods is currently forbidden";
                  let trait_decl =
                    ctx_lookup_trait_decl ctx
                  let _, method_id =
                      (fun (s, _) -> s = method_name)
                  let method_id = Option.get method_id in
                  let method_def = ctx_lookup_fun_decl ctx method_id in
                  (* For the instantiation we have to do something peculiar
                     because the method was defined for the trait declaration.
                     We have to group:
                     - the parameters given to the trait decl reference
                     - the parameters given to the method itself
                     For instance:
                       trait Foo<T> {
                         fn f<U>(...) { ... }

                       fn g<G>(x : G) where Clause0: Foo<G, bool>
                         x.f::<u32>(...) // The arguments to f are: <G, bool, u32>
                  let all_generics =
                      trait_ref.trait_decl_ref.decl_generics func.generics
                      ("provided method call:" ^ "\n- method name: "
                     ^ method_name ^ "\n- all_generics:\n"
                      ^ generic_args_to_string ctx all_generics
                      ^ "\n- parent params info: "
                      ^ Print.option_to_string show_params_info
                  let regions_hierarchy =
                    LlbcAstUtils.FunIdMap.find (FRegular method_id)
                  let tr_self = TraitRef trait_ref in
                  let inst_sg =
                    instantiate_fun_sig span ctx all_generics tr_self
                      method_def.signature regions_hierarchy
                  ( func.func,
                    Some (all_generics, tr_self),
                    inst_sg ))
          | _ ->
              (* We are using a local clause - we lookup the trait decl *)
              let trait_decl =
                ctx_lookup_trait_decl ctx trait_ref.trait_decl_ref.trait_decl_id
              (* Lookup the method decl in the required *and* the provided methods *)
              let _, method_id =
                let provided =
                    (fun (id, f) ->
                      match f with None -> None | Some f -> Some (id, f))
                  (fun (s, _) -> s = method_name)
                  (List.append trait_decl.required_methods provided)
              let method_def = ctx_lookup_fun_decl ctx method_id in
                (lazy ("method:\n" ^ fun_decl_to_string ctx method_def));
              (* Instantiate *)
              (* When instantiating, we need to group the generics for the
                 trait ref and the generics for the method *)
              let generics =
                  trait_ref.trait_decl_ref.decl_generics func.generics
              let regions_hierarchy =
                LlbcAstUtils.FunIdMap.find (FRegular method_id)
              let tr_self = TraitRef trait_ref in
              let inst_sg =
                instantiate_fun_sig span ctx generics tr_self
                  method_def.signature regions_hierarchy
              ( func.func,
                Some (generics, tr_self),
                inst_sg )))

(** Evaluate a statement *)
let rec eval_statement (config : config) (st : statement) : stl_cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
  (* Debugging *)
      ("\n**About to evaluate statement**: [\n"
      ^ statement_to_string_with_tab ctx st
      ^ "\n]\n\n**Context**:\n"
      ^ eval_ctx_to_string ~span:(Some st.span) ctx
      ^ "\n\n"));

  (* Take a snapshot of the current context for the purpose of generating pretty names *)
  let cc = S.save_snapshot ctx in
  (* Expand the symbolic values if necessary - we need to do that before
     checking the invariants *)
  let ctx, cc = comp cc (greedy_expand_symbolic_values config st.span ctx) in
  (* Sanity check *)
  Invariants.check_invariants st.span ctx;

