open Types
open Values
open Expressions
open Contexts
open Cps
open ValuesUtils
open InterpreterUtils
open InterpreterBorrowsCore
open InterpreterBorrows
open InterpreterExpansion
open Errors
module Synth = SynthesizeSymbolic

(** The local logger *)
let log = Logging.paths_log

(** Paths *)

(** When we fail reading from or writing to a path, it might be because we
    need to update the environment by ending borrows, expanding symbolic
    values, etc. The following type is used to convey this information.
    TODO: compare with borrow_lres?
type path_fail_kind =
  | FailSharedLoan of BorrowId.Set.t
      (** Failure because we couldn't go inside a shared loan *)
  | FailMutLoan of
      (** Failure because we couldn't go inside a mutable loan *)
  | FailReservedMutBorrow of
      (** Failure because we couldn't go inside a reserved mutable borrow
          (which should get activated) *)
  | FailSymbolic of int * symbolic_value
      (** Failure because we need to enter a symbolic value (and thus need to
          expand it).
          We return the number of elements which remained in the path when we
          reached the error - this allows to retrieve the path prefix, which
          is useful for the synthesis. *)
  | FailBottom of int * projection_elem * ety
      (** Failure because we need to enter an any value - we can expand Bottom
          values if they are left values. We return the number of elements which
          remained in the path when we reached the error - this allows to
          properly update the Bottom value, if needs be.
  | FailBorrow of borrow_content
      (** We got stuck because we couldn't enter a borrow *)
[@@deriving show]

(** Result of evaluating a path (reading from a path/writing to a path)
    Note that when we fail, we return information used to update the
    environment, as well as the 
type 'a path_access_result = ('a, path_fail_kind) result
(** The result of reading from/writing to a place *)

type updated_read_value = { read : typed_value; updated : typed_value }

type projection_access = {
  enter_shared_loans : bool;
  enter_mut_borrows : bool;
  lookup_shared_borrows : bool;

(** Generic function to access (read/write) the value at the end of a projection.

