(** This file declares external identifiers that we catch to map them to definitions coming from the standard libraries in our backends. TODO: there misses trait **implementations** *) open Names open Config type simple_name = string list [@@deriving show, ord] let name_to_simple_name (s : name) : simple_name = (* We simply ignore the disambiguators *) List.filter_map (function Ident id -> Some id | Disambiguator _ -> None) s (** Small helper which cuts a string at the occurrences of "::" *) let string_to_simple_name (s : string) : simple_name = (* No function to split by using string separator?? *) let name = String.split_on_char ':' s in List.filter (fun s -> s <> "") name module SimpleNameOrd = struct type t = simple_name let compare = compare_simple_name let to_string = show_simple_name let pp_t = pp_simple_name let show_t = show_simple_name end module SimpleNameMap = Collections.MakeMap (SimpleNameOrd) (** Small utility to memoize some computations *) let mk_memoized (f : unit -> 'a) : unit -> 'a = let r = ref None in let g () = match !r with | Some x -> x | None -> let x = f () in r := Some x; x in g let builtin_globals : (string * string) list = [ (* Min *) ("core::num::usize::MIN", "core_usize_min"); ("core::num::u8::MIN", "core_u8_min"); ("core::num::u16::MIN", "core_u16_min"); ("core::num::u32::MIN", "core_u32_min"); ("core::num::u64::MIN", "core_u64_min"); ("core::num::u128::MIN", "core_u128_min"); ("core::num::isize::MIN", "core_isize_min"); ("core::num::i8::MIN", "core_i8_min"); ("core::num::i16::MIN", "core_i16_min"); ("core::num::i32::MIN", "core_i32_min"); ("core::num::i64::MIN", "core_i64_min"); ("core::num::i128::MIN", "core_i128_min"); (* Max *) ("core::num::usize::MAX", "core_usize_max"); ("core::num::u8::MAX", "core_u8_max"); ("core::num::u16::MAX", "core_u16_max"); ("core::num::u32::MAX", "core_u32_max"); ("core::num::u64::MAX", "core_u64_max"); ("core::num::u128::MAX", "core_u128_max"); ("core::num::isize::MAX", "core_isize_max"); ("core::num::i8::MAX", "core_i8_max"); ("core::num::i16::MAX", "core_i16_max"); ("core::num::i32::MAX", "core_i32_max"); ("core::num::i64::MAX", "core_i64_max"); ("core::num::i128::MAX", "core_i128_max"); ] let builtin_globals_map : string SimpleNameMap.t = SimpleNameMap.of_list (List.map (fun (x, y) -> (string_to_simple_name x, y)) builtin_globals) type builtin_variant_info = { fields : (string * string) list } [@@deriving show] type builtin_enum_variant_info = { rust_variant_name : string; extract_variant_name : string; fields : string list option; } [@@deriving show] type builtin_type_body_info = | Struct of string * string list (* The constructor name and the map for the field names *) | Enum of builtin_enum_variant_info list (* For every variant, a map for the field names *) [@@deriving show] type builtin_type_info = { rust_name : string list; extract_name : string; keep_params : bool list option; (** We might want to filter some of the type parameters. For instance, `Vec` type takes a type parameter for the allocator, which we want to ignore. *) body_info : builtin_type_body_info option; } [@@deriving show] (** The assumed types. The optional list of booleans is filtering information for the type parameters. For instance, in the case of the `Vec` functions, there is a type parameter for the allocator to use, which we want to filter. *) let builtin_types () : builtin_type_info list = [ (* Alloc *) { rust_name = [ "alloc"; "alloc"; "Global" ]; extract_name = (match !backend with | Lean -> "AllocGlobal" | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> "alloc_global"); keep_params = None; body_info = None; }; (* Vec *) { rust_name = [ "alloc"; "vec"; "Vec" ]; extract_name = (match !backend with Lean -> "Vec" | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> "vec"); keep_params = Some [ true; false ]; body_info = None; }; (* Option *) { rust_name = [ "core"; "option"; "Option" ]; extract_name = (match !backend with | Lean -> "Option" | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> "option"); keep_params = None; body_info = Some (Enum [ { rust_variant_name = "None"; extract_variant_name = (match !backend with | FStar | Coq -> "None" | Lean -> "none" | HOL4 -> "NONE"); fields = None; }; { rust_variant_name = "Some"; extract_variant_name = (match !backend with | FStar | Coq -> "Some" | Lean -> "some" | HOL4 -> "SOME"); fields = None; }; ]); }; (* Range *) { rust_name = [ "core"; "ops"; "range"; "Range" ]; extract_name = (match !backend with Lean -> "Range" | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> "range"); keep_params = None; body_info = Some (Struct ( (match !backend with | Lean -> "Range.mk" | Coq | HOL4 -> "mk_range" | FStar -> "Mkrange"), [ "start"; "end_" ] )); }; ] let mk_builtin_types_map () = SimpleNameMap.of_list (List.map (fun info -> (info.rust_name, info)) (builtin_types ())) let builtin_types_map = mk_memoized mk_builtin_types_map type builtin_fun_info = { rg : Types.RegionGroupId.id option; extract_name : string; } [@@deriving show] (** The assumed functions. The optional list of booleans is filtering information for the type parameters. For instance, in the case of the `Vec` functions, there is a type parameter for the allocator to use, which we want to filter. *) let builtin_funs () : (string list * bool list option * builtin_fun_info list) list = let rg0 = Some Types.RegionGroupId.zero in (* TODO: fix the names below *) [ ( [ "core::mem::replace" ], None, [ { rg = None; extract_name = (match !backend with | FStar | Coq | HOL4 -> "mem_replace_fwd" | Lean -> "mem.replace"); }; { rg = rg0; extract_name = (match !backend with | FStar | Coq | HOL4 -> "mem_replace_back" | Lean -> "mem.replace_back"); }; ] ); ( [ "alloc::vec::Vec::new" ], Some [ true; false ], [ { rg = None; extract_name = (match !backend with | FStar | Coq | HOL4 -> "vec_new" | Lean -> "Vec.new"); }; { rg = rg0; extract_name = (match !backend with | FStar | Coq | HOL4 -> "vec_new_back" | Lean -> "Vec.new_back"); }; ] ); ( [ "alloc::vec::Vec::push" ], Some [ true; false ], [ (* The forward function shouldn't be used *) { rg = None; extract_name = (match !backend with | FStar | Coq | HOL4 -> "vec_push_fwd" | Lean -> "Vec.push_fwd"); }; { rg = rg0; extract_name = (match !backend with | FStar | Coq | HOL4 -> "vec_push_back" | Lean -> "Vec.push"); }; ] ); ( [ "alloc::vec::Vec::insert" ], Some [ true; false ], [ (* The forward function shouldn't be used *) { rg = None; extract_name = (match !backend with | FStar | Coq | HOL4 -> "vec_insert_fwd" | Lean -> "Vec.insert_fwd"); }; { rg = rg0; extract_name = (match !backend with | FStar | Coq | HOL4 -> "vec_insert_back" | Lean -> "Vec.insert"); }; ] ); ( [ "alloc::vec::Vec::len" ], Some [ true; false ], [ { rg = None; extract_name = (match !backend with | FStar | Coq | HOL4 -> "vec_len" | Lean -> "Vec.len"); }; ] ); ( [ "alloc::vec::Vec::index" ], Some [ true; false ], [ { rg = None; extract_name = (match !backend with | FStar | Coq | HOL4 -> "vec_index_fwd" | Lean -> "Vec.index_shared"); }; (* The backward function shouldn't be used *) { rg = rg0; extract_name = (match !backend with | FStar | Coq | HOL4 -> "vec_index_back" | Lean -> "Vec.index_shared_back"); }; ] ); ( [ "alloc::vec::Vec::index_mut" ], Some [ true; false ], [ { rg = None; extract_name = (match !backend with | FStar | Coq | HOL4 -> "vec_index_mut_fwd" | Lean -> "Vec.index_mut"); }; (* The backward function shouldn't be used *) { rg = rg0; extract_name = (match !backend with | FStar | Coq | HOL4 -> "vec_index_mut_back" | Lean -> "Vec.index_mut_back"); }; ] ); ( [ "alloc"; "boxed"; "Box"; "deref" ], Some [ true; false ], [ { rg = None; extract_name = (match !backend with | FStar | Coq | HOL4 -> "alloc_boxed_box_deref" | Lean -> "alloc.boxed.Box.deref"); }; (* The backward function shouldn't be used *) { rg = rg0; extract_name = (match !backend with | FStar | Coq | HOL4 -> "alloc_boxed_box_deref_back" | Lean -> "alloc.boxed.Box.deref_back"); }; ] ); ( [ "alloc"; "boxed"; "Box"; "deref_mut" ], Some [ true; false ], [ { rg = None; extract_name = (match !backend with | FStar | Coq | HOL4 -> "alloc_boxed_box_deref_mut" | Lean -> "alloc.boxed.Box.deref_mut"); }; { rg = rg0; extract_name = (match !backend with | FStar | Coq | HOL4 -> "alloc_boxed_box_deref_mut_back" | Lean -> "alloc.boxed.Box.deref_mut_back"); }; ] ); ] let mk_builtin_funs_map () = SimpleNameMap.of_list (List.map (fun (name, filter, info) -> (name, (filter, info))) (builtin_funs ())) let builtin_funs_map = mk_memoized