  (* Evaluate *)
  let stl, cf_eval_st =
        ("\neval_statement: cf_eval_st: statement:\n"
        ^ statement_to_string_with_tab ctx st
        ^ "\n\n"));
    match st.content with
    | Assign (p, rvalue) -> (
        (* We handle global assignments separately *)
        match rvalue with
        | Global (gid, generics) ->
            (* Evaluate the global *)
            eval_global config st.span p gid generics ctx
        | _ ->
            (* Evaluate the rvalue *)
            let res, ctx, cc =
              eval_rvalue_not_global config st.span rvalue ctx
            (* Assign *)
                ("about to assign to place: " ^ place_to_string ctx p
               ^ "\n- Context:\n"
                ^ eval_ctx_to_string ~span:(Some st.span) ctx));
            let (ctx, res), cf_assign =
              match res with
              | Error EPanic -> ((ctx, Panic), fun e -> e)
              | Ok rv ->
                  (* Update the synthesized AST - here we store additional span-information.
                   * We do it only in specific cases (it is not always useful, and
                   * also it can lead to issues - for instance, if we borrow a
                   * reserved borrow, we later can't translate it to pure values...) *)
                  let cc =
                    match rvalue with
                    | Global _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ st.span "Unreachable"
                    | Use _
                    | RvRef (_, (BShared | BMut | BTwoPhaseMut | BShallow))
                    | UnaryOp _ | BinaryOp _ | Discriminant _ | Aggregate _ ->
                        let rp = rvalue_get_place rvalue in
                        let rp =
                          match rp with
                          | Some rp -> Some (S.mk_mplace st.span rp ctx)
                          | None -> None
                        S.synthesize_assignment ctx
                          (S.mk_mplace st.span p ctx)
                          rv rp
                  let ctx, cc =
                    comp cc (assign_to_place config st.span rv p ctx)
                  ((ctx, Unit), cc)
            let cc = cc_comp cc cf_assign in
            (* Compose and apply *)
            ([ (ctx, res) ], cc_singleton __FILE__ __LINE__ st.span cc))
    | FakeRead p ->
        let ctx, cc = eval_fake_read config st.span p ctx in
        ([ (ctx, Unit) ], cc_singleton __FILE__ __LINE__ st.span cc)
    | SetDiscriminant (p, variant_id) ->
        let (ctx, res), cc = set_discriminant config st.span p variant_id ctx in
        ([ (ctx, res) ], cc_singleton __FILE__ __LINE__ st.span cc)
    | Drop p ->
        let ctx, cc = drop_value config st.span p ctx in
        ([ (ctx, Unit) ], cc_singleton __FILE__ __LINE__ st.span cc)
    | Assert assertion ->
        let (ctx, res), cc = eval_assertion config st.span assertion ctx in
        ([ (ctx, res) ], cc_singleton __FILE__ __LINE__ st.span cc)
    | Call call -> eval_function_call config st.span call ctx
    | Panic -> ([ (ctx, Panic) ], cc_singleton __FILE__ __LINE__ st.span cc)
    | Return -> ([ (ctx, Return) ], cc_singleton __FILE__ __LINE__ st.span cc)
    | Break i -> ([ (ctx, Break i) ], cc_singleton __FILE__ __LINE__ st.span cc)
    | Continue i ->
        ([ (ctx, Continue i) ], cc_singleton __FILE__ __LINE__ st.span cc)
    | Nop -> ([ (ctx, Unit) ], cc_singleton __FILE__ __LINE__ st.span cc)
    | Sequence (st1, st2) ->
        (* Evaluate the first statement *)
        let ctx_resl, cf_st1 = eval_statement config st1 ctx in
        (* Evaluate the sequence (evaluate the second statement if the first
           statement successfully evaluated, otherwise transfmit the control-flow
           break) *)
        let ctx_res_cfl =