    We return the (eventually) updated value, the value we read at the end of
    the place and the (eventually) updated environment.
    TODO: use exceptions?
let rec access_projection (span : Meta.span) (access : projection_access)
    (ctx : eval_ctx)
    (* Function to (eventually) update the value we find *)
      (update : typed_value -> typed_value) (p : projection) (v : typed_value) :
    (eval_ctx * updated_read_value) path_access_result =
  (* For looking up/updating shared loans *)
  let ek : exploration_kind =
    { enter_shared_loans = true; enter_mut_borrows = true; enter_abs = true }
  match p with
  | [] ->
      let nv = update v in
      (* Type checking *)
      if nv.ty <> v.ty then (
            ("Not the same type:\n- nv.ty: " ^ show_ety nv.ty ^ "\n- v.ty: "
           ^ show_ety v.ty));
        craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span
          "Assertion failed: new value doesn't have the same type as its \
      Ok (ctx, { read = v; updated = nv })
  | pe :: p' -> (
      (* Match on the projection element and the value *)
      match (pe, v.value, v.ty) with
      | ( Field ((ProjAdt (_, _) as proj_kind), field_id),
          VAdt adt,
          TAdt (type_id, _) ) -> (
          (* Check consistency *)
          (match (proj_kind, type_id) with
          | ProjAdt (def_id, opt_variant_id), TAdtId def_id' ->
              sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (def_id = def_id') span;
              sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__
                (opt_variant_id = adt.variant_id)
          | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Unreachable");
          (* Actually project *)
          let fv = FieldId.nth adt.field_values field_id in
          match access_projection span access ctx update p' fv with
          | Error err -> Error err
          | Ok (ctx, res) ->
              (* Update the field value *)
              let nvalues =
                FieldId.update_nth adt.field_values field_id res.updated
              let nadt = VAdt { adt with field_values = nvalues } in
              let updated = { v with value = nadt } in
              Ok (ctx, { res with updated }))
      (* Tuples *)
      | Field (ProjTuple arity, field_id), VAdt adt, TAdt (TTuple, _) -> (
          sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__
            (arity = List.length adt.field_values)
          let fv = FieldId.nth adt.field_values field_id in
          (* Project *)
          match access_projection span access ctx update p' fv with
          | Error err -> Error err
          | Ok (ctx, res) ->
              (* Update the field value *)
              let nvalues =
                FieldId.update_nth adt.field_values field_id res.updated
              let ntuple = VAdt { adt with field_values = nvalues } in
              let updated = { v with value = ntuple } in
              Ok (ctx, { res with updated })
          (* If we reach Bottom, it may mean we need to expand an uninitialized
           * enumeration value *))
      | Field ((ProjAdt (_, _) | ProjTuple _), _), VBottom, _ ->
          Error (FailBottom (1 + List.length p', pe, v.ty))
      (* Symbolic value: needs to be expanded *)
      | _, VSymbolic sp, _ ->
          (* Expand the symbolic value *)
          Error (FailSymbolic (1 + List.length p', sp))
      (* Box dereferencement *)
      | ( DerefBox,
          VAdt { variant_id = None; field_values = [ bv ] },
          TAdt (TAssumed TBox, _) ) -> (
          (* We allow moving outside of boxes. In practice, this kind of
           * manipulations should happen only inside unsafe code, so
           * it shouldn't happen due to user code, and we leverage it
           * when implementing box dereferencement for the concrete
           * interpreter *)
          match access_projection span access ctx update p' bv with
          | Error err -> Error err
          | Ok (ctx, res) ->
              let nv =
                  v with
                  value =
                    VAdt { variant_id = None; field_values = [ res.updated ] };
              Ok (ctx, { res with updated = nv }))
      (* Borrows *)
      | Deref, VBorrow bc, _ -> (
          match bc with
          | VSharedBorrow bid ->
              (* Lookup the loan content, and explore from there *)
              if access.lookup_shared_borrows then
                match lookup_loan span ek bid ctx with
                | _, Concrete (VMutLoan _) ->
                    craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Expected a shared loan"
                | _, Concrete (VSharedLoan (bids, sv)) -> (
                    (* Explore the shared value *)
                    match access_projection span access ctx update p' sv with
                    | Error err -> Error err
                    | Ok (ctx, res) ->
                        (* Update the shared loan with the new value returned
                           by {!access_projection} *)
                        let ctx =
                          update_loan span ek bid
                            (VSharedLoan (bids, res.updated))
                        (* Return - note that we don't need to update the borrow itself *)
                        Ok (ctx, { res with updated = v }))
                | ( _,
                      ( AMutLoan (_, _)
                      | AEndedMutLoan
                          { given_back = _; child = _; given_back_span = _ }
                      | AEndedSharedLoan (_, _)
                      | AIgnoredMutLoan (_, _)
                      | AEndedIgnoredMutLoan
                          { given_back = _; child = _; given_back_span = _ }
                      | AIgnoredSharedLoan _ ) ) ->
                    craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span
                      "Expected a shared (abstraction) loan"
                | _, Abstract (ASharedLoan (bids, sv, _av)) -> (
                    (* Explore the shared value *)
                    match access_projection span access ctx update p' sv with
                    | Error err -> Error err
                    | Ok (ctx, res) ->
                        (* Relookup the child avalue *)
                        let av =
                          match lookup_loan span ek bid ctx with
                          | _, Abstract (ASharedLoan (_, _, av)) -> av
                          | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Unexpected"
                        (* Update the shared loan with the new value returned
                             by {!access_projection} *)
                        let ctx =
                          update_aloan span ek bid
                            (ASharedLoan (bids, res.updated, av))
                        (* Return - note that we don't need to update the borrow itself *)
                        Ok (ctx, { res with updated = v }))
              else Error (FailBorrow bc)
          | VReservedMutBorrow bid -> Error (FailReservedMutBorrow bid)
          | VMutBorrow (bid, bv) ->
              if access.enter_mut_borrows then
                match access_projection span access ctx update p' bv with
                | Error err -> Error err
                | Ok (ctx, res) ->
                    let nv =
                      { v with value = VBorrow (VMutBorrow (bid, res.updated)) }
                    Ok (ctx, { res with updated = nv })
              else Error (FailBorrow bc))
      | _, VLoan lc, _ -> (
          match lc with
          | VMutLoan bid -> Error (FailMutLoan bid)
          | VSharedLoan (bids, sv) ->
              (* If we can enter shared loan, we ignore the loan. Pay attention
                 to the fact that we need to reexplore the *whole* place (i.e,
                 we mustn't ignore the current projection element *)
              if access.enter_shared_loans then
                  access_projection span access ctx update (pe :: p') sv
                | Error err -> Error err
                | Ok (ctx, res) ->
                    let nv =
                      { v with value = VLoan (VSharedLoan (bids, res.updated)) }
                    Ok (ctx, { res with updated = nv })
              else Error (FailSharedLoan bids))
      | (_, (VLiteral _ | VAdt _ | VBottom | VBorrow _), _) as r ->
          let pe, v, ty = r in
          let pe = "- pe: " ^ show_projection_elem pe in
          let v = "- v:\n" ^ show_value v in
          let ty = "- ty:\n" ^ show_ety ty in
          craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span
            ("Inconsistent projection:\n" ^ pe ^ "\n" ^ v ^ "\n" ^ ty))

