(** The generic extraction *) (* Turn the whole module into a functor: it is very annoying to carry the the formatter everywhere... *) open Pure open PureUtils open TranslateCore open Config open Errors include ExtractTypes (** Compute the names for all the pure functions generated from a rust function. *) let extract_fun_decl_register_names (ctx : extraction_ctx) (has_decreases_clause : fun_decl -> bool) (def : pure_fun_translation) : extraction_ctx = (* Ignore the trait methods **declarations** (rem.: we do not ignore the trait method implementations): we do not need to refer to them directly. We will only use their type for the fields of the records we generate for the trait declarations *) match def.f.kind with | TraitItemDecl _ -> ctx | _ -> ( (* Check if the function is builtin *) let builtin = let open ExtractBuiltin in let funs_map = builtin_funs_map () in match_name_find_opt ctx.trans_ctx def.f.llbc_name funs_map in (* Use the builtin names if necessary *) match builtin with | Some (filter_info, fun_info) -> (* Builtin function: register the filtering information, if there is *) let ctx = match filter_info with | Some keep -> { ctx with funs_filter_type_args_map = FunDeclId.Map.add def.f.def_id keep ctx.funs_filter_type_args_map; } | _ -> ctx in let f = def.f in let open ExtractBuiltin in let fun_id = (Pure.FunId (FRegular f.def_id), f.loop_id) in ctx_add f.meta (FunId (FromLlbc fun_id)) fun_info.extract_name ctx | None -> (* Not builtin *) (* If this is a trait method implementation, we prefix the name with the name of the trait implementation. We need to do so because there can be clashes otherwise. *) (* Register the decrease clauses, if necessary *) let register_decreases ctx def = if has_decreases_clause def then (* Add the termination measure *) let ctx = ctx_add_termination_measure def ctx in (* Add the decreases proof for Lean only *) match !Config.backend with | Coq | FStar -> ctx | HOL4 -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ def.meta "Unexpected" | Lean -> ctx_add_decreases_proof def ctx else ctx in (* We have to register the function itself, and the loops it may contain (which are extracted as functions) *) let funs = def.f :: def.loops in (* Register the decrease clauses *) let ctx = List.fold_left register_decreases ctx funs in (* Register the name of the function and the loops *) let register_fun ctx f = ctx_add_fun_decl f ctx in let register_funs ctx fl = List.fold_left register_fun ctx fl in register_funs ctx funs) (** Simply add the global name to the context. *) let extract_global_decl_register_names (ctx : extraction_ctx) (def : A.global_decl) : extraction_ctx = ctx_add_global_decl_and_body def ctx (** The following function factorizes the extraction of ADT values. Note that patterns can introduce new variables: we thus return an extraction context updated with new bindings. [is_single_pat]: are we extracting a single pattern (a pattern for a let-binding or a lambda)? TODO: we don't need something very generic anymore (some definitions used to be polymorphic). *) let extract_adt_g_value (meta : Meta.meta) (extract_value : extraction_ctx -> bool -> 'v -> extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (ctx : extraction_ctx) (is_single_pat : bool) (inside : bool) (variant_id : VariantId.id option) (field_values : 'v list) (ty : ty) : extraction_ctx = let extract_as_tuple () = (* This is very annoying: in Coq, we can't write [()] for the value of type [unit], we have to write [tt]. *) if !backend = Coq && field_values = [] then ( F.pp_print_string fmt "tt"; ctx) else (* If there is exactly one value, we don't print the parentheses. Also, for Coq, we need the special syntax ['(...)] if we destruct a tuple pattern in a let-binding and the tuple has > 2 values. *) let lb, rb = if List.length field_values = 1 then ("", "") else if !backend = Coq && is_single_pat && List.length field_values > 2 then ("'(", ")") else ("(", ")") in F.pp_print_string fmt lb; let ctx = Collections.List.fold_left_link (fun () -> F.pp_print_string fmt ","; F.pp_print_space fmt ()) (fun ctx v -> extract_value ctx false v) ctx field_values in F.pp_print_string fmt rb; ctx in match ty with | TAdt (TTuple, generics) -> (* Tuple *) (* For now, we only support fully applied tuple constructors *) cassert __FILE__ __LINE__ (List.length generics.types = List.length field_values) meta "Only fully applied tuple constructors are currently supported"; cassert __FILE__ __LINE__ (generics.const_generics = [] && generics.trait_refs = []) meta "Only fully applied tuple constructors are currently supported"; extract_as_tuple () | TAdt (adt_id, _) -> (* "Regular" ADT *) (* We may still extract the ADT as a tuple, if none of the fields are named *) if PureUtils.type_decl_from_type_id_is_tuple_struct ctx.trans_ctx.type_ctx.type_infos adt_id then (* Extract as a tuple *) extract_as_tuple () else if (* If we are generating a pattern for a let-binding and we target Lean, the syntax is: `let ⟨ x0, ..., xn ⟩ := ...`. Otherwise, it is: `let Cons x0 ... xn = ...` *) is_single_pat && !Config.backend = Lean then ( F.pp_print_string fmt "⟨"; F.pp_print_space fmt (); let ctx = Collections.List.fold_left_link (fun _ -> F.pp_print_string fmt ","; F.pp_print_space fmt ()) (fun ctx v -> extract_value ctx true v) ctx field_values in F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "⟩"; ctx) else (* We print something of the form: [Cons field0 ... fieldn]. * We could update the code to print something of the form: * [{ field0=...; ...; fieldn=...; }] in case of structures. *) let cons = match variant_id with | Some vid -> ctx_get_variant meta adt_id vid ctx | None -> ctx_get_struct meta adt_id ctx in let use_parentheses = inside && field_values <> [] in if use_parentheses then F.pp_print_string fmt "("; F.pp_print_string fmt cons; let ctx = Collections.List.fold_left (fun ctx v -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_value ctx true v) ctx field_values in if use_parentheses then F.pp_print_string fmt ")"; ctx | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ meta "Inconsistent typed value" (* Extract globals in the same way as variables *) let extract_global (meta : Meta.meta) (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (inside : bool) (id : A.GlobalDeclId.id) (generics : generic_args) : unit = let use_brackets = inside && generics <> empty_generic_args in F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; if use_brackets then F.pp_print_string fmt "("; (* Extract the global name *) F.pp_print_string fmt (ctx_get_global meta id ctx); (* Extract the generics *) extract_generic_args meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty generics; if use_brackets then F.pp_print_string fmt ")"; F.pp_close_box fmt () (* Filter the generics of a function if it is builtin *) let fun_builtin_filter_types (id : FunDeclId.id) (types : 'a list) (ctx : extraction_ctx) : ('a list, 'a list * string) Result.result = match FunDeclId.Map.find_opt id ctx.funs_filter_type_args_map with | None -> Result.Ok types | Some filter -> if List.length filter <> List.length types then ( let decl = FunDeclId.Map.find id ctx.trans_funs in let err = "Ill-formed builtin information for function " ^ name_to_string ctx decl.f.llbc_name ^ ": " ^ string_of_int (List.length filter) ^ " filtering arguments provided for " ^ string_of_int (List.length types) ^ " type arguments" in save_error __FILE__ __LINE__ None err; Result.Error (types, err)) else let types = List.combine filter types in let types = List.filter_map (fun (b, ty) -> if b then Some ty else None) types in Result.Ok types (** [inside]: see {!extract_ty}. [with_type]: do we also generate a type annotation? This is necessary for backends like Coq when we write lambdas (Coq is not powerful enough to infer the type). As a pattern can introduce new variables, we return an extraction context updated with new bindings. *) let rec extract_typed_pattern (meta : Meta.meta) (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (is_let : bool) (inside : bool) ?(with_type = false) (v : typed_pattern) : extraction_ctx = if with_type then F.pp_print_string fmt "("; let inside = inside && not with_type in let ctx = match v.value with | PatConstant cv -> extract_literal meta fmt inside cv; ctx | PatVar (v, _) -> let vname = ctx_compute_var_basename meta ctx v.basename v.ty in let ctx, vname = ctx_add_var meta vname v.id ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt vname; ctx | PatDummy -> F.pp_print_string fmt "_"; ctx | PatAdt av -> let extract_value ctx inside v = extract_typed_pattern meta ctx fmt is_let inside v in extract_adt_g_value meta extract_value fmt ctx is_let inside av.variant_id av.field_values v.ty in if with_type then ( F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt ":"; F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_ty meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty false v.ty; F.pp_print_string fmt ")"); ctx (** Return true if we need to wrap a succession of let-bindings in a [do ...] block (because some of them are monadic) *) let lets_require_wrap_in_do (meta : Meta.meta) (lets : (bool * typed_pattern * texpression) list) : bool = match !backend with | Lean -> (* For Lean, we wrap in a block iff at least one of the let-bindings is monadic *) List.exists (fun (m, _, _) -> m) lets | HOL4 -> (* HOL4 is similar to HOL4, but we add a sanity check *) let wrap_in_do = List.exists (fun (m, _, _) -> m) lets in if wrap_in_do then sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (List.for_all (fun (m, _, _) -> m) lets) meta; wrap_in_do | FStar | Coq -> false (** [inside]: controls the introduction of parentheses. See [extract_ty] TODO: replace the formatting boolean [inside] with something more general? Also, it seems we don't really use it... Cases to consider: - right-expression in a let: [let x = re in _] (never parentheses?) - next expression in a let: [let x = _ in next_e] (never parentheses?) - application argument: [f (exp)] - match/if scrutinee: [if exp then _ else _]/[match exp | _ -> _] *) let extract_texpression_errors (fmt : F.formatter) = match !Config.backend with | FStar | Coq -> F.pp_print_string fmt "admit" | Lean -> F.pp_print_string fmt "sorry" | HOL4 -> F.pp_print_string fmt "(* ERROR: could not generate the code *)" let rec extract_texpression (meta : Meta.meta) (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (inside : bool) (e : texpression) : unit = match e.e with | Var var_id -> let var_name = ctx_get_var meta var_id ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt var_name | CVar var_id -> let var_name = ctx_get_const_generic_var meta var_id ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt var_name | Const cv -> extract_literal meta fmt inside cv | App _ -> let app, args = destruct_apps e in extract_App meta ctx fmt inside app args | Lambda _ -> let xl, e = destruct_lambdas e in extract_Lambda (meta : Meta.meta) ctx fmt inside xl e | Qualif _ -> (* We use the app case *) extract_App meta ctx fmt inside e [] | Let (_, _, _, _) -> extract_lets meta ctx fmt inside e | Switch (scrut, body) -> extract_Switch meta ctx fmt inside scrut body | Meta (_, e) -> extract_texpression meta ctx fmt inside e | StructUpdate supd -> extract_StructUpdate meta ctx fmt inside e.ty supd | Loop _ -> (* The loop nodes should have been eliminated in {!PureMicroPasses} *) craise __FILE__ __LINE__ meta "Unreachable" | EError (_, _) -> extract_texpression_errors fmt (* Extract an application *or* a top-level qualif (function extraction has * to handle top-level qualifiers, so it seemed more natural to merge the * two cases) *) and extract_App (meta : Meta.meta) (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (inside : bool) (app : texpression) (args : texpression list) : unit = (* We don't do the same thing if the app is a top-level identifier (function, * ADT constructor...) or a "regular" expression *) match app.e with | Qualif qualif -> ( (* Top-level qualifier *) match qualif.id with | FunOrOp fun_id -> extract_function_call meta ctx fmt inside fun_id qualif.generics args | Global global_id -> assert (args = []); extract_global meta ctx fmt inside global_id qualif.generics | AdtCons adt_cons_id -> extract_adt_cons meta ctx fmt inside adt_cons_id qualif.generics args | Proj proj -> extract_field_projector meta ctx fmt inside app proj qualif.generics args | TraitConst (trait_ref, const_name) -> extract_trait_ref meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty true trait_ref; let name = ctx_get_trait_const meta trait_ref.trait_decl_ref.trait_decl_id const_name ctx in let add_brackets (s : string) = if !backend = Coq then "(" ^ s ^ ")" else s in F.pp_print_string fmt ("." ^ add_brackets name)) | _ -> (* "Regular" expression *) (* Open parentheses *) if inside then F.pp_print_string fmt "("; (* Open a box for the application *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Print the app expression *) let app_inside = (inside && args = []) || args <> [] in extract_texpression meta ctx fmt app_inside app; (* Print the arguments *) List.iter (fun ve -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_texpression meta ctx fmt true ve) args; (* Close the box for the application *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Close parentheses *) if inside then F.pp_print_string fmt ")" (** Subcase of the app case: function call *) and extract_function_call (meta : Meta.meta) (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (inside : bool) (fid : fun_or_op_id) (generics : generic_args) (args : texpression list) : unit = match (fid, args) with | Unop unop, [ arg ] -> (* A unop can have *at most* one argument (the result can't be a function!). * Note that the way we generate the translation, we shouldn't get the * case where we have no argument (all functions are fully instantiated, * and no AST transformation introduces partial calls). *) extract_unop meta (extract_texpression meta ctx fmt) fmt inside unop arg | Binop (binop, int_ty), [ arg0; arg1 ] -> (* Number of arguments: similar to unop *) extract_binop meta (extract_texpression meta ctx fmt) fmt inside binop int_ty arg0 arg1 | Fun fun_id, _ -> if inside then F.pp_print_string fmt "("; (* Open a box for the function call *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Print the function name. For the function name: the id is not the same depending on whether we call a trait method and a "regular" function (remark: trait method *implementations* are considered as regular functions here; only calls to method of traits which are parameterized in a where clause have a special treatment. Remark: the reason why trait method declarations have a special treatment is that, as traits are extracted to records, we may allow collisions between trait item names and some other names, while we do not allow collisions between function names. # Impl trait refs: ================== When the trait ref refers to an impl, in [InterpreterStatement.eval_transparent_function_call_symbolic] we replace the call to the trait impl method to a call to the function which implements the trait method (that is, we "forget" that we called a trait method, and treat it as a regular function call). # Provided trait methods: ========================= Calls to provided trait methods also have a special treatment. For now, we do not allow overriding provided trait methods (methods for which a default implementation is provided in the trait declaration). Whenever we translate a provided trait method, we translate it once as a function which takes a trait ref as input. We have to handle this case below. With an example, if in Rust we write: {[ fn Foo { fn f(&self) -> u32; // Required fn ret_true(&self) -> bool { true } // Provided } ]} We generate: {[ structure Foo (Self : Type) = { f : Self -> result u32 } let ret_true (Self : Type) (self_clause : Foo Self) (self : Self) : result bool = true ]} *) (match fun_id with | FromLlbc (TraitMethod (trait_ref, method_name, _fun_decl_id), lp_id) -> (* We have to check whether the trait method is required or provided *) let trait_decl_id = trait_ref.trait_decl_ref.trait_decl_id in let trait_decl = TraitDeclId.Map.find trait_decl_id ctx.trans_trait_decls in let method_id = PureUtils.trait_decl_get_method trait_decl method_name in if not method_id.is_provided then ( (* Required method *) sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (lp_id = None) trait_decl.meta; extract_trait_ref trait_decl.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty true trait_ref; let fun_name = ctx_get_trait_method meta trait_ref.trait_decl_ref.trait_decl_id method_name ctx in let add_brackets (s : string) = if !backend = Coq then "(" ^ s ^ ")" else s in F.pp_print_string fmt ("." ^ add_brackets fun_name)) else (* Provided method: we see it as a regular function call, and use the function name *) let fun_id = FromLlbc (FunId (FRegular method_id.id), lp_id) in let fun_name = ctx_get_function trait_decl.meta fun_id ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt fun_name; (* Note that we do not need to print the generics for the trait declaration: they are always implicit as they can be deduced from the trait self clause. Print the trait ref (to instantate the self clause) *) F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_trait_ref trait_decl.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty true trait_ref | _ -> let fun_name = ctx_get_function meta fun_id ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt fun_name); (* Sanity check: HOL4 doesn't support const generics *) sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (generics.const_generics = [] || !backend <> HOL4) meta; (* Print the generics. We might need to filter some of the type arguments, if the type is builtin (for instance, we filter the global allocator type argument for `Vec::new`). *) let types = match fun_id with | FromLlbc (FunId (FRegular id), _) -> fun_builtin_filter_types id generics.types ctx | _ -> Result.Ok generics.types in (match types with | Ok types -> extract_generic_args meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty { generics with types } | Error (types, err) -> extract_generic_args meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty { generics with types }; save_error __FILE__ __LINE__ (Some meta) err; F.pp_print_string fmt "(\"ERROR: ill-formed builtin: invalid number of filtering \ arguments\")"); (* Print the arguments *) List.iter (fun ve -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_texpression meta ctx fmt true ve) args; (* Close the box for the function call *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Return *) if inside then F.pp_print_string fmt ")" | (Unop _ | Binop _), _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ meta ("Unreachable:\n" ^ "Function: " ^ show_fun_or_op_id fid ^ ",\nNumber of arguments: " ^ string_of_int (List.length args) ^ ",\nArguments: " ^ String.concat " " (List.map show_texpression args)) (** Subcase of the app case: ADT constructor *) and extract_adt_cons (meta : Meta.meta) (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (inside : bool) (adt_cons : adt_cons_id) (generics : generic_args) (args : texpression list) : unit = let e_ty = TAdt (adt_cons.adt_id, generics) in let is_single_pat = false in let _ = extract_adt_g_value meta (fun ctx inside e -> extract_texpression meta ctx fmt inside e; ctx) fmt ctx is_single_pat inside adt_cons.variant_id args e_ty in () (** Subcase of the app case: ADT field projector. *) and extract_field_projector (meta : Meta.meta) (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (inside : bool) (original_app : texpression) (proj : projection) (_generics : generic_args) (args : texpression list) : unit = (* We isolate the first argument (if there is), in order to pretty print the * projection ([x.field] instead of [MkAdt?.field x] *) match args with | [ arg ] -> let is_tuple_struct = PureUtils.type_decl_from_type_id_is_tuple_struct ctx.trans_ctx.type_ctx.type_infos proj.adt_id in (* Check if we extract the type as a tuple, and it only has one field. In this case, there is no projection. *) let num_fields = match proj.adt_id with | TAdtId id -> ( let d = TypeDeclId.Map.find id ctx.trans_types in match d.kind with | Struct fields -> Some (List.length fields) | _ -> None) | _ -> None in let has_one_field = match num_fields with Some len -> len = 1 | None -> false in if is_tuple_struct && has_one_field then extract_texpression meta ctx fmt inside arg else (* Exactly one argument: pretty-print *) let field_name = (* Check if we need to extract the type as a tuple *) if is_tuple_struct then match !backend with | FStar | HOL4 | Coq -> FieldId.to_string proj.field_id | Lean -> (* Tuples in Lean are syntax sugar for nested products/pairs, so we need to map the field id accordingly. We give two possibilities: - either we use the custom syntax [.#i], like in: [(0, 1).#1] - or we introduce nested projections which use the field projectors [.1] and [.2], like in: [(0, 1).2.1] This necessary in some situations, for instance if we have in Rust: {[ struct Tuple(u32, (u32, u32)); ]} The issue comes from the fact that in Lean [A * B * C] and [A * (B * C)] are the same type. As a result, in Rust, field 1 of [Tuple] is the pair (an element of type [(u32, u32)]), however in Lean it would be the first element of the pair (an element of type [u32]). If such situations happen, we allow to force using the nested projectors by providing the proper command line argument. TODO: we can actually check the type to determine exactly when we need to use nested projectors and when we don't. When using nested projectors, a field id i maps to: - (.2)^i if i is the last element of the tuple - (.2)^i.1 otherwise where (.2)^i denotes .2 repeated i times. For example, 3 maps to .2.2.2 if the tuple has 4 fields and to . if it has more than 4 fields. Note that the first "." is added below. *) let field_id = FieldId.to_int proj.field_id in if !Config.use_nested_tuple_projectors then (* Nested projection: "2.2.2..." *) if field_id = 0 then "1" else let twos_prefix = String.concat "." (Collections.List.repeat field_id "2") in if field_id + 1 = Option.get num_fields then twos_prefix else twos_prefix ^ ".1" else "#" ^ string_of_int field_id else ctx_get_field meta proj.adt_id proj.field_id ctx in (* Open a box *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Extract the expression *) extract_texpression meta ctx fmt true arg; (* We allow to break where the "." appears (except Lean, it's a syntax error) *) if !backend <> Lean then F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0; F.pp_print_string fmt "."; (* If in Coq, the field projection has to be parenthesized *) (match !backend with | FStar | Lean | HOL4 -> F.pp_print_string fmt field_name | Coq -> F.pp_print_string fmt ("(" ^ field_name ^ ")")); (* Close the box *) F.pp_close_box fmt () | arg :: args -> (* Call extract_App again, but in such a way that the first argument is * isolated *) extract_App meta ctx fmt inside (mk_app meta original_app arg) args | [] -> (* No argument: shouldn't happen *) craise __FILE__ __LINE__ meta "Unreachable" and extract_Lambda (meta : Meta.meta) (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (inside : bool) (xl : typed_pattern list) (e : texpression) : unit = (* Open a box for the abs expression *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Open parentheses *) if inside then F.pp_print_string fmt "("; (* Print the lambda - note that there should always be at least one variable *) sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (xl <> []) meta; F.pp_print_string fmt "fun"; let with_type = !backend = Coq in let ctx = List.fold_left (fun ctx x -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_typed_pattern meta ctx fmt true true ~with_type x) ctx xl in F.pp_print_space fmt (); if !backend = Lean || !backend = Coq then F.pp_print_string fmt "=>" else F.pp_print_string fmt "->"; F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Print the body *) extract_texpression meta ctx fmt false e; (* Close parentheses *) if inside then F.pp_print_string fmt ")"; (* Close the box for the abs expression *) F.pp_close_box fmt () and extract_lets (meta : Meta.meta) (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (inside : bool) (e : texpression) : unit = (* Destruct the lets. Note that in the case of HOL4, we stop destructing the lets if at some point the "kind" (monadic or non-monadic) of the lets changes. We do this because in HOL4 the parsing is not very powerful: if we mix monadic let-bindings and non monadic let-bindings, we have to wrap the let-bindings inside a [do ... od] whenever we need to extract a monadic let-binding non immediately inside a monadic let-binding. Ex.: {[ do x <- ...; let y = f x in do z <- g y; ... od od ]} *) let lets, next_e = match !backend with | HOL4 -> destruct_lets_no_interleave meta e | FStar | Coq | Lean -> destruct_lets e in (* Extract the let-bindings *) let extract_let (ctx : extraction_ctx) (monadic : bool) (lv : typed_pattern) (re : texpression) : extraction_ctx = (* Open a box for the let-binding *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; let ctx = (* There are two cases: * - do we use a notation like [x <-- y;] * - do we use notation with let-bindings * Note that both notations can be used for monadic let-bindings. * For instance, in F*, you can write: * {[ * let* x = y in // monadic * ... * ]} * TODO: cleanup * *) if monadic && (!backend = Coq || !backend = HOL4) then ( let ctx = extract_typed_pattern meta ctx fmt true true lv in F.pp_print_space fmt (); let arrow = match !backend with | Coq | HOL4 -> "<-" | FStar | Lean -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ meta "impossible" in F.pp_print_string fmt arrow; F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_texpression meta ctx fmt false re; F.pp_print_string fmt ";"; ctx) else ( (* Print the "let" *) if monadic then match !backend with | FStar -> F.pp_print_string fmt "let*"; F.pp_print_space fmt () | Coq | Lean -> F.pp_print_string fmt "let"; F.pp_print_space fmt () | HOL4 -> () else ( F.pp_print_string fmt "let"; F.pp_print_space fmt ()); let ctx = extract_typed_pattern meta ctx fmt true true lv in F.pp_print_space fmt (); let eq = match !backend with | FStar -> "=" | Coq -> ":=" | Lean -> if monadic then "←" else ":=" | HOL4 -> if monadic then "<-" else "=" in F.pp_print_string fmt eq; F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_texpression meta ctx fmt false re; (* End the let-binding *) (match !backend with | Lean -> (* In Lean, (monadic) let-bindings don't require to end with anything *) () | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "in"); ctx) in (* Close the box for the let-binding *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Return *) ctx in (* Open a box for the whole expression. In the case of Lean, we use a vbox so that line breaks are inserted at the end of every let-binding: let-bindings are indeed not ended with an "in" keyword. *) if !Config.backend = Lean then F.pp_open_vbox fmt 0 else F.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0; (* Open parentheses *) if inside && !backend <> Lean then F.pp_print_string fmt "("; (* If Lean and HOL4, we rely on monadic blocks, so we insert a do and open a new box immediately *) let wrap_in_do_od = lets_require_wrap_in_do meta lets in if wrap_in_do_od then ( F.pp_print_string fmt "do"; F.pp_print_space fmt ()); let ctx = List.fold_left (fun ctx (monadic, lv, re) -> extract_let ctx monadic lv re) ctx lets in (* Open a box for the next expression *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Print the next expression *) extract_texpression meta ctx fmt false next_e; (* Close the box for the next expression *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* do-box (Lean and HOL4 only) *) if wrap_in_do_od then if !backend = HOL4 then ( F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "od"); (* Close parentheses *) if inside && !backend <> Lean then F.pp_print_string fmt ")"; (* Close the box for the whole expression *) F.pp_close_box fmt () and extract_Switch (meta : Meta.meta) (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (_inside : bool) (scrut : texpression) (body : switch_body) : unit = (* Remark: we don't use the [inside] parameter because we extract matches in a conservative manner: we always make sure they are parenthesized/delimited with keywords such as [end] *) (* Open a box for the whole expression. In the case of Lean, we rely on indentation to delimit the end of the branches, and need to insert line breaks: we thus use a vbox. *) if !Config.backend = Lean then F.pp_open_vbox fmt 0 else F.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0; (* Extract the switch *) (match body with | If (e_then, e_else) -> (* Open a box for the [if e] *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; F.pp_print_string fmt "if"; if !backend = Lean && ctx.use_dep_ite then F.pp_print_string fmt " h:"; F.pp_print_space fmt (); let scrut_inside = PureUtils.texpression_requires_parentheses meta scrut in extract_texpression meta ctx fmt scrut_inside scrut; (* Close the box for the [if e] *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Extract the branches *) let extract_branch (is_then : bool) (e_branch : texpression) : unit = F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Open a box for the then/else+branch *) F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Open a box for the then/else + space + opening parenthesis *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt 0; let then_or_else = if is_then then "then" else "else" in F.pp_print_string fmt then_or_else; let parenth = PureUtils.texpression_requires_parentheses meta e_branch in (* Open the parenthesized expression *) let print_space_after_parenth = if parenth then ( match !backend with | FStar -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "begin"; F.pp_print_space fmt | Coq | Lean | HOL4 -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "("; F.pp_print_cut fmt) else F.pp_print_space fmt in (* Close the box for the then/else + space + opening parenthesis *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); print_space_after_parenth (); (* Open a box for the branch *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Print the branch expression *) extract_texpression meta ctx fmt false e_branch; (* Close the box for the branch *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Close the parenthesized expression *) (if parenth then match !backend with | FStar -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "end" | Coq | Lean | HOL4 -> F.pp_print_string fmt ")"); (* Close the box for the then/else+branch *) F.pp_close_box fmt () in extract_branch true e_then; extract_branch false e_else | Match branches -> ( (* Open a box for the [match ... with] *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Print the [match ... with] *) let match_begin = match !backend with | FStar -> "begin match" | Coq -> "match" | Lean -> if ctx.use_dep_ite then "match h:" else "match" | HOL4 -> (* We're being extra safe in the case of HOL4 *) "(case" in F.pp_print_string fmt match_begin; F.pp_print_space fmt (); let scrut_inside = PureUtils.texpression_requires_parentheses meta scrut in extract_texpression meta ctx fmt scrut_inside scrut; F.pp_print_space fmt (); let match_scrut_end = match !backend with FStar | Coq | Lean -> "with" | HOL4 -> "of" in F.pp_print_string fmt match_scrut_end; (* Close the box for the [match ... with] *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Extract the branches *) let extract_branch (br : match_branch) : unit = F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Open a box for the pattern+branch *) F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Open a box for the pattern *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Print the pattern *) F.pp_print_string fmt "|"; F.pp_print_space fmt (); let ctx = extract_typed_pattern meta ctx fmt false false br.pat in F.pp_print_space fmt (); let arrow = match !backend with FStar -> "->" | Coq | Lean | HOL4 -> "=>" in F.pp_print_string fmt arrow; (* Close the box for the pattern *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Open a box for the branch *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Print the branch itself *) extract_texpression meta ctx fmt false br.branch; (* Close the box for the branch *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Close the box for the pattern+branch *) F.pp_close_box fmt () in List.iter extract_branch branches; (* End the match *) match !backend with | Lean -> (*We rely on indentation in Lean *) () | FStar | Coq -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "end" | HOL4 -> F.pp_print_string fmt ")")); (* Close the box for the whole expression *) F.pp_close_box fmt () and extract_StructUpdate (meta : Meta.meta) (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (inside : bool) (e_ty : ty) (supd : struct_update) : unit = (* We can't update a subset of the fields in Coq (i.e., we can do [{| x:= 3; y := 4 |}], but there is no syntax for [{| s with x := 3 |}]) *) sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (!backend <> Coq || supd.init = None) meta; (* In the case of HOL4, records with no fields are not supported and are thus extracted to unit. We need to check that by looking up the definition *) let extract_as_unit = match (!backend, supd.struct_id) with | HOL4, TAdtId adt_id -> let d = TypeDeclId.Map.find adt_id ctx.trans_ctx.type_ctx.type_decls in d.kind = Struct [] | _ -> false in if extract_as_unit then (* Remark: this is only valid for HOL4 (for instance the Coq unit value is [tt]) *) F.pp_print_string fmt "()" else (* There are two cases: - this is a regular struct - this is an array *) match supd.struct_id with | TAdtId _ -> F.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0; F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Inner/outer brackets: there are several syntaxes for the field updates. For instance, in F*: {[ { x with f = ..., ... } ]} In HOL4: {[ x with <| f = ..., ... |> ]} In the above examples: - in F*, the { } brackets are "outer" brackets - in HOL4, the <| |> brackets are "inner" brackets *) (* Outer brackets *) let olb, orb = match !backend with | Lean | FStar -> (Some "{", Some "}") | Coq -> (Some "{|", Some "|}") | HOL4 -> (None, None) in (* Inner brackets *) let ilb, irb = match !backend with | Lean | FStar | Coq -> (None, None) | HOL4 -> (Some "<|", Some "|>") in (* Helper *) let print_bracket (is_left : bool) b = match b with | Some b -> if not is_left then F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt b; if is_left then F.pp_print_space fmt () | None -> () in print_bracket true olb; let need_paren = inside && !backend = HOL4 in if need_paren then F.pp_print_string fmt "("; F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; if supd.init <> None then ( let var_name = ctx_get_var meta (Option.get supd.init) ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt var_name; F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "with"; F.pp_print_space fmt ()); print_bracket true ilb; F.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0; let delimiter = match !backend with Lean -> "," | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> ";" in let assign = match !backend with Coq | Lean | HOL4 -> ":=" | FStar -> "=" in Collections.List.iter_link (fun () -> F.pp_print_string fmt delimiter; F.pp_print_space fmt ()) (fun (fid, fe) -> F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; let f = ctx_get_field meta supd.struct_id fid ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt f; F.pp_print_string fmt (" " ^ assign); F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; extract_texpression meta ctx fmt true fe; F.pp_close_box fmt (); F.pp_close_box fmt ()) supd.updates; F.pp_close_box fmt (); print_bracket false irb; F.pp_close_box fmt (); F.pp_close_box fmt (); if need_paren then F.pp_print_string fmt ")"; print_bracket false orb; F.pp_close_box fmt () | TAssumed TArray -> (* Open the boxes *) F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; let need_paren = inside in if need_paren then F.pp_print_string fmt "("; (* Open the box for `Array.replicate T N [` *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Print the array constructor *) let cs = ctx_get_struct meta (TAssumed TArray) ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt cs; (* Print the parameters *) let _, generics = ty_as_adt meta e_ty in let ty = Collections.List.to_cons_nil generics.types in F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_ty meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty true ty; let cg = Collections.List.to_cons_nil generics.const_generics in F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_const_generic meta ctx fmt true cg; F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "["; (* Close the box for `Array.mk T N [` *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Print the values *) let delimiter = match !backend with Lean -> "," | Coq | FStar | HOL4 -> ";" in F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_open_hovbox fmt 0; Collections.List.iter_link (fun () -> F.pp_print_string fmt delimiter; F.pp_print_space fmt ()) (fun (_, fe) -> extract_texpression meta ctx fmt false fe) supd.updates; (* Close the boxes *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); if supd.updates <> [] then F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "]"; if need_paren