            (fun (ctx, res) ->
              match res with
              (* Evaluation successful: evaluate the second statement *)
              | Unit -> eval_statement config st2 ctx
              (* Control-flow break: transmit. We enumerate the cases on purpose *)
              | Panic | Break _ | Continue _ | Return | LoopReturn _
              | EndEnterLoop _ | EndContinue _ ->
                  ([ (ctx, res) ], cc_singleton __FILE__ __LINE__ st.span cc))
        (* Put everything together:
           - we return the flattened list of contexts and results
           - we need to build the continuation which will build the whole
             expression from the continuations for the individual branches
        let ctx_resl, cf_st2 =
          comp_seqs __FILE__ __LINE__ st.span ctx_res_cfl
        (ctx_resl, cc_comp cf_st1 cf_st2)
    | Loop loop_body ->
        let eval_loop_body = eval_statement config loop_body in
        InterpreterLoops.eval_loop config st.span eval_loop_body ctx
    | Switch switch -> eval_switch config st.span switch ctx
  (* Compose and apply *)
  (stl, cc_comp cc cf_eval_st)

and eval_global (config : config) (span : Meta.span) (dest : place)
    (gid : (generics : generic_args) : stl_cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
  let global = ctx_lookup_global_decl ctx gid in
  match config.mode with
  | ConcreteMode ->
      (* Treat the evaluation of the global as a call to the global body *)
      let func = { func = FunId (FRegular global.body); generics } in
      let call = { func = FnOpRegular func; args = []; dest } in
      eval_transparent_function_call_concrete config span global.body call ctx
  | SymbolicMode -> (
      (* Generate a fresh symbolic value. In the translation, this fresh symbolic value will be
       * defined as equal to the value of the global (see {!S.synthesize_global_eval}). *)
      cassert __FILE__ __LINE__ (ty_no_regions global.ty) span
        "Const globals should not contain regions";
      (* Instantiate the type  *)
      (* There shouldn't be any reference to Self *)
      let tr_self : trait_instance_id = UnknownTrait __FUNCTION__ in
      let generics = Subst.generic_args_erase_regions generics in
      let { Subst.r_subst = _; ty_subst; cg_subst; tr_subst; tr_self } =
        Subst.make_subst_from_generics global.generics generics tr_self
      let ty =
        Subst.erase_regions_substitute_types ty_subst cg_subst tr_subst tr_self
      let sval = mk_fresh_symbolic_value span ty in
      let ctx, cc =
        assign_to_place config span
          (mk_typed_value_from_symbolic_value sval)
          dest ctx
      ( [ (ctx, Unit) ],
        fun el ->
          match el with
          | Some [ e ] ->
              (cc_comp (S.synthesize_global_eval gid generics sval) cc) (Some e)
          | Some _ -> internal_error __FILE__ __LINE__ span
          | _ -> None ))

