open Cps open InterpreterUtils open InterpreterProjectors open InterpreterBorrows open InterpreterStatements open LlbcAstUtils open Types open TypesUtils open Values open LlbcAst open Contexts open SynthesizeSymbolic open Errors module SA = SymbolicAst (** The local logger *) let log = Logging.interpreter_log let compute_contexts (m : crate) : decls_ctx = let type_decls_list, _, _, _, _, _ = split_declarations m.declarations in let type_decls = m.type_decls in let fun_decls = m.fun_decls in let global_decls = m.global_decls in let trait_decls = m.trait_decls in let trait_impls = m.trait_impls in let type_decls_groups, _, _, _, _ = split_declarations_to_group_maps m.declarations in let type_infos = TypesAnalysis.analyze_type_declarations type_decls type_decls_list in let type_ctx = { type_decls_groups; type_decls; type_infos } in let fun_infos = FunsAnalysis.analyze_module m fun_decls global_decls !Config.use_state in let regions_hierarchies = RegionsHierarchy.compute_regions_hierarchies type_decls fun_decls global_decls trait_decls trait_impls in let fun_ctx = { fun_decls; fun_infos; regions_hierarchies } in let global_ctx = { global_decls } in let trait_decls_ctx = { trait_decls } in let trait_impls_ctx = { trait_impls } in { type_ctx; fun_ctx; global_ctx; trait_decls_ctx; trait_impls_ctx } (** Small helper. Normalize an instantiated function signature provided we used this signature to compute a normalization map (for the associated types) and that we added it in the context. *) let normalize_inst_fun_sig (span : Meta.span) (ctx : eval_ctx) (sg : inst_fun_sig) : inst_fun_sig = let { regions_hierarchy = _; trait_type_constraints = _; inputs; output } = sg in let norm = AssociatedTypes.ctx_normalize_ty span ctx in let inputs = norm inputs in let output = norm output in { sg with inputs; output } (** Instantiate a function signature for a symbolic execution. We return a new context because we compute and add the type normalization map in the same step. **WARNING**: this doesn't normalize the types. This step has to be done separately. Remark: we need to normalize essentially because of the where clauses (we are not considering a function call, so we don't need to normalize because a trait clause was instantiated with a specific trait ref). *) let symbolic_instantiate_fun_sig (span : Meta.span) (ctx : eval_ctx) (sg : fun_sig) (regions_hierarchy : region_var_groups) (kind : item_kind) : eval_ctx * inst_fun_sig = let tr_self = match kind with | RegularKind | TraitItemImpl _ -> UnknownTrait __FUNCTION__ | TraitItemDecl _ | TraitItemProvided _ -> Self in let generics = let { regions; types; const_generics; trait_clauses; _ } = sg.generics in let regions = (fun _ -> RErased) regions in let types = (fun (v : type_var) -> TVar v.index) types in let const_generics = (fun (v : const_generic_var) -> CgVar v.index) const_generics in (* Annoying that we have to generate this substitution here *) let r_subst _ = craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Unexpected region" in let ty_subst = Substitute.make_type_subst_from_vars sg.generics.types types in let cg_subst = Substitute.make_const_generic_subst_from_vars sg.generics.const_generics const_generics in (* TODO: some clauses may use the types of other clauses, so we may have to reorder them. Example: If in Rust we write: {[ pub fn use_get<'a, T: Get>(x: &'a mut T) -> u32 where T::Item: ToU32, { x.get().to_u32() } ]} In LLBC we get: {[ fn demo::use_get<'a, T>(@1: &'a mut (T)) -> u32 where [@TraitClause0]: demo::Get, [@TraitClause1]: demo::ToU32<@TraitClause0::Item>, // HERE { ... // Omitted } ]} *) (* We will need to update the trait refs map while we perform the instantiations *) let mk_tr_subst (tr_map : trait_instance_id TraitClauseId.Map.t) clause_id : trait_instance_id = match TraitClauseId.Map.find_opt clause_id tr_map with | Some tr -> tr | None -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ span "Local trait