then F.pp_print_string fmt ")"; F.pp_close_box fmt () | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ meta "Unreachable" (** A small utility to print the parameters of a function signature. We return two contexts: - the context augmented with bindings for the generics - the context augmented with bindings for the generics *and* bindings for the input values We also return names for the type parameters, const generics, etc. TODO: do we really need the first one? We should probably always use the second one. It comes from the fact that when we print the input values for the decrease clause, we introduce bindings in the context (because we print patterns, not the variables). We should figure a cleaner way. *) let extract_fun_parameters (space : bool ref) (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (def : fun_decl) : extraction_ctx * extraction_ctx * string list = (* First, add the associated types and constants if the function is a method in a trait declaration. About the order: we want to make sure the names are reserved for those (variable names might collide with them but it is ok, we will add suffixes to the variables). TODO: micro-pass to update what happens when calling trait provided functions. *) let ctx, trait_decl = match def.kind with | TraitItemProvided (decl_id, _) -> let trait_decl = T.TraitDeclId.Map.find decl_id ctx.trans_trait_decls in let ctx, _ = ctx_add_trait_self_clause def.meta ctx in let ctx = { ctx with is_provided_method = true } in (ctx, Some trait_decl) | _ -> (ctx, None) in (* Add the type parameters - note that we need those bindings only for the * body translation (they are not top-level) *) let ctx, type_params, cg_params, trait_clauses = ctx_add_generic_params def.meta def.llbc_name def.signature.llbc_generics def.signature.generics ctx in (* Print the generics *) (* Open a box for the generics *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt 0; (let space = Some space in extract_generic_params def.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty ~space ~trait_decl def.signature.generics type_params cg_params trait_clauses); (* Close the box for the generics *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* The input parameters - note that doing this adds bindings to the context *) let ctx_body = match def.body with | None -> ctx | Some body -> List.fold_left (fun ctx (lv : typed_pattern) -> insert_req_space fmt space; (* Open a box for the input parameter *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt 0; F.pp_print_string fmt "("; let ctx = extract_typed_pattern def.meta ctx fmt true false lv in F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt ":"; F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_ty def.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty false lv.ty; F.pp_print_string fmt ")"; (* Close the box for the input parameters *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); ctx) ctx body.inputs_lvs in (ctx, ctx_body, List.concat [ type_params; cg_params; trait_clauses ]) (** A small utility to print the types of the input parameters in the form: [u32 -> list u32 -> ...] (we don't print the return type of the function) This is used for opaque function declarations, in particular. *) let extract_fun_input_parameters_types (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (def : fun_decl) : unit = let extract_param (ty : ty) : unit = let inside = false in extract_ty def.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty inside ty; F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_arrow fmt (); F.pp_print_space fmt () in List.iter extract_param def.signature.inputs let extract_fun_inputs_output_parameters_types (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (def : fun_decl) : unit = extract_fun_input_parameters_types ctx fmt def; extract_ty def.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty false def.signature.output let assert_backend_supports_decreases_clauses (meta : Meta.meta) = match !backend with | FStar | Lean -> () | _ -> craise __FILE__ __LINE__ meta "Decreases clauses are only supported for the Lean and F* backends" (** Extract a decreases clause function template body. For F* only. In order to help the user, we can generate a template for the functions required by the decreases clauses for. We simply generate definitions of the following form in a separate file: {[ let f_decrease (t : Type0) (x : t) : nat = admit() ]} Where the translated functions for [f] look like this: {[ let f_fwd (t : Type0) (x : t) : Tot ... (decreases (f_decrease t x)) = ... ]} *) let extract_template_fstar_decreases_clause (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (def : fun_decl) : unit = cassert __FILE__ __LINE__ (!backend = FStar) def.meta "The generation of template decrease clauses is only supported for the F* \ backend"; (* Retrieve the function name *) let def_name = ctx_get_termination_measure def.meta def.def_id def.loop_id ctx in (* Add a break before *) F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0; (* Print a comment to link the extracted type to its original rust definition *) (let name = if !Config.extract_external_name_patterns && not def.is_local then Some def.llbc_name else None in extract_comment_with_span ctx fmt [ "[" ^ name_to_string ctx def.llbc_name ^ "]: decreases clause" ] name def.meta.span); F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Open a box for the definition, so that whenever possible it gets printed on * one line *) F.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0; (* Add the [unfold] keyword *) F.pp_print_string fmt "unfold"; F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Open a box for "let FUN_NAME (PARAMS) : EFFECT = admit()" *) F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Open a box for "let FUN_NAME (PARAMS) : EFFECT =" *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* > "let FUN_NAME" *) F.pp_print_string fmt ("let " ^ def_name); F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Extract the parameters *) let space = ref true in let _, _, _ = extract_fun_parameters space ctx fmt def in insert_req_space fmt space; F.pp_print_string fmt ":"; (* Print the signature *) F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "nat"; (* Print the "=" *) F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "="; (* Close the box for "let FUN_NAME (PARAMS) : EFFECT =" *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Print the "admit ()" *) F.pp_print_string fmt "admit ()"; (* Close the box for "let FUN_NAME (PARAMS) : EFFECT = admit()" *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Close the box for the whole definition *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Add breaks to insert new lines between definitions *) F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0 (** Extract templates for the [termination_by] and [decreasing_by] clauses of a recursive function definition. For Lean only. We extract two commands. The first one is a regular definition for the termination measure (the value derived from the function arguments that decreases over function calls). The second one is a macro definition that defines a proof script (allowed to refer to function arguments) that proves termination. *) let extract_template_lean_termination_and_decreasing (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (def : fun_decl) : unit = cassert __FILE__ __LINE__ (!backend = Lean) def.meta "The generation of template termination and decreasing clauses is only \ supported for the Lean backend"; (* * Extract a template for the termination measure *) (* Retrieve the function name *) let def_name = ctx_get_termination_measure def.meta def.def_id def.loop_id ctx in let def_body = Option.get def.body in (* Add a break before *) F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0; (* Print a comment to link the extracted type to its original rust definition *) extract_comment_with_span ctx fmt [ "[" ^ name_to_string ctx def.llbc_name ^ "]: termination measure" ] None def.meta.span; F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Open a box for the definition, so that whenever possible it gets printed on * one line *) F.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0; (* Add the [unfold] keyword *) F.pp_print_string fmt "@[simp]"; F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Open a box for "let FUN_NAME (PARAMS) : EFFECT = admit()" *) F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Open a box for "let FUN_NAME (PARAMS) : EFFECT =" *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* > "let FUN_NAME" *) F.pp_print_string fmt ("def " ^ def_name); F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Extract the parameters *) let space = ref true in let _, ctx_body, _ = extract_fun_parameters space ctx fmt def in (* Print the ":=" *) F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt ":="; (* Close the box for "let FUN_NAME (PARAMS) : EFFECT =" *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Tuple of the arguments *) let vars = List.map (fun (v : var) -> v.id) def_body.inputs in if List.length vars = 1 then F.pp_print_string fmt (ctx_get_var def.meta (List.hd vars) ctx_body) else ( F.pp_open_hovbox fmt 0; F.pp_print_string fmt "("; Collections.List.iter_link (fun () -> F.pp_print_string fmt ","; F.pp_print_space fmt ()) (fun v -> F.pp_print_string fmt (ctx_get_var def.meta v ctx_body)) vars; F.pp_print_string fmt ")"; F.pp_close_box fmt ()); (* Close the box for "let FUN_NAME (PARAMS) : EFFECT = admit()" *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Close the box for the whole definition *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Add breaks to insert new lines between definitions *) F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0; (* * Extract a template for the decreases proof *) let def_name = ctx_get_decreases_proof def.meta def.def_id def.loop_id ctx in (* syntax term ... term : tactic *) F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0; extract_comment_with_span ctx fmt [ "[" ^ name_to_string ctx def.llbc_name ^ "]: decreases_by tactic" ] None def.meta.span; F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0; F.pp_print_string fmt "syntax \""; F.pp_print_string fmt def_name; F.pp_print_string fmt "\" term+ : tactic"; F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0; (* macro_rules | `(tactic| fact_termination_proof $x) => `(tactic| ( *) F.pp_print_string fmt "macro_rules"; F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; F.pp_open_hovbox fmt 0; F.pp_print_string fmt "| `(tactic| "; F.pp_print_string fmt def_name; List.iter (fun v -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "$"; F.pp_print_string fmt (ctx_get_var def.meta v ctx_body)) vars; F.pp_print_string fmt ") =>"; F.pp_close_box fmt (); F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; F.pp_print_string fmt "`(tactic| sorry)"; F.pp_close_box fmt (); F.pp_close_box fmt (); F.pp_close_box fmt (); F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0 let extract_fun_comment (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (def : fun_decl) : unit = let comment_pre = "[" ^ name_to_string ctx def.llbc_name ^ "]:" in let comment = let loop_comment = match def.loop_id with | None -> "" | Some id -> " loop " ^ LoopId.to_string id ^ ":" in [ comment_pre ^ loop_comment ] in let name = if !Config.extract_external_name_patterns && not def.is_local then Some def.llbc_name else None in extract_comment_with_span ctx fmt comment name def.meta.span (** Extract a function declaration. This function is for all function declarations and all backends **at the exception** of opaque (assumed/declared) functions for HOL4. See {!extract_fun_decl}. *) let extract_fun_decl_gen (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (kind : decl_kind) (has_decreases_clause : bool) (def : fun_decl) : unit = sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (not def.is_global_decl_body) def.meta; (* Retrieve the function name *) let def_name = ctx_get_local_function def.meta def.def_id def.loop_id ctx in (* Add a break before *) if !backend <> HOL4 || not (decl_is_first_from_group kind) then F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0; (* Print a comment to link the extracted definition to its original rust definition *) extract_fun_comment ctx fmt def; F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Open two boxes for the definition, so that whenever possible it gets printed on * one line and indents are correct *) F.