(** Evaluate a switch *)
and eval_switch (config : config) (span : Meta.span) (switch : switch) :
    stl_cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
  (* We evaluate the operand in two steps:
   * first we prepare it, then we check if its value is concrete or
   * symbolic. If it is concrete, we can then evaluate the operand
   * directly, otherwise we must first expand the value.
   * Note that we can't fully evaluate the operand *then* expand the
   * value if it is symbolic, because the value may have been move
   * (and would thus floating in thin air...)!
   * *)
  (* Match on the targets *)
  match switch with
  | If (op, st1, st2) ->
      (* Evaluate the operand *)
      let op_v, ctx, cf_eval_op = eval_operand config span op ctx in
      (* Switch on the value *)
      let ctx_resl, cf_if =
        match op_v.value with
        | VLiteral (VBool b) ->
            (* Branch *)
            if b then eval_statement config st1 ctx
            else eval_statement config st2 ctx
        | VSymbolic sv ->
            (* Expand the symbolic boolean, and continue by evaluating
               the branches *)
            let (ctx_true, ctx_false), cf_bool =
              expand_symbolic_bool config span sv
                (S.mk_opt_place_from_op span op ctx)
            let resl_true = eval_statement config st1 ctx_true in
            let resl_false = eval_statement config st2 ctx_false in
            let ctx_resl, cf_branches =
              comp_seqs __FILE__ __LINE__ span [ resl_true; resl_false ]
            let cc el =
              match cf_branches el with
              | None -> None
              | Some [ e_true; e_false ] -> cf_bool (Some (e_true, e_false))
              | _ -> internal_error __FILE__ __LINE__ span
            (ctx_resl, cc)
        | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Inconsistent state"
      (* Compose *)
      (ctx_resl, cc_comp cf_eval_op cf_if)
  | SwitchInt (op, int_ty, stgts, otherwise) ->
      (* Evaluate the operand *)
      let op_v, ctx, cf_eval_op = eval_operand config span op ctx in
      (* Switch on the value *)
      let ctx_resl, cf_switch =
        match op_v.value with
        | VLiteral (VScalar sv) -> (
            (* Sanity check *)
            sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (sv.int_ty = int_ty) span;
            (* Find the branch *)
            match List.find_opt (fun (svl, _) -> List.mem sv svl) stgts with
            | None -> eval_statement config otherwise ctx
            | Some (_, tgt) -> eval_statement config tgt ctx)
        | VSymbolic sv ->
            (* Several branches may be grouped together: every branch is described
               by a pair (list of values, branch expression).
               In order to do a symbolic evaluation, we make this "flat" by
               de-grouping the branches. *)
            let values, branches =
                      (fun (vl, st) -> (fun v -> (v, st)) vl)
            (* Expand the symbolic value *)
            let (ctx_branches, ctx_otherwise), cf_int =
              expand_symbolic_int config span sv
                (S.mk_opt_place_from_op span op ctx)
                int_ty values ctx
            (* Evaluate the branches: first the "regular" branches *)
            let resl_branches =
                (fun (ctx, branch) -> eval_statement config branch ctx)
                (List.combine ctx_branches branches)
            (* Then evaluate the "otherwise" branch *)
            let resl_otherwise =
              eval_statement config otherwise ctx_otherwise
            (* Compose the continuations *)
            let resl, cf =
              comp_seqs __FILE__ __LINE__ span
                (resl_branches @ [ resl_otherwise ])
            let cc el =
              match el with
              | None -> None
              | Some el ->
                  let el, e_otherwise = Collections.List.pop_last el in
                  cf_int (Some (el, e_otherwise))
            (resl, cc_comp cc cf)
        | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Inconsistent state"
      (* Compose *)
      (ctx_resl, cc_comp cf_eval_op cf_switch)
  | Match (p, stgts, otherwise) ->
      (* Access the place *)
      let access = Read in
      let expand_prim_copy = false in
      let p_v, ctx, cf_read_p =
        access_rplace_reorganize_and_read config span expand_prim_copy access p
      (* Match on the value *)
      let ctx_resl, cf_match =
        (* The value may be shared: we need to ignore the shared loans
           to read the value itself *)
        let p_v = value_strip_shared_loans p_v in
        (* Match *)
        match p_v.value with
        | VAdt adt -> (
            (* Evaluate the discriminant *)
            let dv = Option.get adt.variant_id in
            (* Find the branch, evaluate and continue *)
            match List.find_opt (fun (svl, _) -> List.mem dv svl) stgts with
            | None -> (
                match otherwise with
                | None -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "No otherwise branch"
                | Some otherwise -> eval_statement config otherwise ctx)
            | Some (_, tgt) -> eval_statement config tgt ctx)
        | VSymbolic sv ->
            (* Expand the symbolic value - may lead to branching *)
            let ctxl, cf_expand =
              expand_symbolic_adt config span sv
                (Some (S.mk_mplace span p ctx))
            (* Re-evaluate the switch - the value is not symbolic anymore,
               which means we will go to the other branch *)
            let resl =
     (fun ctx -> (eval_switch config span switch) ctx) ctxl
            (* Compose the continuations *)
            let ctx_resl, cf = comp_seqs __FILE__ __LINE__ span resl in
            (ctx_resl, cc_comp cf_expand cf)
        | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Inconsistent state"
      (* Compose *)
      (ctx_resl, cc_comp cf_read_p cf_match)