(** Generic function to access (read/write) the value at a given place.

    We return the value we read at the place and the (eventually) updated
    environment, if we managed to access the place, or the precise reason
    why we failed.
let access_place (span : Meta.span) (access : projection_access)
    (* Function to (eventually) update the value we find *)
      (update : typed_value -> typed_value) (p : place) (ctx : eval_ctx) :
    (eval_ctx * typed_value) path_access_result =
  (* Lookup the variable's value *)
  let value = ctx_lookup_var_value span ctx p.var_id in
  (* Apply the projection *)
  match access_projection span access ctx update p.projection value with
  | Error err -> Error err
  | Ok (ctx, res) ->
      (* Update the value *)
      let ctx = ctx_update_var_value span ctx p.var_id res.updated in
      (* Return *)
      Ok (ctx,

type access_kind =
  | Read  (** We can go inside borrows and loans *)
  | Write  (** Don't enter shared borrows or shared loans *)
  | Move  (** Don't enter borrows or loans *)

let access_kind_to_projection_access (access : access_kind) : projection_access
  match access with
  | Read ->
        enter_shared_loans = true;
        enter_mut_borrows = true;
        lookup_shared_borrows = true;
  | Write ->
        enter_shared_loans = false;
        enter_mut_borrows = true;
        lookup_shared_borrows = false;
  | Move ->
        enter_shared_loans = false;
        enter_mut_borrows = false;
        lookup_shared_borrows = false;

(** Attempt to read the value at a given place.

    Note that we only access the value at the place, and do not check that
    the value is "well-formed" (for instance that it doesn't contain bottoms).
let try_read_place (span : Meta.span) (access : access_kind) (p : place)
    (ctx : eval_ctx) : typed_value path_access_result =
  let access = access_kind_to_projection_access access in
  (* The update function is the identity *)
  let update v = v in
  match access_place span access update p ctx with
  | Error err -> Error err
  | Ok (ctx1, read_value) ->
      (* Note that we ignore the new environment: it should be the same as the
         original one.
      (if !Config.sanity_checks then
         if ctx1 <> ctx then
           let msg =
             "Unexpected environment update:\nNew environment:\n"
             ^ show_env ctx1.env ^ "\n\nOld environment:\n" ^ show_env ctx.env
           craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span msg);
      Ok read_value

let read_place (span : Meta.span) (access : access_kind) (p : place)
    (ctx : eval_ctx) : typed_value =
  match try_read_place span access p ctx with
  | Error e ->
      craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span ("Unreachable: " ^ show_path_fail_kind e)
  | Ok v -> v