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0; F.pp_open_vbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* For HOL4: we may need to put parentheses around the definition *) let parenthesize = !backend = HOL4 && decl_is_not_last_from_group kind in if parenthesize then F.pp_print_string fmt "("; (* Open a box for "let FUN_NAME (PARAMS) : EFFECT =" *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* > "let FUN_NAME" *) let is_opaque = Option.is_none def.body in (* If in Coq and the declaration is opaque, it must have the shape: [Axiom Ident : forall (T0 ... Tn : Type), ... -> ... -> ...]. The boolean [is_opaque_coq] is used to detect this case. *) let is_opaque_coq = !backend = Coq && is_opaque in let use_forall = is_opaque_coq && def.signature.generics <> empty_generic_params in (* Print the qualifier ("assume", etc.). *) let qualif = fun_decl_kind_to_qualif kind in (match qualif with | Some qualif -> F.pp_print_string fmt qualif; F.pp_print_space fmt () | None -> ()); F.pp_print_string fmt def_name; F.pp_print_space fmt (); if use_forall then ( F.pp_print_string fmt ":"; F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "forall"); (* Open a box for "(PARAMS) : EFFECT =" *) F.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0; (* Open a box for "(PARAMS) :" *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt 0; let space = ref true in let ctx, ctx_body, all_params = extract_fun_parameters space ctx fmt def in (* Print the return type - note that we have to be careful when * printing the input values for the decrease clause, because * it introduces bindings in the context... We thus "forget" * the bindings we introduced above. * TODO: figure out a cleaner way *) let _ = if use_forall then F.pp_print_string fmt "," else ( insert_req_space fmt space; F.pp_print_string fmt ":"); (* Close the box for "(PARAMS) :" *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Open a box for the EFFECT *) F.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0; (* Open a box for the return type *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Print the return type *) (* For opaque definitions, as we don't have named parameters under the hand, * we don't print parameters in the form [(x : a) (y : b) ...] above, * but wait until here to print the types: [a -> b -> ...]. *) if is_opaque then extract_fun_input_parameters_types ctx fmt def; (* [Tot] *) if has_decreases_clause then ( assert_backend_supports_decreases_clauses def.meta; if !backend = FStar then ( F.pp_print_string fmt "Tot"; F.pp_print_space fmt ())); extract_ty def.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty has_decreases_clause def.signature.output; (* Close the box for the return type *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Print the decrease clause - rk.: a function with a decreases clause * is necessarily a transparent function *) if has_decreases_clause && !backend = FStar then ( assert_backend_supports_decreases_clauses def.meta; F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Open a box for the decreases clause *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* *) F.pp_print_string fmt "(decreases ("; F.pp_print_cut fmt (); (* Open a box for the decreases term *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* The name of the decrease clause *) let decr_name = ctx_get_termination_measure def.meta def.def_id def.loop_id ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt decr_name; (* Print the generic parameters - TODO: we do this many times, we should have a helper to factor it out *) List.iter (fun (name : string) -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt name) all_params; (* Print the input values: we have to be careful here to print * only the input values which are in common with the *forward* * function (the additional input values "given back" to the * backward functions have no influence on termination: we thus * share the decrease clauses between the forward and the backward * functions - we also ignore the additional state received by the * backward function, if there is one). *) let inputs_lvs = let all_inputs = (Option.get def.body).inputs_lvs in let num_fwd_inputs = def.signature.fwd_info.fwd_info.num_inputs_with_fuel_with_state in Collections.List.prefix num_fwd_inputs all_inputs in (* TODO: we should probably print the input variables, not the typed patterns *) let _ = List.fold_left (fun ctx (lv : typed_pattern) -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); let ctx = extract_typed_pattern def.meta ctx fmt true false lv in ctx) ctx inputs_lvs in F.pp_print_string fmt "))"; (* Close the box for the decreases term *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Close the box for the decreases clause *) F.pp_close_box fmt ()); (* Close the box for the EFFECT *) F.pp_close_box fmt () in (* Print the "=" *) if not is_opaque then ( F.pp_print_space fmt (); let eq = match !backend with FStar | HOL4 -> "=" | Coq | Lean -> ":=" in F.pp_print_string fmt eq); (* Close the box for "(PARAMS) : EFFECT =" *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Close the box for "let FUN_NAME (PARAMS) : EFFECT =" *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); if not is_opaque then ( F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Open a box for the body *) F.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0; (* Extract the body *) let _ = extract_texpression def.meta ctx_body fmt false (Option.get def.body).body in (* Close the box for the body *) F.pp_close_box fmt ()); (* Close the inner box for the definition *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Termination clause and proof for Lean *) if has_decreases_clause && !backend = Lean then ( let def_body = Option.get def.body in let all_vars = List.map (fun (v : var) -> v.id) def_body.inputs in let num_fwd_inputs = def.signature.fwd_info.fwd_info.num_inputs_with_fuel_with_state in let vars = Collections.List.prefix num_fwd_inputs all_vars in (* termination_by *) let terminates_name = ctx_get_termination_measure def.meta def.def_id def.loop_id ctx in F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0; (* Open a box for the whole [termination_by CALL => DECREASES] *) F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Open a box for {termination_by CALL =>} *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; F.pp_print_string fmt "termination_by"; F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt def_name; List.iter (fun v -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt (ctx_get_var def.meta v ctx_body)) all_vars; F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "=>"; (* Close the box for [termination_by CALL =>] *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Open the box for [DECREASES] *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; F.pp_print_string fmt terminates_name; (* Print the generic params - TODO: factor out *) List.iter (fun (name : string) -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt name) all_params; (* Print the variables *) List.iter (fun v -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt (ctx_get_var def.meta v ctx_body)) vars; (* Close the box for [DECREASES] *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Close the box for the whole [termination_by CALL => DECREASES] *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0; (* Open a box for the [decreasing by ...] *) F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; let decreases_name = ctx_get_decreases_proof def.meta def.def_id def.loop_id ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt "decreasing_by"; F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; F.pp_print_string fmt decreases_name; List.iter (fun v -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt (ctx_get_var def.meta v ctx_body)) vars; F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Close the box for the [decreasing by ...] *) F.pp_close_box fmt ()); (* Close the parentheses *) if parenthesize then F.pp_print_string fmt ")"; (* Add the definition end delimiter *) if !backend = HOL4 && decl_is_not_last_from_group kind then ( F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "/\\") else if !backend = Coq && decl_is_last_from_group kind then ( (* This is actually an end of group delimiter. For aesthetic reasons we print it here instead of in {!end_fun_decl_group}. *) F.pp_print_cut fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "."); (* Close the outer box for the definition *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Add breaks to insert new lines between definitions *) if !backend <> HOL4 || decl_is_not_last_from_group kind then F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0 (** Extract an opaque function declaration to HOL4. Remark (SH): having to treat this specific case separately is very annoying, but I could not find a better way. *) let extract_fun_decl_hol4_opaque (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (def : fun_decl) : unit = (* Retrieve the definition name *) let def_name = ctx_get_local_function def.meta def.def_id def.loop_id ctx in cassert __FILE__ __LINE__ (def.signature.generics.const_generics = []) def.meta "Constant generics are not supported yet when generating code for HOL4"; (* Add the type/const gen parameters - note that we need those bindings only for the generation of the type (they are not top-level) *) let ctx, _, _, _ = ctx_add_generic_params def.meta def.llbc_name def.signature.llbc_generics def.signature.generics ctx in (* Add breaks to insert new lines between definitions *) F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0; (* Open a box for the whole definition *) F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Print a comment to link the extracted definition to its original rust definition *) extract_fun_comment ctx fmt def; (* Generate: `val _ = new_constant ("...",` *) F.pp_print_string fmt ("val _ = new_constant (\"" ^ def_name ^ "\","); F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Open a box for the type *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt 0; F.pp_print_string fmt "“:"; (* Generate the type *) extract_fun_input_parameters_types ctx fmt def; extract_ty def.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty false def.signature.output; (* Close the box for the type *) F.pp_print_string fmt "”"; F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Close the parenthesis opened for the inputs of `new_constant` *) F.pp_print_string fmt ")"; (* Close the box for the definition *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Add breaks to insert new lines between definitions *) F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0 (** Extract a function declaration. Note that all the names used for extraction should already have been registered. We take the definition of the forward translation as parameter (which is equal to the definition to extract, if we extract a forward function) because it is useful for the decrease clause. This function should be inserted between calls to {!start_fun_decl_group} and {!end_fun_decl_group}. *) let extract_fun_decl (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (kind : decl_kind) (has_decreases_clause : bool) (def : fun_decl) : unit = sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (not def.is_global_decl_body) def.meta; (* We treat HOL4 opaque functions in a specific manner *) if !backend = HOL4 && Option.is_none def.body then extract_fun_decl_hol4_opaque ctx fmt def else extract_fun_decl_gen ctx fmt kind has_decreases_clause def (** Extract a global declaration body of the shape "QUALIF NAME : TYPE = BODY" with a custom body extractor. We introduce this helper because every (non opaque) global declaration gets extracted to two declarations, and we can actually factor out the generation of those declarations. See {!extract_global_decl} for more explanations. *) let extract_global_decl_body_gen (meta : Meta.meta) (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (kind : decl_kind) (name : string) (generics : generic_params) (type_params : string list) (cg_params : string list) (trait_clauses : string list) (ty : ty) (extract_body : (F.formatter -> unit) Option.t) : unit = let is_opaque = Option.is_none extract_body in (* HOL4: Definition wrapper *) if !backend = HOL4 then ( (* Open a vertical box: we *must* break lines *) F.pp_open_vbox fmt 0; F.pp_print_string fmt ("Definition " ^ name ^ "_def:"); F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_open_vbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; F.pp_print_string fmt (String.make ctx.indent_incr ' ')); (* Open the definition boxes (depth=0) *) F.