(** Evaluate a function call (auxiliary helper for [eval_statement]) *)
and eval_function_call (config : config) (span : Meta.span) (call : call) :
    stl_cm_fun =
  (* There are several cases:
     - this is a local function, in which case we execute its body
     - this is an assumed function, in which case there is a special treatment
     - this is a trait method
  match config.mode with
  | ConcreteMode -> eval_function_call_concrete config span call
  | SymbolicMode -> eval_function_call_symbolic config span call

and eval_function_call_concrete (config : config) (span : Meta.span)
    (call : call) : stl_cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
  match call.func with
  | FnOpMove _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Closures are not supported yet"
  | FnOpRegular func -> (
      match func.func with
      | FunId (FRegular fid) ->
          eval_transparent_function_call_concrete config span fid call ctx
      | FunId (FAssumed fid) -> (
          (* Continue - note that we do as if the function call has been successful,
           * by giving {!Unit} to the continuation, because we place us in the case
           * where we haven't panicked. Of course, the translation needs to take the
           * panic case into account... *)
          let ctx, cc =
            eval_assumed_function_call_concrete config span fid call ctx
          ( [ (ctx, Unit) ],
            fun el ->
              match el with
              | Some [ e ] -> cc (Some e)
              | Some _ -> internal_error __FILE__ __LINE__ span
              | _ -> None ))
      | TraitMethod _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Unimplemented")

and eval_function_call_symbolic (config : config) (span : Meta.span)
    (call : call) : stl_cm_fun =
  match call.func with
  | FnOpMove _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Closures are not supported yet"
  | FnOpRegular func -> (
      match func.func with
      | FunId (FRegular _) | TraitMethod _ ->
          eval_transparent_function_call_symbolic config span call
      | FunId (FAssumed fid) ->
          eval_assumed_function_call_symbolic config span fid call func)

(** Evaluate a local (i.e., non-assumed) function call in concrete mode *)
and eval_transparent_function_call_concrete (config : config) (span : Meta.span)
    (fid : (call : call) : stl_cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
  let args = call.args in
  let dest = call.dest in
  match call.func with
  | FnOpMove _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Closures are not supported yet"
  | FnOpRegular func ->
      let generics = func.generics in
      (* Sanity check: we don't fully handle the const generic vars environment
         in concrete mode yet *)
      sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (generics.const_generics = []) span;
      (* Retrieve the (correctly instantiated) body *)
      let def = ctx_lookup_fun_decl ctx fid in
      (* We can evaluate the function call only if it is not opaque *)
      let body =
        match def.body with
        | None ->
            craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span
              ("Can't evaluate a call to an opaque function: "
              ^ name_to_string ctx
        | Some body -> body
      (* TODO: we need to normalize the types if we want to correctly support traits *)
      cassert __FILE__ __LINE__ (generics.trait_refs = []) body.span
        "Traits are not supported yet in concrete mode";
      (* There shouldn't be any reference to Self *)
      let tr_self = UnknownTrait __FUNCTION__ in
      let subst =
        Subst.make_subst_from_generics def.signature.generics generics tr_self
      let locals, body_st = Subst.fun_body_substitute_in_body subst body in

      (* Evaluate the input operands *)
      sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__
        (List.length args = body.arg_count)
      let vl, ctx, cc = eval_operands config body.span args ctx in

      (* Push a frame delimiter - we use {!comp_transmit} to transmit the result
       * of the operands evaluation from above to the functions afterwards, while
       * ignoring it in this function *)
      let ctx = push_frame ctx in

      (* Compute the initial values for the local variables *)
      (* 1. Push the return value *)
      let ret_var, locals =
        match locals with
        | ret_ty :: locals -> (ret_ty, locals)
        | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Unreachable"
      let input_locals, locals =
        Collections.List.split_at locals body.arg_count

      let ctx = push_var span ret_var (mk_bottom span ret_var.var_ty) ctx in

      (* 2. Push the input values *)
      let ctx =
        let inputs = List.combine input_locals vl in
        (* Note that this function checks that the variables and their values
         * have the same type (this is important) *)
        push_vars span inputs ctx