(** Attempt to update the value at a given place *)
let try_write_place (span : Meta.span) (access : access_kind) (p : place)
    (nv : typed_value) (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx path_access_result =
  let access = access_kind_to_projection_access access in
  (* The update function substitutes the value with the new value *)
  let update _ = nv in
  match access_place span access update p ctx with
  | Error err -> Error err
  | Ok (ctx, _) ->
      (* We ignore the read value *)
      Ok ctx

let write_place (span : Meta.span) (access : access_kind) (p : place)
    (nv : typed_value) (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx =
  match try_write_place span access p nv ctx with
  | Error e ->
      craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span ("Unreachable: " ^ show_path_fail_kind e)
  | Ok ctx -> ctx

let compute_expanded_bottom_adt_value (span : Meta.span) (ctx : eval_ctx)
    (def_id : (opt_variant_id : option)
    (generics : generic_args) : typed_value =
  sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__
    (TypesUtils.generic_args_only_erased_regions generics)
  (* Lookup the definition and check if it is an enumeration - it
     should be an enumeration if and only if the projection element
     is a field projection with *some* variant id. Retrieve the list
     of fields at the same time. *)
  let def = ctx_lookup_type_decl ctx def_id in
  sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__
    (List.length generics.regions = List.length def.generics.regions)
  (* Compute the field types *)
  let field_types =
    AssociatedTypes.type_decl_get_inst_norm_field_etypes span ctx def
      opt_variant_id generics
  (* Initialize the expanded value *)
  let fields = (mk_bottom span) field_types in
  let av = VAdt { variant_id = opt_variant_id; field_values = fields } in
  let ty = TAdt (TAdtId def_id, generics) in
  { value = av; ty }

let compute_expanded_bottom_tuple_value (span : Meta.span)
    (field_types : ety list) : typed_value =
  (* Generate the field values *)
  let fields = (mk_bottom span) field_types in
  let v = VAdt { variant_id = None; field_values = fields } in
  let generics = TypesUtils.mk_generic_args [] field_types [] [] in
  let ty = TAdt (TTuple, generics) in
  { value = v; ty }

(** Auxiliary helper to expand {!Bottom} values.

    During compilation, rustc desaggregates the ADT initializations. The
    consequence is that the following rust code:
      let x = Cons a b;

    Looks like this in MIR:
      (x as Cons).0 = a;
      (x as Cons).1 = b;
      set_discriminant(x, 0); // If [Cons] is the variant of index 0

    The consequence is that we may sometimes need to write fields to values
    which are currently {!Bottom}. When doing this, we first expand the value
    to, say, [Cons Bottom Bottom] (note that field projection contains information
    about which variant we should project to, which is why we *can* set the
    variant index when writing one of its fields).
let expand_bottom_value_from_projection (span : Meta.span)
    (access : access_kind) (p : place) (remaining_pes : int)
    (pe : projection_elem) (ty : ety) (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx =
  (* Debugging *)
      ("expand_bottom_value_from_projection:\n" ^ "pe: "
     ^ show_projection_elem pe ^ "\n" ^ "ty: " ^ show_ety ty));
  (* Prepare the update: we need to take the proper prefix of the place
     during whose evaluation we got stuck *)
  let projection' =
      (Collections.List.split_at p.projection
         (List.length p.projection - remaining_pes))
  let p' = { p with projection = projection' } in
  (* Compute the expanded value.
     The type of the {!Bottom} value should be a tuple or an AD
     Note that the projection element we got stuck at should be a
     field projection, and gives the variant id if the {!Bottom} value
     is an enumeration value.
     Also, the expanded value should be the proper ADT variant or a tuple
     with the proper arity, with all the fields initialized to {!Bottom}
  let nv =
    match (pe, ty) with
    (* "Regular" ADTs *)
    | ( Field (ProjAdt (def_id, opt_variant_id), _),
        TAdt (TAdtId def_id', generics) ) ->
        sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (def_id = def_id') span;
        compute_expanded_bottom_adt_value span ctx def_id opt_variant_id
    (* Tuples *)
    | ( Field (ProjTuple arity, _),
          (TTuple, { regions = []; types; const_generics = []; trait_refs = [] })
      ) ->
        sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (arity = List.length types) span;
        (* Generate the field values *)
        compute_expanded_bottom_tuple_value span types
    | _ ->
        craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span
          ("Unreachable: " ^ show_projection_elem pe ^ ", " ^ show_ety ty)
  (* Update the context by inserting the expanded value at the proper place *)
  match try_write_place span access p' nv ctx with
  | Ok ctx -> ctx
  | Error _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Unreachable"

