module T = Types module PV = PrimitiveValues module V = Values module LA = LlbcAst module E = Expressions module C = Contexts module Subst = Substitute module L = Logging module Inv = Invariants module S = SynthesizeSymbolic open Cps open InterpreterPaths (** Evaluate an operand. Reorganize the context, then evaluate the operand. **Warning**: this function shouldn't be used to evaluate a list of operands (for a function call, for instance): we must do *one* reorganization of the environment, before evaluating all the operands at once. Use {!eval_operands} instead. *) val eval_operand : C.config -> E.operand -> (V.typed_value -> m_fun) -> m_fun (** Evaluate several operands at once. *) val eval_operands : C.config -> E.operand list -> (V.typed_value list -> m_fun) -> m_fun (** Evaluate an rvalue which is not a global. Transmits the computed rvalue to the received continuation. *) val eval_rvalue_not_global : C.config -> E.rvalue -> ((V.typed_value, eval_error) result -> m_fun) -> m_fun (** Evaluate a fake read (update the context so that we can read a place) *) val eval_fake_read : C.config -> -> cm_fun