      (* 3. Push the remaining local variables (initialized as {!Bottom}) *)
      let ctx = push_uninitialized_vars span locals ctx in

      (* Execute the function body *)
      let ctx_resl, cc = comp cc (eval_function_body config body_st ctx) in

      (* Pop the stack frame and move the return value to its destination *)
      let ctx_resl_cfl =
          (fun (ctx, res) ->
            match res with
            | Panic -> ((ctx, Panic), fun e -> e)
            | Return ->
                (* Pop the stack frame, retrieve the return value, move it to
                   its destination and continue *)
                let ctx, cf = pop_frame_assign config span dest ctx in
                ((ctx, Unit), cf)
            | Break _ | Continue _ | Unit | LoopReturn _ | EndEnterLoop _
            | EndContinue _ ->
                craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Unreachable")
      let ctx_resl, cfl = List.split ctx_resl_cfl in
      let cf_pop el =
        match el with
        | None -> None
        | Some el ->
              ( Option.get (List.map2 (fun cf e -> cf (Some e)) cfl el))
      (* Continue *)
      (ctx_resl, cc_comp cc cf_pop)

(** Evaluate a local (i.e., non-assumed) function call in symbolic mode *)
and eval_transparent_function_call_symbolic (config : config) (span : Meta.span)
    (call : call) : stl_cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
  let func, generics, trait_method_generics, def, regions_hierarchy, inst_sg =
    eval_transparent_function_call_symbolic_inst span call ctx
  (* Sanity check: same number of inputs *)
  sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__
    (List.length call.args = List.length def.signature.inputs)
  (* Sanity check: no nested borrows, borrows in ADTs, etc. *)
  cassert __FILE__ __LINE__
       (fun ty -> not (ty_has_nested_borrows ctx.type_ctx.type_infos ty))
       (inst_sg.output :: inst_sg.inputs))
    span "Nested borrows are not supported yet";
  cassert __FILE__ __LINE__
       (fun ty -> not (ty_has_adt_with_borrows ctx.type_ctx.type_infos ty))
       (inst_sg.output :: inst_sg.inputs))
    span "ADTs containing borrows are not supported yet";
  (* Evaluate the function call *)
  eval_function_call_symbolic_from_inst_sig config def.item_meta.span func
    def.signature regions_hierarchy inst_sg generics trait_method_generics
    call.args call.dest ctx

(** Evaluate a function call in symbolic mode by using the function signature.

    This allows us to factorize the evaluation of local and non-local function
    calls in symbolic mode: only their signatures matter.

    The [self_trait_ref] trait ref refers to [Self]. We use it when calling
    a provided trait method, because those methods have a special treatment:
    we dot not group them with the required trait methods, and forbid (for now)
    overriding them. We treat them as regular method, which take an additional
    trait ref as input.
and eval_function_call_symbolic_from_inst_sig (config : config)
    (span : Meta.span) (fid : fun_id_or_trait_method_ref) (sg : fun_sig)
    (regions_hierarchy : region_var_groups) (inst_sg : inst_fun_sig)
    (generics : generic_args)
    (trait_method_generics : (generic_args * trait_instance_id) option)
    (args : operand list) (dest : place) : stl_cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
      ("eval_function_call_symbolic_from_inst_sig:\n- fid: "
      ^ fun_id_or_trait_method_ref_to_string ctx fid
      ^ "\n- inst_sg:\n"
      ^ inst_fun_sig_to_string ctx inst_sg
      ^ "\n- call.generics:\n"
      ^ generic_args_to_string ctx generics
      ^ "\n- args:\n"
      ^ String.concat ", " ( (operand_to_string ctx) args)
      ^ "\n- dest:\n" ^ place_to_string ctx dest));