let rec update_ctx_along_read_place (config : config) (span : Meta.span)
    (access : access_kind) (p : place) : cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
  (* Attempt to read the place: if it fails, update the environment and retry *)
  match try_read_place span access p ctx with
  | Ok _ -> (ctx, fun e -> e)
  | Error err ->
      let ctx, cc =
        match err with
        | FailSharedLoan bids -> end_borrows config span bids ctx
        | FailMutLoan bid -> end_borrow config span bid ctx
        | FailReservedMutBorrow bid ->
            promote_reserved_mut_borrow config span bid ctx
        | FailSymbolic (i, sp) ->
            (* Expand the symbolic value *)
            let proj, _ =
              Collections.List.split_at p.projection
                (List.length p.projection - i)
            let prefix = { p with projection = proj } in
            expand_symbolic_value_no_branching config span sp
              (Some (Synth.mk_mplace span prefix ctx))
        | FailBottom (_, _, _) ->
            (* We can't expand {!Bottom} values while reading them *)
            craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Found bottom while reading a place"
        | FailBorrow _ ->
            craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Could not read a borrow"
      comp cc (update_ctx_along_read_place config span access p ctx)

let rec update_ctx_along_write_place (config : config) (span : Meta.span)
    (access : access_kind) (p : place) : cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
  (* Attempt to *read* (yes, *read*: we check the access to the place, and
     write to it later) the place: if it fails, update the environment and retry *)
  match try_read_place span access p ctx with
  | Ok _ -> (ctx, fun e -> e)
  | Error err ->
      (* Update the context *)
      let ctx, cc =
        match err with
        | FailSharedLoan bids -> end_borrows config span bids ctx
        | FailMutLoan bid -> end_borrow config span bid ctx
        | FailReservedMutBorrow bid ->
            promote_reserved_mut_borrow config span bid ctx
        | FailSymbolic (_pe, sp) ->
            (* Expand the symbolic value *)
            expand_symbolic_value_no_branching config span sp
              (Some (Synth.mk_mplace span p ctx))
        | FailBottom (remaining_pes, pe, ty) ->
            (* Expand the {!Bottom} value *)
            let ctx =
              expand_bottom_value_from_projection span access p remaining_pes pe
                ty ctx
            (ctx, fun e -> e)
        | FailBorrow _ ->
            craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Could not write to a borrow"
      (* Retry *)
      comp cc (update_ctx_along_write_place config span access p ctx)

(** Small utility used to break control-flow *)
exception UpdateCtx of (eval_ctx * (eval_result -> eval_result))

let rec end_loans_at_place (config : config) (span : Meta.span)
    (access : access_kind) (p : place) : cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
  (* Iterator to explore a value and update the context whenever we find
   * loans.
   * We use exceptions to make it handy: whenever we update the
   * context, we raise an exception wrapping the updated context.
   * *)
  let obj =
      inherit [_] iter_typed_value as super