clause not found" in let mk_subst tr_map = let tr_subst = mk_tr_subst tr_map in { Substitute.r_subst; ty_subst; cg_subst; tr_subst; tr_self } in let _, trait_refs = List.fold_left_map (fun tr_map (c : trait_clause) -> let subst = mk_subst tr_map in let { trait_id = trait_decl_id; clause_generics; _ } = c in let generics = Substitute.generic_args_substitute subst clause_generics in let trait_decl_ref = { trait_decl_id; decl_generics = generics } in (* Note that because we directly refer to the clause, we give it empty generics *) let trait_id = Clause c.clause_id in let trait_ref = { trait_id; generics = empty_generic_args; trait_decl_ref } in (* Update the traits map *) let tr_map = TraitClauseId.Map.add c.clause_id trait_id tr_map in (tr_map, trait_ref)) TraitClauseId.Map.empty trait_clauses in { regions; types; const_generics; trait_refs } in let inst_sg = instantiate_fun_sig span ctx generics tr_self sg regions_hierarchy in (* Compute the normalization maps *) let ctx = AssociatedTypes.ctx_add_norm_trait_types_from_preds span ctx inst_sg.trait_type_constraints in (* Normalize the signature *) let inst_sg = normalize_inst_fun_sig span ctx inst_sg in (* Return *) (ctx, inst_sg) (** Initialize an evaluation context to execute a function. Introduces local variables initialized in the following manner: - input arguments are initialized as symbolic values - the remaining locals are initialized as [⊥] Abstractions are introduced for the regions present in the function signature. We return: - the initialized evaluation context - the list of symbolic values introduced for the input values - the instantiated function signature *) let initialize_symbolic_context_for_fun (ctx : decls_ctx) (fdef : fun_decl) : eval_ctx * symbolic_value list * inst_fun_sig = (* The abstractions are not initialized the same way as for function * calls: they contain *loan* projectors, because they "provide" us * with the input values (which behave as if they had been returned * by some function calls...). * Also, note that we properly set the set of parents of every abstraction: * this should not be necessary, as those abstractions should never be * *automatically* ended (because ending some borrows requires to end * one of them), but rather selectively ended when generating code * for each of the backward functions. We do it only because we can * do it, and because it gives a bit of sanity. * *) let sg = fdef.signature in (* Sanity check: no nested borrows, borrows in ADTs, etc. *) cassert __FILE__ __LINE__ (List.for_all (fun ty -> not (ty_has_nested_borrows ctx.type_ctx.type_infos ty)) (sg.output :: sg.inputs)) fdef.item_meta.span "Nested borrows are not supported yet"; cassert __FILE__ __LINE__ (List.for_all (fun ty -> not (ty_has_adt_with_borrows ctx.type_ctx.type_infos ty)) (sg.output :: sg.inputs)) fdef.item_meta.span "ADTs containing borrows are not supported yet"; (* Create the context *) let regions_hierarchy = FunIdMap.find (FRegular fdef.def_id) ctx.fun_ctx.regions_hierarchies in let region_groups = (fun (g : region_var_group) -> regions_hierarchy in let ctx = initialize_eval_ctx fdef.item_meta.span ctx region_groups sg.generics.types sg.generics.const_generics in (* Instantiate the signature. This updates the context because we compute at the same time the normalization map for the associated types. *) let ctx, inst_sg = symbolic_instantiate_fun_sig fdef.item_meta.span ctx fdef.signature regions_hierarchy fdef.kind in (* Create fresh symbolic values for the inputs *) let input_svs = (fun ty -> mk_fresh_symbolic_value fdef.item_meta.span ty) inst_sg.inputs in (* Initialize the abstractions as empty (i.e., with no avalues) abstractions *) let call_id = fresh_fun_call_id () in sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (call_id = fdef.item_meta.span; let compute_abs_avalues (abs : abs) (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx * typed_avalue list = (* Project over the