  (* Generate a fresh symbolic value for the return value *)
  let ret_sv_ty = inst_sg.output in
  let ret_spc = mk_fresh_symbolic_value span ret_sv_ty in
  let ret_value = mk_typed_value_from_symbolic_value ret_spc in
  let ret_av regions =
    mk_aproj_loans_value_from_symbolic_value regions ret_spc
  let args_places = (fun p -> S.mk_opt_place_from_op span p ctx) args
  let dest_place = Some (S.mk_mplace span dest ctx) in

  (* Evaluate the input operands *)
  let args, ctx, cc = eval_operands config span args ctx in

  (* Generate the abstractions and insert them in the context *)
  let abs_ids = (fun rg -> inst_sg.regions_hierarchy in
  let args_with_rtypes = List.combine args inst_sg.inputs in

  (* Check the type of the input arguments *)
  cassert __FILE__ __LINE__
       (fun ((arg, rty) : typed_value * rty) ->
         arg.ty = Subst.erase_regions rty)
    span "The input arguments don't have the proper type";
  (* Check that the input arguments don't contain symbolic values that can't
   * be fed to functions (i.e., symbolic values output from function return
   * values and which contain borrows of borrows can't be used as function
   * inputs *)
  sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__
       (fun arg ->
         not (value_has_ret_symbolic_value_with_borrow_under_mut ctx arg))

  (* Initialize the abstractions and push them in the context.
   * First, we define the function which, given an initialized, empty
   * abstraction, computes the avalues which should be inserted inside.
  let compute_abs_avalues (abs : abs) (ctx : eval_ctx) :
      eval_ctx * typed_avalue list =
    (* Project over the input values *)
    let ctx, args_projs =
        (fun ctx (arg, arg_rty) ->
          apply_proj_borrows_on_input_value config span ctx abs.regions
            abs.ancestors_regions arg arg_rty)
        ctx args_with_rtypes
    (* Group the input and output values *)
    (ctx, List.append args_projs [ ret_av abs.regions ])
  (* Actually initialize and insert the abstractions *)
  let call_id = fresh_fun_call_id () in
  let region_can_end _ = true in
  let ctx =
      (fun rg_id -> FunCall (call_id, rg_id))
      inst_sg.regions_hierarchy region_can_end compute_abs_avalues ctx
  (* Synthesize the symbolic AST *)
  let cc =
    cc_comp cc
      (S.synthesize_regular_function_call fid call_id ctx sg regions_hierarchy
         abs_ids generics trait_method_generics args args_places ret_spc

  (* Move the return value to its destination *)
  let ctx, cc = comp cc (assign_to_place config span ret_value dest ctx) in

  (* End the abstractions which don't contain loans and don't have parent
   * abstractions.
   * We do the general, nested borrows case here: we end abstractions, then
   * retry (because then we might end their children abstractions)
  let abs_ids = ref abs_ids in
  let rec end_abs_with_no_loans ctx =
    (* Find the abstractions which don't contain loans *)
    let no_loans_abs, with_loans_abs =
        (fun abs_id ->
          (* Lookup the abstraction *)
          let abs = ctx_lookup_abs ctx abs_id in
          (* Check if it has parents *)
          AbstractionId.Set.is_empty abs.parents
          (* Check if it contains non-ignored loans *)
          && Option.is_none
                .get_first_non_ignored_aloan_in_abstraction span abs))
    (* Check if there are abstractions to end *)
    if no_loans_abs <> [] then (
      (* Update the reference to the list of asbtraction ids, for the recursive calls *)
      abs_ids := with_loans_abs;
      (* End the abstractions which can be ended *)
      let no_loans_abs = AbstractionId.Set.of_list no_loans_abs in
      let ctx, cc =
        InterpreterBorrows.end_abstractions config span no_loans_abs ctx
      (* Recursive call *)
      comp cc (end_abs_with_no_loans ctx))
    else (* No abstractions to end: continue *)
      (ctx, fun e -> e)
  (* Try to end the abstractions with no loans if:
   * - the option is enabled
   * - the function returns unit
   * (see the documentation of {!config} for more information)
  let ctx, cc =
    comp cc
      (if Config.return_unit_end_abs_with_no_loans && ty_is_unit inst_sg.output
       then end_abs_with_no_loans ctx
       else (ctx, fun e -> e))