mk_builtin_funs_map type builtin_trait_decl_info = { rust_name : string; extract_name : string; parent_clauses : string list; consts : (string * string) list; types : (string * (string * string list)) list; (** Every type has: - a Rust name - an extraction name - a list of clauses *) funs : (string * (Types.RegionGroupId.id option * string) list) list; } [@@deriving show] let builtin_trait_decls_info () = let rg0 = Some Types.RegionGroupId.zero in [ { (* Deref *) rust_name = "core::ops::deref::Deref"; extract_name = (match !backend with | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> "core_ops_deref_Deref" | Lean -> "core.ops.deref.Deref"); parent_clauses = []; consts = []; types = [ ( "Target", ( (match !backend with | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> "core_ops_deref_Deref_Target" | Lean -> "Target"), [] ) ); ]; funs = [ ( "deref", [ ( None, match !backend with | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> "core_ops_deref_Deref_deref" | Lean -> "deref" ); ] ); ]; }; { (* DerefMut *) rust_name = "core::ops::deref::DerefMut"; extract_name = (match !backend with | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> "core_ops_deref_DerefMut" | Lean -> "core.ops.deref.DerefMut"); parent_clauses = [ (match !backend with | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> "deref_inst" | Lean -> "derefInst"); ]; consts = []; types = []; funs = [ ( "deref_mut", [ ( None, match !backend with | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> "core_ops_deref_DerefMut_deref_mut" | Lean -> "deref_mut" ); ( rg0, match !backend with | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> "core_ops_deref_DerefMut_deref_mut_back" | Lean -> "deref_mut_back" ); ] ); ]; }; { (* Index *) rust_name = "core::ops::index::Index"; extract_name = (match !backend with | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> "core_ops_index_Index" | Lean -> "core.ops.index.Index"); parent_clauses = []; consts = []; types = [ ( "Output", ( (match !backend with | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> "core_ops_index_Index_Output" | Lean -> "Output"), [] ) ); ]; funs = [ ( "index", [ ( None, match !backend with | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> "core_ops_index_Index_index" | Lean -> "index" ); ] ); ]; }; { (* IndexMut *) rust_name = "core::ops::index::IndexMut"; extract_name = (match !backend with | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> "core_ops_index_IndexMut" | Lean -> "core.ops.index.IndexMut"); parent_clauses = [ (match !backend with | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> "index_inst" | Lean -> "IndexInst"); ]; consts = []; types = []; funs = [ ( "index_mut", [ ( None, match !backend with | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> "core_ops_index_IndexMut_mut" | Lean -> "index_mut" ); ( rg0, match !backend with | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> "core_ops_index_IndexMut_mut_back" | Lean -> "index_mut_back" ); ] ); ]; }; ] let mk_builtin_trait_decls_map () = SimpleNameMap.of_list (List.map (fun info -> (string_to_simple_name info.rust_name, info)) (builtin_trait_decls_info ())) let builtin_trait_decls_map = mk_memoized mk_builtin_trait_decls_map (* TODO: generalize this. For now, the key is: - name of the impl (ex.: "alloc.boxed.Boxed") - name of the implemented trait (ex.: "core.ops.deref.Deref" *) type simple_name_pair = simple_name * simple_name [@@deriving show, ord] module SimpleNamePairOrd = struct type t = simple_name_pair let compare = compare_simple_name_pair let to_string = show_simple_name_pair let pp_t = pp_simple_name_pair let show_t = show_simple_name_pair end module SimpleNamePairMap = Collections.MakeMap (SimpleNamePairOrd) let builtin_trait_impls_info () : ((string list * string list) * string) list = [ (* core::ops::Deref> *) ( ([ "alloc"; "boxed"; "Box" ], [ "core"; "ops"; "deref"; "Deref" ]), "alloc.boxed.Box.coreOpsDerefInst" ); (* core::ops::DerefMut> *) ( ([ "alloc"; "boxed"; "Box" ], [ "core"; "ops"; "deref"; "DerefMut" ]), "alloc.boxed.Box.coreOpsDerefMutInst" ); ] let mk_builtin_trait_impls_map () = SimpleNamePairMap.of_list (builtin_trait_impls_info ()) let builtin_trait_impls_map = mk_memoized mk_builtin_trait_impls_map