      method! visit_borrow_content env bc =
        match bc with
        | VSharedBorrow _ | VMutBorrow (_, _) ->
            (* Nothing special to do *) super#visit_borrow_content env bc
        | VReservedMutBorrow bid ->
            (* We need to activate reserved borrows *)
            let res = promote_reserved_mut_borrow config span bid ctx in
            raise (UpdateCtx res)

      method! visit_loan_content env lc =
        match lc with
        | VSharedLoan (bids, v) -> (
            (* End the loans if we need a modification access, otherwise dive into
               the shared value *)
            match access with
            | Read -> super#visit_VSharedLoan env bids v
            | Write | Move ->
                let res = end_borrows config span bids ctx in
                raise (UpdateCtx res))
        | VMutLoan bid ->
            (* We always need to end mutable borrows *)
            let res = end_borrow config span bid ctx in
            raise (UpdateCtx res)

  (* First, retrieve the value *)
  let v = read_place span access p ctx in
  (* Inspect the value and update the context while doing so.
     If the context gets updated: perform a recursive call (many things
     may have been updated in the context: we need to re-read the value
     at place [p] - and this value may actually not be accessible
    obj#visit_typed_value () v;
    (* No context update required: apply the continuation *)
    (ctx, fun e -> e)
  with UpdateCtx (ctx, cc) ->
    (* We need to update the context: compose the caugth continuation with
     * a recursive call to reinspect the value *)
    comp cc (end_loans_at_place config span access p ctx)

let drop_outer_loans_at_lplace (config : config) (span : Meta.span) (p : place)
    : cm_fun =
 fun ctx ->
  (* Move the current value in the place outside of this place and into
   * a temporary dummy variable *)
  let access = Write in
  let v = read_place span access p ctx in
  let ctx = write_place span access p (mk_bottom span v.ty) ctx in
  let dummy_id = fresh_dummy_var_id () in
  let ctx = ctx_push_dummy_var ctx dummy_id v in
  (* Auxiliary function: while there are loans to end in the
     temporary value, end them *)
  let rec drop : cm_fun =
   fun ctx ->
    (* Read the value *)
    let v = ctx_lookup_dummy_var span ctx dummy_id in
    (* Check if there are loans (and only loans) to end *)
    let with_borrows = false in
    match get_first_outer_loan_or_borrow_in_value with_borrows v with
    | None ->
        (* We are done *)
        (ctx, fun e -> e)
    | Some c ->
        (* End the loans and retry *)
        let ctx, cc =
          match c with
          | LoanContent (VSharedLoan (bids, _)) ->
              end_borrows config span bids ctx
          | LoanContent (VMutLoan bid) -> end_borrow config span bid ctx
          | BorrowContent _ ->
              (* Can't get there: we are only looking up the loans *)
              craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Unreachable"
        (* Retry *)
        comp cc (drop ctx)
  (* Apply the drop function *)
  let ctx, cc = drop ctx in
  (* Pop the temporary value and reinsert it *)
  (* Pop *)
  let ctx, v = ctx_remove_dummy_var span ctx dummy_id in
  (* Sanity check *)
  sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (not (outer_loans_in_value v)) span;
  (* Reinsert *)
  let ctx = write_place span access p v ctx in
  (* Return *)
  (ctx, cc)

let prepare_lplace (config : config) (span : Meta.span) (p : place)
    (ctx : eval_ctx) : typed_value * eval_ctx * (eval_result -> eval_result) =
      ("prepare_lplace:" ^ "\n- p: " ^ place_to_string ctx p
     ^ "\n- Initial context:\n"
      ^ eval_ctx_to_string ~span:(Some span) ctx));
  (* Access the place *)
  let access = Write in
  let ctx, cc = update_ctx_along_write_place config span access p ctx in
  (* End the loans at the place we are about to overwrite *)
  let ctx, cc = comp cc (drop_outer_loans_at_lplace config span p ctx) in
  (* Read the value and check it *)
  let v = read_place span access p ctx in
  (* Sanity checks *)
  sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (not (outer_loans_in_value v)) span;
  (* Return *)
  (v, ctx, cc)