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0; F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Open "QUALIF NAME PARAMS : TYPE =" box (depth=1) *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Print "QUALIF NAME PARAMS " *) (match fun_decl_kind_to_qualif kind with | Some qualif -> F.pp_print_string fmt qualif; F.pp_print_space fmt () | None -> ()); F.pp_print_string fmt name; F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Extract the generic parameters *) let space = ref true in extract_generic_params meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty ~space:(Some space) generics type_params cg_params trait_clauses; if not !space then F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Open ": TYPE =" box (depth=2) *) F.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0; (* Print ": " *) F.pp_print_string fmt ":"; F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Open "TYPE" box (depth=3) *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Print "TYPE" *) extract_ty meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty false ty; (* Close "TYPE" box (depth=3) *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); if not is_opaque then ( (* Print " =" *) F.pp_print_space fmt (); let eq = match !backend with FStar | HOL4 -> "=" | Coq | Lean -> ":=" in F.pp_print_string fmt eq); (* Close ": TYPE =" box (depth=2) *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Close "QUALIF NAME : TYPE =" box (depth=1) *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); if not is_opaque then ( F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Open "BODY" box (depth=1) *) F.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0; (* Print "BODY" *) (Option.get extract_body) fmt; (* Close "BODY" box (depth=1) *) F.pp_close_box fmt ()); (* Close the inner definition box (depth=0) *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Coq: add a "." *) if !backend = Coq then ( F.pp_print_cut fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "."); (* Close the outer definition box (depth=0) *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* HOL4: Definition wrapper *) if !backend = HOL4 then ( F.pp_close_box fmt (); F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "End"; F.pp_close_box fmt ()) (** Extract an opaque global declaration for HOL4. Remark (SH): having to treat this specific case separately is very annoying, but I could not find a better way. *) let extract_global_decl_hol4_opaque (meta : Meta.meta) (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (name : string) (generics : generic_params) (ty : ty) : unit = (* TODO: non-empty generics *) assert (generics = empty_generic_params); (* Open the definition boxe (depth=0) *) F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* [val ..._def = new_constant ("...",] *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt 0; F.pp_print_string fmt ("val " ^ name ^ "_def = new_constant (\"" ^ name ^ "\", "); F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Print the type *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt 0; extract_ty meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty false ty; (* Close the definition *) F.pp_print_string fmt ")"; F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Close the definition box *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Add a line *) F.pp_print_space fmt () (** Extract a global declaration. We generate the body which *computes* the global value separately from the value declaration itself. For example in Rust, [static X: u32 = 3;] will be translated to the following F*: [let x_body : result u32 = Return 3] (* this has type [result u32] *) [let x_c : u32 = eval_global x_body] (* this has type [u32] (no [result]!) *) This function generates the two declarations. Remark: because global declaration groups are always singletons (i.e., there are no groups of mutually recursive global declarations), this function doesn't need to be called between calls to functions of the shape [{start,end}_gloabl_decl_group], contrary to {!extract_type_decl} and {!extract_fun_decl}. *) let extract_global_decl_aux (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (global : global_decl) (body : fun_decl) (interface : bool) : unit = let meta = body.meta in sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ body.is_global_decl_body meta; sanity_check __FILE__ __LINE__ (body.signature.inputs = []) meta; (* Add a break then the name of the corresponding LLBC declaration *) F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0; let name = if !Config.extract_external_name_patterns && not global.is_local then Some global.llbc_name else None in extract_comment_with_span ctx fmt [ "[" ^ name_to_string ctx global.llbc_name ^ "]" ] name global.meta.span; F.pp_print_space fmt (); let decl_name = ctx_get_global meta global.def_id ctx in let body_name = ctx_get_function meta (FromLlbc (Pure.FunId (FRegular global.body_id), None)) ctx in let decl_ty, body_ty = let ty = body.signature.output in if body.signature.fwd_info.effect_info.can_fail then (unwrap_result_ty meta ty, ty) else (ty, mk_result_ty ty) in (* Add the type parameters *) let ctx, type_params, cg_params, trait_clauses = ctx_add_generic_params meta global.llbc_name global.llbc_generics global.generics ctx in match body.body with | None -> (* No body: only generate a [val x_c : u32] declaration *) let kind = if interface then Declared else Assumed in if !backend = HOL4 then extract_global_decl_hol4_opaque meta ctx fmt decl_name global.generics decl_ty else extract_global_decl_body_gen meta ctx fmt kind decl_name global.generics type_params cg_params trait_clauses decl_ty None | Some body -> (* There is a body *) (* Generate: [let x_body : result u32 = Return 3] *) extract_global_decl_body_gen meta ctx fmt SingleNonRec body_name global.generics type_params cg_params trait_clauses body_ty (Some (fun fmt -> extract_texpression meta ctx fmt false body.body)); F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0; (* Generate: [let x_c : u32 = eval_global x_body] *) extract_global_decl_body_gen meta ctx fmt SingleNonRec decl_name global.generics type_params cg_params trait_clauses decl_ty (Some (fun fmt -> let all_params = List.concat [ type_params; cg_params; trait_clauses ] in let extract_params () = List.iter (fun p -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt p) all_params in let use_brackets = all_params <> [] in (* Extract the name *) let before, after = match !backend with | FStar | Lean -> ( (fun () -> F.pp_print_string fmt "eval_global"; F.pp_print_space fmt ()), fun () -> () ) | Coq -> ((fun () -> ()), fun () -> F.pp_print_string fmt "%global") | HOL4 -> ( (fun () -> F.pp_print_string fmt "get_return_value"; F.pp_print_space fmt ()), fun () -> () ) in before (); if use_brackets then F.pp_print_string fmt "("; F.pp_print_string fmt body_name; (* Extract the generic params *) extract_params (); if use_brackets then F.pp_print_string fmt ")"; (* *) after ())); (* Add a break to insert lines between declarations *) F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0 let extract_global_decl (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (global : global_decl option) (body : fun_decl) (interface : bool) : unit = match global with | Some global -> extract_global_decl_aux ctx fmt global body interface | None -> () (** Similar to {!extract_trait_decl_register_names} *) let extract_trait_decl_register_parent_clause_names (ctx : extraction_ctx) (trait_decl : trait_decl) (builtin_info : ExtractBuiltin.builtin_trait_decl_info option) : extraction_ctx = (* Compute the clause names *) let clause_names = match builtin_info with | None -> List.map (fun (c : trait_clause) -> let name = ctx_compute_trait_parent_clause_name ctx trait_decl c in (* Add a prefix if necessary *) let name = if !Config.record_fields_short_names then name else ctx_compute_trait_decl_name ctx trait_decl ^ name in (c.clause_id, name)) trait_decl.parent_clauses | Some info -> List.map (fun (c, name) -> (c.clause_id, name)) (List.combine trait_decl.parent_clauses info.parent_clauses) in (* Register the names *) List.fold_left (fun ctx (cid, cname) -> ctx_add trait_decl.meta (TraitParentClauseId (trait_decl.def_id, cid)) cname ctx) ctx clause_names (** Similar to {!extract_trait_decl_register_names} *) let extract_trait_decl_register_constant_names (ctx : extraction_ctx) (trait_decl : trait_decl) (builtin_info : ExtractBuiltin.builtin_trait_decl_info option) : extraction_ctx = let consts = trait_decl.consts in (* Compute the names *) let constant_names = match builtin_info with | None -> List.map (fun (item_name, _) -> let name = ctx_compute_trait_const_name ctx trait_decl item_name in (* Add a prefix if necessary *) let name = if !Config.record_fields_short_names then name else ctx_compute_trait_decl_name ctx trait_decl ^ name in (item_name, name)) consts | Some info -> let const_map = StringMap.of_list info.consts in List.map (fun (item_name, _) -> (item_name, StringMap.find item_name const_map)) consts in (* Register the names *) List.fold_left (fun ctx (item_name, name) -> ctx_add trait_decl.meta (TraitItemId (trait_decl.def_id, item_name)) name ctx) ctx constant_names (** Similar to {!extract_trait_decl_register_names} *) let extract_trait_decl_type_names (ctx : extraction_ctx) (trait_decl : trait_decl) (builtin_info : ExtractBuiltin.builtin_trait_decl_info option) : extraction_ctx = let types = trait_decl.types in (* Compute the names *) let type_names = match builtin_info with | None -> let compute_type_name (item_name : string) : string = let type_name = ctx_compute_trait_type_name ctx trait_decl item_name in if !Config.record_fields_short_names then type_name else ctx_compute_trait_decl_name ctx trait_decl ^ type_name in let compute_clause_name (item_name : string) (clause : trait_clause) : TraitClauseId.id * string = let name = ctx_compute_trait_type_clause_name ctx trait_decl item_name clause in (* Add a prefix if necessary *) let name = if !Config.record_fields_short_names then name else ctx_compute_trait_decl_name ctx trait_decl ^ name in (clause.clause_id, name) in List.map (fun (item_name, (item_clauses, _)) -> (* Type name *) let type_name = compute_type_name item_name in (* Clause names *) let clauses = List.map (compute_clause_name item_name) item_clauses in (item_name, (type_name, clauses))) types | Some info -> let type_map = StringMap.of_list info.types in List.map (fun (item_name, (item_clauses, _)) -> let type_name, clauses_info = StringMap.find item_name type_map in let clauses = List.map (fun (clause, clause_name) -> (clause.clause_id, clause_name)) (List.combine item_clauses clauses_info) in (item_name, (type_name, clauses))) types in (* Register the names *) List.fold_left (fun ctx (item_name, (type_name, clauses)) -> let ctx = ctx_add trait_decl.meta (TraitItemId (trait_decl.def_id, item_name)) type_name ctx in List.fold_left (fun ctx (clause_id, clause_name) -> ctx_add trait_decl.meta (TraitItemClauseId (trait_decl.def_id, item_name, clause_id)) clause_name ctx) ctx clauses) ctx type_names (** Similar to {!extract_trait_decl_register_names} *) let extract_trait_decl_method_names (ctx : extraction_ctx) (trait_decl : trait_decl) (builtin_info : ExtractBuiltin.builtin_trait_decl_info option) : extraction_ctx = let required_methods = trait_decl.required_methods in (* Compute the names *) let method_names = match builtin_info with | None -> (* Not a builtin function *) let compute_item_name (item_name : string) (id : fun_decl_id) : string * string = let trans : pure_fun_translation = FunDeclId.Map.find id ctx.trans_funs in let f = trans.f in (* We do something special to reuse the [ctx_compute_fun_decl] function. TODO: make it cleaner. *) let llbc_name : Types.name = [ Types.PeIdent (item_name, Disambiguator.zero) ] in let f = { f with llbc_name } in let name = ctx_compute_fun_name f ctx in (* Add a prefix if necessary *) let name = if !Config.record_fields_short_names then name else ctx_compute_trait_decl_name ctx trait_decl ^ "_" ^ name in (item_name, name) in List.map (fun (name, id) -> compute_item_name name id) required_methods | Some info -> (* This is a builtin *) let funs_map = StringMap.of_list info.methods in List.map (fun (item_name, _) -> let open ExtractBuiltin in let info = StringMap.find item_name funs_map in let fun_name = info.extract_name in (item_name, fun_name)) required_methods in (* Register the names *) List.fold_left (fun ctx (item_name, fun_name) -> ctx_add trait_decl.meta (TraitMethodId (trait_decl.def_id, item_name)) fun_name ctx) ctx method_names (** Similar to {!extract_type_decl_register_names} *) let extract_trait_decl_register_names (ctx : extraction_ctx) (trait_decl : trait_decl) : extraction_ctx = (* Lookup the information if this is a builtin trait *) let open ExtractBuiltin in let builtin_info = match_name_find_opt ctx.trans_ctx trait_decl.llbc_name (builtin_trait_decls_map ()) in let ctx = let trait_name, trait_constructor = match builtin_info with | None -> ( ctx_compute_trait_decl_name ctx trait_decl, ctx_compute_trait_decl_constructor ctx trait_decl ) | Some info -> (info.extract_name, info.constructor) in let ctx = ctx_add trait_decl.meta (TraitDeclId trait_decl.def_id) trait_name ctx in ctx_add trait_decl.meta (TraitDeclConstructorId trait_decl.def_id) trait_constructor ctx in (* Parent clauses *) let ctx = extract_trait_decl_register_parent_clause_names ctx trait_decl builtin_info in (* Constants *) let ctx = extract_trait_decl_register_constant_names ctx trait_decl builtin_info in (* Types *) let ctx = extract_trait_decl_type_names ctx trait_decl builtin_info in (* Required methods *) let ctx = extract_trait_decl_method_names ctx trait_decl builtin_info in ctx (** Similar to {!extract_type_decl_register_names} *) let extract_trait_impl_register_names (ctx : extraction_ctx) (trait_impl : trait_impl) : extraction_ctx = let decl_id = trait_impl.impl_trait.trait_decl_id in let trait_decl = TraitDeclId.Map.find decl_id ctx.trans_trait_decls in (* Check if the trait implementation is builtin *) let builtin_info = let open ExtractBuiltin in (* Lookup the original Rust impl to retrieve the original trait ref (we use it to derive the name)*) let trait_impl = TraitImplId.Map.find trait_impl.def_id ctx.crate.trait_impls in let decl_ref = trait_impl.impl_trait in match_name_with_generics_find_opt ctx.trans_ctx trait_decl.llbc_name decl_ref.decl_generics (builtin_trait_impls_map ()) in (* Register some builtin information (if necessary) *) let ctx, builtin_info = match builtin_info with | None -> (ctx, None) | Some (filter, info) -> let ctx = match filter with | None -> ctx | Some filter -> { ctx with trait_impls_filter_type_args_map = TraitImplId.Map.add trait_impl.def_id filter ctx.trait_impls_filter_type_args_map; } in (ctx, Some info) in (* For now we do not support overriding provided methods *) cassert __FILE__ __LINE__ (trait_impl.provided_methods = []) trait_impl.meta ("Overriding trait provided methods in trait implementations is not \ supported yet (overriden methods: " ^ String.concat ", " (List.map fst trait_impl.provided_methods) ^ ")"); (* Everything is taken care of by {!extract_trait_decl_register_names} *but* the name of the implementation itself *) (* Compute the name *) let name = match builtin_info with | None -> ctx_compute_trait_impl_name ctx trait_decl trait_impl | Some name -> name in ctx_add trait_decl.meta (TraitImplId trait_impl.def_id) name ctx (** Small helper. The type `ty` is to be understood in a very general sense. *) let extract_trait_item (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (item_name : string) (separator : string) (ty : unit -> unit) : unit = F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; F.pp_print_string fmt item_name; F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* ":" or "=" *) F.pp_print_string fmt separator; ty (); (match !Config.backend with Lean -> () | _ -> F.pp_print_string fmt ";"); F.pp_close_box fmt () let extract_trait_decl_item (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (item_name : string) (ty : unit -> unit) : unit = extract_trait_item ctx fmt item_name ":" ty let extract_trait_impl_item (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (item_name : string) (ty : unit -> unit) : unit = let assign = match !Config.backend with Lean | Coq -> ":=" | _ -> "=" in extract_trait_item ctx fmt item_name assign ty (** Small helper - TODO: move *) let generic_params_drop_prefix ~(drop_trait_clauses : bool) (g1 : generic_params) (g2 : generic_params) : generic_params = let open Collections.List in let types = drop (length g1.types) g2.types in let const_generics = drop (length g1.const_generics) g2.const_generics in let trait_clauses = if drop_trait_clauses then drop (length g1.trait_clauses) g2.trait_clauses else g2.trait_clauses in { types; const_generics; trait_clauses } (** Small helper. Extract the items for a method in a trait decl. *) let extract_trait_decl_method_items (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (decl : trait_decl) (item_name : string) (id : fun_decl_id) : unit = (* Lookup the definition *) let trans = A.FunDeclId.Map.find id ctx.trans_funs in (* Extract the items *) let f = trans.f in let fun_name = ctx_get_trait_method decl.meta decl.def_id item_name ctx in let ty () = (* Extract the generics *) (* We need to add the generics specific to the method, by removing those which actually apply to the trait decl *) let generics = let drop_trait_clauses = false in generic_params_drop_prefix ~drop_trait_clauses decl.generics f.signature.generics in (* Note that we do not filter the LLBC generic parameters. This is ok because: - we only use them to find meaningful names for the trait clauses - we only generate trait clauses for the clauses we find in the pure generics *) let ctx, type_params, cg_params, trait_clauses = ctx_add_generic_params decl.meta f.llbc_name f.signature.llbc_generics generics ctx in let backend_uses_forall = match !backend with Coq | Lean -> true | FStar | HOL4 -> false in let generics_not_empty = generics <> empty_generic_params in let use_forall = generics_not_empty && backend_uses_forall in let use_arrows = generics_not_empty && not backend_uses_forall in let use_forall_use_sep = false in extract_generic_params decl.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty ~use_forall ~use_forall_use_sep ~use_arrows generics type_params cg_params trait_clauses; if use_forall then F.pp_print_string fmt ","; (* Extract the inputs and output *) F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_fun_inputs_output_parameters_types ctx fmt f in extract_trait_decl_item ctx fmt fun_name ty (** Extract a trait declaration *) let extract_trait_decl (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (decl : trait_decl) : unit = (* Retrieve the trait name *) let decl_name = ctx_get_trait_decl decl.meta decl.def_id ctx in (* Add a break before *) F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0; (* Print a comment to link the extracted type to its original rust definition *) (let name = if !Config.extract_external_name_patterns && not decl.is_local then Some decl.llbc_name else None in extract_comment_with_span ctx fmt [ "Trait declaration: [" ^ name_to_string ctx decl.llbc_name ^ "]" ] name decl.meta.span); F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0; (* Open two outer boxes for the definition, so that whenever possible it gets printed on one line and indents are correct. There is just an exception with Lean: in this backend, line breaks are important for the parsing, so we always open a vertical box. *) if !Config.backend = Lean then F.pp_open_vbox fmt ctx.indent_incr else ( F.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0; F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr); (* `struct Trait (....) =` *) (* Open the box for the name + generics *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; let qualif = Option.get (type_decl_kind_to_qualif decl.meta SingleNonRec (Some Struct)) in (* When checking if the trait declaration is empty: we ignore the provided methods, because for now they are extracted separately *) let is_empty = trait_decl_is_empty { decl with provided_methods = [] } in if !backend = FStar && not is_empty then ( F.pp_print_string fmt "noeq"; F.pp_print_space fmt ()); F.pp_print_string fmt qualif; F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt decl_name; (* Print the generics *) let generics = decl.generics in (* Add the type and const generic params - note that we need those bindings only for the * body translation (they are not top-level) *) let ctx, type_params, cg_params, trait_clauses = ctx_add_generic_params decl.meta decl.llbc_name decl.llbc_generics generics ctx in extract_generic_params decl.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty generics type_params cg_params trait_clauses; F.pp_print_space fmt (); if is_empty && !backend = FStar then ( F.pp_print_string fmt "= unit"; (* Outer box *) F.pp_close_box fmt ()) else if is_empty && !backend = Coq then ( (* Coq is not very good at infering constructors *) let cons = ctx_get_trait_constructor decl.meta decl.def_id ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt (":= " ^ cons ^ "{}."); (* Outer box *) F.pp_close_box fmt ()) else ( (match !backend with | Lean -> F.pp_print_string fmt "where" | FStar -> F.pp_print_string fmt "= {" | Coq -> let cons = ctx_get_trait_constructor decl.meta decl.def_id ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt (":= " ^ cons ^ " {") | _ -> F.pp_print_string fmt "{"); (* Close the box for the name + generics *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* * Extract the items *) (* The constants *) List.iter (fun (name, (ty, _)) -> let item_name = ctx_get_trait_const decl.meta decl.def_id name ctx in let ty () = let inside = false in F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_ty decl.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty inside ty in extract_trait_decl_item ctx fmt item_name ty) decl.consts; (* The types *) List.iter (fun (name, (clauses, _)) -> (* Extract the type *) let item_name = ctx_get_trait_type decl.meta decl.def_id name ctx in let ty () = F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt (type_keyword decl.meta) in extract_trait_decl_item ctx fmt item_name ty; (* Extract the clauses *) List.iter (fun clause -> let item_name = ctx_get_trait_item_clause decl.meta decl.def_id name clause.clause_id ctx in let ty () = F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_trait_clause_type decl.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty clause in extract_trait_decl_item ctx fmt item_name ty) clauses) decl.types; (* The parent clauses - note that the parent clauses may refer to the types and const generics: for this reason we extract them *after* *) List.iter (fun clause -> let item_name = ctx_get_trait_parent_clause decl.meta decl.def_id clause.clause_id ctx in let ty () = F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_trait_clause_type decl.