values - we use *loan* projectors, as explained above *) let avalues = (mk_aproj_loans_value_from_symbolic_value abs.regions) input_svs in (ctx, avalues) in let region_can_end _ = false in let ctx = create_push_abstractions_from_abs_region_groups (fun rg_id -> SynthInput rg_id) inst_sg.regions_hierarchy region_can_end compute_abs_avalues ctx in (* Split the variables between return var, inputs and remaining locals *) let body = Option.get fdef.body in let ret_var = List.hd body.locals in let input_vars, local_vars = Collections.List.split_at ( body.locals) body.arg_count in (* Push the return variable (initialized with ⊥) *) let ctx = ctx_push_uninitialized_var fdef.item_meta.span ctx ret_var in (* Push the input variables (initialized with symbolic values) *) let input_values = mk_typed_value_from_symbolic_value input_svs in let ctx = ctx_push_vars fdef.item_meta.span ctx (List.combine input_vars input_values) in (* Push the remaining local variables (initialized with ⊥) *) let ctx = ctx_push_uninitialized_vars fdef.item_meta.span ctx local_vars in (* Return *) (ctx, input_svs, inst_sg) (** Small helper. This is a continuation function called by the symbolic interpreter upon reaching the [return] instruction when synthesizing a *backward* function: this continuation takes care of doing the proper manipulations to finish the synthesis (mostly by ending abstractions). [is_regular_return]: [true] if we reached a [Return] instruction (i.e., the result is {!constructor:Cps.statement_eval_res.Return} or {!constructor:Cps.statement_eval_res.LoopReturn}). [inside_loop]: [true] if we are *inside* a loop (result [EndContinue]). *) let evaluate_function_symbolic_synthesize_backward_from_return (config : config) (fdef : fun_decl) (inst_sg : inst_fun_sig) (back_id : (loop_id : option) (is_regular_return : bool) (inside_loop : bool) (ctx : eval_ctx) : SA.expression = log#ldebug (lazy ("evaluate_function_symbolic_synthesize_backward_from_return:" ^ "\n- fname: " ^ Print.EvalCtx.name_to_string ctx ^ "\n- back_id: " ^ RegionGroupId.to_string back_id ^ "\n- loop_id: " ^ Print.option_to_string LoopId.to_string loop_id ^ "\n- is_regular_return: " ^ Print.bool_to_string is_regular_return ^ "\n- inside_loop: " ^ Print.bool_to_string inside_loop ^ "\n- ctx:\n" ^ Print.Contexts.eval_ctx_to_string ~span:(Some fdef.item_meta.span) ctx)); (* We need to instantiate the function signature - to retrieve * the return type. Note that it is important to re-generate * an instantiation of the signature, so that we use fresh * region ids for the return abstractions. *) let regions_hierarchy = FunIdMap.find (FRegular fdef.def_id) ctx.fun_ctx.regions_hierarchies in let _, ret_inst_sg = symbolic_instantiate_fun_sig fdef.item_meta.span ctx fdef.signature regions_hierarchy fdef.kind in let ret_rty = ret_inst_sg.output in (* Move the return value out of the return variable *) let pop_return_value = is_regular_return in let ret_value, ctx, cc = pop_frame config fdef.item_meta.span pop_return_value ctx in (* We need to find the parents regions/abstractions of the region we * will end - this will allow us to, first, mark the other return * regions as non-endable, and, second, end those parent regions in * proper order. *) let parent_rgs = list_ancestor_region_groups regions_hierarchy back_id in let parent_input_abs_ids = RegionGroupId.mapi (fun rg_id rg -> if RegionGroupId.Set.mem rg_id parent_rgs then Some else None) inst_sg.regions_hierarchy in let parent_input_abs_ids = List.filter_map (fun x -> x) parent_input_abs_ids in (* TODO: need to be careful for loops *) assert (parent_input_abs_ids = []); (* Insert the return value in the return abstractions (by applying * borrow projections) *) let ctx = if is_regular_return then ( let ret_value = Option.get ret_value in let compute_abs_avalues (abs : abs) (ctx : eval_ctx) : eval_ctx * typed_avalue list = let ctx, avalue = apply_proj_borrows_on_input_value config fdef.item_meta.span