  (* Continue - note that we do as if the function call has been successful,
   * by giving {!Unit} to the continuation, because we place us in the case
   * where we haven't panicked. Of course, the translation needs to take the
   * panic case into account... *)
  ([ (ctx, Unit) ], cc_singleton __FILE__ __LINE__ span cc)

(** Evaluate a non-local function call in symbolic mode *)
and eval_assumed_function_call_symbolic (config : config) (span : Meta.span)
    (fid : assumed_fun_id) (call : call) (func : fn_ptr) : stl_cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
  let generics = func.generics in
  let args = call.args in
  let dest = call.dest in
  (* Sanity check: make sure the type parameters don't contain regions -
   * this is a current limitation of our synthesis *)
  sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__
       (fun ty -> not (ty_has_borrows ctx.type_ctx.type_infos ty))

  (* There are two cases (and this is extremely annoying):
     - the function is not box_free
     - the function is box_free
       See {!eval_box_free}
  match fid with
  | BoxFree ->
      (* Degenerate case: box_free - note that this is not really a function
       * call: no need to call a "synthesize_..." function *)
      let ctx, cc = eval_box_free config span generics args dest ctx in
      ([ (ctx, Unit) ], cc_singleton __FILE__ __LINE__ span cc)
  | _ ->
      (* "Normal" case: not box_free *)
      (* In symbolic mode, the behaviour of a function call is completely defined
       * by the signature of the function: we thus simply generate correctly
       * instantiated signatures, and delegate the work to an auxiliary function *)
      let sg, regions_hierarchy, inst_sig =
        match fid with
        | BoxFree ->
            (* Should have been treated above *)
            craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Unreachable"
        | _ ->
            let regions_hierarchy =
              LlbcAstUtils.FunIdMap.find (FAssumed fid)
            (* There shouldn't be any reference to Self *)
            let tr_self = UnknownTrait __FUNCTION__ in
            let sg = Assumed.get_assumed_fun_sig fid in
            let inst_sg =
              instantiate_fun_sig span ctx generics tr_self sg regions_hierarchy
            (sg, regions_hierarchy, inst_sg)

      (* Evaluate the function call *)
      eval_function_call_symbolic_from_inst_sig config span
        (FunId (FAssumed fid)) sg regions_hierarchy inst_sig generics None args
        dest ctx

(** Evaluate a statement seen as a function body *)
and eval_function_body (config : config) (body : statement) : stl_cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
  log#ldebug (lazy "eval_function_body:");
  let ctx_resl, cf_body = eval_statement config body ctx in
  let ctx_res_cfl =
      (fun (ctx, res) ->
        log#ldebug (lazy "eval_function_body: cf_finish");
        (* Note that we *don't* check the result ({!Panic}, {!Return}, etc.): we
           * delegate the check to the caller. *)
        (* Expand the symbolic values if necessary - we need to do that before
           * checking the invariants *)
        let ctx, cf = greedy_expand_symbolic_values config body.span ctx in
        (* Sanity check *)
        Invariants.check_invariants body.span ctx;
        (* Continue *)
        ((ctx, res), cf))
  let ctx_resl, cfl = List.split ctx_res_cfl in
  let cf_end el =
    match el with
    | None -> None
    | Some el ->
        Some ( Option.get (List.map2 (fun cf e -> cf (Some e)) cfl el))
  (* Compose and continue *)
  (ctx_resl, cc_comp cf_body cf_end)