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty clause in extract_trait_decl_item ctx fmt item_name ty) decl.parent_clauses; (* The required methods *) List.iter (fun (name, id) -> extract_trait_decl_method_items ctx fmt decl name id) decl.required_methods; (* Close the outer boxes for the definition *) if !Config.backend <> Lean then F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Close the brackets *) match !Config.backend with | Lean -> () | Coq -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "}." | _ -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "}"); F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Add breaks to insert new lines between definitions *) F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0 (** Generate the [Arguments] instructions for the trait declarationsin Coq, so that we don't have to provide the implicit arguments when projecting the fields. *) let extract_trait_decl_coq_arguments (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (decl : trait_decl) : unit = (* Generating the [Arguments] instructions is useful only if there are parameters *) let num_params = List.length decl.generics.types + List.length decl.generics.const_generics + List.length decl.generics.trait_clauses in if num_params > 0 then ( (* The constructor *) let cons_name = ctx_get_trait_constructor decl.meta decl.def_id ctx in extract_coq_arguments_instruction ctx fmt cons_name num_params; (* The constants *) List.iter (fun (name, _) -> let item_name = ctx_get_trait_const decl.meta decl.def_id name ctx in extract_coq_arguments_instruction ctx fmt item_name num_params) decl.consts; (* The types *) List.iter (fun (name, (clauses, _)) -> (* The type *) let item_name = ctx_get_trait_type decl.meta decl.def_id name ctx in extract_coq_arguments_instruction ctx fmt item_name num_params; (* The type clauses *) List.iter (fun clause -> let item_name = ctx_get_trait_item_clause decl.meta decl.def_id name clause.clause_id ctx in extract_coq_arguments_instruction ctx fmt item_name num_params) clauses) decl.types; (* The parent clauses *) List.iter (fun clause -> let item_name = ctx_get_trait_parent_clause decl.meta decl.def_id clause.clause_id ctx in extract_coq_arguments_instruction ctx fmt item_name num_params) decl.parent_clauses; (* The required methods *) List.iter (fun (item_name, _) -> (* Extract the items *) let item_name = ctx_get_trait_method decl.meta decl.def_id item_name ctx in extract_coq_arguments_instruction ctx fmt item_name num_params) decl.required_methods; (* Add a space *) F.pp_print_space fmt ()) (** See {!extract_trait_decl_coq_arguments} *) let extract_trait_decl_extra_info (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (trait_decl : trait_decl) : unit = match !backend with | Coq -> extract_trait_decl_coq_arguments ctx fmt trait_decl | _ -> () (** Small helper. Extract the items for a method in a trait impl. *) let extract_trait_impl_method_items (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (impl : trait_impl) (item_name : string) (id : fun_decl_id) (impl_generics : string list * string list * string list) : unit = let trait_decl_id = impl.impl_trait.trait_decl_id in (* Lookup the definition *) let trans = A.FunDeclId.Map.find id ctx.trans_funs in (* Extract the items *) let f = trans.f in let fun_name = ctx_get_trait_method impl.meta trait_decl_id item_name ctx in let ty () = (* Filter the generics if the method is a builtin *) let i_tys, _, _ = impl_generics in let impl_types, i_tys, f_tys = match FunDeclId.Map.find_opt f.def_id ctx.funs_filter_type_args_map with | None -> (impl.generics.types, i_tys, f.signature.generics.types) | Some filter -> let filter_list filter ls = let ls = List.combine filter ls in List.filter_map (fun (b, ty) -> if b then Some ty else None) ls in let impl_types = impl.generics.types in let impl_filter = Collections.List.prefix (List.length impl_types) filter in let i_tys = i_tys in let i_filter = Collections.List.prefix (List.length i_tys) filter in ( filter_list impl_filter impl_types, filter_list i_filter i_tys, filter_list filter f.signature.generics.types ) in let f_generics = { f.signature.generics with types = f_tys } in (* Extract the generics - we need to quantify over the generics which are specific to the method, and call it will all the generics (trait impl + method generics) *) let f_generics = let drop_trait_clauses = true in generic_params_drop_prefix ~drop_trait_clauses { impl.generics with types = impl_types } f_generics in (* Register and print the quantified generics. Note that we do not filter the LLBC generic parameters. This is ok because: - we only use them to find meaningful names for the trait clauses - we only generate trait clauses for the clauses we find in the pure generics *) let ctx, f_tys, f_cgs, f_tcs = ctx_add_generic_params impl.meta f.llbc_name f.signature.llbc_generics f_generics ctx in let use_forall = f_generics <> empty_generic_params in extract_generic_params impl.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty ~use_forall f_generics f_tys f_cgs f_tcs; if use_forall then F.pp_print_string fmt ","; (* Extract the function call *) F.pp_print_space fmt (); let fun_name = ctx_get_local_function impl.meta f.def_id None ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt fun_name; let all_generics = let _, i_cgs, i_tcs = impl_generics in List.concat [ i_tys; f_tys; i_cgs; f_cgs; i_tcs; f_tcs ] in (* Filter the generics if the function is builtin *) List.iter (fun p -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt p) all_generics in extract_trait_impl_item ctx fmt fun_name ty (** Extract a trait implementation *) let extract_trait_impl (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (impl : trait_impl) : unit = log#ldebug (lazy ("extract_trait_impl: " ^ name_to_string ctx impl.llbc_name)); (* Retrieve the impl name *) let impl_name = ctx_get_trait_impl impl.meta impl.def_id ctx in (* Add a break before *) F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0; (* Print a comment to link the extracted type to its original rust definition *) (let name = if !Config.extract_external_name_patterns && not impl.is_local then Some impl.llbc_name else None in extract_comment_with_span ctx fmt [ "Trait implementation: [" ^ name_to_string ctx impl.llbc_name ^ "]" ] name impl.meta.span); F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0; (* Open two outer boxes for the definition, so that whenever possible it gets printed on one line and indents are correct. There is just an exception with Lean: in this backend, line breaks are important for the parsing, so we always open a vertical box. *) if !Config.backend = Lean then ( F.pp_open_vbox fmt 0; F.pp_open_vbox fmt ctx.indent_incr) else ( F.pp_open_hvbox fmt 0; F.pp_open_hvbox fmt ctx.indent_incr); (* `let (....) : Trait ... =` *) (* Open the box for the name + generics *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (match fun_decl_kind_to_qualif SingleNonRec with | Some qualif -> F.pp_print_string fmt qualif; F.pp_print_space fmt () | None -> ()); F.pp_print_string fmt impl_name; (* Print the generics *) (* Add the type and const generic params - note that we need those bindings only for the * body translation (they are not top-level) *) let ctx, type_params, cg_params, trait_clauses = ctx_add_generic_params impl.meta impl.llbc_name impl.llbc_generics impl.generics ctx in let all_generics = (type_params, cg_params, trait_clauses) in extract_generic_params impl.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty impl.generics type_params cg_params trait_clauses; (* Print the type *) F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt ":"; F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_trait_decl_ref impl.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty false impl.impl_trait; (* When checking if the trait impl is empty: we ignore the provided methods, because for now they are extracted separately *) let is_empty = trait_impl_is_empty { impl with provided_methods = [] } in F.pp_print_space fmt (); if is_empty && !Config.backend = FStar then ( F.pp_print_string fmt "= ()"; (* Outer box *) F.pp_close_box fmt ()) else if is_empty && !Config.backend = Coq then ( (* Coq is not very good at infering constructors *) let cons = ctx_get_trait_constructor impl.meta impl.impl_trait.trait_decl_id ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt (":= " ^ cons ^ "."); (* Outer box *) F.pp_close_box fmt ()) else ( if !Config.backend = Lean then F.pp_print_string fmt ":= {" else if !Config.backend = Coq then F.pp_print_string fmt ":= {|" else F.pp_print_string fmt "= {"; (* Close the box for the name + generics *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* * Extract the items *) let trait_decl_id = impl.impl_trait.trait_decl_id in let trait_decl = TraitDeclId.Map.find trait_decl_id ctx.trans_trait_decls in let trait_decl_provided_consts = List.map (fun (_, (_, x)) -> x) trait_decl.consts in (* The constants *) List.iter (fun (provided_id, (name, (_, id))) -> let item_name = ctx_get_trait_const impl.meta trait_decl_id name ctx in (* The parameters are not the same depending on whether the constant is a provided constant or not *) let print_params () = if provided_id = Some id then extract_generic_args impl.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty impl.impl_trait.decl_generics else let all_params = List.concat [ type_params; cg_params; trait_clauses ] in List.iter (fun p -> F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt p) all_params in let ty () = F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt (ctx_get_global impl.meta id ctx); print_params () in extract_trait_impl_item ctx fmt item_name ty) (List.combine trait_decl_provided_consts impl.consts); (* The types *) List.iter (fun (name, (trait_refs, ty)) -> (* Extract the type *) let item_name = ctx_get_trait_type impl.meta trait_decl_id name ctx in let ty () = F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_ty impl.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty false ty in extract_trait_impl_item ctx fmt item_name ty; (* Extract the clauses *) TraitClauseId.iteri (fun clause_id trait_ref -> let item_name = ctx_get_trait_item_clause impl.meta trait_decl_id name clause_id ctx in let ty () = F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_trait_ref impl.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty false trait_ref in extract_trait_impl_item ctx fmt item_name ty) trait_refs) impl.types; (* The parent clauses *) TraitClauseId.iteri (fun clause_id trait_ref -> let item_name = ctx_get_trait_parent_clause impl.meta trait_decl_id clause_id ctx in let ty () = F.pp_print_space fmt (); extract_trait_ref impl.meta ctx fmt TypeDeclId.Set.empty false trait_ref in extract_trait_impl_item ctx fmt item_name ty) impl.parent_trait_refs; (* The required methods *) List.iter (fun (name, id) -> extract_trait_impl_method_items ctx fmt impl name id all_generics) impl.required_methods; (* Close the outer boxes for the definition, as well as the brackets *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); if !backend = Coq then ( F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "|}.") else if (not (!backend = FStar)) || not is_empty then ( F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "}")); F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Add breaks to insert new lines between definitions *) F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0 (** Extract a unit test, if the function is a unit function (takes no parameters, returns unit). A unit test simply checks that the function normalizes to [Return ()]. F*: {[ let _ = assert_norm (FUNCTION = Return ()) ]} Coq: {[ Check (FUNCTION)%return). ]} *) let extract_unit_test_if_unit_fun (ctx : extraction_ctx) (fmt : F.formatter) (def : fun_decl) : unit = (* Check if this is a unit function *) let sg = def.signature in if sg.generics = empty_generic_params && (sg.inputs = [ mk_unit_ty ] || sg.inputs = []) && sg.output = mk_result_ty mk_unit_ty then ( (* Add a break before *) F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0; (* Print a comment *) extract_comment fmt [ "Unit test for [" ^ name_to_string ctx def.llbc_name ^ "]" ]; F.pp_print_space fmt (); (* Open a box for the test *) F.pp_open_hovbox fmt ctx.indent_incr; (* Print the test *) (match !backend with | FStar -> F.pp_print_string fmt "let _ ="; F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "assert_norm"; F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "("; let fun_name = ctx_get_local_function def.meta def.def_id def.loop_id ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt fun_name; if sg.inputs <> [] then ( F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "()"); F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "="; F.pp_print_space fmt (); let success = ctx_get_variant def.meta (TAssumed TResult) result_return_id ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt (success ^ " ())") | Coq -> F.pp_print_string fmt "Check"; F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "("; let fun_name = ctx_get_local_function def.meta def.def_id def.loop_id ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt fun_name; if sg.inputs <> [] then ( F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "()"); F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt ")%return." | Lean -> F.pp_print_string fmt "#assert"; F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "("; let fun_name = ctx_get_local_function def.meta def.def_id def.loop_id ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt fun_name; if sg.inputs <> [] then ( F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "()"); F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "=="; F.pp_print_space fmt (); let success = ctx_get_variant def.meta (TAssumed TResult) result_return_id ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt (success ^ " ())") | HOL4 -> F.pp_print_string fmt "val _ = assert_return ("; F.pp_print_string fmt "“"; let fun_name = ctx_get_local_function def.meta def.def_id def.loop_id ctx in F.pp_print_string fmt fun_name; if sg.inputs <> [] then ( F.pp_print_space fmt (); F.pp_print_string fmt "()"); F.pp_print_string fmt "”)"); (* Close the box for the test *) F.pp_close_box fmt (); (* Add a break after *) F.pp_print_break fmt 0 0) else (* Do nothing *) ()