ctx abs.regions abs.ancestors_regions ret_value ret_rty in (ctx, [ avalue ]) in (* Initialize and insert the abstractions in the context. * * We take care of allowing to end only the regions which should end (note * that this is important for soundness: this is part of the borrow checking). * Also see the documentation of the [can_end] field of [abs] for more * information. *) let parent_and_current_rgs = RegionGroupId.Set.add back_id parent_rgs in let region_can_end rid = RegionGroupId.Set.mem rid parent_and_current_rgs in sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (region_can_end back_id) fdef.item_meta.span; let ctx = create_push_abstractions_from_abs_region_groups (fun rg_id -> SynthRet rg_id) ret_inst_sg.regions_hierarchy region_can_end compute_abs_avalues ctx in ctx) else ctx in log#ldebug (lazy ("evaluate_function_symbolic_synthesize_backward_from_return: (after \ putting the return value in the proper abstraction)\n" ^ "\n- ctx:\n" ^ Print.Contexts.eval_ctx_to_string ~span:(Some fdef.item_meta.span) ctx)); (* We now need to end the proper *input* abstractions - pay attention * to the fact that we end the *input* abstractions, not the *return* * abstractions (of course, the corresponding return abstractions will * automatically be ended, because they consumed values coming from the * input abstractions...) *) (* End the parent abstractions and the current abstraction - note that we * end them in an order which follows the regions hierarchy: it should lead * to generated code which has a better consistency between the parent * and children backward functions. * * Note that we don't end the same abstraction if we are *inside* a loop (i.e., * we are evaluating an [EndContinue]) or not. *) let current_abs_id, end_fun_synth_input = let fun_abs_id = (RegionGroupId.nth inst_sg.regions_hierarchy back_id).id in if not inside_loop then (Some fun_abs_id, true) else (* We are inside a loop *) let pred (abs : abs) = match abs.kind with | Loop (_, rg_id', kind) -> let rg_id' = Option.get rg_id' in let is_ret = match kind with LoopSynthInput -> true | LoopCall -> false in rg_id' = back_id && is_ret | _ -> false in (* There is not necessarily an input synthesis abstraction specifically for the loop. If there is none, the input synthesis abstraction is actually the function input synthesis abstraction. Example: ======== {[ fn clear(v: &mut Vec) { let mut i = 0; while i < v.len() { v[i] = 0; i += 1; } } ]} *) match ctx_find_abs ctx pred with | None -> (* The loop gives back nothing for this region group. Ex.: {[ pub fn ignore_input_mut_borrow(_a: &mut u32) { loop {} } ]} *) (* If we are borrow-checking: end the synth input abstraction to check there is no borrow-checking issue. Otherwise, do nothing. We need this check because of the following: {[ fn loop_reborrow_mut1<'a, 'b>(a: &'a mut u32, b: &'b mut u32) -> &'a mut u32 { let mut x = 0; while x > 0 { x += 1; } if x > 0 { a } else { b // Failure } } ]} (remark: this is slightly ad-hoc, and we won't need to do that once we make the handling of loops more general). *) if !Config.borrow_check then (Some fun_abs_id, true) else (None, false) | Some abs -> (Some abs.abs_id, false) in log#ldebug (lazy ("evaluate_function_symbolic_synthesize_backward_from_return: ending \ input abstraction: " ^ Print.option_to_string AbstractionId.to_string current_abs_id)); (* Set the proper abstractions as endable *) let ctx = let visit_loop_abs = object inherit [_] map_eval_ctx method! visit_abs _ abs = match abs.kind with | Loop (loop_id', rg_id', LoopSynthInput) -> (* We only allow to end the loop synth input abs for the region group [rg_id] *) sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (if Option.is_some loop_id then loop_id = Some loop_id' else true) fdef.item_meta.span; (* Loop abstractions *) let rg_id' = Option.get rg_id' in if rg_id' = back_id && inside_loop then { abs with can_end = true } else abs | Loop (loop_id', _, LoopCall) -> (* We can end all the loop call abstractions *) sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (loop_id = Some loop_id') fdef.item_meta.span; { abs with can_end = true } | SynthInput rg_id' -> if rg_id' = back_id && end_fun_synth_input then { abs with can_end = true } else abs | _ -> (* Other abstractions *) abs end in visit_loop_abs#visit_eval_ctx () ctx in let current_abs_id = match current_abs_id with None -> [] | Some id -> [ id ] in let target_abs_ids = List.append parent_input_abs_ids current_abs_id in let ctx, cc = comp cc (fold_left_apply_continuation (fun id ctx -> end_abstraction config fdef.item_meta.span id ctx) target_abs_ids ctx) in (* Generate the Return node *) let return_expr = match loop_id with | None -> SA.Return (ctx, None) | Some loop_id -> SA.ReturnWithLoop (loop_id, inside_loop) in (* Apply *) cc return_expr (** Evaluate a function with the symbolic interpreter. We return: - the list of symbolic values introduced for the input values (this is useful for the synthesis) - the symbolic AST generated by the symbolic execution If [synthesize] is [true]: we synthesize the symbolic AST that is used for the translation. Otherwise, we do not (the symbolic execution then simply borrow-checks the function). *) let evaluate_function_symbolic (synthesize : bool) (ctx : decls_ctx) (fdef : fun_decl) : symbolic_value list * SA.expression option = (* Debug *) let name_to_string () = Print.Types.name_to_string (Print.Contexts.decls_ctx_to_fmt_env ctx) in log#ldebug (lazy ("evaluate_function_symbolic: " ^ name_to_string ())); (* Create the evaluation context *) let ctx, input_svs, inst_sg = initialize_symbolic_context_for_fun ctx fdef in let regions_hierarchy = FunIdMap.find (FRegular fdef.def_id) ctx.fun_ctx.regions_hierarchies in (* Create the continuation to finish the evaluation *) let config = mk_config SymbolicMode in let finish (res : statement_eval_res) (ctx : eval_ctx) = let ctx0 = ctx in log#ldebug (lazy ("evaluate_function_symbolic: cf_finish: " ^ Cps.show_statement_eval_res res)); match res with | Return | LoopReturn _ -> (* We have to "play different endings": * - one execution for the forward function * - one execution per backward function * We then group everything together. *) (* There are two cases: * - if this is a forward translation, we retrieve the returned value. * - if this is a backward translation, we introduce "return" * abstractions to consume the return value, then end all the * abstractions up to the one in which we are interested. *) (* Forward translation: retrieve the returned value *) let fwd_e = (* Pop the frame and retrieve the returned value at the same time *) let pop_return_value = true in let ret_value, ctx, cc_pop = pop_frame config fdef.item_meta.span pop_return_value ctx in (* Generate the Return node *) cc_pop (SA.Return (ctx, ret_value)) in (* Backward translation: introduce "return" abstractions to consume the return value, then end all the abstractions up to the one in which we are interested. *) let loop_id = match res with | Return -> None | LoopReturn loop_id -> Some loop_id | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ fdef.item_meta.span "Unreachable" in let is_regular_return = true in let inside_loop = Option.is_some loop_id in let finish_back_eval back_id = evaluate_function_symbolic_synthesize_backward_from_return config fdef inst_sg back_id loop_id is_regular_return inside_loop ctx in let back_el = RegionGroupId.mapi (fun gid _ -> (gid, finish_back_eval gid)) regions_hierarchy in let back_el = RegionGroupId.Map.of_list back_el in (* Put everything together *) synthesize_forward_end ctx0 None fwd_e back_el | EndEnterLoop (loop_id, loop_input_values) | EndContinue (loop_id, loop_input_values) -> (* Similar to [Return]: we have to play different endings *) let inside_loop = match res with | EndEnterLoop _ -> false | EndContinue _ -> true | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ fdef.item_meta.span "Unreachable" in (* Forward translation *) let fwd_e = (* Pop the frame - there is no returned value to pop: in the translation we will simply call the loop function *) let pop_return_value = false in let _ret_value, _ctx, cc_pop = pop_frame config fdef.item_meta.span pop_return_value ctx in (* Generate the Return node *) cc_pop (SA.ReturnWithLoop (loop_id, inside_loop)) in (* Backward translation: introduce "return" abstractions to consume the return value, then end all the abstractions up to the one in which we are interested. *) let is_regular_return = false in let finish_back_eval back_id = evaluate_function_symbolic_synthesize_backward_from_return config fdef inst_sg back_id (Some loop_id) is_regular_return inside_loop ctx in let back_el = RegionGroupId.mapi (fun gid _ -> (gid, finish_back_eval gid)) regions_hierarchy in let back_el = RegionGroupId.Map.of_list back_el in (* Put everything together *) synthesize_forward_end ctx0 (Some loop_input_values) fwd_e back_el | Panic -> (* Note that as we explore all the execution branches, one of * the executions can lead to a panic *) SA.Panic | Unit | Break _ | Continue _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ fdef.item_meta.span ("evaluate_function_symbolic failed on: " ^ name_to_string ()) in (* Evaluate the function *) let symbolic = try let ctx_resl, cc = eval_function_body config (Option.get fdef.body).body ctx in let el = (fun (ctx, res) -> finish res ctx) ctx_resl in (* Finish synthesizing *) if synthesize then Some (cc el) else None with CFailure (span, msg) -> if synthesize then Some (Error (span, msg)) else None in (* Return *) (input_svs, symbolic) module Test = struct (** Test a unit function (taking no arguments) by evaluating it in an empty environment. *) let test_unit_function (crate : crate) (decls_ctx : decls_ctx) (fid : : unit = (* Retrieve the function declaration *) let fdef = FunDeclId.Map.find fid crate.fun_decls in let body = Option.get fdef.body in (* Debug *) log#ldebug (lazy ("test_unit_function: " ^ Print.Types.name_to_string (Print.Contexts.decls_ctx_to_fmt_env decls_ctx); (* Sanity check - *) sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (fdef.signature.generics = empty_generic_params) fdef.item_meta.span; sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (body.arg_count = 0) fdef.item_meta.span; (* Create the evaluation context *) let ctx = initialize_eval_ctx fdef.item_meta.span decls_ctx [] [] [] in (* Insert the (uninitialized) local variables *) let ctx = ctx_push_uninitialized_vars fdef.item_meta.span ctx body.locals in (* Create the continuation to check the function's result *) let config = mk_config ConcreteMode in let check (res : statement_eval_res) (ctx : eval_ctx) = match res with | Return -> (* Ok: drop the local variables and finish *) let pop_return_value = true in pop_frame config fdef.item_meta.span pop_return_value ctx | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ fdef.item_meta.span ("Unit test failed (concrete execution) on: " ^ Print.Types.name_to_string (Print.Contexts.decls_ctx_to_fmt_env decls_ctx) in (* Evaluate the function *) let ctx_resl, _ = eval_function_body config body.body ctx in let _ = (fun (ctx, res) -> check res ctx) ctx_resl in () (** Small helper: return true if the function is a *transparent* unit function (no parameters, no arguments) - TODO: move *) let fun_decl_is_transparent_unit (def : fun_decl) : bool = Option.is_some def.body && def.signature.generics = empty_generic_params && def.signature.inputs = [] (** Test all the unit functions in a list of function definitions *) let test_unit_functions (crate : crate) : unit = let unit_funs = FunDeclId.Map.filter (fun _ -> fun_decl_is_transparent_unit) crate.fun_decls in let decls_ctx = compute_contexts crate in let test_unit_fun _ (def : fun_decl) : unit = test_unit_function crate decls_ctx def.def_id in FunDeclId.Map.iter test_unit_fun unit_funs end